Hey @Sypher , why don't you go ahead and define what you think a zerg is for everybody? The exact number. From you:
"ALL THE GROUPS listed above, are rewarded LESS AP per kill as a whole compared to a group of 20-24 people"
So 20 is a zerg? What about 16? 12? I have a feeling once you actually say your magic number people will start to realize that every time you say zerg you really just mean not your streamed solo play. You can misdirect and say that you're fighting for the mighty group of 8 (you're not), but the fact that your thread is focused on AP for zergs and 20 is one of the numbers you're alluding is a zerg pretty much says it all. Frankly I think everyone that calls a single raid group a zerg isn't playing with a full deck, but hey, that's just me, and the actual definition of the word. The vitriol that you guys seems to have towards group play is disgusting, and legitimate skillful group play always seems to get lumped in with the folks that stack 3+ raids on top of each other. These two things are not even remotely the same, but if you're going to equate them as such, at least be open and honest about it. Just look at the posts that have stemmed from this already and the hate that the usual suspects continue to foment against group play - the exact intention of Cyrodiil.
You even go so far as to say "FOCUS PEOPLE. Please, it's already hard enough to portray the message to the devs in a fashion that can get things fixed. Let's not make it even harder" and yet clearly didn't get the memo from the multiple intelligent pvp'ers in this thread that this is a topic of miniscule importance and the message portrayed to devs should be focused on that things that are actually priorities. People say, "oh, he's a zergling and defending all of that extra AP he gets!" - who gives an eff about AP right now? None of us do. Gotta buy all dem l33t motifs? Get real. In fact, I'd suggest that someone running around spamming heals would end up getting more AP than a dps in a group of 20, and more AP than a solo ganker. Why has THAT not been raised as part of the issue? Oh right, because it doesn't fit into the 'group play is bad' message you and the usual suspects are trying to push.
As I said in my previous post, I have no problems with an even distribution system for AP. But this is a very low priority, there is a lot of BS to be called out in this thread, and you've framed the thread as hostile as you could and allude a group of 20 is a zerg - what kind of constructive discussion did you think would come from this? Unless you weren't looking for constructive discussion and were hoping for yet another hysterical rant about the dreaded 'zerg' - which again, for you, is what? 12? 16? 20? think we've already confirmed 20 for you, but does that go lower?
My Apologize.
If I had known my message would get drowned out by using the term 'Zerg' in the title then I wouldn't have used that word. My definition of a Zerg isn't really of importance. But, I can see how the word causes a negative connotation. I feel the same way when I'm categorized as a 'Ganker'. So, I do understand your point of you and apologize.
If you want my honest opinion, I don't mind "zergs" those groups aren't ruining my game play or performance. To me, a group of 12-16 or more players, stacked up so tight into a ball is FAR worse to the game than a group of 20-24 players.
Lol at the "benefits" that small groups have you listed... Literally nothing you listed has anything to do with game mechanics like the benefits that Zergs receive.
Small groups would also stand a better chance if they also didn't have to fight against the lag that Zergs bring with them. Small groups need the game to be much more responsive in order to coordinate and fight against AOE spamming blobs
Right, because being able to run builds that are more survivable and honed towards the 1v1 and small group fights that group players have to engage in while also solo or in a small group (away from the main raid) multiple times a night provides no benefit at all for you during those fights.
"I'd like to present exhibit A to the court for how solo/small group players are consistently disingenuous in the discussion and want to only ever focus on the disadvantages they have."
As to the other benefits, it speaks to the fact that solo/small group players have more freedom than large group players have during the night. That doesn't necessarily translate into combat wins, but they are certainly perks that large group players don't get to enjoy. As I said at the bottom of the post, things are hardly equal, but as you so eloquently proved, your side of the argument never wants to even admit that there are some advantages to running solo or in a small group, so why even bother having the debate?
Lol at the "benefits" that small groups have you listed... Literally nothing you listed has anything to do with game mechanics like the benefits that Zergs receive.
Small groups would also stand a better chance if they also didn't have to fight against the lag that Zergs bring with them. Small groups need the game to be much more responsive in order to coordinate and fight against AOE spamming blobs
Right, because being able to run builds that are more survivable and honed towards the 1v1 and small group fights that group players have to engage in while also solo or in a small group (away from the main raid) multiple times a night provides no benefit at all for you during those fights.
"I'd like to present exhibit A to the court for how solo/small group players are consistently disingenuous in the discussion and want to only ever focus on the disadvantages they have."
As to the other benefits, it speaks to the fact that solo/small group players have more freedom than large group players have during the night. That doesn't necessarily translate into combat wins, but they are certainly perks that large group players don't get to enjoy. As I said at the bottom of the post, things are hardly equal, but as you so eloquently proved, your side of the argument never wants to even admit that there are some advantages to running solo or in a small group, so why even bother having the debate?
The discussion is about the game mechanic advantages that Zergs have over small groups... Not some arbitrary "benefits" you made up that don't do anything for small groups in the battlefield.
They don't have to. They choose to do so. Which is pretty significant difference.Lol at the "benefits" that small groups have you listed... Literally nothing you listed has anything to do with game mechanics like the benefits that Zergs receive.
Small groups would also stand a better chance if they also didn't have to fight against the lag that Zergs bring with them. Small groups need the game to be much more responsive in order to coordinate and fight against AOE spamming blobs
Right, because being able to run builds that are more survivable and honed towards the 1v1 and small group fights that group players have to engage in while also solo or in a small group (away from the main raid) multiple times a night provides no benefit at all for you during those fights.
"I'd like to present exhibit A to the court for how solo/small group players are consistently disingenuous in the discussion and want to only ever focus on the disadvantages they have."
As to the other benefits, it speaks to the fact that solo/small group players have more freedom than large group players have during the night. That doesn't necessarily translate into combat wins, but they are certainly perks that large group players don't get to enjoy. As I said at the bottom of the post, things are hardly equal, but as you so eloquently proved, your side of the argument never wants to even admit that there are some advantages to running solo or in a small group, so why even bother having the debate?
