The Dragonknight in 1.7

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Hey Dk's, (this thread is just about PvP)
how do you fell with all the Changes coming with 1.7.?
Are u happy with the Class and the Abilities in their current form?
Just been wondering that u see less Threads about Dk.
What would you change if you could?
Edited by actosh on August 4, 2015 12:19PM
  • shadowcoder
    EU Server DC PC | Azuras Star

    Nightblade VR 14 - Arkanios
    Templar VR 14 - Anthorios
    Dragonknight VR 14 - Grimror
    Sorcerer VR 14 - Cyrenee
  • actosh
    For pve i dont worry. Tanked everything in Imp City Dungeons. Was more towards pvp, but i have figured out a way for me.
  • Armitas
    My thoughts on the DK changes and remaining issues.
    New stuff
    • Light Armor - The light armor buff should bring the Magicka DK back some, we may even be able to get away with not using igneous shield for survival. Assuming maces won't just make that 0 again.
      This info comes from pics on post 34 of this Thread. See difference in pictures between the Skoria shoulders live and on pts
    • Igneous Weapons - The +1 second to igneous weapons would be an improvement to an already high maintenance dot class. But it isn't. It's meant to supplement the new requirement that you use a full heavy attack. "Hey we want you to use full heavies so were going to make you use full heavies now because we can. " "Play as you we want"
    • Stone Fist - The increased distance to stone fist is nice, the heal is...weird in concept... but it's free so whatever; who cares if it's coherent.
    • Flame Lash - Flame lash looks good with the 25% damage increase to off balanced targets. With the roll dodge nerf we may actually be able to keep a guy in our talons for longer than a half a second. This should improve our chances of setting enemies off balance for the 25% damage buff and may even bring banner back into the open spaces of Cyrodiil.
      • Power Lash Heal - With a the 25% reduction to the heal restore on this skill, along with the Global PvP nerfs to both healing and damage along with the heal being divided between 3 ticks I don't even want to know what the heal value on this actually is.
    • Talons - I see this becoming a complaint again as it reemerges because of the nerf to roll/dodge. It now synergizes even better with flame lash so it should become a standard combo and prevalent. Prevalent means annoying so get ready for QQ, cause it's going to be real. It should also bring Banner back some, though the inscrutable cost compared to meteor will still be a limiting factor in it's reemergence.
    • Volatile Armor - Volatile armor now does flame damage for Rank 4. This is nice. Chance to apply burning is 1% though, thanks to changes to secondary effects.
    • Kindling + All DK dots - The kindling passive just took a big hit. The chance to apply burning effect has been changed to 10% for abilities, 3% for dots, 1% for aoe dots, 5% for aoes. This will make it far more difficult to apply burning and receive this passive. None of our DK skills will sufficient for apply the dot, you will have to get it from fire weapon glyphs at 20%.

    Old stuff mentioned from the last PTS.
    • Corrosive Armor - I am still disappointed that Corrosive armor only gives physical penetration and not spell penetration as well. Seems like such a waste to make this ultimate so build specific.
    • Inferno - Still disappointed in inferno. No one uses it in trials, they still use magelight. It's a shame for a universal skill to outperform a class skill.
      • Sea of Flames - Unless I missed a patch in my month and a half absence sea of flames is still a ridiculously underpowered morph. Seriously just reading the tooltip can tell you it's broken. "If a fireball kills an enemy 100 magicka is restored". Oh but it gets better it goes up 4 magicka if you level it out to IV. So on the off chance that my mob dies from the 1k fireball that occurs once every 5 seconds I'll get 104 magicka which is absolutely nothing. So basically there is a slight chance that this morph will give you next to nothing.
    • Igneous Weapons - I still feel like Igneous weapons is too high maintenance for an already high maintenance dot class. There is still no way in the native UI to manage igneous weapons properly unless you have an addon. Couple that with the fact that the native UI gives no indications from which to properly juggle any timers and you have the schizophrenic game that we now play. A game that wants to be an MMO but doesn't want to step on immersions so it relies on unpaid volunteers to make addons that make their game changes viable. The addons we have are not even real timers, they are simulated timers.
    • Molten Armaments - Armaments is a hassle to perform. You have to cast it, go through a GCD, then charge a full heavy attack while your opponent just sits there and lets that happen, doesn't block, doesn't roll, doesn't heal, doesn't CC just lets you go through the cast animation, then begin a fully charged heavy attack. Then hopefully lets you pull that off again before it rubs off. It's not a very elegant way to get an execute into the class line; it's a complicated, situation specific, hassle.
    • Fiery Grip - Still an unreliable gambler. Press the button see what happens, maybe they come, maybe you go maybe nothing happens. It is neither a forward gap closer, or a backward gap closer it still remains a broken skill.

