Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

[Patch Notes] Champion Point cap will be set at 501

  • Qyrk
    I don't usually talk numbers, but here's some to chew on with regards to the number of champion points players have. The number of players that are going to be affected by the cap is very, very small.
    • Average CP on PC - 93
    • Average CP on PS4 - 46
    • Average CP on XB1 - 44

    Hi @ZOS_RichLambert , awesome! Thanks for the information - definitely made some people stop and reflect! Just curious if this took into consideration active players only, or includes inactive players. Thanks again!
  • driosketch
    I don't usually talk numbers, but here's some to chew on with regards to the number of champion points players have. The number of players that are going to be affected by the cap is very, very small.
    • Average CP on PC - 93
    • Average CP on PS4 - 46
    • Average CP on XB1 - 44

    Hey, I'm slightly above average.
    Main: Drio Azul ~ DC, Redguard, Healer/Magicka Templar ~ NA-PC
    ●The Psijic Order●The Sidekick Order●Great House Hlaalu●Bal-Busters●
  • Yaewinn
    I don't usually talk numbers, but here's some to chew on with regards to the number of champion points players have. The number of players that are going to be affected by the cap is very, very small.
    • Average CP on PC - 93
    • Average CP on PS4 - 46
    • Average CP on XB1 - 44

    Active Accounts?
  • MrGrimey
    People in here act like grinding cp is a reason to continue playing... Unless you're grinding cp by playing actual content, you're not really contributing anything to the population of the game.

    Play the game to gear up, have fun, etc... Grinding cp is not "playing the game"
  • xaraan
    Everyone needs to calm down and remember how many players have left the game before you let those numbers surprise you lol.

    Average me with one of my friends that has logged in here or there and played a bit to see what's up with the game and then leaves again for weeks and suddenly I'm not even half way to the cap.

    Those numbers aren't giving you a real picture and it feels a bit dishonest to show us half the picture and act like you are showing hard facts.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • DisgracefulMind
    The cap would be fine if there wasn't a catch-up mechanic implemented as well. It's basically negating any work anyone who has been in the CP system since the launch of it has put in and handing new players a free 6 or so months of time while taking away the value of time we who have been playing have already put in. Majority of players that I know and play with (and, no, not just mega-leet players, and most are PvPers as well) are at 400-500 CP right now. So this means that when the cap comes out not only will we all not have any sort of progression to look forward to, there's not really going to be any in a forseeable future. I think a CP cap is important to put in, but I find it to be too low for the PC player base. 600-700 would have been much better and a lot more lasting for a first CP season. I say this ONLY because we've already had the CP system for so long, and will have to wait an extended time for the second season anyways, so, naturally, the cap for the first season should have reasonably been higher. It feels like everything is just going to stall out on the PC side of things. I don't have much over 500, so the cap isn't going to affect my gameplay much at all, I will always be a good player because I understand the mechanics of the game, but I don't like being told my time ingame was meaningless.
    Oh well. At least now people can't rely on CP as something to blame for them losing. Though I will miss the "you're a damn 1k+ CP farmer" from people. Wonder what they're going to blame next. :#
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • Tholian1
    I don't usually talk numbers, but here's some to chew on with regards to the number of champion points players have. The number of players that are going to be affected by the cap is very, very small.
    • Average CP on PC - 93
    • Average CP on PS4 - 46
    • Average CP on XB1 - 44

    I am on PS4 and have about 58 right now I think, and I have played a lot since console launch, so these numbers are pretty much what I expected for an average. The average number for consoles, anyway.
    PS4 Pro NA
  • OtarTheMad
    I don't usually talk numbers, but here's some to chew on with regards to the number of champion points players have. The number of players that are going to be affected by the cap is very, very small.
    • Average CP on PC - 93
    • Average CP on PS4 - 46
    • Average CP on XB1 - 44

    Think you forgot something Rich

  • manny254
    aco5712 wrote: »
    i havent read past the first page but i dont understand people saying its too low. Like if your past it, great you can stop grinding and just play the game normally. If your not, you have catching up to do to reach the top players because the new arena is leaderboards so you will need every advantage you can get. 501 is a nice number and stops people being able to stack 100 in two CP passives. PvP will become more balanced and so will PvE.