The discussion is about the game mechanic advantages that Zergs have over small groups... Not some arbitrary "benefits" you made up that don't do anything for small groups in the battlefield.
You seem to be incapable of following, so I'll try to phrase it yet again.
People playing in large groups have to run group-oriented bars that are quite lackluster when they engage in solo or small skirmishes. People playing in large groups have to engage in these kinds of fights many times throughout the night, which may come as a surprise to you. People playing in small groups or solo do NOT have to handicap their build/skillbar and therefore have a distinct advantage during the 1v1 or small skirmishes that people in large groups so often have to engage in.
How, in what world, is that an arbitrary ::airquotes:: benefit? You may not think it's all that important (though it is...) but the fact that you refuse to even admit that it's a benefit is indicative of what you and everyone else on that side of the debate does in these discussions. I, and everyone else that plays in large groups for pvp, completely revamp my skill bar and sometimes my gear when I want to go play solo or with a friend or two. That should say something. And if you're still incapable of understanding, I know not what to do with you.
They don't have to. They choose to do so. Which is pretty significant difference.Lol at the "benefits" that small groups have you listed... Literally nothing you listed has anything to do with game mechanics like the benefits that Zergs receive.
Small groups would also stand a better chance if they also didn't have to fight against the lag that Zergs bring with them. Small groups need the game to be much more responsive in order to coordinate and fight against AOE spamming blobs
Right, because being able to run builds that are more survivable and honed towards the 1v1 and small group fights that group players have to engage in while also solo or in a small group (away from the main raid) multiple times a night provides no benefit at all for you during those fights.
"I'd like to present exhibit A to the court for how solo/small group players are consistently disingenuous in the discussion and want to only ever focus on the disadvantages they have."
As to the other benefits, it speaks to the fact that solo/small group players have more freedom than large group players have during the night. That doesn't necessarily translate into combat wins, but they are certainly perks that large group players don't get to enjoy. As I said at the bottom of the post, things are hardly equal, but as you so eloquently proved, your side of the argument never wants to even admit that there are some advantages to running solo or in a small group, so why even bother having the debate?
The discussion is about the game mechanic advantages that Zergs have over small groups... Not some arbitrary "benefits" you made up that don't do anything for small groups in the battlefield.
You seem to be incapable of following, so I'll try to phrase it yet again.
People playing in large groups have to run group-oriented bars that are quite lackluster when they engage in solo or small skirmishes. People playing in large groups have to engage in these kinds of fights many times throughout the night, which may come as a surprise to you. People playing in small groups or solo do NOT have to handicap their build/skillbar and therefore have a distinct advantage during the 1v1 or small skirmishes that people in large groups so often have to engage in.
How, in what world, is that an arbitrary ::airquotes:: benefit? You may not think it's all that important (though it is...) but the fact that you refuse to even admit that it's a benefit is indicative of what you and everyone else on that side of the debate does in these discussions. I, and everyone else that plays in large groups for pvp, completely revamp my skill bar and sometimes my gear when I want to go play solo or with a friend or two. That should say something. And if you're still incapable of understanding, I know not what to do with you.
Lol at the "benefits" that small groups have you listed... Literally nothing you listed has anything to do with game mechanics like the benefits that Zergs receive.
Small groups would also stand a better chance if they also didn't have to fight against the lag that Zergs bring with them. Small groups need the game to be much more responsive in order to coordinate and fight against AOE spamming blobs
Right, because being able to run builds that are more survivable and honed towards the 1v1 and small group fights that group players have to engage in while also solo or in a small group (away from the main raid) multiple times a night provides no benefit at all for you during those fights.
"I'd like to present exhibit A to the court for how solo/small group players are consistently disingenuous in the discussion and want to only ever focus on the disadvantages they have."
As to the other benefits, it speaks to the fact that solo/small group players have more freedom than large group players have during the night. That doesn't necessarily translate into combat wins, but they are certainly perks that large group players don't get to enjoy. As I said at the bottom of the post, things are hardly equal, but as you so eloquently proved, your side of the argument never wants to even admit that there are some advantages to running solo or in a small group, so why even bother having the debate?
The discussion is about the game mechanic advantages that Zergs have over small groups... Not some arbitrary "benefits" you made up that don't do anything for small groups in the battlefield.
You seem to be incapable of following, so I'll try to phrase it yet again.
People playing in large groups have to run group-oriented bars that are quite lackluster when they engage in solo or small skirmishes. People playing in large groups have to engage in these kinds of fights many times throughout the night, which may come as a surprise to you. People playing in small groups or solo do NOT have to handicap their build/skillbar and therefore have a distinct advantage during the 1v1 or small skirmishes that people in large groups so often have to engage in.
How, in what world, is that an arbitrary ::airquotes:: benefit? You may not think it's all that important (though it is...) but the fact that you refuse to even admit that it's a benefit is indicative of what you and everyone else on that side of the debate does in these discussions. I, and everyone else that plays in large groups for pvp, completely revamp my skill bar and sometimes my gear when I want to go play solo or with a friend or two. That should say something. And if you're still incapable of understanding, I know not what to do with you.
Kinda like saying it's better to be homeless because then you don't have to worry about paying your landlord rent, or go to work.
Ara_Valleria wrote: »Bigger question is who cares about AP? These days most guilds I know play for fun fights and objective completions than AP. Even the farming groups are really just attempts to get high number of kills as opposed to high amounts of AP.
Everyone cares about AP. AP is for leaderboards and alliance war ranks and abilities.
I'm surprised a zer..I mean raid leader like yourself question the importance of AP and its demand.
tsk tsk... /disappointed.Same reason why most games give bonuses of some kind to groups, whether it's exp or otherwise. It's an mmo. It's supposed to be social, group up.
AP is still fine if you can find good ganking while solo, but why should solo play be optimal when Cyrodiil is meant for mass pvp?
Also, and perhaps more importantly, it seems like you're trying to figure out why people in pvp groups gain more AP than you, and it's not because of the formula you posted. They simply kill more people over the same period of time than you could find solo running between objectives to gank in a field. You have to pick your fights while solo, you can't challenge another raid group. PVP groups have more options, as they should.
Spoken like a true zergling.