    Edited by Armitas on August 7, 2015 1:02PM
    Nord mDK
  • Erock25
    As a non-dk, I can tell you that Ferocious Leap his HARD. I've taken quite a few 12k Ferocious Leaps to the face and because of how the animation priority system works, it's very easy to layer that with a wrecking blow plus heavy attack. Very good burst.
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
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  • HeroOfNone
    Stamina wise not feeling great on it. A tank or a magicka build seems more preferred for survivability or pure burst DPS. We have a discussion in the other forum going over dome of the PVE damage, but most of the damage is currently coming from the weapons, not the class abilities.

    Oh, though less will probably get toned down for its damage.
    Edited by HeroOfNone on August 4, 2015 1:32PM
    Herfi Driderkitty of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Find me on : Twitch | Youtube | Twitter | Reddit
  • IxskullzxI
    Armitas, what light armor buff are you talking about? I didn't remember seeing anything about that.
  • vortexman11
    Not sure about anyone else, but currently the only thing keeping Magicka DK alive is healing ward, once this is fixed/nerfed I'd have to stack 45k health just to get the same survivability of a sorc.

    Two of the major skills for DKs survivability have been made pretty much useless, DragonBlood is now only useful as either a StamRegen or Healing buff, and Igneous shield is only good as a healing buff as well. Wings was nerfed in 1.6 and now we can't block as much or roll dodge to make up for it.

    Don't take me wrong, I still love my DK, but currently I may put it below templars on the scale of OP classes
    Edited by vortexman11 on August 4, 2015 2:07PM
    Guild of Shadows ~Elite~
    Învictus ~Council~

    EP | Vortexman | Dunmer DragonKnight | LvL 50 | Rank 50 | Former Emperor of Haderus & Chillrend |
    EP | Phobos | Altmer Nightblade | LvL 50 | Rank 26 |
    EP | Cheezus Sliced | Argonian Templar | LvL 50 | Rank 30 |
    EP | Eterno Tempesta | Altmer Sorcerer | LvL 50 | Rank 33 |
    DC | Vortexman | Dunmer DragonKnight | LvL 50 | Rank 12 |
    DC | Divine Storm | Altmer Sorcerer | LvL 50 | Rank 04 |
    EP | Pocket Vortex | Bosmer Templar | LvL 50 | Rank 24 |
    EP | Vortexman | Redguard DragonKnight | LvL 50 | Rank 28 |
    EP | Fungal Growth | Argonian Warden | LvL 50 | Rank 26 |
    EP | Eternal Guardian | Bosmer Warden | LvL 50 | Rank 13 |
    and a few other random toons

    Teaching by example >
  • Armitas
    IxskullzxI wrote: »
    Armitas, what light armor buff are you talking about? I didn't remember seeing anything about that.

    It wasn't specifically mentioned but the light armor pieces now have about twice as much armor on them. The source for that info is the pics on post 34 of this thread. Compare Skoria armor from live and pts.
    Nord mDK
  • Darkeus
    as a DK im sad cause no stamina morphs for inhale and lava whip!
  • RoamingRiverElk
    For small group outnumbered kind of play, DKs were nerfed A LOT in 1.6. This trend continues with this upcoming update since blocking does not allow stamina to regenerate.

