Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

This is ZOS customer support

  • Lamiai
    P3ZZL3 wrote: »
    I think they should cut the generic info response, if they are unable to use it correctly. it only enrages the player, causing them to likely be less than polite. Then again i sometimes think CS sometimes like to troll.

    Edit: Sorry, just realised it's a wall of text. Sorry :|

    The problem with this idea, is that not all customer service people work with the same mentality.

    There are a few, who genuinely love what they do and will do all they can to fix the problem that has been addressed. They will bend over backwards to make it happen. These people are absolute assets to any customer service group and almost always provide an excellent service.

    The next group are those that are doing it as it's a job. CS Roles do NOT pay good money. You are at the customer facing front end. You take the brunt of a disgruntled customer. The vast majority of customers do not think about this, and just give you crap about something that is really nothing to do with them, they are just there working trying to do they're job to make ends meet. The nicer you are with them, the more they will try to help - but you put their back up, they will stone wall you. I know, it's crazy they are paid so little for such an important role - but management has and always will see customer service as a necessary evil. It's a cost they have to wrap into their product/service as it's expected. And things are getting worse for management. OVer the last 5-6 years with the speed at which information travels and how important peoples feedback direct to their friends/colleagues is, they HAVE to take note. Hell, it's even moved into Enterprise support where companies accept they MUST pay more for better specialists who know how to work with customers - hence the creation of "Customer Success Managers" in the US a few years back - something the UK and EU is now taking on.

    Then you have the third category. These are the ones why there is a script in place and everything is effectively robotic and non-helpful. These people are employed simply because they passed a few HR questions and are cheap. Ireland has a problem in terms of economic growth, they gave crazy tax breaks to tech firms setting up CS and support centres over there. Because the economy was so bad, people had to drop their rates/expectations/salaries just to get work to survive. Not pretty, but true. So they end up employing people "Cheap" as it looks good on paper and a spread sheet, with little to no regard that this affects the attitude and demeanour of said employee. If you have a few of these people, who do get disgruntled, with free response/access - then they can cause a LOT of problems to the game.

    It's not easy for any company to find the balance. Gaming has always had a challenge putting together a financially sensible, high customer service level, support offering. When you allow for the fact about 60% of any game budget is marketing, I guess it's not surprising. Support is almost an after thought.

    Anyhows, out side of all that I typed, I've had to use Customer Support twice in 9 mths. Both times it's been excellent. The second one, was a very complicated and political situation and I probably spent the best part of 2 hours on the phone to a senior support manager in the US.

    So much right with this post including everything to do with Ireland as well, lower level CS also are not fed or given the latest info that the players are aware about, sometimes the first time they hear of a bug that is effecting players is when they get a customer with that issue. A majority of CS have to dig around and search for these issues as its not presented to them by management and when a job doesn't pay well, its hard i guess to want to actually provide and find that support if you are not being paid to do so.
    R.I.P patch 1.5 ~ Never Forget.
  • Truewavesound
    Troneon wrote: »
    It's the worst CS of any game I have played. They also had a lot of their support staff layed off in Ireland recently so this is probably why. They also lost a few key devs from the team.

    Be careful,. i posted the link to that first news story and got a warning email from ZOS for spreading "untrue, malicious rumour"

  • Sensesfail13
    Vatter wrote: »
    so about 2 days ago I ran White Gold Tower with a pug group. It took a decent amount of time to complete due to the fact that a few of us were first timers. We finally get to the final boss, get her down to about 10% and my client crashes to a ESO crash report. I quickly sign back in and when I do I'm outside the throne room. So I start making my way back to loot the boss, I enter the throne room and go to the side door and the open option is greyed out. can't get back in no matter what you do.

    We spent about an hour and a half running the dungeon and now i can't get back in to get the fruits of our labor. So i decide to put in a ticket asking for help as in previous games a moderator will IM you within 10 or 20 mins. So I wait....and wait.....and wait....nothing. So I leave the instance and think maybe they are just busy and will get back to me later. Just a few mins ago I receive this email....

    Helping you is our passion!

    We will assume your issue has been resolved if we do not hear from you within 96 hours (4 days).

    If your issue has not been resolved, you can respond directly to this email. We look forward to working with you again should you need us!
    i am in the gold tower and wasnt able to loot the boss. now i cant get back to her. i need

    Response By Email (Kenzie) (09/08/2015 03:40 PM)

    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited team. In light of the excitement and great demand for ESOTU, we are currently experiencing high contact volume. We encourage you to search our support site at for any in-game topics or issues you may have questions about. There are lots of helpful FAQs and links to our social pages.

