Weapon enchanting

I have never used a "Glyph of Absorb _______" enchantment for a weapon. The kind that deals magic damage and restores _______.

This may sound like an ignorant/obvious question but here it is:

Does the damage they cause and the amount of _______ they restore depend on your spell damage? (I'm thinking yes).

If so, then these enchantments would be less than optimal for a stamina oriented build with emphasis on weapon damage, correct?

  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    All enchantments only scale off thier level and their quality (and the quality of your weapon if it has the infused trait).
  • kylerjalen
    All enchantments only scale off thier level and their quality (and the quality of your weapon if it has the infused trait).

    So it doesn't matter if its an enchantment that deals magic damage? Okay I understand that now.
    My other question @lolo_01b16_ESO is does the enchantment take effect if I use only light and heavy attacks? Or does it work if I use abilities/skills that use the weapon? (like if I'm dual wielding and I activate Steel Tornado)
  • DeanTheCat
    Let me just quote myself from another thread :smile:
    DeanTheCat wrote: »
    Any Light/Heavy attack or Weapon Line ability will set off the Enchantment (Exception is Glyph of Rage, which only triggers off Light/Heavy attacks). Weapon enchantments do not stack, and have a cooldown. Two same enchants on both weapons will share the same cooldown.

    4 Seconds: Damage (Fire, Frost, Shock, Poison, Disease, Prismatic, Unresistable) Enchants, Absorb Enchants
    5 Seconds: Crusher, Hardening, Rage

    For example, if I had a Bow with a Poison damage enchantment, and I fire Scattershot at a target, the Poison Damage enchant will proc, then the Scattershot hits, dealing it's damage. If I were to immediately follow that with another Scattershot, the Poison Damage from the enchant will not proc, as the 4 seconds cooldown has not elapsed.

    In another example, I have a a pair of Maces. On my main hand, I have a Mace with a Prismatic Damage enchant. On my off hand, I have a mace with a Rage enchantment. This means that my main hand has a cooldown of 4 seconds, and my off-hand has a cooldown of 5 seconds. If I were to use the same enchant on both weapons, they would share a cooldown, effectively wasting an enchant slot. This rule applies to Weapon Swap as well. Therefore, diversifying your enchant selection is important.

    Dual Wield attacks in this pattern for Light attacks:

    Main Hand -> Off-Hand -> Main Hand -> Repeat

    This means that my Main Hand will be hitting targets twice as often as my Off Hand. In addition, a Dual Wield heavy attack has both attacks hit at the same time, so both enchantments will activate. For Dual Wield weapon abilities, only the Main Hand weapon enchant is used. As weapon abilities cannot proc the Glyph of Rage, placing it on the Main Hand is essentially a wasted enchantment.

    The exception to this "Dual Wield abilities only use Main Hand enchant" rule is broken by Twin Slashes, which procs the Main Hand enchant on the first hit, and the Off-Hand enchant on the second hit. Glyph of Rage still cannot proc off the second hit.

    All elemental enchantments have a 20% chance to proc a status effect. In addition, if a status effect activates vs a target that is weak to the status effect (Eg. Vampires and Fire), the target will be stunned after a 3 second delay and take a burst of elemental damage.

    Status Effects:
    • Fire - Burning, High Dot
    • Frost - Chilled, 40% Snare
    • Shock - Concussion, Minor Maim, Targets hit by a heavy attack while Concussed are set Off Balance
    • Poison - Poisoned, Medium DoT, Stamina Regen reduced by 10% (Not shown on char sheet)
    • Disease - Befouled, Low DoT, Minor Defile

    Dean the Cat
    Somewhat Insane Puddicat
    EU-PC Megaserver; Ebonheart Pact, Alliance Rank 34
    This one hails from far Singapore, excuse this one for his high pings. He also apologizes for any formatting/spelling errors, as he tends to answer using a mobile device.

    Insanity is the price of Knowledge. Herma-Mora and Sheogorath, this one bows before thee.

    This one does not advocate for any class to be nerfed. There are far deeper underlying issues then a simple "Class Imbalance". The Champion System is the problem. Not classes.

    Please read this before creating yet another nerf thread.

    My guides:
  • kylerjalen
    Thank you so much @DeanTheCat . You rock!
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