Breton race needs a buff

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  • Forestd16b14_ESO
    I think at this point the guy is trying to get buffs were they are not needed cause sure 4K spell res is meh but it is alot better than other races res passive like nords only get res to cold damage they still take full damage from other magic such as fire,shock,daedric, and so one same with dunmer they only get fire res but full damage from other magic.
  • Draehl
    All reduced damage buffs should be percentages, not +resists just due to the nature of penetration in PvP.
    Main: Breton Nightblade "Shadow Cleric" (Sustained Damage/offhealer) 5L/2H - Resto + S&B
    Alt: Argonian Dragonknight (Stam DoTs/Tank) 5H/2M - S&B + Bow
    Alt: Nord Templar Berserker (Rawr) 5M/2H - Dual Wield + Two Hander
    Alt: Altmer Sorceror (Pewpew) 7L - Destro + Resto
  • Forestd16b14_ESO
    Draehl wrote: »
    All reduced damage buffs should be percentages, not +resists just due to the nature of penetration in PvP.

    Would make tracking armor and spell res alot easier.
  • Draehl

    Would make tracking armor and spell res alot easier.

    Well, I mean the racials. That way they're always useful and not penetrated like they don't even exist.
    Main: Breton Nightblade "Shadow Cleric" (Sustained Damage/offhealer) 5L/2H - Resto + S&B
    Alt: Argonian Dragonknight (Stam DoTs/Tank) 5H/2M - S&B + Bow
    Alt: Nord Templar Berserker (Rawr) 5M/2H - Dual Wield + Two Hander
    Alt: Altmer Sorceror (Pewpew) 7L - Destro + Resto
  • Cathexis
    I would pay anything to switch to an Altmer... it's that bad.


    Almost all racials need rebalancing since caps have been pulled.

    For me its like this: being an orc is great, unfortunately I also rolled a sorcerer.

    Pre 1.6, all my racials were useful.

    Post 1.6 I'm forced into a stamina build for the worst class.

    Basically all the hybrid orriented or life orriented racials are now second class citizens

    As far as bretons go they aren't awful because at least they arent in the same boat as life or hybrid races but I can't see a reason to choose a Breton over an Altmer and in that regard, there needs to be balance.

    Really what they should be doing is implementing stamina orriented and magicka orriented skill lines for each race and then making them like vamp/ww or even just allowing both to coexist.
    Edited by Cathexis on August 9, 2015 9:33PM
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  • Junkogen
    The only issue I have with Bretons currently is that before when there was no CP system they were a top contender for magicka users. Now with CP their cost reduction and spell resist passive is easily attainable with only a few CP. While the damage increase for High Elf takes an extreme amount more.

    I understand people bring up lore and other arguments related to that topic, however this is an MMO and not a single player experience. ZOS is clearly striving for as equal as an experience as possible, even though they drop the ball at times.

    All Bretons would need is:
    • Magicka Mastery Currently - Reduces the magicka cost of spells by: 1/2/3%
    • Magicka Mastery Proposed Change - Reduces the magicka cost of spells by: 1/3/6%

    The change would allow for proper percent decreases through leveling and then once end game is achieved have a minor increase over others who have similar CP.

    I don't think they're striving to make it equal at all. If they were, the Argonian passives wouldn't be what they are

    Bretons are one of the top races to pick. They are pretty far down on the list of races that need buffs IMO.
  • MrGrimey
    Again, just because Breton has 1 good racial passive with Gift of Magnus, does not meant that they are "fine".

    4k spell resist and 3% cost reduction is pretty much on the same level as Argonian passives and worse than nord and Orc passives
  • Ishammael
    MrGrimey wrote: »
    Again, just because Breton has 1 good racial passive with Gift of Magnus, does not meant that they are "fine".

    4k spell resist and 3% cost reduction is pretty much on the same level as Argonian passives and worse than nord and Orc passives

    This guy gets it. Breton passives are bad with the champion system. Especially compared to altmer for magicka builds, redguards for stam builds, dunmer for Fire DKs.
  • Forestd16b14_ESO
    Bretons have increased magicka, magicka recovery, and spell res. Yes not up there with Altmers but they are far from needing any buffs right now compaired to Argonians or even Khajiits.

