One of the things that most of us would REALLY appreciate from ZOS is an indication on where you're going and what you're intending with PvP. I've participated in many of the guild meetings with Jessica and others, and while you do listen to what we have to say, we've never really gotten a definitive idea of what you intend.
Do you want people to be able to play 1vX, in small groups, or only in large groups?
Looking at the sets that are available now, there are only 3 or 4 combinations that people will use (not counting the novelty builds). I'm sure you want to support diversity, though with what we can see as option, the options just aren't there if you want to be effective.
I would LOVE to have some of you come PvP with us one evening. Live through what we do, feel our pain, etc. If you don't want people knowing who you are, then just let me know and I'll note that you're a recruit who is trialling with us so people don't bug you.
I truly believe that you need to play the game the way we do in order to understand what we see as issues and challenges.
@Ezareth The zerg challenge is getting to be irritating. I run with a group of 4, and get rolled by 40+ DC. Come back with 12, and get rolled by the same 40. Try 24, and we hold off long enough for a stalemate - a few deaths on each side, and for fun 10 of us start /dancedrunk in the middle of the healing springs while we have 3 people spam efficient purge and another 10 spam healing springs. I don't have words for how stupid that feels. On top of that, 20 whispers in a span of 10 minutes from people complaining that we're zerging.
The only solution I see to that is there are 5 campaigns and the Districts and Sewers are a pretty big place. I hope I don't regularly see a 40 man zerg anywhere I'm PVPing otherwise I'll start campaign shopping.
Beyond that the only thing you can do is stay alert, keep your eyes on an exit route on both sides and always keep caltrops slotted to slow your pursuers.
So the state of the game has yet to improve to a point where its worth returning?
By the tone of this post it would seem no its not worth returning yet.
I have been pvp'ing all afternoon and I have to say that for the first time in a long time, I found myself saying after defending Nikel against a group of about 15 blues (EGYPT's group) with fairly equal numbers on our side (ungrouped)...that I was having FUN.
Lag in Cyrodiil is lower now, and while that may have everything to do with the fact that well over half of the server was in the sewers or the city, I frankly don't care any more. I had a fun keep battle for the first time, and it wasn't an AP farm, wasn't a zerg battle, it was just fun 15 vs 15 outpost the way it was meant to be.
I had the opportunity to have several street-corner 2 on ones and three on twos and one on ones in IC too, so there is the option for that too. And of course there are spontaneous sewer encounters too that are sort of a different animal. I think there are more ways to play your game now than ever.
Not to put words in his mouth but I think what you can take away from Crown's post is not that the game is ruined but that the game has some quantifiable and manageable issues that do need to be addressed. If he was really close to giving up on the game he probably wouldn't waste time providing such detailed constructive feedback. Furthermore if I was having issues with Battle Spirit I think I would be playing Metal Gear Solid right now too. Most of us don't seem to have that problem.
There's hope for the game now in my opinion. I'm unhappy about some things but progress has been made.
I'd give it a shot, at the very least the PvE is fun. Very challenging in the sewers, really well done visually and creatively.
@Ezareth The zerg challenge is getting to be irritating. I run with a group of 4, and get rolled by 40+ DC. Come back with 12, and get rolled by the same 40. Try 24, and we hold off long enough for a stalemate - a few deaths on each side, and for fun 10 of us start /dancedrunk in the middle of the healing springs while we have 3 people spam efficient purge and another 10 spam healing springs. I don't have words for how stupid that feels. On top of that, 20 whispers in a span of 10 minutes from people complaining that we're zerging.
The only solution I see to that is there are 5 campaigns and the Districts and Sewers are a pretty big place. I hope I don't regularly see a 40 man zerg anywhere I'm PVPing otherwise I'll start campaign shopping.
Beyond that the only thing you can do is stay alert, keep your eyes on an exit route on both sides and always keep caltrops slotted to slow your pursuers.
Publius_Scipio wrote: »
What? lol
Publius_Scipio wrote: »
What? lol
Why did you highlight Egypt? Isn't that one of your group leaders?
@Ezareth The zerg challenge is getting to be irritating. I run with a group of 4, and get rolled by 40+ DC. Come back with 12, and get rolled by the same 40. Try 24, and we hold off long enough for a stalemate - a few deaths on each side, and for fun 10 of us start /dancedrunk in the middle of the healing springs while we have 3 people spam efficient purge and another 10 spam healing springs. I don't have words for how stupid that feels. On top of that, 20 whispers in a span of 10 minutes from people complaining that we're zerging.
@Zheg The 40 person DC group I was referring to took place today about 10 minutes before I posted. Combat Analytics is working post-patch with a few modifications, and the counter was 43 unique names. Sonya (EP) witnessed it as well. There were a few people wanting to complete the round of quests in the districts, so everyone grouped up in a 24-person in order to do so without being rolled.
Regarding yesterday, that was a 12 person RAGE group that you rolled over a few times while we were getting used to IC.
Regarding Azuras in general, if you see me around a large group, that's Misfitz - usually around 7pm eastern. Later at night (usually after 10pm) I'm usually with RAGE - and it's rare that we have more than 8.
