you'd need more than 60% block cost reduction to make the stamina resturn better than just avoiding 20% of blocks using histbark (you cannot wear both). plus histbark allow you to avoid the damage.
That is only remotely useful for PvE tanking though, and even that is going to be debatable, the problem is that heavy armor is useless in PvP, leaving us with no survivable option, only glass cannon builds.
There is no conceivable reason why the mitigation heavy armor offers is so low, on top of which the passives it grants are incredibly weak.
Compared to medium and light passives, heavy passives are ridiculous.
It shouldn't really be a problem if any suggestions made here (or implemented ingame) are only focused on tank focused builds. Although it might be an unpopular opinion, i think that focusing on archetypes isn't that bad to begin with.Someone made a thread about it with awesome periodic table. Not gonna find it now though but with everything added, block cost is like 560 for each hit.
So yeah, it is only useful if you have all these, but then you're not gonna do anything other than being a target dummy. It is not any good for "balanced" heavy armor builds. This is why balancing heavy armor should NOT based on full tanks rather than well rounded heavy builds.
Reactive set is pretty good though.
- Constitution: Change to 10% of max magicka/stamina upon being hit, every 6 seconds.
tinythinker wrote: »For an issue like this it helps to keep in mind the stated and implied goals ZOS has indicated through past changes. While getting resources back for heavy attacks seems counter intuituve ("I swung my huge weapon real hard and now I have more stamina!") it was done to address a resource sustain issue and encourage more dynamic game play rather than just spamming one button over and over. For those who don't know you didn't get resources back that way at launch. Similarly, they have nerfed stam regen while blocking to also encourage more dynamic play and less "hold block the whole time and spam one or two buttons".
I do not give these examples to justify to you that they were good/bad or argue that they are necessary/unnecessary, but because they are instructive. So here is the point: think up/explain your wishlist for changes to heavy armor by talking about how it makes for more dynamic game play even if it seems counter-intuitive to "real world" rules of physics and biology. How will you be more active, interesting, or varied in your play style if you get the passive changes you are requesting? (This goes for all changes requested really, not just for heavy armor).
Admittedly, it isn't as easy to think about being "dynamic" with defense, but it isn't impossible either. Start with a list of actions:
not blocking
being hit
not being hit
dealing damage
not dealing damage
roll dodging
not roll dodging
breaking free
not breaking free
I struck the ones that seemed least promising or don't seem to fit heavy armor wearers, and bolded the ones that already have a bonus attached. So we could think of adding bonuses to those, or we could look at those not yet receiving bonuses highlighted in blue: not blocking, dealing damage, and breaking free.
I don't claim to have great ideas, but off of the top of my head to illustrate the concept suggested, I will give some lackluster examples.
Not BlockingSpoilerConstitution:
Increases Health Recovery by 2%/4% per piece of Heavy Armor equipped. Bonus is increased by 100%/150% when not blocking. Also restores Magicka and Stamina each time you are hit, but only once every 8/4 seconds. Amount restored is increased per piece of Heavy Armor equipped.
I like the idea that light armor = magicka, medium armor = stamina, and heavy armor = health, yet we (including the devs) know that health regen has to be much higher than magicka or stamina regen to be useful. So, if you have 5 heavy and 2 points in this passive as it is now on live, you get a flat 20% boost to health recovery. With all 7 pieces you get 28%. With the change in italics suggested above, you would get 40%/56% for one point invested and 50%/70% for two points invested. But only when *not blocking*, which presumably heavy armor users will be doing quite a bit.
So, you if you drop block to attack (or just stand there with a goofy look on your face) you are open to more risk but getting more of your armor types resource back. Puts more on the table when deciding when to block and not block and offers rewards for not just standing around with your shield up. The numbers can be tweaked for balance if they are too big (I don't think so since we're talking about health recovery -- was initially going to to 100%/200%) but they give a sense of how this idea could work.
Dealing DamageSpoilerJuggernaut: Increases Max Health and power with Melee Attacks by 0.5% per piece of Heavy Armor equipped.
Basically, this is just taking what the passive does now and adding in what it originally did. It only affects melee attacks, or attacks that check the melee defense bonus, and you can check out a comment on Orc passives to see what kinds of things that does and doesn't cover. There's a lot it doesn't cover, so this is hardly OP and encourages more dynamic play by going on offense with basic weapon attacks and specific weapon/class skills.
Breaking FreeSpoilerRapid Mending: Increases healing received by 0.5%/1% per piece of Heavy Armor equipped. Bonus is increased by 25%/50% for 5 seconds after Breaking Free.
