Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »
Would make tracking armor and spell res alot easier.
Emma_Eunjung wrote: »I would pay anything to switch to an Altmer... it's that bad.
hammayolettuce wrote: »The only issue I have with Bretons currently is that before when there was no CP system they were a top contender for magicka users. Now with CP their cost reduction and spell resist passive is easily attainable with only a few CP. While the damage increase for High Elf takes an extreme amount more.
I understand people bring up lore and other arguments related to that topic, however this is an MMO and not a single player experience. ZOS is clearly striving for as equal as an experience as possible, even though they drop the ball at times.
All Bretons would need is:
- Magicka Mastery Currently - Reduces the magicka cost of spells by: 1/2/3%
- Magicka Mastery Proposed Change - Reduces the magicka cost of spells by: 1/3/6%
The change would allow for proper percent decreases through leveling and then once end game is achieved have a minor increase over others who have similar CP.
Again, just because Breton has 1 good racial passive with Gift of Magnus, does not meant that they are "fine".
4k spell resist and 3% cost reduction is pretty much on the same level as Argonian passives and worse than nord and Orc passives
Compared to other races, Bretons this patch are pretty underpowered. 3% magica cost reduction and almost 4000 spell resistance isnt much of a bonus. I'm thinking that maybe bretons should get atleast an overall 3% reduction for ult, stam, and magica cost might be a little bit better, and just unique enough for people to possibly play breton instead of always picking high elf.
I agree that Breton is bottom of the magica based races.
I think you could easily rework the cost reduction passive to be:
- 1/2/3% spell cost reduction AND
- 1/2/3% magica damage
Would make them very competitive.
SorataArisugawa wrote: »
Your comprehension of competitive is more like my comprehension of overpowerd...
cost reduction AND magica damage... you just want to be OP!
The race passives are lore based. Bretons always had increased magic skill and increased magic resistance. Just because you want it changed doesn't mean is lore appropriate. If you really want to get specific, high elves were the best casters but they also had a weakness to magic. Bretons already by far the most versatile race. No buffs are needed. This is coming from an all Breton race player since Morrowind. So to recap, if it doesn't have anything to do with magic, Bretons have no history for it.
OR, they could stop buffing the hell out of racial passives that make your choice of race a MAJOR decision rather than a minor one that is suppose to be more for style than substance.
Like 21% stamina regeneration for instance, among others. It has just become too much.
Yup, Breton pretty much has 1 real passive and that's Gift of Magnus, the other two passives have been made obsolete by either game mechanics, soft cap removal and champion points.
A buff to those useless passive's is certainly not an unreasonable request
shadowcoder wrote: »
My main is a breton and I absolutely agree with you. Bretons are fine the way they are.
Springt-Über-Zwerge wrote: »
Dunmer and high elves are just better for sorcs and dks for templars and nightblades bretons are as good as high elven if not even better because both classes dont have elemental damage so the bonus damage will just increase the damage of the destruction staff if you use it