    Most in-game UI issues (including NPC, quest problems and missing crowns/entitlements) can be resolved by logging out for five minutes then back in which will load you into a new game instance.

    Additionally, other great resources for in-game mechanics can be found via our forums:

    There are also many wonderful community wikis:

    Please note, we have also recently released a new patch for PC/Mac including our first DLC game pack: Imperial City! Review the patch notes for all of the recent changes here:
    Best Regards,
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Team

    WTF does this have to do with anything.

    And its not just this time. I've had multiple issues with the game in the past and received only generic responses. Or I've created forum posts for issues and the only help I get is from some moderator deleting posts or telling us to we have violated the code of conduct in some way. (obviously they make up any excuse they can to remove a post that shows the many many many negatives this game has.) And this has happened a lot. But this...this is def the straw that broke the camels back. why on earth would you design a dungeon where you can't get back in for this very reason?

    lag, exploits, awful design decisions, disconnects, load screens, unable to log in, falling through the floor to my death, and now this...been playing since beta with hopes that all of this will change but I see now it never will.

    I just wanted to rant a little bit and say, ZOS you have finally convinced me beyond all doubt that you will never improve, you have absolutely no idea what your doing and you simply don't care. You will never get another dollar from me again. ever.

    Ive had perhaps a dozen messages from them that have been like "Well youre screwed but if you dont contact us I suppose our irrelevant message to you will have resolved the myriad of problems with our craptastic game." Ive just stopped sending in tickets they dont help anyhow. Dozens in BETA... nothing fixed... dozens since release... nothing fixed.... none since april.... nothing fixed. See you get the same thing with less effort.
    Wisherr, Dragonknight, Haderus, NA Server.
    Wisher of Naught, Nightblade, Haderus, NA Server.
    Guild officer: Abandoned Legion
  • P3ZZL3
    Be careful,. i posted the link to that first news story and got a warning email from ZOS for spreading "untrue, malicious rumour"


    That was before Bethsoft confirmed it :)
    Bethsoft wrote:
    Update 08/20/2015 8:04:32 AM EDT: A spokesperson from Bethsoft confirmed customer support layoffs to Massively OP in the following statement: “Following the successful PC and console launches of The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited, we have a thriving online community and have adjusted customer support to meet the ongoing needs of our players.”
    CP561 Redguard | Jabsy Templar | Stamina Build
    CP561 Breton | Jesus Beam Templar | Magicka Build Forever!
    CP561 Naked Nord | Tanky DK | Stamigicka Build

    ✭✭✭ Check ESO Server Status Live!: ✭✭✭
  • Belidos
    Lamiai wrote: »
    you need to respond to the email then they start investigating i think.

    This ^^

    It's a pretty standard procedure for most MMO customer service ..

    1. You submit a ticket
    2. The system sends you an automated response with some suggested fixes for common issues
    3. You reply to the email
    4. It's moved from automated and addressed by a customer services rep

    Nothing different here than on most other MMO's. Half the time people complain about customer service in games like this it is because they don't understand the process.

    Not saying the CS isn't bad here, it's not good at all, i've complained myself because of canned responses, but it's not as bad as some people portray.
  • Truewavesound
    P3ZZL3 wrote: »
    Be careful,. i posted the link to that first news story and got a warning email from ZOS for spreading "untrue, malicious rumour"


    That was before Bethsoft confirmed it :)
    Bethsoft wrote:
    Update 08/20/2015 8:04:32 AM EDT: A spokesperson from Bethsoft confirmed customer support layoffs to Massively OP in the following statement: “Following the successful PC and console launches of The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited, we have a thriving online community and have adjusted customer support to meet the ongoing needs of our players.”

    How on EARTH would you know that? No, it was yesterday, hence my consternation.

    It is worrying when WE are better informed about stuff like that than the employees they have policing the forums.
  • P3ZZL3
    Because it says it on the page he linked *laughing*
    CP561 Redguard | Jabsy Templar | Stamina Build
    CP561 Breton | Jesus Beam Templar | Magicka Build Forever!
    CP561 Naked Nord | Tanky DK | Stamigicka Build

    ✭✭✭ Check ESO Server Status Live!: ✭✭✭
  • Gyudan
  • HeroOfNone
    Belidos wrote: »
    Lamiai wrote: »
    you need to respond to the email then they start investigating i think.