    If you cant find enjoyment in the game just because the cap is 501 then you probably shouldnt be playing it anymore.

    Look at it like this. The patch will not release for another month. We could probably expect this season to last at least 2 months. This means this will be the will probably not be raised until 3 more months.

    Most players who have played since the release of cp will probably be above 300 right now. Even more will probably be around 400+ by the time the dlc is released. This is speaking for people that have played what we could consider an average amount of time since the release.

    Secondly it is not about grinding. I play much more than most people, but I when IC was released I was at about 540 cp. That is 540 cp from playing pvp (not grinding). ( I am at 670 right now, but alot of that is from IC, and IC is disappointingly not about pvp)

    To add on to this some people enjoy playing to advance their characters. Sure there will be new gear that will take a little while to get, but what then? I hate grinding, but I love that fact that every little thing I do advances my character.

    With a cap this low it just means that a lot of players will be stuck waiting to advance their characters. This seems to be what most of time in ESO has been about. We waited for them to fix the hot mess that was launch ESO. We continually wait for them to fix bugs that have impact on gameplay. We are waiting for them to remove vet ranks. We waited for them to release content while it was sub based, but they instead held is so they could sell it as dlc. We waited for PVP content that in fact nearly destroyed Cyrodiil. PVE players are still waiting for more end game Raid content. We could make this list much longer, but I am lazy.
    - Mojican
  • Prof_Bawbag
    That's the problem with forums, they usually attract the hardcore gamers. The reality is, the hardcore gamers are a very small minority, but have the loudest voices, so you can excuse some of them for thinking 90% of people share their gaming habits and by extension have around 700+ cps on this particular game.

    Almost all gaming stats posted on dev sites never reflect what's being banded about on the actual forums. Seen it on BioWare forums, Beth forums and so on.
    Edited by Prof_Bawbag on October 5, 2015 10:49PM
  • xaraan
    aco5712 wrote: »
    xaraan wrote: »
    aco5712 wrote: »
    i havent read past the first page but i dont understand people saying its too low. Like if your past it, great you can stop grinding and just play the game normally. If your not, you have catching up to do to reach the top players because the new arena is leaderboards so you will need every advantage you can get. 501 is a nice number and stops people being able to stack 100 in two CP passives. PvP will become more balanced and so will PvE.

    If you cant find enjoyment in the game just because the cap is 501 then you probably shouldnt be playing it anymore.

    Some of you guys act like you have to grind to get there. I always have and always will just play the game. The closest I come to grinding is what's built into the game (having to farm mats in IC or whatever lately or trophies). I just play with my friends. Sometimes I get a few days of enlightenment built up, sometimes I just talk on TS and we do little to nothing, or I just craft stuff people have requested and other times we have some great game sessions.

    But let's not forget that you can be fair to both sides of this. People are already getting a catch up mechanic, so you will already earn what I have earned more easily, but we are also capping what I can do, and capping it a bit low IMO. I have no issues with catch up or even caps, but it's is too low. This is not something that is just catching 'grinders', but those same guys that "just play" as you say. I'm sorry I've earned faster than you, but I didn't do in some weird way that means I should be treated like crap for it now.

    but like it was said above, you will still earn. You will still get your CP. Its not stopping your progression. Its just evening the battle field because there is a enormous difference between 360 and 760 CP. Between 450 and 850. The game is going back to skill (somewhat), and thats what is needed. Not this artificial power.

    OK, let's get off the skill vs CP thing right now.

    My success rate in PvE and PvP hasn't changed from launch. The same people are going to keep losing the same fights and having the same struggles.

    As for the "still earning" part - I realize this, but I won't see anything for it until the cap is raised and I think that should be reserved for crazy high numbers, as in those that literally grinded their way there. If you have even a handful of players like me that got there by "just playing" the game, then the number might be a little low.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • xaraan
    Yaewinn wrote: »
    I don't usually talk numbers, but here's some to chew on with regards to the number of champion points players have. The number of players that are going to be affected by the cap is very, very small.
    • Average CP on PC - 93
    • Average CP on PS4 - 46
    • Average CP on XB1 - 44

    Active Accounts?