    As much as you don't want to admit it Bretons are ok right now sure down the road they'll maybe get a buff but now the focus is on Argonians and fixing there racial passive cause again all that magicka is far better than anything Argonians having going for them now on live and PTS.
  • Waylander
    I agree that Breton is bottom of the magica based races.

    I think you could easily rework the cost reduction passive to be:
    - 1/2/3% spell cost reduction AND
    - 1/2/3% magica damage

    Would make them very competitive.
    Nocturnal - AD Oceanic PvP Guild
  • Xael
    cmabouaf wrote: »
    Compared to other races, Bretons this patch are pretty underpowered. 3% magica cost reduction and almost 4000 spell resistance isnt much of a bonus. I'm thinking that maybe bretons should get atleast an overall 3% reduction for ult, stam, and magica cost might be a little bit better, and just unique enough for people to possibly play breton instead of always picking high elf.

    I wouldn't mind the 3% reduction being replaced with say 5-7% Magic Damage to make them more in-line with Altmer (4% to elements) and Dunmer (7% to fire).
    I got killed in pvp, nerf everything...
  • xaraan
    With all the changes to races in the new patch, they are all pretty even now, but if one of them did still need a little love, Breton would be it. A couple more % here and there would go a long way in doing that.
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  • Zsymon
    If you give Breton 1 or 2% more in spell cost reduction, it'll be equal to Altmer.

    But that is just my gut, someone will have to calculate how much spell cost reduction 9% magicka regen is worth. I do know 1% spell cost reduction is worth more than 1% magicka recovery.
    Edited by Zsymon on August 10, 2015 4:50AM
  • Junkogen
    I can't believe people equating Breton passives to Argonians'. Bretons have more resistance and it's to ALL magicka damage. Argonians have half the resistance and it's only to poison and disease. Bretons have a cost reduction to ALL magicka-based spells. Argonians have a 7% increase to healing received. 7% increase to healing received is obviously limited to healing whereas the Breton reduction applies to ALL spells. Then the coveted 10% boost to max magicka. Argonians have a 3% boost to health. Increased max magicka increases damage because damage is based on max magicka and spell power. Increases to max stamina or magicka are the best passive in the game because not only are they more resources to spend on whatever, they also increase damage and healing. In a sense, Bretons have an increase to healing by virtue of their increase in max magicka.

    When you really compare racials against how the game works you start to see why people are so pissed about how imbalanced the racial system is. On their face the increase to max stamina or magicka seems like it's just that, but by how they have designed damage and healing to be increased by max stats the imbalance is made all that much greater. What is the most frustrating is that ZOS doesn't seem to take these things into consideration. They just add a couple percentage points to potion return and think that's equivalent to a 10% max stat increase. It's mystifying how clueless they are about their own game.
    Edited by Junkogen on August 10, 2015 4:53AM
  • SorataArisugawa
    Waylander wrote: »
    I agree that Breton is bottom of the magica based races.

    I think you could easily rework the cost reduction passive to be:
    - 1/2/3% spell cost reduction AND
    - 1/2/3% magica damage

    Would make them very competitive.

    Your comprehension of competitive is more like my comprehension of overpowerd...

    cost reduction AND magica damage... you just want to be OP!
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Waylander

    Your comprehension of competitive is more like my comprehension of overpowerd...

    cost reduction AND magica damage... you just want to be OP!

    Hmmm ever heard of high elf?
    10% max magica
    9% recovery (works better than cost reduction with cp)
    4% elemental damage

    3% cost reduction is weak.
    Spell resist is weak.
    3% magic damage is an extra 120 dmg on a 4k concealed weapon. Time to get the nerf hammer.

    Edited by Waylander on August 10, 2015 11:20AM
    Nocturnal - AD Oceanic PvP Guild
  • BuggeX
    And wath is with the 10% increest Magicka?
  • NTclaymore
    Bretons has allways been the defensive mage while High-elf has allways been the Offensive mage. they should be matches so the spellresist bretons gets matches the elemental buff the high-elf gets. rest of their passives should allso match so bretons are better tanks n high-elf are better DPS.

    that being said i think the racials should not at any race be big enough to make a build requite a certian race for it to Work.
    As it is right now sure some builds will be pulled off better by some races than others but the diffrence isnt that big.