On a totally unrelated note... Zheg rhymes with Zerg. Fascinating !
I mean, if you think Zheg rhymes with zerg, you either need speech therapy or are just not all that intelligent - at which point it would be cruel to argue with you. I'm currently leaning towards the latter given that you're calling someone who played solo or duo for 6+ months, and recently in groups <=24, a zergling.
And @Sypher , come now, you're honestly going to say you had no foresight that a thread like this would turn into yet another hysterics-focused rant about whatever arbitrary number someone picked to start saying zerg? I tend to give you a little more credit than that. While I see no problems with adopting an even distribution system for AP (and see little value to AP to even begin with...), AP distribution has been the same since launch; there have been no additions or changes made to that system to promote or discourage solo/small/large group play that should suddenly make this a pressing issue all of a sudden, so if I'm reading between the lines you can't blame me for suspecting this is just another attempt to stoke the flames against group play, for which you could have picked a better cause or contributed to any number of the other threads doing that. I mean, you frame the thread title as "why do zergs get this", and then your OP does math for 1 to 4 and then 24 people. How SHOULD something like that be interpreted? Most would interpret that as you saying 24 people is a zerg, or anything lower but still close to that. Given the things you say, one could even go so far as to assume something like 12 would be a zerg in your eyes considering the way you've framed this thread.
The way AP is awarded is probably on the same scale as ice trebs not being as good as fire trebs in terms of priorities for pvp right now. Healers tend to make more AP than every other role in pvp, is that even and balanced? No. Is that important right now? No. There are far bigger fish to fry, as you should well know.
As for the incentives for large group play, while you and others seem to obviously loathe it, you all tend to conveniently forget the promos for ESO and descriptions of cyrodiil being for large-scale pvp. Maybe the devs actually WANTED to encourage more than 8 people in a group for large scale pvp, and while still allowing it and keeping it perfectly viable, provide disincentives for everyone to run around solo or in a small group as that impedes the ability for alliances to focus on map objectives.
They don't have to. They choose to do so. Which is pretty significant difference.Lol at the "benefits" that small groups have you listed... Literally nothing you listed has anything to do with game mechanics like the benefits that Zergs receive.
Small groups would also stand a better chance if they also didn't have to fight against the lag that Zergs bring with them. Small groups need the game to be much more responsive in order to coordinate and fight against AOE spamming blobs
Right, because being able to run builds that are more survivable and honed towards the 1v1 and small group fights that group players have to engage in while also solo or in a small group (away from the main raid) multiple times a night provides no benefit at all for you during those fights.
"I'd like to present exhibit A to the court for how solo/small group players are consistently disingenuous in the discussion and want to only ever focus on the disadvantages they have."
As to the other benefits, it speaks to the fact that solo/small group players have more freedom than large group players have during the night. That doesn't necessarily translate into combat wins, but they are certainly perks that large group players don't get to enjoy. As I said at the bottom of the post, things are hardly equal, but as you so eloquently proved, your side of the argument never wants to even admit that there are some advantages to running solo or in a small group, so why even bother having the debate?
The discussion is about the game mechanic advantages that Zergs have over small groups... Not some arbitrary "benefits" you made up that don't do anything for small groups in the battlefield.
You seem to be incapable of following, so I'll try to phrase it yet again.
People playing in large groups have to run group-oriented bars that are quite lackluster when they engage in solo or small skirmishes. People playing in large groups have to engage in these kinds of fights many times throughout the night, which may come as a surprise to you. People playing in small groups or solo do NOT have to handicap their build/skillbar and therefore have a distinct advantage during the 1v1 or small skirmishes that people in large groups so often have to engage in.
How, in what world, is that an arbitrary ::airquotes:: benefit? You may not think it's all that important (though it is...) but the fact that you refuse to even admit that it's a benefit is indicative of what you and everyone else on that side of the debate does in these discussions. I, and everyone else that plays in large groups for pvp, completely revamp my skill bar and sometimes my gear when I want to go play solo or with a friend or two. That should say something. And if you're still incapable of understanding, I know not what to do with you.
You can choose not to, but when you engage another large group, they will have a significant advantage. So yes, you pretty much need to make your skill bars more group-oriented. Either you have a disadvantage when fighting other large groups (which usually means more because those fights happen to determine control of map objectives), or you have a disadvantage during small skirmishes away from your group. It should be obvious why almost everyone chooses to not be disadvantaged during the group v group fights, meaning that the solo/small group has the advantage during those small skirmishes.
For some classes and builds this means swapping out a single skill, for others, far more. Either way, it's an advantage, one that is like pulling teeth to get some people to even acknowledge. I mean, the entire last few posts are about people refusing to admit even a single advantage to being solo or in a small group. No one is saying things are perfectly balanced, but the fact that people insist they have zero advantages just shows how ridiculous these debates are.
They don't have to. They choose to do so. Which is pretty significant difference.Lol at the "benefits" that small groups have you listed... Literally nothing you listed has anything to do with game mechanics like the benefits that Zergs receive.
Small groups would also stand a better chance if they also didn't have to fight against the lag that Zergs bring with them. Small groups need the game to be much more responsive in order to coordinate and fight against AOE spamming blobs
Right, because being able to run builds that are more survivable and honed towards the 1v1 and small group fights that group players have to engage in while also solo or in a small group (away from the main raid) multiple times a night provides no benefit at all for you during those fights.
"I'd like to present exhibit A to the court for how solo/small group players are consistently disingenuous in the discussion and want to only ever focus on the disadvantages they have."
As to the other benefits, it speaks to the fact that solo/small group players have more freedom than large group players have during the night. That doesn't necessarily translate into combat wins, but they are certainly perks that large group players don't get to enjoy. As I said at the bottom of the post, things are hardly equal, but as you so eloquently proved, your side of the argument never wants to even admit that there are some advantages to running solo or in a small group, so why even bother having the debate?
The discussion is about the game mechanic advantages that Zergs have over small groups... Not some arbitrary "benefits" you made up that don't do anything for small groups in the battlefield.
You seem to be incapable of following, so I'll try to phrase it yet again.