    What's active?

    My friend with 70ish points that has logged in and played with me for a couple days at two points since TU launched? He's signed on and done stuff and played, so he would be "active", but he does not play the game and shouldn't be counted in a pool of "average" players. BUT I bet you players like him are counted in this number. lol

    I'm so disappointed that they pull stuff like this.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • DisgracefulMind
    I don't usually talk numbers, but here's some to chew on with regards to the number of champion points players have. The number of players that are going to be affected by the cap is very, very small.
    • Average CP on PC - 93
    • Average CP on PS4 - 46
    • Average CP on XB1 - 44

    I find this PC average really hard to believe.
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • angelyn
    I do sympathise ( would be insulting to say that i can empathise ,with my measly CP) with those that have earned way more CP than the Cap. I'm glad that people can still earn CPs ,even once they've hit the level cap,so that their XP doesn't go to waste.

    Well as someone who has played since beta and has under 100 CP, I'm very happy about the catch up mechanic. Regardless of what the cap is, I'm sure I'll find ways not to earn CP and reach cap :p ( fishing..node up ledgerdemain..crafting armour in every style so that I can preview it on my character before committing ).
    I don't usually talk numbers, but here's some to chew on with regards to the number of champion points players have. The number of players that are going to be affected by the cap is very, very small.
    • Average CP on PC - 93
    • Average CP on PS4 - 46
    • Average CP on XB1 - 44

    @ZOS_RichLambert, if I'm understanding your above quote correctly then I can now say I'm average, instead of sub par/trailing behind at the speed of a slug :smiley: Or perhaps based on some of the other comments here, i have the average CP of a dead/inactive account :'( If I've misunderstood. ..don't burst my bubble :p
    Edited by angelyn on October 5, 2015 11:08PM
  • aco5712
    I don't usually talk numbers, but here's some to chew on with regards to the number of champion points players have. The number of players that are going to be affected by the cap is very, very small.
    • Average CP on PC - 93
    • Average CP on PS4 - 46
    • Average CP on XB1 - 44

    Edited by aco5712 on October 6, 2015 6:20AM
    Banned for Naming and Shaming exploiters. Great ideology ZOS.

    Main: Vir Cor | Dragonknight
    Alt: Leo Cor | Nightblade
    Alt: Leonidas Cor | Templar

    Guild: K-Hole
    Youtube: CorESO
    DK PvP Tank/DPS Hybrid Build (2.1+): Cor Leonis
  • xaraan
    That's the problem with forums, they usually attract the hardcore gamers. The reality is, the hardcore gamers are a very small minority, but have the loudest voices, so you can excuse some of them for thinking 90% of people share their gaming habits and by extension have around 700+ cps on this particular game.

    Almost all gaming stats posted on dev sites never reflect what's being banded about on the actual forums. Seen it on BioWare forums, Beth forums and so on.

    You know, if a player plays with... let's say... I only play the game once a week or every other week with my wife just for fun and don't earn a ton of points. How much do they really care about competing with hardcore players?

    Immediately you should skew results for those players and players that have logged in very little since the launch of TU and you'll see the "average" numbers quite a bit more.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • Sublime
    I don't usually talk numbers, but here's some to chew on with regards to the number of champion points players have. The number of players that are going to be affected by the cap is very, very small.
    • Average CP on PC - 93
    • Average CP on PS4 - 46
    • Average CP on XB1 - 44