    This ^^

    It's a pretty standard procedure for most MMO customer service ..

    1. You submit a ticket
    2. The system sends you an automated response with some suggested fixes for common issues
    3. You reply to the email
    4. It's moved from automated and addressed by a customer services rep

    Nothing different here than on most other MMO's. Half the time people complain about customer service in games like this it is because they don't understand the process.

    Not saying the CS isn't bad here, it's not good at all, i've complained myself because of canned responses, but it's not as bad as some people portray.

    This is common in almost ALL IT support jobs. The generated email is a check to see if you had your PC plugged in or if you turned the monitor on. I know you're concern is with your issue, but realize that customer service deals with ALL issues in the game. If yhey directly engaged everyone then you'd likely be waiting days as less tech savvy folks get personal responses for "how do I swing my weapon as I swim???" Or other comments.

    Go ahead and reply, give em a shot to help. Remember to post back here the results, good or bad. No point in posting only if things don't work out for you, that's not fair to the work they do.

    Herfi Driderkitty of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Find me on : Twitch | Youtube | Twitter | Reddit
  • Mighty_oakk
    Belidos wrote: »
    Lamiai wrote: »
    you need to respond to the email then they start investigating i think.

    This ^^

    It's a pretty standard procedure for most MMO customer service ..

    1. You submit a ticket
    2. The system sends you an automated response with some suggested fixes for common issues
    3. You reply to the email
    4. It's moved from automated and addressed by a customer services rep

    Nothing different here than on most other MMO's. Half the time people complain about customer service in games like this it is because they don't understand the process.

    Not saying the CS isn't bad here, it's not good at all, i've complained myself because of canned responses, but it's not as bad as some people portray.

    Buuuuut thats not what happens if you read the experiences customers have had
  • Belidos
    Belidos wrote: »
    Lamiai wrote: »
    you need to respond to the email then they start investigating i think.

    This ^^

    It's a pretty standard procedure for most MMO customer service ..

    1. You submit a ticket
    2. The system sends you an automated response with some suggested fixes for common issues
    3. You reply to the email
    4. It's moved from automated and addressed by a customer services rep

    Nothing different here than on most other MMO's. Half the time people complain about customer service in games like this it is because they don't understand the process.

    Not saying the CS isn't bad here, it's not good at all, i've complained myself because of canned responses, but it's not as bad as some people portray.

    Buuuuut thats not what happens if you read the experiences customers have had

    Never said it doesn't go wrong from time to time, just pointing out how it's supposed to work because a lot of complaints are from people who don't get past step 2 because they don't realise there are more steps.
  • Tandor
    Vatter wrote: »

    WTF does this have to do with anything.

    And its not just this time. I've had multiple issues with the game in the past and received only generic responses. Or I've created forum posts for issues and the only help I get is from some moderator deleting posts or telling us to we have violated the code of conduct in some way.

    I often wonder why it is that some players have so many calls on customer support, while others have none.
  • Tandor
    P3ZZL3 wrote: »
    I think they should cut the generic info response, if they are unable to use it correctly. it only enrages the player, causing them to likely be less than polite. Then again i sometimes think CS sometimes like to troll.

    Edit: Sorry, just realised it's a wall of text. Sorry :|

    The problem with this idea, is that not all customer service people work with the same mentality.

    There are a few, who genuinely love what they do and will do all they can to fix the problem that has been addressed. They will bend over backwards to make it happen. These people are absolute assets to any customer service group and almost always provide an excellent service.

    The next group are those that are doing it as it's a job. CS Roles do NOT pay good money. You are at the customer facing front end. You take the brunt of a disgruntled customer. The vast majority of customers do not think about this, and just give you crap about something that is really nothing to do with them, they are just there working trying to do they're job to make ends meet. The nicer you are with them, the more they will try to help - but you put their back up, they will stone wall you. I know, it's crazy they are paid so little for such an important role - but management has and always will see customer service as a necessary evil. It's a cost they have to wrap into their product/service as it's expected. And things are getting worse for management. OVer the last 5-6 years with the speed at which information travels and how important peoples feedback direct to their friends/colleagues is, they HAVE to take note. Hell, it's even moved into Enterprise support where companies accept they MUST pay more for better specialists who know how to work with customers - hence the creation of "Customer Success Managers" in the US a few years back - something the UK and EU is now taking on.

