CaptainObvious wrote: »If they level scale, then what is the point of having levels?
I hope they don't do the scaling anything like how you've described it here, because there's at least one way to do full-zone scaling that has every player fighting enemies of appropriate difficulty level, while still allowing players of all levels to interact, quest together, and help each other out in the same fights.lordrichter wrote: »The new DLC areas are going to be for everyone who buys them, leveled to the character. This is going to make "Elder Scrolls with Friends" even more of an Impossible Dream. Itemization will have to be scale across the entire player base, so a level 5 character could have the new armor set of Rainbow Invulnerability. Open world areas will have to present level appropriate monsters, quests, delves, dungeons, and items. Will a Level 5 running around Orsinium even see anyone higher than Level 10? Will the DLC zones seem empty due to fragmentation? Will there be a reason for a max level character to even buy the zone?
Basically it works like this:
Outgoing damage (and heals) get scaled to the level of the target.
So say you've got a level 5 player fighting a level 25 mob. When the level 5 player attacks the level 25 mob, the damage his attacks do is scaled up to what it would be if the player were level 25. Conversely, when the level 25 mob attacks the level 5 player, the damage the attacks would do is scaled down to what it would be if the mob were level 5.
The same goes for heals. Say you've got 3 players in a group: a level 5, a level 10, and a level 25. The level 10 uses a heal that hits all 3 of them. The amount of damage it heals for the level 5 is scaled as if the healer were level 5, the amount of damage it heals for the level 25 is scaled as if the healer were level 25, and the amount of damage it heals for the level 10 healer is not scaled.
You could even set it up so that there's still a noticeable difference in power by making it so that there's a range within which there is no scaling (probably 5 levels in each direction for the target), and if a character is outside that range then it is only scaled to the 5 level limit.
So if we go back to our first example of a level 5 player fighting a level 25 mob, when the player attacks the damage will be scaled up to what it would have been if the player were level 20 (the maximum difference of 5 levels being in effect), and when the mob attacks the player the damage will be scaled down to what it would have been if the mob were level 10 (again, the maximum difference of 5 levels being in effect).
FireCowCommando wrote: »Malpherian wrote: »ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Despite any rumors stating the contrary, we are still working on Orsinium, and plan to have it released before the end of the year as stated during our QuakeCon presentation a few months ago. That said, we still need to publish Imperial City on consoles, so let's at least get to that point first.
Oh good one finally replied and thanks for the info, do you by chance have any info relating to the TG, DB, and Spell Crafting?
Which are things most of us have been waiting to hear about for.. well since before release 2 years ago actually....
The information is already out there for you.
Spellcrafting is not being developed anymore, its on pause.
Dark brotherhood is in Q1/2 next year
Dont know what TG is, sometimes its best to type out the full name so i know what you are asking.
Enemy-of-Coldharbour wrote: »Hopefully with Orsinium we will have access to the new crafting mats that are currently only available in IC. It would be nice if Orsinium also offered ways to earn TVS outside of IC PVP.
kaorunandrak wrote: »FireCowCommando wrote: »Malpherian wrote: »ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Despite any rumors stating the contrary, we are still working on Orsinium, and plan to have it released before the end of the year as stated during our QuakeCon presentation a few months ago. That said, we still need to publish Imperial City on consoles, so let's at least get to that point first.
Oh good one finally replied and thanks for the info, do you by chance have any info relating to the TG, DB, and Spell Crafting?
Which are things most of us have been waiting to hear about for.. well since before release 2 years ago actually....
The information is already out there for you.
Spellcrafting is not being developed anymore, its on pause.
Dark brotherhood is in Q1/2 next year
Dont know what TG is, sometimes its best to type out the full name so i know what you are asking.
Actually they said on live stream last month? That spell crafting was still being worked on. I think it was wrobel when he was asking questions about abilities he described one that he said would be coming with spell crafting.
I'm starting to get flashbacks of forums all over again. Only 4 days since IC was released on PC/Mac and there's already a thread like this?
At any rate, my guess is within the next 1.5 months is when we're start being spoon fed more info on Orsinium. My only hope is it's less like Craglorn and more solo friendly. I would love to complete Craglorn, but it's tedious and soloing that content is torture. Well, at least for me.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Despite any rumors stating the contrary, we are still working on Orsinium, and plan to have it released before the end of the year as stated during our QuakeCon presentation a few months ago. That said, we still need to publish Imperial City on consoles, so let's at least get to that point first.