    Thanks so much for the transparency
  • Ezareth
    The cap would be fine if there wasn't a catch-up mechanic implemented as well. It's basically negating any work anyone who has been in the CP system since the launch of it has put in and handing new players a free 6 or so months of time while taking away the value of time we who have been playing have already put in. Majority of players that I know and play with (and, no, not just mega-leet players, and most are PvPers as well) are at 400-500 CP right now. So this means that when the cap comes out not only will we all not have any sort of progression to look forward to, there's not really going to be any in a forseeable future. I think a CP cap is important to put in, but I find it to be too low for the PC player base. 600-700 would have been much better and a lot more lasting for a first CP season. I say this ONLY because we've already had the CP system for so long, and will have to wait an extended time for the second season anyways, so, naturally, the cap for the first season should have reasonably been higher. It feels like everything is just going to stall out on the PC side of things. I don't have much over 500, so the cap isn't going to affect my gameplay much at all, I will always be a good player because I understand the mechanics of the game, but I don't like being told my time ingame was meaningless.
    Oh well. At least now people can't rely on CP as something to blame for them losing. Though I will miss the "you're a damn 1k+ CP farmer" from people. Wonder what they're going to blame next. :#

    Yeah I'm at 430 CP or something and I took a month off the game since CPs were introduced. I'll be hitting 500 CPs just as Osirinium is launched. Pretty much all of the active players who have been earning 2-3 CPs a day (not grinding) are going to have zero sense of progression.

    I think 600 CPs for PC is much more reasonable (and is divisible by 3) with another 75 CPs being added a month (means the game would be capped out in 3.33 years which is probably the length of the planned development cycle (was originally slated to be 5 years).

    Remember the entire point of a CAP was to eliminate the players who spent ridiculous time grinding CPs to break the system while not punishing the players who actually just played the game as it was intended.

    With a Catch up mechanic implemented, the CP cap should be set reasonably and increased regularly.
    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • NewBlacksmurf
    I don't usually talk numbers, but here's some to chew on with regards to the number of champion points players have. The number of players that are going to be affected by the cap is very, very small.
    • Average CP on PC - 93
    • Average CP on PS4 - 46
    • Average CP on XB1 - 44

    Thanks...ppl will hopefully stop overreacting now
    Maybe not....seems seeing is not believing for some so...thanks for trying to calm the waters.

    And good move overall
    Edited by NewBlacksmurf on October 5, 2015 10:58PM
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Kas
    I don't usually talk numbers, but here's some to chew on with regards to the number of champion points players have. The number of players that are going to be affected by the cap is very, very small.
    • Average CP on PC - 93
    • Average CP on PS4 - 46
    • Average CP on XB1 - 44

    even thogh you chose to post this, i'm sincerly hoping you don't make any decisions based on these stats. avgs over people

    • logged in at a given point in time or
    • active during the last week

    should be MUCH more relevant. you cannot possibly believe the averages above are meaningful. otherwise your dlc's would be terribly useless since they are targeted at players on V16 which you couldn't have even reached with the console CP

    that being said, i like the CP cap. sounds like a great i can decide if i'll make my switch to NB on PC or console since I won't be missing out on much by splitting my time over plattforms
    Edited by Kas on October 5, 2015 10:59PM
    @bbu - AD/EU
    Kasiia - Templar (AR46)
    Kasiir Aberion - Sorc (AR38)
    Dr Kastafari - Warden (~AR31)
    + many others
  • manny254
    I don't usually talk numbers, but here's some to chew on with regards to the number of champion points players have. The number of players that are going to be affected by the cap is very, very small.
    • Average CP on PC - 93
    • Average CP on PS4 - 46
    • Average CP on XB1 - 44

    That is great!! Cater to all the people that stopped playing. You might get some of us us to join them!!
    Edited by manny254 on October 5, 2015 11:00PM
    - Mojican
  • Qyrk
    Devil's Advocate ALERT: Wouldn't it also make sense that for people that left might possibly be considering returning to tamriel when this DLC launches? Therefore, wouldn't the cap be more reasonable?

    just thinking
  • Prof_Bawbag
    xaraan wrote: »
    Yaewinn wrote: »
    I don't usually talk numbers, but here's some to chew on with regards to the number of champion points players have. The number of players that are going to be affected by the cap is very, very small.
    • Average CP on PC - 93
    • Average CP on PS4 - 46
    • Average CP on XB1 - 44

    Active Accounts?

    What's active?