    Then you have the third category. These are the ones why there is a script in place and everything is effectively robotic and non-helpful. These people are employed simply because they passed a few HR questions and are cheap. Ireland has a problem in terms of economic growth, they gave crazy tax breaks to tech firms setting up CS and support centres over there. Because the economy was so bad, people had to drop their rates/expectations/salaries just to get work to survive. Not pretty, but true. So they end up employing people "Cheap" as it looks good on paper and a spread sheet, with little to no regard that this affects the attitude and demeanour of said employee. If you have a few of these people, who do get disgruntled, with free response/access - then they can cause a LOT of problems to the game.

    It's not easy for any company to find the balance. Gaming has always had a challenge putting together a financially sensible, high customer service level, support offering. When you allow for the fact about 60% of any game budget is marketing, I guess it's not surprising. Support is almost an after thought.

    Anyhows, out side of all that I typed, I've had to use Customer Support twice in 9 mths. Both times it's been excellent. The second one, was a very complicated and political situation and I probably spent the best part of 2 hours on the phone to a senior support manager in the US.

    I don't disagree with any of that. However, I also think that a large part of how Customer Support staff deal with a ticket depends on the manner in which it is worded. I've rarely had occasion to use Customer Support in games or in other areas of life over the years, but when I have had to do so I have always found that a polite and respectful approach generates a friendly and efficient response. In short, "Please" works better than "WTF" :wink: !
  • Stikato
    I recently marked an item "junk" right after I got it from a trophy room. I appealed immediately.

    Then I figured out my error. This is why there is an automated system exists--it allows problems to solve "themselves" without burdening support.

    I'm not sure what some people expect. This game is not a premium service in the grand scheme of things. You come in my business, and spend a few k a month, then yeah, I'm gonna make sure you get taken care of.

    You pay a tiny subscription (maybe) and occasionally make a small purchase at the store? This is the level of service commensurate with that. ESO service and support has always been very good in this context. It is necessary have to have the proper expectations though to realize that.
    Mordimus - Stam Sorc
  • b92303008rwb17_ESO
    I could not imagined I would experience the same customer support someday when I read this thread earlier today just until now. I was harvesting herbs from Alchemy Survey: Craglorn I a few hours ago. I did not even finished the first node when the game client crashed. I logged back in only to find all the nodes and the survey itself gone. Then I filed the ticket. Here is the response I received.

    Helping you is our passion!

    We will assume your issue has been resolved if we do not hear from you within 96 hours (4 days).

    If your issue has not been resolved, you can respond directly to this email. We look forward to working with you again should you need us!
    Hi, I was harvesting Alchemy Survey: Craglorn I when the game client crashed and I did not

    Response By Email (Kenzie) (09/09/2015 09:50 AM)

    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited team. In light of the excitement and great demand for ESOTU, we are currently experiencing high contact volume. We encourage you to search our support site at for any in-game topics or issues you may have questions about. There are lots of helpful FAQs and links to our social pages.

    Most in-game UI issues (including NPC, quest problems and missing crowns/entitlements) can be resolved by logging out for five minutes then back in which will load you into a new game instance.

    Additionally, other great resources for in-game mechanics can be found via our forums:

    There are also many wonderful community wikis:

    Please note, we have also recently released a new patch for PC/Mac including our first DLC game pack: Imperial City! Review the patch notes for all of the recent changes here:
    Best Regards,
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Team

    I clearly stated in my ticket that both the nodes and survey were gone hence it had nothing nothing to do with UI issues. Still, what I received here is nothing more than a canned response without at least reading customer tickets carefully. While losing a few herbs and a survey is not a big deal at all honestly, delivering this kind of customer service is huge.

    When the game launched last year, it was full of bugs but at least we got amazing customer support. I personally received some very informative and funny ticket responses. Customer service back then was THE BEST I have ever experienced but now it must be one of the worst. No matter what business model ESO uses, this kind of customer service is not acceptable, let alone I am still paying my sub and buying crowns. Responses as good as the past might be too much to ask, but at least give us ones that can solve our problems.