With 5 heavy, the current bonus for two skill points invested in this passive reaches 5% and for 7 heavy it gets to 7%. With the italicized changes, the 5 second period of CC immunity after Breaking Free would see this increased to 7.5% for 5 pieces and 10.5% for 7 pieces. The risk/reward system again, with an offset that offers something valuable for wearing heavy armor.
With these changes, the smallish amount of superior mitigation/resistance for heavy is complimented to make heavy more viable in PvE and PvP while encouraging more activity and thus increasing the diversity of builds/playstyles.
Boosting health regen when not blocking and boosting healing received during CC immunity both boost sustain. If you don't kill me after you CC me I will break free and heal up again real quick. Especially with one of my Argonian characters.
Heavy Armor is in classic warfare emerged to sustain. Just that.
But I agree with you & ZOS, that a more active behaviour should be rewarded.
So your refrasing the challenge we have is great !!!
My 2 cents:
IF encouraging Heavy Attacks should be encouraged
consideringb that Heavy Attacks for Melee are BRAVE (ranged weapons heavy attacks are for "cowards")
Why not give a good bonus to Stamina & Magicka & Health Recovery when doing Heavy Attacks.
something like 2k Stam, 2k Mag, 2k Health
tinythinker wrote: »Boosting health regen when not blocking and boosting healing received during CC immunity both boost sustain. If you don't kill me after you CC me I will break free and heal up again real quick. Especially with one of my Argonian characters.
ZOS does have a thing for heavy attacks, but my example about them was illustrating that 1) changes don't have to make "real world" sense and 2) getting people to do more/different things is a goal. The original passive bonus for Juggernaut, which I added back in for my example, increases damage for melee attacks which would involve both light/heavy attacks with sword and board, two handed, and dual wield (along with several abilities from the skill lines of those weapons) and a limited number of class skills. Adding in a bonus specifically for heavy attacks only would give fewer options, so I would suggest making any attack bonus (whatever it is) cover more by saying "melee attacks".
I do not disagree with that
But I picked up your post on your thought that ZOS would like to see more active behaviour BY USING HEAVY ATTACKS.
The element I tried to introduce is that doing a really active action, heavy attack, is not rewarded enough for somebody doing that in close combat, in the front line, compared to some ppl shooting from far away, from a safe position, where the kind of armor does not matter much, at that moment.
The Heavy Infantery in the front line, the heavy armor guys, should get an additional benefit for Heavy Attacks, because they run the risk that the add will suddenly block.
Ill go my own way with your startup:tinythinker wrote: »SpoilerFor an issue like this it helps to keep in mind the stated and implied goals ZOS has indicated through past changes. While getting resources back for heavy attacks seems counter intuituve ("I swung my huge weapon real hard and now I have more stamina!") it was done to address a resource sustain issue and encourage more dynamic game play rather than just spamming one button over and over. For those who don't know you didn't get resources back that way at launch. Similarly, they have nerfed stam regen while blocking to also encourage more dynamic play and less "hold block the whole time and spam one or two buttons".
I do not give these examples to justify to you that they were good/bad or argue that they are necessary/unnecessary, but because they are instructive. So here is the point: think up/explain your wishlist for changes to heavy armor by talking about how it makes for more dynamic game play even if it seems counter-intuitive to "real world" rules of physics and biology. How will you be more active, interesting, or varied in your play style if you get the passive changes you are requesting? (This goes for all changes requested really, not just for heavy armor).
Admittedly, it isn't as easy to think about being "dynamic" with defense, but it isn't impossible either. Start with a list of actions:
not blocking
being hit
not being hit
dealing damage
not dealing damage
roll dodging
not roll dodging
breaking free
not breaking free
I struck the ones that seemed least promising or don't seem to fit heavy armor wearers, and bolded the ones that already have a bonus attached. So we could think of adding bonuses to those, or we could look at those not yet receiving bonuses highlighted in blue: not blocking, dealing damage, and breaking free.
I don't claim to have great ideas, but off of the top of my head to illustrate the concept suggested, I will give some lackluster examples.
Not BlockingSpoilerConstitution:
Increases Health Recovery by 2%/4% per piece of Heavy Armor equipped. Bonus is increased by 100%/150% when not blocking. Also restores Magicka and Stamina each time you are hit, but only once every 8/4 seconds. Amount restored is increased per piece of Heavy Armor equipped.
I like the idea that light armor = magicka, medium armor = stamina, and heavy armor = health, yet we (including the devs) know that health regen has to be much higher than magicka or stamina regen to be useful. So, if you have 5 heavy and 2 points in this passive as it is now on live, you get a flat 20% boost to health recovery. With all 7 pieces you get 28%. With the change in italics suggested above, you would get 40%/56% for one point invested and 50%/70% for two points invested. But only when *not blocking*, which presumably heavy armor users will be doing quite a bit.