    My friend with 70ish points that has logged in and played with me for a couple days at two points since TU launched? He's signed on and done stuff and played, so he would be "active", but he does not play the game and shouldn't be counted in a pool of "average" players. BUT I bet you players like him are counted in this number. lol

    I'm so disappointed that they pull stuff like this.

    I've pretty much only played this game for the last few months solid whilst recovering from back surgery, so I've pumped a fair few hours into this (around 6 hours a day, for around 4 or even 5 days-a-week) and yet I'm only at 42 (xbox). I have no idea how it's even possible to get to 500. I really hate to think how those handful of players who have around 2k got to that number. Their day must literally involve the following; wake at 7am - go to the loo - play ESO - 12pm grab a bite and go to the loo again - 12.15pm play ESO - 6pm grab a bite and to the loo - 6.30pm - 2am ESO. Some must even pull all nighters.

    Edited by Prof_Bawbag on October 5, 2015 11:02PM
  • Swindy
    Avalon wrote: »
    OK, different strategy to attack this issue:

    There are achievements (Champion of Rain's Hand, Evening Star, Last Seed) that each require spending 1200 CP in their respective trees for a total of 3600 CP spent...

    1. How would a person obtain even the first level of those achievements (300 each, total of 900, 399 more than a cap of 501 would give)?
    2. People that already have these achievements would be a bit upset if the achievements were taken away, or made easier to obtain.

    The cap cannot be less than the 3600 CP needed to get those achievements without upsetting the MOST hardcore and loyal of players, which would be idiocy at best. And BTW, I have less than 90 CP, so, no, I am not arguing for me, but for the ones this would really affect.
    Sitting with less than 130 CP after 1200 hours of game time on console only, and this guy said all I was gong to type out.
    The reason I've not started a second character is (it's immature I know but it is what it is) I'm a solo Pve who chases quests & achievements. I like to tick boxes, so high end players will be annoyed, and people like me looking to slowly max out a character will be too.

    And to the guy that mentioned OCD...501 is f'ing killing me lol.
    II Swindy II

    Australian on Xbox NA (ex EU)
  • Nifty2g
    I don't usually talk numbers, but here's some to chew on with regards to the number of champion points players have. The number of players that are going to be affected by the cap is very, very small.
    • Average CP on PC - 93
    • Average CP on PS4 - 46
    • Average CP on XB1 - 44

    I would've expected 193, or 293 which would make sense with the 500 CP cap, seeing as the average for a top end player is around 700 - 800 and then the average being 200 or 300, put it at 500 to make it affect little as possible.

    Why are people asking for a higher CP cap? What is the point of that, having it higher discourages more players, people still want to have an edge on the players with lower CP. If I had a choice I'd put the cap at 800 but that is only going to affect me.

    I enjoy the direction ZOS is taking, bringing back the old 1.5 with improved mechanics where it wasn't all about grinding and what team/player has the highest cp it's about skill and tactics.
  • xaraan
    I don't usually talk numbers, but here's some to chew on with regards to the number of champion points players have. The number of players that are going to be affected by the cap is very, very small.
    • Average CP on PC - 93
    • Average CP on PS4 - 46
    • Average CP on XB1 - 44

    I find this PC average really hard to believe.

    That's because it's not taking into account things like players that quit playing and maybe logged in a few times to see how the game is and then left again. Average me with one of my friends (who still has a sub btw and doesn't play lol) and we are like half way to the cap. But players like him are not a genuine representation of players that are even somewhat consistently playing the game.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • Lettigall
    Now those who say that high number of CPs doesn't give huge advantage will have chance to prove that. Ahh if only the cap was introduced same time as Champion system there would be lot less crying.
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • NewBlacksmurf
    Geez guys....average is an average. It's a mathematical term
    O - 1600+ gives them the average that Rich just shared.

    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • MikeB
    I have to say I do greatly enjoy the flavor text in some of the notes.
  • _Proteus_
    93 CP actually sounds accurate to me. I imagine there are a lot of active new players who have never actually gotten to the VR levels yet. We need to give those guys a chance to really catch up to all the people who've been here since launch.
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