    People have got limited patience and you are really running out of time, @ZOS_MattFiror @ZOS_RichLambert .
  • Sithisvoid
    Reply to the email man. First response is always that keep trying and someone will get with you. It's been like that for me with more than a few MMOs
    Edited by Sithisvoid on September 9, 2015 5:04PM
  • Frawr
    @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_MattFiror

    Can customer service at least be allowed to always restore deleted, deconed, and sold items?

    It is 2015, starbucks will replace a 6 dollar beverage on the house if it get's spilled, but you all can't give back a digital item, with a marginal cost of production of 0, if it accidentally is sold. That is a heap of rubbish.

    QFE and LOL

    come on ZOS sort it out.

    ridiculous that your CSRs can't make such immaterial and cost-free fixes
  • sgtsgt
    I have to honestly say I'm glad I've not had that with support. The few times I've had to send in a ticket I get the generic response the first time, usually saying they are busy. So I just reply to that saying that my issue is not resolved and the next email has always resolved my issues. I will say that I find it irritating at times that CS is done only through emails, but at least so far it has worked for me.
    Vatter wrote: »
    so about 2 days ago I ran White Gold Tower with a pug group. It took a decent amount of time to complete due to the fact that a few of us were first timers. We finally get to the final boss, get her down to about 10% and my client crashes to a ESO crash report. I quickly sign back in and when I do I'm outside the throne room. So I start making my way back to loot the boss, I enter the throne room and go to the side door and the open option is greyed out. can't get back in no matter what you do.

    We spent about an hour and a half running the dungeon and now i can't get back in to get the fruits of our labor. So i decide to put in a ticket asking for help as in previous games a moderator will IM you within 10 or 20 mins. So I wait....and wait.....and wait....nothing. So I leave the instance and think maybe they are just busy and will get back to me later. Just a few mins ago I receive this email....

    Helping you is our passion!

    We will assume your issue has been resolved if we do not hear from you within 96 hours (4 days).

    If your issue has not been resolved, you can respond directly to this email. We look forward to working with you again should you need us!
    i am in the gold tower and wasnt able to loot the boss. now i cant get back to her. i need

    Response By Email (Kenzie) (09/08/2015 03:40 PM)

    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited team. In light of the excitement and great demand for ESOTU, we are currently experiencing high contact volume. We encourage you to search our support site at for any in-game topics or issues you may have questions about. There are lots of helpful FAQs and links to our social pages.

    Most in-game UI issues (including NPC, quest problems and missing crowns/entitlements) can be resolved by logging out for five minutes then back in which will load you into a new game instance.

    Additionally, other great resources for in-game mechanics can be found via our forums:

    There are also many wonderful community wikis:

    Please note, we have also recently released a new patch for PC/Mac including our first DLC game pack: Imperial City! Review the patch notes for all of the recent changes here:
    Best Regards,
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Team

    WTF does this have to do with anything.

    And its not just this time. I've had multiple issues with the game in the past and received only generic responses. Or I've created forum posts for issues and the only help I get is from some moderator deleting posts or telling us to we have violated the code of conduct in some way. (obviously they make up any excuse they can to remove a post that shows the many many many negatives this game has.) And this has happened a lot. But this...this is def the straw that broke the camels back. why on earth would you design a dungeon where you can't get back in for this very reason?

    lag, exploits, awful design decisions, disconnects, load screens, unable to log in, falling through the floor to my death, and now this...been playing since beta with hopes that all of this will change but I see now it never will.

    I just wanted to rant a little bit and say, ZOS you have finally convinced me beyond all doubt that you will never improve, you have absolutely no idea what your doing and you simply don't care. You will never get another dollar from me again. ever.

  • HebrewHatchet
    Jumping on the bandwagon here. I've had a few issues and they were all resolved. We're all gamers here, we should all know how to succeed in systems, so here is how the CS system works:

    The first response is always a canned response. This is not a problem, this just means another step, reply to the email saying "This didn't solve my problem, can you please escalate?"

    The second response is more direct, but will likely take a few days and require another response from you, usually asking for more user information username/PSN/etc.

    After this, if they can, they will solve your problem.

    I've submitted 5 or so tickets 3 of which resolved how I wanted. This is pretty good considering they were kind of BS petty gripes from me. In one I had accidentally used a scroll of Mara with the wrong character. It took a week and a bit of back and forth, but they restored the scroll. I didn't expect them to, it was my mistake.

    Overall, I ended up subscribing to ESO+ because CS was actually better than expected, if you are mature enough to contain your initial rage at the canned response and follow up until a resolution is found.

