I think you're forgetting to mention the templar Synaris Astarte.....you know the one who battle ressed his lordship while I was fighting the EP horde and their puny emperor who were then crushed despite having an emperor, overwhelming odds and every damn buff in cyrodiil. That player who was usually focus fired by virtue of being a healer by both mobs and players alike.
One BICEP tied behind his back indeed haha. I think you mean we were a dose of steroids that kept his LORDSHIP FLEXing in the mirror of twitch for his admiring fans and other folks who are far better forum warriors than players
Publius_Scipio wrote: »
Basically everyone what Ezareth is saying here is go check out FENGRUSH'S latest past broadcast on twitch. You will see a quick celebrity appearance by yours truly in the very beginning.
Jessica Folsom wrote:It's a very grey area.
Huckdabuck wrote: »
We don't need to see those tiny bird legs bro!
hammayolettuce wrote: »Why is this even a discussion. Don't hate each other, hate the devs for making victories more dependent on numbers. Sure, a good group can wipe a group with more people, but the mechanics of the game are now in favor of large groups fighting each other. I'm not saying I enjoy it- I miss being able to wipe a full raid with 3 people, but this is what we have now. In what universe is it productive to start yelling at your opponent for bringing more people to the fight than you? And where is the "Zerg" cutoff? 1 more person than you have? Two more people? Or is it only a problem when you lose the fight? I don't agree with the changes in 1.6 and 1.7 but there isn't much I can do about them except adapt. You can't beat a group with more people than a you have? Either adapt to the situation or go carebear it up in PvE land. Cyrodiil has never been about "fair." It has always been about knowing the game's mechanics and being resourceful. Embrace the larger group playstyle and adapt or prepare to lose repeatedly because you're deluded into thinking that this is still 1.5.
Publius_Scipio wrote: »
Bada bing bada BOOM! Realist guys in the room!
We're stars! We take METEOR SHOWERS!
You TEX, you're S! A! W! F! T! SAAAWWW!!!!FFT!!!
There is only one place beyond these forums and that's ESO LIVE!!!
And after that! The stage at Quake Con pumping up the crowd and introducing the good men and women of ZOS like only I know how to!
And I feel for ya! Your girl Jules feeling a little more red than blue these days!
She betrayed ya! BUT I AIN'T EVER PLAYED YA!!!
Run back to your Blubasir and give him a big hug.
Drink that skim milk, I hear it's as smooth as silk! ONE BIG LONG CHUG!
Jessica Folsom wrote:It's a very grey area.
Soul_Demon wrote: »Rylana,
Do me a favor here, stop posting as if you are in communication or ever have any idea what SWP does. You don't. Consistently bringing us up in the forums claiming credit/slanting nearly every single post hasn't bothered us in the least.........just another fanboy gone wrong.
But insinuating you know what we do or even where we are fighting is more than misleading. Stop. Yes, we noticed the first post you made and with it you made your bed, now sleep in it but stop professing to ever be in communication with us at any point much less know how many we run or where we are, that is pure fabrication.
Next time you want to camp a gate and blame someone, go ahead....keep at it most of the enemy factions know fully well what kind of play we endorse and what kind we will not. Same goes for turning the emp, keep at it and just tell the entire server it was you and the three others in your group, no one cares. However when you start to speak for a guild that does not post in forums and claim some sort of dialogue that doesn't exist you have gone too far off the deep end and need to be reminded you speak only for you and GOS.
We speak for ourselves, when and only when we feel like it.
Huckdabuck wrote: »
WOW! I think we have just found another thing you're bad at.....all HAIL DJ Birdlegs!
Jessica Folsom wrote:It's a very grey area.
Huckdabuck wrote: »
Hibbity hobbity whooooo
Soul_Demon wrote: »I would love to respond to you, but I stopped reading after the third time you edited the message and it will probably be some deluded claims and self aggrandizing stroke fest. Clearly you are unable to gather your thoughts right now, but I will give you a way to speak though, keep posting in Zone.... everyone knows we love that.
Otherwise, don't bother.
Publius_Scipio wrote: »Quicker than a cat! Faster than a feline!
Soul_Demon wrote: »I would love to respond to you, but I stopped reading after the third time you edited the message and it will probably be some deluded claims and self aggrandizing stroke fest. Clearly you are unable to gather your thoughts right now, but I will give you a way to speak though, keep posting in Zone.... everyone knows we love that.
Otherwise, don't bother.
But not quite as sexy as khajiit!
Also Telel thinks they shall provide thread relevant commentary by saying that when an emperor and over fifteen (couldn't see exact numbers through the pile of particle spam and bodies) pacters come rushing back from siegeing Alessia to pick on five werewolves someone is either doing something wrong, or very very right. Or they left the stove on inside Sejanus....
Also Telel did not say they were providing commentary relevant to the thing they quoted. Just to the other thing that's about a thing that this one said a thing about.
Also also is a fun word to say.
Bolded and italicized the actual reason for pretty much every thread in ESO forums.
Publius_Scipio wrote: »
WTF you just say to me!?
And of several hours ago TF is 100% red. If you wonder why both Blue and Yellow show up to dethrone, this is why. Showing up to push for the dethrone isn't a spiteful or preplanned activity, it's quite literally the only goal an organized guild should have logging onto that map.
This one said words. Sometimes ones with multiple syllables.
Or perhaps they merely typed the words and you are doing an internal monologue of what this one's khajiit voice is like. If so this one will kindly request that you keep Telel's dialogue platonic and family friendly.
Perhaps if Telel wrote them more slowly they'd be easier to read and there would be much less confusion.
See below:
imredneckson wrote: »
Buddy the name you tried to white out we can see the player who whispered you in your chat box