People playing in large groups have to run group-oriented bars that are quite lackluster when they engage in solo or small skirmishes. People playing in large groups have to engage in these kinds of fights many times throughout the night, which may come as a surprise to you. People playing in small groups or solo do NOT have to handicap their build/skillbar and therefore have a distinct advantage during the 1v1 or small skirmishes that people in large groups so often have to engage in.
How, in what world, is that an arbitrary ::airquotes:: benefit? You may not think it's all that important (though it is...) but the fact that you refuse to even admit that it's a benefit is indicative of what you and everyone else on that side of the debate does in these discussions. I, and everyone else that plays in large groups for pvp, completely revamp my skill bar and sometimes my gear when I want to go play solo or with a friend or two. That should say something. And if you're still incapable of understanding, I know not what to do with you.
You can choose not to, but when you engage another large group, they will have a significant advantage. So yes, you pretty much need to make your skill bars more group-oriented. Either you have a disadvantage when fighting other large groups (which usually means more because those fights happen to determine control of map objectives), or you have a disadvantage during small skirmishes away from your group. It should be obvious why almost everyone chooses to not be disadvantaged during the group v group fights, meaning that the solo/small group has the advantage during those small skirmishes.
For some classes and builds this means swapping out a single skill, for others, far more. Either way, it's an advantage, one that is like pulling teeth to get some people to even acknowledge. I mean, the entire last few posts are about people refusing to admit even a single advantage to being solo or in a small group. No one is saying things are perfectly balanced, but the fact that people insist they have zero advantages just shows how ridiculous these debates are.
Everything has its pros and cons. So what is your point exactly?
Kinda like saying it's better to be homeless because then you don't have to worry about paying your landlord rent, or go to work.
Not even remotely applicable or coherent. I've laid it out multiple times for you, the last one being as direct and easy to digest as possible. You clearly want nothing to do with logic, so what's the point?
Ara_Valleria wrote: »Bigger question is who cares about AP? These days most guilds I know play for fun fights and objective completions than AP. Even the farming groups are really just attempts to get high number of kills as opposed to high amounts of AP.
Everyone cares about AP. AP is for leaderboards and alliance war ranks and abilities.
I'm surprised a zer..I mean raid leader like yourself question the importance of AP and its demand.
tsk tsk... /disappointed.Same reason why most games give bonuses of some kind to groups, whether it's exp or otherwise. It's an mmo. It's supposed to be social, group up.
AP is still fine if you can find good ganking while solo, but why should solo play be optimal when Cyrodiil is meant for mass pvp?
Also, and perhaps more importantly, it seems like you're trying to figure out why people in pvp groups gain more AP than you, and it's not because of the formula you posted. They simply kill more people over the same period of time than you could find solo running between objectives to gank in a field. You have to pick your fights while solo, you can't challenge another raid group. PVP groups have more options, as they should.
Spoken like a true zergling.
On a totally unrelated note... Zheg rhymes with Zerg. Fascinating !
I mean, if you think Zheg rhymes with zerg, you either need speech therapy or are just not all that intelligent - at which point it would be cruel to argue with you. I'm currently leaning towards the latter given that you're calling someone who played solo or duo for 6+ months, and recently in groups <=24, a zergling.
And @Sypher , come now, you're honestly going to say you had no foresight that a thread like this would turn into yet another hysterics-focused rant about whatever arbitrary number someone picked to start saying zerg? I tend to give you a little more credit than that. While I see no problems with adopting an even distribution system for AP (and see little value to AP to even begin with...), AP distribution has been the same since launch; there have been no additions or changes made to that system to promote or discourage solo/small/large group play that should suddenly make this a pressing issue all of a sudden, so if I'm reading between the lines you can't blame me for suspecting this is just another attempt to stoke the flames against group play, for which you could have picked a better cause or contributed to any number of the other threads doing that. I mean, you frame the thread title as "why do zergs get this", and then your OP does math for 1 to 4 and then 24 people. How SHOULD something like that be interpreted? Most would interpret that as you saying 24 people is a zerg, or anything lower but still close to that. Given the things you say, one could even go so far as to assume something like 12 would be a zerg in your eyes considering the way you've framed this thread.
The way AP is awarded is probably on the same scale as ice trebs not being as good as fire trebs in terms of priorities for pvp right now. Healers tend to make more AP than every other role in pvp, is that even and balanced? No. Is that important right now? No. There are far bigger fish to fry, as you should well know.
As for the incentives for large group play, while you and others seem to obviously loathe it, you all tend to conveniently forget the promos for ESO and descriptions of cyrodiil being for large-scale pvp. Maybe the devs actually WANTED to encourage more than 8 people in a group for large scale pvp, and while still allowing it and keeping it perfectly viable, provide disincentives for everyone to run around solo or in a small group as that impedes the ability for alliances to focus on map objectives.
24 people is a zerg..this shouldn't be up for argument.
Kinda like saying it's better to be homeless because then you don't have to worry about paying your landlord rent, or go to work.
Not even remotely applicable or coherent. I've laid it out multiple times for you, the last one being as direct and easy to digest as possible. You clearly want nothing to do with logic, so what's the point?
The thing is, people in Zergs don't have to run group skills to still have a massive advantage. You seem to be forgetting that. Maybe you should go back to reading your list of "benefits" to see just how arbitrary your list is and they have nothing to do with game mechanics, but rather player choice.
You're grasping for straws at this point and you're logic is so skewed and bias. You're right, there is no point in responding to you anymore
Keep up the great logic
Ara_Valleria wrote: »Bigger question is who cares about AP? These days most guilds I know play for fun fights and objective completions than AP. Even the farming groups are really just attempts to get high number of kills as opposed to high amounts of AP.
Everyone cares about AP. AP is for leaderboards and alliance war ranks and abilities.
I'm surprised a zer..I mean raid leader like yourself question the importance of AP and its demand.
tsk tsk... /disappointed.Same reason why most games give bonuses of some kind to groups, whether it's exp or otherwise. It's an mmo. It's supposed to be social, group up.
AP is still fine if you can find good ganking while solo, but why should solo play be optimal when Cyrodiil is meant for mass pvp?