    Of course it's a trade off, they don't charge for the game, so they need to save money. Adding a layer of automation to CS seems reasonable to me.
    [PS4 NA]
    PSN: HebrewHatchet
  • BlackEar
    Only had positive experiences with customer support.

    Go customer support! :smile:
    Bjorn Blackbear - Master Angler - Collector - Black Market Mogul - Ebonheart Pact - Exterminatus - EU.

    Achievement hunter:

    Visit my profile page to find out about which achievement I am currently hunting.

    Check out Anemonean's thieving guide!
  • Carde
    No subscription gate = no money to do this any other way.
    Member of the Psijic Order PTS Group
  • Lightninvash
    Belidos wrote: »
    Lamiai wrote: »
    you need to respond to the email then they start investigating i think.

    This ^^

    It's a pretty standard procedure for most MMO customer service ..

    1. You submit a ticket
    2. The system sends you an automated response with some suggested fixes for common issues
    3. You reply to the email
    4. It's moved from automated and addressed by a customer services rep

    Nothing different here than on most other MMO's. Half the time people complain about customer service in games like this it is because they don't understand the process.

    Not saying the CS isn't bad here, it's not good at all, i've complained myself because of canned responses, but it's not as bad as some people portray.

    yes that is however on the support page it clearly states this "we won’t be passing off your ticket to a Dwemer Automaton. Real, live humans with hopes and dreams of becoming Emperor will receive your Help Ticket. Please be kind." and they send automated emails back not just instantly no its a day later or so with rubbish autoreply crap that zenimax is all too well known for, for reference click the zos icon on almost any post anywhere. they are ging to go downhill if they do not support the players that either need help. I mean can even be simple 1 person a day log in to email system and be all hey I hear u and ur issue blah blah blah we will see what is going on.

    not some hey zos I have an issue with my xp scrolls not giving me double xp, they wont give me any xp or very little spending 2 hrs of grinding not to get 1/4 a champ point. and I only have 1 xp scroll so id like to figure out what is happening before I use my last one. for their answer of..

    we can not help with refunds on in game purchases via the crown store. please contact Microsoft for that.

    I felt like an issue with a purchase didn't matter to them like when the hell did I want a refund I just wanted it fixed before I use my last scroll...
  • daemonios
    I got the same exact reply about an unrelated issue. This was my reply:
    Thank you for NOT reading my original message, which your reply did not help clarify. Given your history of not answering users' questions directly, I will not pursue this further.
  • Lightninvash
    daemonios wrote: »
    I got the same exact reply about an unrelated issue. This was my reply:
    Thank you for NOT reading my original message, which your reply did not help clarify. Given your history of not answering users' questions directly, I will not pursue this further.

    I had replied with my unrelated message "we won’t be passing off your ticket to a Dwemer Automaton. Real, live humans with hopes and dreams of becoming Emperor will receive your Help Ticket. Please be kind." and saying if this was not an automated reply someone needed to be fired. lol
  • Twilix01
    I could not imagined I would experience the same customer support someday when I read this thread earlier today just until now. I was harvesting herbs from Alchemy Survey: Craglorn I a few hours ago. I did not even finished the first node when the game client crashed. I logged back in only to find all the nodes and the survey itself gone. Then I filed the ticket.

    I can actually explain roughly what happens here. You see, when you arrive at a survey location, your map destroys itself since it's no longer needed as you have found the resources, and the resources only spawn if you have the survey report. When your client crashes/disconnects, or you go to another zone and return, the resources will not spawn since you no longer have the report and the game is likely not set up to account for whether or not you've harvested everything, not sure if that's even technically feasible to account for right now but this is my best guess (and likely correct) of what goes on here.
  • Avenias
    Vatter wrote: »
    so about 2 days ago I ran White Gold Tower with a pug group. It took a decent amount of time to complete due to the fact that a few of us were first timers. We finally get to the final boss, get her down to about 10% and my client crashes to a ESO crash report. I quickly sign back in and when I do I'm outside the throne room. So I start making my way back to loot the boss, I enter the throne room and go to the side door and the open option is greyed out. can't get back in no matter what you do.

    We spent about an hour and a half running the dungeon and now i can't get back in to get the fruits of our labor. So i decide to put in a ticket asking for help as in previous games a moderator will IM you within 10 or 20 mins. So I wait....and wait.....and wait....nothing. So I leave the instance and think maybe they are just busy and will get back to me later. Just a few mins ago I receive this email....

