Infinite12 wrote: »
I'm on XBOX and the load times are still brutal. Just F.Y.I
Not to rain on anyone's parade as I'm glad the issue is fixed for many, but for me, the issue remains.
Prior to the release of IC, I never saw the "This may be..." message. Since then, I see it every time. After the update today, I was hopeful, but alas, there popped the message.
I was disappointed. Maybe, since I've turned the console off since the update, it may improve tomorrow. We'll see.
PlagueMonk wrote: »
THIS is the correct answer.
I was having long load screens way before IC came out.
As I said before. That was a different issue. The specific bug they have fixed was a bug introduced in the IC patch. The issue you are talking about is the loading when jumping between keeps in pvp, the issue being discussed in this thread is the long loading time bug introduced in august to the whole game. They may have similar symptoms but they aren't the same issue.
What I meant was that I had long loading screens outside of Cyrodiil BEFORE the IC update. Not as long as after they botched it in September, but still, right now loading screens are faster than I ever remember them to be since I started playing.
Ah I see, however, you are very likely the exception rather than the rule, i'd only ever seen a handful of people complain before IC and mostly it was in PvP areas (people are still reporting slow load in cyrodil). It's possible it was an account specific issue with you and a few others, maybe a corrupt entry, and with the fix for the quest log bug your database entries may have been forced to repair itself.
I don't believe that fix is on console yet, as we Just got it on PC. You guys have to go thru all that rigamorole with your platforms, right?
Ah I see, however, you are very likely the exception rather than the rule, i'd only ever seen a handful of people complain before IC and mostly it was in PvP areas (people are still reporting slow load in cyrodil). It's possible it was an account specific issue with you and a few others, maybe a corrupt entry, and with the fix for the quest log bug your database entries may have been forced to repair itself.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Excellent, glad to hear the fix was successful.
kendellking_chaosb14_ESO wrote: »
@ZOS_GinaBruno normally I hate your "fixes" and "updates" but y'all got this one right. Honestly good job.
Infinite12 wrote: »Oh I know it's not on console yet, and we're going to have to wait until mid December for it at minimum. It's BS if you ask me. And I'm tired of hearing about first party certification to be completely honest. We need fixes and we needed them weeks ago. The PVP in this game is ever-declining, the maintenance and management of this game has been pretty bad. I can't have any fun in pvp because 6 or 7 people that I run with just get completely run over by 30 or 40 EP at a time. So I get frustrated and leave, but I can't change campaigns because I don't have enough AP to pay the RIDICULOUS cost for campaign changes. And it's hard to earn AP when the thought of stepping into a campaign (XB1 NA Scourge) makes you cringe because you know it's just zerg central and there's absolutely ZERO fun to be had in cyrodiil.
PlagueMonk wrote: »
As with NobleNerd above, I ALSO had long load times outside of PvP (which is why daemonios' answer was the correct one)
That is 3 examples of the "exception" right in this thread. You know, with enough exceptions, all of a sudden we become the rule and those who never had issues are the exception