Also, and perhaps more importantly, it seems like you're trying to figure out why people in pvp groups gain more AP than you, and it's not because of the formula you posted. They simply kill more people over the same period of time than you could find solo running between objectives to gank in a field. You have to pick your fights while solo, you can't challenge another raid group. PVP groups have more options, as they should.
Spoken like a true zergling.
On a totally unrelated note... Zheg rhymes with Zerg. Fascinating !
I mean, if you think Zheg rhymes with zerg, you either need speech therapy or are just not all that intelligent - at which point it would be cruel to argue with you. I'm currently leaning towards the latter given that you're calling someone who played solo or duo for 6+ months, and recently in groups <=24, a zergling.
And @Sypher , come now, you're honestly going to say you had no foresight that a thread like this would turn into yet another hysterics-focused rant about whatever arbitrary number someone picked to start saying zerg? I tend to give you a little more credit than that. While I see no problems with adopting an even distribution system for AP (and see little value to AP to even begin with...), AP distribution has been the same since launch; there have been no additions or changes made to that system to promote or discourage solo/small/large group play that should suddenly make this a pressing issue all of a sudden, so if I'm reading between the lines you can't blame me for suspecting this is just another attempt to stoke the flames against group play, for which you could have picked a better cause or contributed to any number of the other threads doing that. I mean, you frame the thread title as "why do zergs get this", and then your OP does math for 1 to 4 and then 24 people. How SHOULD something like that be interpreted? Most would interpret that as you saying 24 people is a zerg, or anything lower but still close to that. Given the things you say, one could even go so far as to assume something like 12 would be a zerg in your eyes considering the way you've framed this thread.
The way AP is awarded is probably on the same scale as ice trebs not being as good as fire trebs in terms of priorities for pvp right now. Healers tend to make more AP than every other role in pvp, is that even and balanced? No. Is that important right now? No. There are far bigger fish to fry, as you should well know.
As for the incentives for large group play, while you and others seem to obviously loathe it, you all tend to conveniently forget the promos for ESO and descriptions of cyrodiil being for large-scale pvp. Maybe the devs actually WANTED to encourage more than 8 people in a group for large scale pvp, and while still allowing it and keeping it perfectly viable, provide disincentives for everyone to run around solo or in a small group as that impedes the ability for alliances to focus on map objectives.
24 people is a zerg..this shouldn't be up for argument.
They don't have to. They choose to do so. Which is pretty significant difference.Lol at the "benefits" that small groups have you listed... Literally nothing you listed has anything to do with game mechanics like the benefits that Zergs receive.
Small groups would also stand a better chance if they also didn't have to fight against the lag that Zergs bring with them. Small groups need the game to be much more responsive in order to coordinate and fight against AOE spamming blobs
Right, because being able to run builds that are more survivable and honed towards the 1v1 and small group fights that group players have to engage in while also solo or in a small group (away from the main raid) multiple times a night provides no benefit at all for you during those fights.
"I'd like to present exhibit A to the court for how solo/small group players are consistently disingenuous in the discussion and want to only ever focus on the disadvantages they have."
As to the other benefits, it speaks to the fact that solo/small group players have more freedom than large group players have during the night. That doesn't necessarily translate into combat wins, but they are certainly perks that large group players don't get to enjoy. As I said at the bottom of the post, things are hardly equal, but as you so eloquently proved, your side of the argument never wants to even admit that there are some advantages to running solo or in a small group, so why even bother having the debate?
The discussion is about the game mechanic advantages that Zergs have over small groups... Not some arbitrary "benefits" you made up that don't do anything for small groups in the battlefield.
You seem to be incapable of following, so I'll try to phrase it yet again.
People playing in large groups have to run group-oriented bars that are quite lackluster when they engage in solo or small skirmishes. People playing in large groups have to engage in these kinds of fights many times throughout the night, which may come as a surprise to you. People playing in small groups or solo do NOT have to handicap their build/skillbar and therefore have a distinct advantage during the 1v1 or small skirmishes that people in large groups so often have to engage in.
How, in what world, is that an arbitrary ::airquotes:: benefit? You may not think it's all that important (though it is...) but the fact that you refuse to even admit that it's a benefit is indicative of what you and everyone else on that side of the debate does in these discussions. I, and everyone else that plays in large groups for pvp, completely revamp my skill bar and sometimes my gear when I want to go play solo or with a friend or two. That should say something. And if you're still incapable of understanding, I know not what to do with you.
You can choose not to, but when you engage another large group, they will have a significant advantage. So yes, you pretty much need to make your skill bars more group-oriented. Either you have a disadvantage when fighting other large groups (which usually means more because those fights happen to determine control of map objectives), or you have a disadvantage during small skirmishes away from your group. It should be obvious why almost everyone chooses to not be disadvantaged during the group v group fights, meaning that the solo/small group has the advantage during those small skirmishes.
For some classes and builds this means swapping out a single skill, for others, far more. Either way, it's an advantage, one that is like pulling teeth to get some people to even acknowledge. I mean, the entire last few posts are about people refusing to admit even a single advantage to being solo or in a small group. No one is saying things are perfectly balanced, but the fact that people insist they have zero advantages just shows how ridiculous these debates are.
Everything has its pros and cons. So what is your point exactly?
The point is that there ARE some cons to being in a large group, and none of the peanut gallery is even capable of admitting that. Don't believe me? Just scroll up.
@Xsorus , agree to disagree, but thank you for reaffirming that the goal of threads like this isn't to improve solo/small group play, but to create yet ANOTHER thread bashing large group play and throwing out the word 'zerg' because it makes people feel better. Gold star Sypher, goal achieved.
Kinda like saying it's better to be homeless because then you don't have to worry about paying your landlord rent, or go to work.
Not even remotely applicable or coherent. I've laid it out multiple times for you, the last one being as direct and easy to digest as possible. You clearly want nothing to do with logic, so what's the point?
Kinda like saying it's better to be homeless because then you don't have to worry about paying your landlord rent, or go to work.
Not even remotely applicable or coherent. I've laid it out multiple times for you, the last one being as direct and easy to digest as possible. You clearly want nothing to do with logic, so what's the point?
