NewBlacksmurf wrote: »Random question...
Wouldn't it be simple to apply enlighten buff at higher rates to last longer as a catch up mechanism and change nothing else.
I'm not sure why ppl with more champion points would need more exp.
the exp required should never change for each champion pt
What should happen are enlightenment buffs that give up to 300% increased exp and lower the exp buff every 100 or 50 levels
Tome that's a catch up and with a max cp cap this is all that was needed.
What exists further complicates the system, penalizes the wrong group and prolongs the problem created by cp variances.
Also don't mess with what cp points offer.
silky_soft wrote: »No, just no. This is wrong and it needs to be changed. This is a fall behind mechanic, not a catchup. You are stealth buffing players who have 1000s already. A cap should of been launched at CP release, imagine if you didn't put a VR cap in.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_BrianWheeler This needs to be scaled off the top 2% CP earners. You can no longer use the cap to scale off, you missed that boat. At no point should any CP we earn cost more than what it cost them to earn.
lordrichter wrote: »The cap is required to address those who have been grinding CPs while they decided what to do to fix it.
xMovingTarget wrote: »Worst method they ever could implement. So the new system will reward ppl that grinded like monkeys prior and will shaft ppl that normally played without grinding. PLS FIX THIS ZOS.
I have close to 350 points on Live right now. And I honestly dont feel like putting more effort in something that others got easier prior.
So either recalculate all players to the new system. Or scale it differently. Example, the last point to reach the cap costs 400k xp. Everything before that costs less by a factor of whatever you desire. This would make the game alot more fair.
The system as is on PTS now is even worse than live. I rather have no catch up than this. Coz this is going to be a fall back mechanic for me and alot of others.
A mechanic like that would honestly only motivate me to leave "The Elder Scrolls Online".
xMovingTarget wrote: »xMovingTarget wrote: »Worst method they ever could implement. So the new system will reward ppl that grinded like monkeys prior and will shaft ppl that normally played without grinding. PLS FIX THIS ZOS.
I have close to 350 points on Live right now. And I honestly dont feel like putting more effort in something that others got easier prior.
So either recalculate all players to the new system. Or scale it differently. Example, the last point to reach the cap costs 400k xp. Everything before that costs less by a factor of whatever you desire. This would make the game alot more fair.
The system as is on PTS now is even worse than live. I rather have no catch up than this. Coz this is going to be a fall back mechanic for me and alot of others.
A mechanic like that would honestly only motivate me to leave "The Elder Scrolls Online".
xMovingTarget wrote: »xMovingTarget wrote: »Worst method they ever could implement. So the new system will reward ppl that grinded like monkeys prior and will shaft ppl that normally played without grinding. PLS FIX THIS ZOS.
I have close to 350 points on Live right now. And I honestly dont feel like putting more effort in something that others got easier prior.
So either recalculate all players to the new system. Or scale it differently. Example, the last point to reach the cap costs 400k xp. Everything before that costs less by a factor of whatever you desire. This would make the game alot more fair.
The system as is on PTS now is even worse than live. I rather have no catch up than this. Coz this is going to be a fall back mechanic for me and alot of others.
A mechanic like that would honestly only motivate me to leave "The Elder Scrolls Online".
I Agree there should be a catch up system. I just disagree with the fact they "punish" people with a higher amount of CP.
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »Random question...
Wouldn't it be simple to apply enlighten buff at higher rates to last longer as a catch up mechanism and change nothing else.
I'm not sure why ppl with more champion points would need more exp.
the exp required should never change for each champion pt
What should happen are enlightenment buffs that give up to 300% increased exp and lower the exp buff every 100 or 50 levels
Tome that's a catch up and with a max cp cap this is all that was needed.
What exists further complicates the system, penalizes the wrong group and prolongs the problem created by cp variances.
Also don't mess with what cp points offer.
I'd actually proposed that before, but my recent post was just a manipulation of their chosen system. It did seem like it would make sense to just alter the enlightenment buff like vampirism stage 1, 2, 3, or 4 where both the efficiency and duration of enlightenment increases the further you were from the cap. It could have been done with 5 stages and then enlightenment just goes away at the cap.
lordrichter wrote: »The cap is required to address those who have been grinding CPs while they decided what to do to fix it.
and why should that be an issue?
if you play this game every day, then why should people get punished for grinding?
it's not like there were many things to do..
once you've seen the same trials for over a year, have run DSA uncountable times and so on..
why blame them for grinding?