    Helping you is our passion!

    We will assume your issue has been resolved if we do not hear from you within 96 hours (4 days).

    If your issue has not been resolved, you can respond directly to this email. We look forward to working with you again should you need us!
    i am in the gold tower and wasnt able to loot the boss. now i cant get back to her. i need

    Response By Email (Kenzie) (09/08/2015 03:40 PM)

    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited team. In light of the excitement and great demand for ESOTU, we are currently experiencing high contact volume. We encourage you to search our support site at for any in-game topics or issues you may have questions about. There are lots of helpful FAQs and links to our social pages.

    Most in-game UI issues (including NPC, quest problems and missing crowns/entitlements) can be resolved by logging out for five minutes then back in which will load you into a new game instance.

    Additionally, other great resources for in-game mechanics can be found via our forums:

    There are also many wonderful community wikis:

    Please note, we have also recently released a new patch for PC/Mac including our first DLC game pack: Imperial City! Review the patch notes for all of the recent changes here:
    Best Regards,
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Team

    WTF does this have to do with anything.

    And its not just this time. I've had multiple issues with the game in the past and received only generic responses. Or I've created forum posts for issues and the only help I get is from some moderator deleting posts or telling us to we have violated the code of conduct in some way. (obviously they make up any excuse they can to remove a post that shows the many many many negatives this game has.) And this has happened a lot. But this...this is def the straw that broke the camels back. why on earth would you design a dungeon where you can't get back in for this very reason?

    lag, exploits, awful design decisions, disconnects, load screens, unable to log in, falling through the floor to my death, and now this...been playing since beta with hopes that all of this will change but I see now it never will.

    I just wanted to rant a little bit and say, ZOS you have finally convinced me beyond all doubt that you will never improve, you have absolutely no idea what your doing and you simply don't care. You will never get another dollar from me again. ever.

    Hah, its as bad as biowares customer support for swtor.
  • uriangelub17_ESO
    This is your email OP

    i am in the gold tower and wasnt able to loot the boss. now i cant get back to her. i need

    No capitalization of the first letter, no comas, not even apostrophe on wasn't.

    First, if you want to be taken seriously at least take the time to write a decent email. Have you ever worked on customer support? Half the customers can't even make it clear on what their issue is.

    Second, just because they're CS doesn't mean they actively play the game and know everything. What is the Gold Tower? Is it an instance? A map? A zone? An end game content or level 1?
    You're assuming that because you know, they have to know what do you mean by Gold Tower. You might as well be referring to a tower that happens to be yellow but to you looks "golden".

    The amount of assumptions on emails from customers is so huge that it creates barriers when the Cs Representative is trying to understand what the hell you're talking about.

    Canned responses are a must because people don't read, they resolve their issue later with help from a guildie or they completely forget.

    Some companies are better than others, but complaining about a canned response is like complaining about having to make a line to get your coffee.
  • Cazzy
    I don't think however someone writes an email dictates how seriously they're taken. They're not applying for a Uni :tongue: Plus IMO they absolutely should know their content :smile:
  • Carde
    Cazzy wrote: »
    I don't think however someone writes an email dictates how seriously they're taken. They're not applying for a Uni :tongue: Plus IMO they absolutely should know their content :smile:

    Lol they definitely don't know the content of the game. You pretty much have to get upped to a dev/other higher up to get anyone knowledgeable. I remember how much of a pain in the ass it was for some people to get their accounts straightened out on the old Psijic PTS builds because the CS people didn't know there was a secret test ongoing.
    Member of the Psijic Order PTS Group
  • Cazzy
    Carde wrote: »
    Cazzy wrote: »
    I don't think however someone writes an email dictates how seriously they're taken. They're not applying for a Uni :tongue: Plus IMO they absolutely should know their content :smile:

    Lol they definitely don't know the content of the game. You pretty much have to get upped to a dev/other higher up to get anyone knowledgeable. I remember how much of a pain in the ass it was for some people to get their accounts straightened out on the old Psijic PTS builds because the CS people didn't know there was a secret test ongoing.

    Oh really? That's not good :disappointed: I don't have any experience with their Customer Service (hence why I said "should know" instead of "do know") but you'd think knowing your own content would be crucial :tired_face:
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