The thing is, people in Zergs don't have to run group skills to still have a massive advantage. You seem to be forgetting that. Maybe you should go back to reading your list of "benefits" to see just how arbitrary your list is and they have nothing to do with game mechanics, but rather player choice.
You're grasping for straws at this point and you're logic is so skewed and bias. You're right, there is no point in responding to you anymore
Keep up the great logic
If a group wants to be competitive and not free AP for any semi serious group they fight, than yes they have to run group builds.
The lack of knowledge as to how groups work on this forum is lol-worthy.
If you want my honest opinion regarding what constitutes a zerg. Any group large enough to CONSISTENTLY cause the server performance to plummet is regarded as a Zerg to me. (emphasis on the word CONSISTENTLY) The blame mainly falls on the servers so I'm not mad at people for running these groups, but these groups that cause a negative effect on performance shouldn't be encouraged/rewarded as much as they do over smaller groups. This is a step to prevent further server issues.
Kinda like saying it's better to be homeless because then you don't have to worry about paying your landlord rent, or go to work.
Not even remotely applicable or coherent. I've laid it out multiple times for you, the last one being as direct and easy to digest as possible. You clearly want nothing to do with logic, so what's the point?
The thing is, people in Zergs don't have to run group skills to still have a massive advantage. You seem to be forgetting that. Maybe you should go back to reading your list of "benefits" to see just how arbitrary your list is and they have nothing to do with game mechanics, but rather player choice.
You're grasping for straws at this point and you're logic is so skewed and bias. You're right, there is no point in responding to you anymore
Keep up the great logic
If a group wants to be competitive and not free AP for any semi serious group they fight, than yes they have to run group builds.
The lack of knowledge as to how groups work on this forum is lol-worthy.
I run in a group/Zerg everyday and the AP gain is astounding compared to when I was running solo or in a small group.
You guys are over exaggerating the "skill" it takes to run in a large group. Maybe I'm just a gifted player, but it's not that hard or a big hindrance to put a group ability on your bar. Even then, solo builds are fine for group play since they focus on survivability and single target burst. It's always good to have a few players that can focus the healers in the other group
The thing is, I'm speaking on experience from both sides, small and large groups. Many of you group players wouldn't be caught dead without at least 10 other players by your side.
Kinda like saying it's better to be homeless because then you don't have to worry about paying your landlord rent, or go to work.
Not even remotely applicable or coherent. I've laid it out multiple times for you, the last one being as direct and easy to digest as possible. You clearly want nothing to do with logic, so what's the point?
The thing is, people in Zergs don't have to run group skills to still have a massive advantage. You seem to be forgetting that. Maybe you should go back to reading your list of "benefits" to see just how arbitrary your list is and they have nothing to do with game mechanics, but rather player choice.
You're grasping for straws at this point and you're logic is so skewed and bias. You're right, there is no point in responding to you anymore
Keep up the great logic
If a group wants to be competitive and not free AP for any semi serious group they fight, than yes they have to run group builds.
The lack of knowledge as to how groups work on this forum is lol-worthy.
I run in a group/Zerg everyday and the AP gain is astounding compared to when I was running solo or in a small group.
You guys are over exaggerating the "skill" it takes to run in a large group. Maybe I'm just a gifted player, but it's not that hard or a big hindrance to put a group ability on your bar. Even then, solo builds are fine for group play since they focus on survivability and single target burst. It's always good to have a few players that can focus the healers in the other group
The thing is, I'm speaking on experience from both sides, small and large groups. Many of you group players wouldn't be caught dead without at least 10 other players by your side.
Ara_Valleria wrote: »Bigger question is who cares about AP? These days most guilds I know play for fun fights and objective completions than AP. Even the farming groups are really just attempts to get high number of kills as opposed to high amounts of AP.
Everyone cares about AP. AP is for leaderboards and alliance war ranks and abilities.
I'm surprised a zer..I mean raid leader like yourself question the importance of AP and its demand.
tsk tsk... /disappointed.Same reason why most games give bonuses of some kind to groups, whether it's exp or otherwise. It's an mmo. It's supposed to be social, group up.
AP is still fine if you can find good ganking while solo, but why should solo play be optimal when Cyrodiil is meant for mass pvp?
Also, and perhaps more importantly, it seems like you're trying to figure out why people in pvp groups gain more AP than you, and it's not because of the formula you posted. They simply kill more people over the same period of time than you could find solo running between objectives to gank in a field. You have to pick your fights while solo, you can't challenge another raid group. PVP groups have more options, as they should.
Spoken like a true zergling.
On a totally unrelated note... Zheg rhymes with Zerg. Fascinating !
I mean, if you think Zheg rhymes with zerg, you either need speech therapy or are just not all that intelligent - at which point it would be cruel to argue with you. I'm currently leaning towards the latter given that you're calling someone who played solo or duo for 6+ months, and recently in groups <=24, a zergling.
And @Sypher , come now, you're honestly going to say you had no foresight that a thread like this would turn into yet another hysterics-focused rant about whatever arbitrary number someone picked to start saying zerg? I tend to give you a little more credit than that. While I see no problems with adopting an even distribution system for AP (and see little value to AP to even begin with...), AP distribution has been the same since launch; there have been no additions or changes made to that system to promote or discourage solo/small/large group play that should suddenly make this a pressing issue all of a sudden, so if I'm reading between the lines you can't blame me for suspecting this is just another attempt to stoke the flames against group play, for which you could have picked a better cause or contributed to any number of the other threads doing that. I mean, you frame the thread title as "why do zergs get this", and then your OP does math for 1 to 4 and then 24 people. How SHOULD something like that be interpreted? Most would interpret that as you saying 24 people is a zerg, or anything lower but still close to that. Given the things you say, one could even go so far as to assume something like 12 would be a zerg in your eyes considering the way you've framed this thread.
The way AP is awarded is probably on the same scale as ice trebs not being as good as fire trebs in terms of priorities for pvp right now. Healers tend to make more AP than every other role in pvp, is that even and balanced? No. Is that important right now? No. There are far bigger fish to fry, as you should well know.