Yeah I think you're right. Bear mounts will likely be tied to Orsinium in the same way that the Mind-Shriven Horse is tied to IC. If you're lucky, maybe one of them will be available in-game rather than from the Crown Store (like one of the IC pets).Heehee. Technically, yes, though I thought I heard that they both went hand-in-hand? I suppose I'll have to do some research!starlizard70ub17_ESO wrote: »The crown store is where you'll be getting your bear mounts from.
I just hope people are wrong about Orsinium being VR18. We don't need another VR increase. Lvl 50 would be the best level to stick Orsinium at.
Yeah I think you're right. Bear mounts will likely be tied to Orsinium in the same way that the Mind-Shriven Horse is tied to IC. If you're lucky, maybe one of them will be available in-game rather than from the Crown Store (like one of the IC pets).Heehee. Technically, yes, though I thought I heard that they both went hand-in-hand? I suppose I'll have to do some research!starlizard70ub17_ESO wrote: »The crown store is where you'll be getting your bear mounts from.
I just hope people are wrong about Orsinium being VR18. We don't need another VR increase. Lvl 50 would be the best level to stick Orsinium at.
Orsinium will 100% be vr18 and they will continue to increase vr levels until they do the full overhaul they need to remove vet ranks.
Orsinium will 100% be vr18 and they will continue to increase vr levels until they do the full overhaul they need to remove vet ranks.
Yeah I think you're right. Bear mounts will likely be tied to Orsinium in the same way that the Mind-Shriven Horse is tied to IC. If you're lucky, maybe one of them will be available in-game rather than from the Crown Store (like one of the IC pets).Heehee. Technically, yes, though I thought I heard that they both went hand-in-hand? I suppose I'll have to do some research!starlizard70ub17_ESO wrote: »The crown store is where you'll be getting your bear mounts from.
I just hope people are wrong about Orsinium being VR18. We don't need another VR increase. Lvl 50 would be the best level to stick Orsinium at.
Orsinium will 100% be vr18 and they will continue to increase vr levels until they do the full overhaul they need to remove vet ranks.
I_killed_Vivec wrote: »I imagine they will want it out on console by Christmas.
Which means PC release by early December so that we can work out the bugs for them
They could do it via battle leveling, and frankly they most likely will, as it's a system that's already in place. I prefer the method I laid out, though, as it allows for more tweaks to make things so that a higher level character will still be more powerful than a lower level character, while still allowing everyone to contribute, with nobody being too low-level for the content or too high-level for it.lordrichter wrote: »I hope they don't do the scaling anything like how you've described it here, because there's at least one way to do full-zone scaling that has every player fighting enemies of appropriate difficulty level, while still allowing players of all levels to interact, quest together, and help each other out in the same fights.lordrichter wrote: »The new DLC areas are going to be for everyone who buys them, leveled to the character. This is going to make "Elder Scrolls with Friends" even more of an Impossible Dream. Itemization will have to be scale across the entire player base, so a level 5 character could have the new armor set of Rainbow Invulnerability. Open world areas will have to present level appropriate monsters, quests, delves, dungeons, and items. Will a Level 5 running around Orsinium even see anyone higher than Level 10? Will the DLC zones seem empty due to fragmentation? Will there be a reason for a max level character to even buy the zone?
Basically it works like this:
Outgoing damage (and heals) get scaled to the level of the target.
So say you've got a level 5 player fighting a level 25 mob. When the level 5 player attacks the level 25 mob, the damage his attacks do is scaled up to what it would be if the player were level 25. Conversely, when the level 25 mob attacks the level 5 player, the damage the attacks would do is scaled down to what it would be if the mob were level 5.
The same goes for heals. Say you've got 3 players in a group: a level 5, a level 10, and a level 25. The level 10 uses a heal that hits all 3 of them. The amount of damage it heals for the level 5 is scaled as if the healer were level 5, the amount of damage it heals for the level 25 is scaled as if the healer were level 25, and the amount of damage it heals for the level 10 healer is not scaled.
You could even set it up so that there's still a noticeable difference in power by making it so that there's a range within which there is no scaling (probably 5 levels in each direction for the target), and if a character is outside that range then it is only scaled to the 5 level limit.