    Im a breton myself and i would love to see it buffed ofcuz. but only the spellresist part. We were ment to be magically defensive. not a Magicka DPS that can match the high-elfs
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  • byrom101b16_ESO
    Djeriko wrote: »
    The race passives are lore based. Bretons always had increased magic skill and increased magic resistance. Just because you want it changed doesn't mean is lore appropriate. If you really want to get specific, high elves were the best casters but they also had a weakness to magic. Bretons already by far the most versatile race. No buffs are needed. This is coming from an all Breton race player since Morrowind. So to recap, if it doesn't have anything to do with magic, Bretons have no history for it.

    Which is why we are talking about how much to change it and not changing what it is lore wise.

    So your criticism isn't relevant...
  • k2blader
    danno8 wrote: »
    OR, they could stop buffing the hell out of racial passives that make your choice of race a MAJOR decision rather than a minor one that is suppose to be more for style than substance.

    Like 21% stamina regeneration for instance, among others. It has just become too much.

    Yep. Especially given the major grind to and through vet.

    Disabling the grass may improve performance.
  • monkeymystic
    MrGrimey wrote: »
    Yup, Breton pretty much has 1 real passive and that's Gift of Magnus, the other two passives have been made obsolete by either game mechanics, soft cap removal and champion points.

    A buff to those useless passive's is certainly not an unreasonable request

    I have said this many months ago when they removed soft caps.

    Bretons are underpowered and they don't really give any significant bonus like *most* races do.
  • dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO

    My main is a breton and I absolutely agree with you. Bretons are fine the way they are.

    Bretons are terrible(not very competitive) for anyone not healing, compared to other races.
  • ToRelax

    Dunmer and high elves are just better for sorcs and dks for templars and nightblades bretons are as good as high elven if not even better because both classes dont have elemental damage so the bonus damage will just increase the damage of the destruction staff if you use it

    Dunmer's fire resists and all resistance passives of the other races except Breton got a nice ~90% nerf in 1.6.
    Edited by ToRelax on August 11, 2015 7:22AM
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    Elo'dryel - Sorc - AR 50 - Hopesfire - EP EU
  • tinythinker
    I have a Breton Sorc. Plays fine but I understand why folks see the need for adjustments. Here is a view of what Breton passives might look like with customizeable racial passives:
    Bretons under the system proposed in the link above (with a cap of 9 points total). You could choose from options such as:

    Light Armor Affinity: Free passive.
    Increases gain with the Light Armor skill line by 15%.

    Gift of Magnus
    (*) Gives a 3% chance of negating the cost of a spell.
    (_) Increases Max Magicka by 4%.
    (_) Increases Max Magicka by 7%.

    (*) Increases Spell Resistance by X.
    (_) Gain a 4% chance to absorb a spell projectile for 750 magicka.
    (_) Gain an 8% chance to absorb a spell projectile for 750 magicka.

    Magicka Mastery
    (*) Increases Spell Damage by 200.
    (_) Reduces the Magicka cost of spells by 4%.
    (_) Reduces the Magicka cost of spells by 8%.

    Adamantine Tower
    (*) Increase Physical Resistance by Y.
    (_) Increase Resistance to Elemental Damage by Y.
    (_) Increase Spell Resistance by Z.

    The Logic
    The familiar passives aren't much changed from the proposed 2.1 version. The addition of a small chance to negate the cost of a spell to the Gift of Magnus passive listed for the Altmer is here as well, and Spell Resistance (renamed Dragonskin) has added a chance to absorb spell projectiles in a nod to the Dragonskin ability as it worked in TES: Skyrim.

    The new passive, Adamantine Tower, offers a nod toward the Bretons' human heritage and gives some flexibility in build type:

    "While lacking in physical skill, they make up for it in their ability to resist and cast spells that overwhelm most people... Intermingling with elven blood has given Bretons an affinity for magic, though hardiness is also part of their heritage." -

    Basically, take what you would think would be a really nice Spell Resistance that is a day's ride from base of the mountain of OPness, deduct what you'd get for the light armor passive and 30-40 CP points in Spell Shield, then take what is left and put about 35% of that in Dragonskin and 65% in Adamantine Tower. So, you would still not really be OP even with 7 light/120 CP Spell Shield, but it would still be really good. The buffs to Physical and Elemental Damage Resistance would be modest.
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