r.jan_emailb16_ESO wrote: »
It's because of the way how they work (or used to work, but it doesn't look like as they changed it): cost recution (absolute numbers) is calculated from the base value. The % reduction you may have applies after that.
So, lets take a skill with 1000 base cost. A cost recution glyph of 200 would bring it to 800, and a cost reduction of 10% to 720.
If you use two cost recution glpyhs for a total of 400, you'd be at 600; 10% cost reduction brings you too 540 - not the 520 you might expect.
So technically it's not the glyphs that have a diminishing return, but the combination of absolute and percentage-based cost recution leads to a DR.
@Lefty_Lucy basically what this guy said. You still think with 2 med pieces and CP invested in stam reduction cost, enchanting for reduction is the way to go?
I would think 1-2 weapon enchants and 1-2 stam regen in combination with 2MA and CP in cost reduction would benefit more no? Honest to god question because I have not done the math. Since CP system I just always stay away from cost reduction enchantments. The multiplicative effect of regen increase seems more beneficial (in my head).
@Lefty_Lucy Do you reckon this would work?
2 Heavy / Night Silince
5 Medium / Hundings Rage
Two Handed Agility Sword
1 Handed / Shield Agility
Agility Necklace
2 Hawks Ring
Do you think that setup would work? If so any tips on what you would change and what enchancements you won't use? Or any other changes?
Lefty_Lucy wrote: »
I've only run the numbers for regen enchantments vs cost reduction enchantments. Cost reduction enchants are better in my opinion. It all comes down to how frequently you spend your stamina. Most people spam abilities, and in those instances, cost reduction is better.
I would think this naturally extends to the champion tree as well.
That being said, I invest both in cost reduction and stamina regen in the champion trees (to avoid getting hit too hard with diminishing returns).
This is one of my go-to recommendations. I think you will find some good success with this setup.
Do you suggest running 7 heavy as a solo player for 1vX and 5 medium / 2 heavy for group / duo's? I also like to run 2H / DW over 2H / S&B
Mr-jo-handsome wrote: »@Lefty_Lucy what about 2 heavy night silence and night silence 2h plus night silence dual weild. 5 medium willows path with 3 agility jewelry and werewolf?
@Lefty_Lucy What Enchancements would you use on the equipment?
Just a short video (my first ever ESO video /cheers) of me doing some roaming in IC with this build (as a vampire/human):
My gear setup is pretty much the same as Lucy's:
5 Heavy, 1 Medium, 1 Light
2/2 Engine Guardian
5/5 Black Rose
2 Agility Rings
1 Potentate's Necklace
Agility Greatsword (2H)
Agility Sword (1H)
Potentate's Shield
fishermanyellow wrote: »I see the reasoning behind not using green dragon blood but what about dragon reflect scale? Not worth it?
B1GREDMONSTER wrote: »Why did you choose fossilize over talons because almost every group will have someone with good dot or simply hit them and constantly set them free also talons can trap multiple opponents or is it intended for pve or 1v1 PvP to give you a break or time to escape a fight?
I've planned my build around this as closely as I can being a Templar. The main difference is that I've tried to sustain by slotting a vampire skill (bats) for 10% regen, Repentance for 10% regen, and made sure to have an aedric spear for the damage buffs.
My main problem is that I seem to be made out of butter. I'm broke so my armor is only v15 blue, but my phys/spell resists top out at about 25k with unstoppable up. Just the same, though, I just melt in combat.
Do you (or anyone else) see what I'm doing wrong? I have trouble solo'ing IC PvE against even two opponents. PvP, 1v1, I couldn't even seem to damage a DK before he had me dead. I see your video where you tank through the assaults of a 1v4 PvP and I'm just not sure what I'm doing differently.
Thanks for any advice!
What? Can you unlock every passive there is and skill them? And at the same time have the actives skilled?
Sorry I am new to Eso and some things are confusing, most MMOs have a clear path as of how to skill and quite locked, but since Eso is so free.. It's confusing
Lefty_Lucy wrote: »
Yes, you can unlock all passives in this game and still have enough skills for abilities. Get all of your class, weapon, race, and armor passives!
Thank you sir for the reply, btw, which morph do you recommend on Dragon Leap?