So if we go back to our first example of a level 5 player fighting a level 25 mob, when the player attacks the damage will be scaled up to what it would have been if the player were level 20 (the maximum difference of 5 levels being in effect), and when the mob attacks the player the damage will be scaled down to what it would have been if the mob were level 10 (again, the maximum difference of 5 levels being in effect).
I had a brain freeze when I wrote the original content that you quoted. They will need to do battle leveling for the DLC zones so that everyone who enters the zone is a virtual Level 50.
Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC) Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC) Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP) Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD) J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD) |
Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC) Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP) Manut Redguard Temp (AD) Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP) Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD) |
Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP) Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC) Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP) Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC) Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp |
Q4 - aka "by the end of the year" or SOON (tm). whichever you prefer.
For those that don't typically know, the Q4 for 95% of all businesses is always the first three months of the New Year. So we won't see Orsinium until sometime between January-March 2016.
It may drop on the PTS in December.
lordrichter wrote: »... Spell crafting is just going to confuse things and make it harder for them to balance stuff. I find myself hoping they don't do it. Ever...
TG and DB were also announced in the QuakeCon presentation as being targeted for Q1 and Q2 next year. Spell-crafting, nothing new; the last thing was that they "still want to do it".Malpherian wrote: »ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Despite any rumors stating the contrary, we are still working on Orsinium, and plan to have it released before the end of the year as stated during our QuakeCon presentation a few months ago. That said, we still need to publish Imperial City on consoles, so let's at least get to that point first.
Oh good one finally replied and thanks for the info, do you by chance have any info relating to the TG, DB, and Spell Crafting?
Which are things most of us have been waiting to hear about for.. well since before release 2 years ago actually....
kaorunandrak wrote: »1:39:00 on the july 2 show with wrobel they confirm spell crafting is coming.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Despite any rumors stating the contrary, we are still working on Orsinium, and plan to have it released before the end of the year as stated during our QuakeCon presentation a few months ago. That said, we still need to publish Imperial City on consoles, so let's at least get to that point first.
THIS is ZOS' twitch channel which you can watch every other Friday for the most up-to-date and relevant news. On that page select the tab "past broadcasts" where you can watch almost every session to date.
THIS is the 2015 Quakecon presentation Gina was referring to which aired on the Bethesda twitch channel (another good one to bookmark).
you simply haven't done your homework
Thieves' GuildFireCowCommando wrote: »Dont know what TG is, sometimes its best to type out the full name so i know what you are asking.
Signs point to October. No dev wants to be busy during the holiday season.
It wouldn't make any sense to be able to get Tel Var Stones outside of Imperial City because they are literally peices of the White-Gold Tower and it would be lore-breaking and out of place.Enemy-of-Coldharbour wrote: »Hopefully with Orsinium we will have access to the new crafting mats that are currently only available in IC. It would be nice if Orsinium also offered ways to earn TVS outside of IC PVP.
Scyantific wrote: »Thieves' GuildFireCowCommando wrote: »Dont know what TG is, sometimes its best to type out the full name so i know what you are asking.Signs point to October. No dev wants to be busy during the holiday season.
That's not up to the development team. It's up to Zenimax Media.
Clearly they're going to be in over their heads because Holiday is time for Fallout 4, and you just know that at least 80% of the console playerbase is going to abandon ESO for FO4.
CaptainObvious wrote: »If they level scale, then what is the point of having levels?
Sandmanninja wrote: »THIS is ZOS' twitch channel which you can watch every other Friday for the most up-to-date and relevant news. On that page select the tab "past broadcasts" where you can watch almost every session to date.
THIS is the 2015 Quakecon presentation Gina was referring to which aired on the Bethesda twitch channel (another good one to bookmark).
you simply haven't done your homework
I'm expected to go to multiple media venues (twitch, youtube, facebook, reddit, craigslist, etc) to get some official word on upcoming products? And how long is that youtube video? hours long?!?! You expect people to sit on their asses and watch a youtube when a 1-page PDF could summarize their plans and, more importantly, put it in writing? That's it. Just a single 1-page PDF that says, "old business: patches upcoming for imperial city. new business: next DLC planned for release 20-Dec-2015. Check it out on beta 01-Nov-2015. Misc News: bugs the Devs are working on - <item 1>, <item 2>, etc". I can read that while I'm sitting on the toilet.
How about a News section on your website?
lordrichter wrote: »I expect that ZOS will deny the existence of Orsinium until October or November.