A less technical question, since IC launched, DSA has been pretty lonely, as far as loot drops, content lvl and novelty. As with most games, players flee to new content and old gets left a ghost town.
Kinda reminds me of Icecrown Citadel and the Argent Dawn Jousting tournament.
the question: what alternatives could there be build-wise, (wether its skill change or equipment change) in the case of not being able to acquiere the master´s sword? Ive been playing the build and it is formidable, with my own playstile tweaks, but in tank mode im losing dat heal... although running in with rally helps to compensate a bit
How do you think 5 black rose, 3 nights silence, 2 potentates, 2 shadow walker will perform? Keep up the good work lefty wer all appreciate it!
What other gear would you suggest instead of the Dungeon Gear?
Firstly love the video mate.
I am leveling my DK in full heavy always have I just love it what stats should I be looking for in my armor until I level up I am only just VR3 what would be a good armor set to level in I don't have access to the higher sets at the moment.
B1GREDMONSTER wrote: »How effective would the werewolf be with this build I know it would have high damage but would it be hard to maintain full health without much mana to use the healing magic or would the set bonuses be sufficient to maintain a good amount of health.
So should I focus on Black Rose first and if that isn't possible just go for Night's Silence?
Lefty_Lucy wrote: »
Yeah, shoot for black rose. But hundings rage and nights silence are both good alternatives. If you have a 5 piece open I would use hundings. If you have up to 4 open, then nights silence.
I'll second this. I crafted these two sets yesterday and haven't been doing extremely well with it.
So you also recommon Black Rose?
I'll second this. I crafted these two sets yesterday and haven't been doing extremely well with it.
AudioVortex wrote: »What makes you go with off dps rather than dual S&B and full tanky tank?
Hey bookmarked your video to watch later, quick question would this build still count well enough for redguard and with dual wielding instead of 2handed? Or is Imperial and/or 2handed essential to the build?
Scorpio_Alik'ri wrote: »Awesome video lefty but I have a question. I'm currently midway through VR1 as a dragonknight after playing for 3 months because I'm usually a slow learner and new to mmo's. I usually quest and the xp gained isn't as great as grinding dungeons so would I be able to output a similar amount of damage/physical mitigation with a VR5-VR8 character? To me VR16 seems like a long way away from me unless I grind like crazy.
What are your thoughts on the following setup?
Helm - Dreugh King set (Heavy)
Shoulders- Dreugh King set (Heavy)
Chest - Willows Path - Infused (Medium)
Legs - Willows Path - Divines (Medium)
Arms - Willows Path - Divines (Medium)
Waist - Willows Path - Divines (Medium)
Feet - Willows Path - Divines (Medium)
Necklace - Dreugh King set with weapon damage enchant
Rings x2 - Agility set with weapon damage enchant
2H - Agility set
DW - 1H sword x2 Agility set
Mundus stone - Warrior
Food for tri-stats
Possibly down the road:
Molag Kena Helm / Shoulders
Swap necklace out for Shadow walker to get reduce duration on potions
fishermanyellow wrote: »Is werewolf crucial to this build? Or can it be just as effective without it?
I am using Vampire with this build as I like the high mobility coming from the Vampire skill line especially whiel stealthing around the IC.
However, you should also be fine going "human".
Well, on the one hand you now need to have at least one ability slotted to benefit from the regeneration passive, which you should anyway as most players are using Vampire for Bat Swarm or Mist Form.
On the other hand they reduced the flame damage increase you receive from 50 to 40 and now down to 25% so the downside is pretty low right now.
However, it's still just a thing about personal preference wether you go human, werewolf or vampire depending on your individual playstyle.