First I'll start with the obligatory "HEY! PAY ATTENTION TO ME" @ZOS_BrianWheeler and @ZOS_GinaBruno (with a shout out to Matt and Lloyd of the escalation support team).
The first thing I noticed about districts and the sewers is the Battle Spirit buff gets removed when shifting from one to the other for quite a few of us. Another thread of mine has details of how long this has been going on at with confirmation of what/where/etc. There are four people who I run with regularly who are experiencing this, and about twenty that I'm aware of who have the same issue but whom I have not spoken with. THIS MAKES IC UNPLAYABLE FOR US. In order to keep Battle Spirit (and the 50% damage reduction that lets us not be 1-shot), we have to remove ALL of our gear before transitioning between sewers and district. Considering the numbers of people running around, this just isn't feasible.
Regarding the 50% damage reduction and the numbers required in group, there's another thread at with some discussion and another at that makes a good point. There are two styles I love to play, and one I play when necessary to combat what others are doing:
- I usually have 10-15 duels per week with an average time of 50 seconds. Last night I had six, and all of them went on for over five minutes. The amount of damage going out and resource management is not sufficient for kills vs a single person in a reasonable amount of time. Shields are a lot weaker, though healing ward spam still seems to be a stable way to get your opponent out of resources whereby you'll both just stand there to regen. I'm looking forward to seeing the commentary of people who spend most of their time duelling or in solo play. @FENGRUSH surely has something interesting to say about this.
- Small group play (of 4 to 8 members) has become the norm for me these past months. Pre-patch, we would all be in either glass cannon or 1vX builds, and we could usually take on 2-3 times our numbers and win. Consistently. With the damage reduction as is, opposing groups with half a dozen or more healers blanketing the ground with healing springs, there is no way that these numbers will kill opponents. It just won't happen.
- I grant that we only had about 5 hours of play in groups, though it was painfully obvious that the winning group will be the largest one. Winning groups were consistently the ones with about four people spamming snares, about 1/3 of participants providing a healing springs blanket, and 2/3 doing the proxy tornado thing that has become all too common these past few months. Fighting full groups of 24, it took us getting to 18 in group before we could viably take them out, and even then it was a fight of attrition. The group that ran out of resources first lost.
- Emperors don't mean much anymore. We have an emperor in a small group, and are not standing up to groups that should easily be wiped. You can make all the jokes about bad player you want, though a group of 5 of some of the best small group players on AD with the emperor in group shouldn't have this much trouble.
There are some game changing bug like talons and encase getting people stuck in the air until the snare is over. I expect those will be fixed soon, and bug reports were made already.
We'll see how it goes tonight, though if this is the way the game is going to be now, there are a lot more of us who will leave to find something else to play. I don't mean that to be a threat of the type, "change this or we'll leave", more of an, "FYI - the game is not fun, so unless it can become fun again we're going to do something else that is fun".
The Battle Spirit bug needs to be fixed as soon as possible, I agree 110% with you. Losing 5,000 health and 50% damage mitigation is game breaking; I'd go as far as shutting the servers down to fix it.
I have to disagree with you on the 50% damage mitigation. I love it! It's Fantastic! Those snipers that used to one shot me can't anymore, they actually have to fight back! I have yet to die to a ganker in IC. Only times I die is when I'm outnumbered, except yesterday when myself and another guildmate took down 7 AD that were questing in the Elven Gardens. Anyway, I love it because it allows you to fight back.
I ran into your small group yesterday in the Nobles District. Think you had 5 in group; needless to say, you all got me down quick. Looking at the death recap, it looks like your group is still using builds from 1.6. Looking at your appearance it looked like your gear hadn't changed either. Have you tried out a new setup yet?
What I'm getting at is maybe, just maybe we should hold our judgment on this patch until we're in full VR16 gear.
I don't know if the developers got it right or not yet, but this PvE lot, you see them out here surviving and that's fantastic! Really loving IC right now, if you can't tell.
I have to disagree with you on the 50% damage mitigation. I love it! It's Fantastic! Those snipers that used to one shot me can't anymore, they actually have to fight back! I have yet to die to a ganker in IC. Only times I die is when I'm outnumbered, except yesterday when myself and another guildmate took down 7 AD that were questing in the Elven Gardens. Anyway, I love it because it allows you to fight back.
I ran into your small group yesterday in the Nobles District. Think you had 5 in group; needless to say, you all got me down quick. Looking at the death recap, it looks like your group is still using builds from 1.6. Looking at your appearance it looked like your gear hadn't changed either. Have you tried out a new setup yet?
Force-Siphon wrote: »Please introduce strong campaign rewards for winning or something
NPK Daniel wrote: »People complained we were a zerg on IC launch night with 24. Just for them I took it old school and we formed up to 48.
The only solution I see to that is there are 5 campaigns and the Districts and Sewers are a pretty big place. I hope I don't regularly see a 40 man zerg anywhere I'm PVPing otherwise I'll start campaign shopping.
Beyond that the only thing you can do is stay alert, keep your eyes on an exit route on both sides and always keep caltrops slotted to slow your pursuers.
I've been noticing more rewards in areas where less players are in. More dark ether drops etc.
Maybe it's a rewards incentive they aimed for to move zergs?