I feel like no cp earned under the cap should cost more than 400k Xp. I get that you guys want people to work for it at a point, but it is a Catch-up mechanic after all
I'm putting this here for myself to use later, and I'm hoping it does what I think it will do, but if anyone feels like investigating before I get around to it, feel free./script d(GetChampionXPInRank(GetPlayerChampionPointsEarned()))/script for i=1,600 do d(i .. GetChampionXPInRank(i)) end
lordrichter wrote: »Just a comment that 500 CP does not represent where they want the system to be. It represents the point at which they do not want the system to be. Where they want the CP to be is lower than 500.
I'm putting this here for myself to use later, and I'm hoping it does what I think it will do, but if anyone feels like investigating before I get around to it, feel free./script d(GetChampionXPInRank(GetPlayerChampionPointsEarned()))/script for i=1,600 do d(i .. GetChampionXPInRank(i)) end
This did exactly what you thought it would. Here are the results!
lordrichter wrote: »Just a comment that 500 CP does not represent where they want the system to be. It represents the point at which they do not want the system to be. Where they want the CP to be is lower than 500.
Yeah, which is why it's reasonable that the catch-up system ends at around 300. But that doesn't mean they need to penalize players after they hit the 300 mark, particularly since they are going to later adjust the catch-up system to a higher degree, thus penalizing everybody who kept playing through increased XP penalties per champion point.
I mean, if they are going to make it so that those of us that are around 300 CP are better off just leaving the game for 3 months or however long it takes them to release new DLC and raise the cap/adjust the scale rather than stay and be penalized, how is that good for the game?
And what is the power differential between 300 and 500 CP that makes having people be at the cap be so unattractive?
Nobody is being "punished" with a CP cap; did you not enjoy the game while playing? I grow tired of hearing players who want a challenge, yet, never want to see other players equal to themselves and therefore creating a more challenging environment. Besides this, the people who have over 500 CP are in a very very small minority, and if they leave because they feel they are being 'punished', the game WILL survive. However, the game will NOT survive if new players continue to leave in droves because they don't see a light at the end of the tunnel in which they can reasonably be expected to reach the top level. Further, ALL MMOs that I know of have a CAP, a cap that is increased with each DLC- usually it's a level cap. With that cap in place, lower level players can have time between DLCs to catch up to those at the cap- but as it stands now- there is no realistic way a new player could ever expect to catch up in any reasonable amount of time. Obviously those with the most CP are PC players who've been playing since beta, and again, a small minority of the overall ESO player base.
To them I say this... WHY are you so afraid of having the playing field leveled? Did you not enjoy the game all this time? What is the problem with knowing that, when each CP cap raise, you'll already be there while others, once again, have to play catch up to you? Isn't that enough of an ego stroke for you?!?
To them I say this... WHY are you so afraid of having the playing field leveled? Did you not enjoy the game all this time? What is the problem with knowing that, when each CP cap raise, you'll already be there while others, once again, have to play catch up to you? Isn't that enough of an ego stroke for you?!?
I'm very surprised to see that the amount of XP required to get CPs over 450-ish is more than you need to gain a Vet Rank. Remember that the problem with VRs was how long it took to gain one of them? We don't want to see that repeated with CPs, otherwise we'll just end up with the same problem again. As someone else said, we're looking for a catch-up mechanic, not a fall-behind mechanic. This means that it should be making it easier for players to get to, say, 400 CP, by reducing the amount of XP required, not increasing the amount of XP needed once you get over 300 CP and thus making it harder for players who have not done so yet to get more than 300 CP. That's backwards logic.
As @Daveheart put it:[...] each CP should never cost more than the current 400k XP per point.
And since I like the suggested values too, here they are again:Percentage of cap (cp range for the current cap) -> cost per CP
- 0-10% (0-50 CP) -> 50k CPXP
- 10-20% (50-100 CP) -> 75k CPXP
- 20-30% (100-150 CP) -> 100k CPXP
- 30-40% (150-200 CP) -> 150k CPXP
- 40-50% (200-250 CP) -> 200k CPXP
- 50-60% (250-300 CP) -> 250k CPXP
- 60-70% (300-350 CP) -> 300k CPXP
- 70-80% (350-400 CP) -> 350k CPXP
- 80%+ (400+ CP) -> 400k CPXP