So, you if you drop block to attack (or just stand there with a goofy look on your face) you are open to more risk but getting more of your armor types resource back. Puts more on the table when deciding when to block and not block and offers rewards for not just standing around with your shield up. The numbers can be tweaked for balance if they are too big (I don't think so since we're talking about health recovery -- was initially going to to 100%/200%) but they give a sense of how this idea could work.
Dealing DamageSpoilerJuggernaut: Increases Max Health and power with Melee Attacks by 0.5% per piece of Heavy Armor equipped.
Basically, this is just taking what the passive does now and adding in what it originally did. It only affects melee attacks, or attacks that check the melee defense bonus, and you can check out a comment on Orc passives to see what kinds of things that does and doesn't cover. There's a lot it doesn't cover, so this is hardly OP and encourages more dynamic play by going on offense with basic weapon attacks and specific weapon/class skills.
Breaking FreeSpoilerRapid Mending: Increases healing received by 0.5%/1% per piece of Heavy Armor equipped. Bonus is increased by 25%/50% for 5 seconds after Breaking Free.
With 5 heavy, the current bonus for two skill points invested in this passive reaches 5% and for 7 heavy it gets to 7%. With the italicized changes, the 5 second period of CC immunity after Breaking Free would see this increased to 7.5% for 5 pieces and 10.5% for 7 pieces. The risk/reward system again, with an offset that offers something valuable for wearing heavy armor.
With these changes, the smallish amount of superior mitigation/resistance for heavy is complimented to make heavy more viable in PvE and PvP while encouraging more activity and thus increasing the diversity of builds/playstyles.
Then I would restore more ressources per second than I get from light armor passives and medium armor passives with my current setup.
Immovable costs way too much stamina to actively use along with heavy armor. Not only is the base stamina cost gigantic, you're left with nothing but CPs to lower that cost a little. You can't cast it with any regularity, you can't use it as an armor buff and you certainly can't use it to prevent CC, it is far cheaper to just break free. Especially with the low PvP damage it isn't a problem anymore to get stunned. You might as well just not break free at all to conserve stamina, since most stuns don't last that long.
They should have left the break free cost reduction with the heavy armor passives, because now no one gets it, no one ever uses Immovable, it's one of the most pointless skills in the game due to its gigantic stamina cost. It's also better to just use the Arena set for 40% cost reduction, than waste two skill slots on it to get the passive 28% break free cost reduction. The Armor Master set certainly does not nearly enough to offset the loss of two skill slots for a skill you never activate, just to get a passive we used to get for free for wearing heavy armor.
tinythinker wrote: »For an issue like this it helps to keep in mind the stated and implied goals ZOS has indicated through past changes. While getting resources back for heavy attacks seems counter intuituve ("I swung my huge weapon real hard and now I have more stamina!") it was done to address a resource sustain issue and encourage more dynamic game play rather than just spamming one button over and over. For those who don't know you didn't get resources back that way at launch. Similarly, they have nerfed stam regen while blocking to also encourage more dynamic play and less "hold block the whole time and spam one or two buttons".
I do not give these examples to justify to you that they were good/bad or argue that they are necessary/unnecessary, but because they are instructive. So here is the point: think up/explain your wishlist for changes to heavy armor by talking about how it makes for more dynamic game play even if it seems counter-intuitive to "real world" rules of physics and biology. How will you be more active, interesting, or varied in your play style if you get the passive changes you are requesting? (This goes for all changes requested really, not just for heavy armor).
Admittedly, it isn't as easy to think about being "dynamic" with defense, but it isn't impossible either. Start with a list of actions:
not blocking
being hit
not being hit
dealing damage
not dealing damage
roll dodging
not roll dodging
breaking free
not breaking free
I struck the ones that seemed least promising or don't seem to fit heavy armor wearers, and bolded the ones that already have a bonus attached. So we could think of adding bonuses to those, or we could look at those not yet receiving bonuses highlighted in blue: not blocking, dealing damage, and breaking free.
I don't claim to have great ideas, but off of the top of my head to illustrate the concept suggested, I will give some lackluster examples.
With these changes, the smallish amount of superior mitigation/resistance for heavy is complimented to make heavy more viable in PvE and PvP while encouraging more activity and thus increasing the diversity of builds/playstyles.
Lore wise:
Light Armor with Sword & Board is sheer nonsense !
it makes sense with Medium Armor
it fits with Heavy Armor
make a real synergy between HA and S&B
As an oversimplified example:
For every HA piece, every S&B ability and passive has 10% more effect
Equipping S&B gives every HA passive 20% more effect
A two-hander makes just as much sense with heavy armour lore-wise, so there should in that case be a synergy there too.