As for the incentives for large group play, while you and others seem to obviously loathe it, you all tend to conveniently forget the promos for ESO and descriptions of cyrodiil being for large-scale pvp. Maybe the devs actually WANTED to encourage more than 8 people in a group for large scale pvp, and while still allowing it and keeping it perfectly viable, provide disincentives for everyone to run around solo or in a small group as that impedes the ability for alliances to focus on map objectives.
24 people is a zerg..this shouldn't be up for argument.
Since the game can't handle fight of 2 such groups. Yeah, it is. I would define zerg as a group that is large enough to hurt the game's performance.
I know it's not their fault, it's fault of the game. But they are still zerg.
Ara_Valleria wrote: »Bigger question is who cares about AP? These days most guilds I know play for fun fights and objective completions than AP. Even the farming groups are really just attempts to get high number of kills as opposed to high amounts of AP.
Everyone cares about AP. AP is for leaderboards and alliance war ranks and abilities.
I'm surprised a zer..I mean raid leader like yourself question the importance of AP and its demand.
tsk tsk... /disappointed.Same reason why most games give bonuses of some kind to groups, whether it's exp or otherwise. It's an mmo. It's supposed to be social, group up.
AP is still fine if you can find good ganking while solo, but why should solo play be optimal when Cyrodiil is meant for mass pvp?
Also, and perhaps more importantly, it seems like you're trying to figure out why people in pvp groups gain more AP than you, and it's not because of the formula you posted. They simply kill more people over the same period of time than you could find solo running between objectives to gank in a field. You have to pick your fights while solo, you can't challenge another raid group. PVP groups have more options, as they should.
Spoken like a true zergling.
On a totally unrelated note... Zheg rhymes with Zerg. Fascinating !
I mean, if you think Zheg rhymes with zerg, you either need speech therapy or are just not all that intelligent - at which point it would be cruel to argue with you. I'm currently leaning towards the latter given that you're calling someone who played solo or duo for 6+ months, and recently in groups <=24, a zergling.
And @Sypher , come now, you're honestly going to say you had no foresight that a thread like this would turn into yet another hysterics-focused rant about whatever arbitrary number someone picked to start saying zerg? I tend to give you a little more credit than that. While I see no problems with adopting an even distribution system for AP (and see little value to AP to even begin with...), AP distribution has been the same since launch; there have been no additions or changes made to that system to promote or discourage solo/small/large group play that should suddenly make this a pressing issue all of a sudden, so if I'm reading between the lines you can't blame me for suspecting this is just another attempt to stoke the flames against group play, for which you could have picked a better cause or contributed to any number of the other threads doing that. I mean, you frame the thread title as "why do zergs get this", and then your OP does math for 1 to 4 and then 24 people. How SHOULD something like that be interpreted? Most would interpret that as you saying 24 people is a zerg, or anything lower but still close to that. Given the things you say, one could even go so far as to assume something like 12 would be a zerg in your eyes considering the way you've framed this thread.
The way AP is awarded is probably on the same scale as ice trebs not being as good as fire trebs in terms of priorities for pvp right now. Healers tend to make more AP than every other role in pvp, is that even and balanced? No. Is that important right now? No. There are far bigger fish to fry, as you should well know.
As for the incentives for large group play, while you and others seem to obviously loathe it, you all tend to conveniently forget the promos for ESO and descriptions of cyrodiil being for large-scale pvp. Maybe the devs actually WANTED to encourage more than 8 people in a group for large scale pvp, and while still allowing it and keeping it perfectly viable, provide disincentives for everyone to run around solo or in a small group as that impedes the ability for alliances to focus on map objectives.
24 people is a zerg..this shouldn't be up for argument.
One group a Zerg, lawl.
Do people actually think this?
Kinda like saying it's better to be homeless because then you don't have to worry about paying your landlord rent, or go to work.
Not even remotely applicable or coherent. I've laid it out multiple times for you, the last one being as direct and easy to digest as possible. You clearly want nothing to do with logic, so what's the point?
The thing is, people in Zergs don't have to run group skills to still have a massive advantage. You seem to be forgetting that. Maybe you should go back to reading your list of "benefits" to see just how arbitrary your list is and they have nothing to do with game mechanics, but rather player choice.
You're grasping for straws at this point and you're logic is so skewed and bias. You're right, there is no point in responding to you anymore
Keep up the great logic
Ara_Valleria wrote: »Bigger question is who cares about AP? These days most guilds I know play for fun fights and objective completions than AP. Even the farming groups are really just attempts to get high number of kills as opposed to high amounts of AP.
Everyone cares about AP. AP is for leaderboards and alliance war ranks and abilities.
I'm surprised a zer..I mean raid leader like yourself question the importance of AP and its demand.
tsk tsk... /disappointed.Same reason why most games give bonuses of some kind to groups, whether it's exp or otherwise. It's an mmo. It's supposed to be social, group up.
AP is still fine if you can find good ganking while solo, but why should solo play be optimal when Cyrodiil is meant for mass pvp?
Also, and perhaps more importantly, it seems like you're trying to figure out why people in pvp groups gain more AP than you, and it's not because of the formula you posted. They simply kill more people over the same period of time than you could find solo running between objectives to gank in a field. You have to pick your fights while solo, you can't challenge another raid group. PVP groups have more options, as they should.
Spoken like a true zergling.
On a totally unrelated note... Zheg rhymes with Zerg. Fascinating !
I mean, if you think Zheg rhymes with zerg, you either need speech therapy or are just not all that intelligent - at which point it would be cruel to argue with you. I'm currently leaning towards the latter given that you're calling someone who played solo or duo for 6+ months, and recently in groups <=24, a zergling.
