With all those posts on the forums asking to revert the change to blocking in 2.1 I decided to try to education people on the change and how it affects tanking in PvE.
I will debunk a lot of false statements, bad assumptions, feared situation that a lot of people who are against it might use to confuse the masses or use fear tactics to gain support of their cause.
Note that all my tanking experience on pts are on veteran mode of the two new dungeons, which mean the hardest content in the game right now; super hard hitting and unforgiving bosses and trash mobs who arent trash at all.
1- There is no way to tank without constantly blocking especially in raids.
False. Since I experienced pts Ive reran most endgame raiding and content. All bosses have certain patterns in which tanks can memorize and use to know when to drop block and land 1 or a few heavy attacks. Some of them are very slim or short gaps between attack(might be where ZoS could adjust for less exp tanks).
The serpent of serpent's image is one of them. His pattern is 6-7 light attack that will kill you if unblocked followed by a cleave aoe attack you must avoid. I was able to land an heavy attack during the cleave most of the time. I would use a bubble in case I missed and got hit. Would picture it being good practice for what's coming.
Other than that, being a templar tank, I would often use puncturing sweep in dungeons for fun. Made me learn when I could drop block to use this channel ability without gettng rocked. Found out you could easily drop block most of the time.
2-As soon as I receive a few hits i'll be at zero stam and remain there all the fight.
The truth is, you can drop you block cost so low that with a stam pool of 15k you will have plenty of time to make actions to make stam go back up before it is completely depleted. Rarely Ive seen blocked hits drain more than 1-2% of my stam.
At the beginning of a fight, you will see that your stam will drop slowly. If you play right you can maintain it in between 50-75% which is your safe zone.
Here is a video as reference to this :
Takes place on 2nd of of white gold tower vet mode. You tank 3 bosses at the same time so getting the right timing is hard for heavy attacking in there. At the start of the fight I die and rez at zero stam, your nightmare in this patch. Look how I pull my way up to 70% stam while still doing my job. Also look at how much stam is drained by each attacks. The dual wield boss use rapid strikes. Watch how my stam isnt dropping that whole much during this attack.
3-even if stam drains slowly, there is no way to regen it so youll get to zero and stay there.
Another false fear that people have. Not that IF you decide to block all the time, you can still manage to pull it through somehow. The armor set of the black rose give you nice stam regen while blocking. 700 stam every 5th attack blocked. People underestimate this set. Will not keep you up all the time but will definately help alot as you will last a lot longer, will pardon periods in which you cant of didnt heavy attack.
Also, shards will regen stam like monster. You will definately notice it. Having a good healer or templar dps drop these will solve all your stam *** ups and even more, allow you a smooth run. I almost think you can block 100% of the time if you run block cost redux enchants and champ passive.
Another smart way to reduce stam cost is to run dodge chance. Hist bark set, med armor ability, etc. Will give you 20% chance to completely avoid an attack and its stam cost if blocking. 1/5 attacks in the mix means near 1/5 less costs more or less.
Note also that DKs got some nice stam restoration with passives. Ill let you check it out and theorycraft on this.
Note2: have not tested it, but Im pretty sure the stats restored on hit passive in heavy armor works while blocking too.
4- I cannot use a single stam ability on my bars.
I though that after my first few pulls. But I was wrong. Although I use way more magika based abilities, the stam taunt costs nothing. Low slash is quite useful with a templar and is also managable. If course, rather use rune focus, DKs spiked armor rather than immovable. Note that the stam abilities still has to be low cost and have a long enough effects. Took caltrops outta my bar for example, although I know a tank who still runs it on its templar tank in 2.1.
I will conclude here as the post is long enough. Feel free to try to destroy my arguments as much as you want. My hope is that some tank uses this post to guide them and help them adapt, improve, evolve, make them become great tanks in 2.1. As of me, I dont mind anything that happens. Zos stated that the change is here to stay. Therefore that means Ill be a tank in high demand next patch since I was able to adapt and is able to tank all that content. Now question is, what will you do next?
Videos of tanking experiment on same content on NB tank with no shards, no dmg shield and no engin guardian
Good Luck