And @Sypher , come now, you're honestly going to say you had no foresight that a thread like this would turn into yet another hysterics-focused rant about whatever arbitrary number someone picked to start saying zerg? I tend to give you a little more credit than that. While I see no problems with adopting an even distribution system for AP (and see little value to AP to even begin with...), AP distribution has been the same since launch; there have been no additions or changes made to that system to promote or discourage solo/small/large group play that should suddenly make this a pressing issue all of a sudden, so if I'm reading between the lines you can't blame me for suspecting this is just another attempt to stoke the flames against group play, for which you could have picked a better cause or contributed to any number of the other threads doing that. I mean, you frame the thread title as "why do zergs get this", and then your OP does math for 1 to 4 and then 24 people. How SHOULD something like that be interpreted? Most would interpret that as you saying 24 people is a zerg, or anything lower but still close to that. Given the things you say, one could even go so far as to assume something like 12 would be a zerg in your eyes considering the way you've framed this thread.
The way AP is awarded is probably on the same scale as ice trebs not being as good as fire trebs in terms of priorities for pvp right now. Healers tend to make more AP than every other role in pvp, is that even and balanced? No. Is that important right now? No. There are far bigger fish to fry, as you should well know.
As for the incentives for large group play, while you and others seem to obviously loathe it, you all tend to conveniently forget the promos for ESO and descriptions of cyrodiil being for large-scale pvp. Maybe the devs actually WANTED to encourage more than 8 people in a group for large scale pvp, and while still allowing it and keeping it perfectly viable, provide disincentives for everyone to run around solo or in a small group as that impedes the ability for alliances to focus on map objectives.
24 people is a zerg..this shouldn't be up for argument.
Since the game can't handle fight of 2 such groups. Yeah, it is. I would define zerg as a group that is large enough to hurt the game's performance.
I know it's not their fault, it's fault of the game. But they are still zerg.
I don´t get why people refer to 24 slots as grps. It´s a raid. Eso´s grpsize is 4 ppl. In my book you´re zerging when you´re running with more than 8 - that´s two standard grps for eso.
Running around with 24 people and claiming to not be zerging just bc it´s organised and everyone is on TS is hilarious. You´re not a grp you´re literally 6 grps running together.
I don´t get why people refer to 24 slots as grps. It´s a raid. Eso´s grpsize is 4 ppl. In my book you´re zerging when you´re running with more than 8 - that´s two standard grps for eso.
Running around with 24 people and claiming to not be zerging just bc it´s organised and everyone is on TS is hilarious. You´re not a grp you´re literally 6 grps running together.
Kind of indicative of the problem with the word zerg here though isn't it? Everyone tosses it around to insult people and make themselves feel better and give themselves a reason to complain, but everyone has different interpretations of what actually constitutes a zerg. Most of the people that champion small man fights would consider that to be their 8-man groups, but you think they're a zerg. And yet, I'd estimate that it will continue getting tossed out there for the duration of this thread's life.
Jessica Folsom wrote:It's a very grey area.
And your basing your entire argument about what is and isn't a zerg on semantics, why?Ara_Valleria wrote: »Bigger question is who cares about AP? These days most guilds I know play for fun fights and objective completions than AP. Even the farming groups are really just attempts to get high number of kills as opposed to high amounts of AP.
Everyone cares about AP. AP is for leaderboards and alliance war ranks and abilities.
I'm surprised a zer..I mean raid leader like yourself question the importance of AP and its demand.
tsk tsk... /disappointed.Same reason why most games give bonuses of some kind to groups, whether it's exp or otherwise. It's an mmo. It's supposed to be social, group up.
AP is still fine if you can find good ganking while solo, but why should solo play be optimal when Cyrodiil is meant for mass pvp?
Also, and perhaps more importantly, it seems like you're trying to figure out why people in pvp groups gain more AP than you, and it's not because of the formula you posted. They simply kill more people over the same period of time than you could find solo running between objectives to gank in a field. You have to pick your fights while solo, you can't challenge another raid group. PVP groups have more options, as they should.
Spoken like a true zergling.
On a totally unrelated note... Zheg rhymes with Zerg. Fascinating !
I mean, if you think Zheg rhymes with zerg, you either need speech therapy or are just not all that intelligent - at which point it would be cruel to argue with you. I'm currently leaning towards the latter given that you're calling someone who played solo or duo for 6+ months, and recently in groups <=24, a zergling.
And @Sypher , come now, you're honestly going to say you had no foresight that a thread like this would turn into yet another hysterics-focused rant about whatever arbitrary number someone picked to start saying zerg? I tend to give you a little more credit than that. While I see no problems with adopting an even distribution system for AP (and see little value to AP to even begin with...), AP distribution has been the same since launch; there have been no additions or changes made to that system to promote or discourage solo/small/large group play that should suddenly make this a pressing issue all of a sudden, so if I'm reading between the lines you can't blame me for suspecting this is just another attempt to stoke the flames against group play, for which you could have picked a better cause or contributed to any number of the other threads doing that. I mean, you frame the thread title as "why do zergs get this", and then your OP does math for 1 to 4 and then 24 people. How SHOULD something like that be interpreted? Most would interpret that as you saying 24 people is a zerg, or anything lower but still close to that. Given the things you say, one could even go so far as to assume something like 12 would be a zerg in your eyes considering the way you've framed this thread.
The way AP is awarded is probably on the same scale as ice trebs not being as good as fire trebs in terms of priorities for pvp right now. Healers tend to make more AP than every other role in pvp, is that even and balanced? No. Is that important right now? No. There are far bigger fish to fry, as you should well know.
As for the incentives for large group play, while you and others seem to obviously loathe it, you all tend to conveniently forget the promos for ESO and descriptions of cyrodiil being for large-scale pvp. Maybe the devs actually WANTED to encourage more than 8 people in a group for large scale pvp, and while still allowing it and keeping it perfectly viable, provide disincentives for everyone to run around solo or in a small group as that impedes the ability for alliances to focus on map objectives.
24 people is a zerg..this shouldn't be up for argument.
One group a Zerg, lawl.
I don´t get why people refer to 24 slots as grps. It´s a raid. Eso´s grpsize is 4 ppl (hint hint - the game even tells you when inviting the 5th person that you´re exceeding the standard grpsize). In my book you´re zerging when you´re running with more than 8 - that´s two standard grps for eso.
Running around with 24 people and claiming to not be zerging just bc it´s organised and everyone is on TS is hilarious. You´re not a grp you´re literally 6 grps running together.
Edit: Because i quoted wrong