    How do I feel about this? I'm sad because I actually would like to play on my *magicka DK*, but for small group outnumbered play, there are so much better options that it just isn't wise for me to play on my DK. It would have been ok had the block change not come.
    Dalris Aalr - Magicka (Stamina) DK | Dalfish - Magicka Sorc | Dal Aalr - Magicka Warden | Dalrish - Mag/Stam NB | Irana Aalr - PvE Templar
  • Lord_Hev
    The block nerf is horrible. 1.6 was a big enough strain on DKs as is. The ability to perma-block, making the old Light armor DKs into Heavy armor magic DKs(Actually a pleasant change IMO, as being in heavy armor made more sense for the imagery of the class) is now in risk of becoming obsolete. Why? Why do this? Because people QQ they cannot burst a blocker down fast enough? What a joke.

    And whips, they need a dmg buff. They are a melee skill like NB's surprise attack, yet they do a lot less damage for the same risk/reward... meanwhile surprise attack can be casted while cloaked beforehand. A DK cannot. So DK's whip require more risk, but for less reward, while the enemy can just out-heal through it with ease.

    Edited by Lord_Hev on August 4, 2015 2:50PM
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
    Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame
    PC NA
  • Armitas
    Not really a dragon knight thing but disease is going to be a lot more powerful now that we are all permanently diseased by 35% just by entering cyrodiil. There is/was a bug that allowed some people to not even receive the battle spirit buff so I can see that becoming a regular exploit if the process gets out. At this point Battle Spirit should be renamed to Battle Fatigue.
    Edited by Armitas on August 4, 2015 2:54PM
    Nord mDK
  • IxskullzxI
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    The block nerf is horrible. 1.6 was a big enough strain on DKs as is. The ability to perma-block, making the old Light armor DKs into Heavy armor magic DKs(Actually a pleasant change IMO, as being in heavy armor made more sense for the imagery of the class) is now in risk of becoming obsolete. Why? Why do this? Because people QQ they cannot burst a blocker down fast enough? What a joke.

    And whips, they need a dmg buff. They are a melee skill like NB's surprise attack, yet they do a lot less damage for the same risk/reward... meanwhile surprise attack can be casted while cloaked beforehand. A DK cannot. So DK's whip require more risk, but for less reward, while the enemy can just out-heal through it with ease.

    Yeah I'm not happy about the block nerf. Seems like my heavy armor magicka dk isn't even going to be an option anymore. Permablocking is the only way to be able to survive the burst of other classes. Now they nerf block into the ground. So now they get weak damage and no way to defend against burst. Why even be a dk anymore. Shame.
  • Artheiron
    molten armaments is just terrible now. that skill was the only burst damage we had and now you need to fully charge it, and get killed before you finish charging. that needs to be changed back to normal, let us test it. op? people complain hard? then nerf it.

  • xylena
    problem: light armor DKs can block forever while also putting out high dps

    good solution: significantly reduce damage output while you're holding block

    zos solution: destroy all blocking builds, even heavy armor ones
    Retired until we break the Tank Meta
  • Asrien
    This is going to suck for me when it gets to the non-PTS version. I'm a stam DK, which in itself is hard enough with all their nerfing without adding to the *** pile-up that is what DK stats are becoming. I'm extremely concerned that they're trying to make DKs totally obsolete now, because all of these adjustments don't add up to a balanced and decent class. Very concerned with the direction ZOS is taking, and I'd really like it if they'd respond to our feedback in a way other than "suck it up and stop playing if you don't like it", which is the last thing I saw from them on the issue. I'm all for making a game more challenging but there's a difference between a challenge and an amputation, cutting off our legs is more what this feels like than putting 5kg bags of bricks on our backs, which is something I could live with.
  • actosh
    Asrien wrote: »
    This is going to suck for me when it gets to the non-PTS version. I'm a stam DK, which in itself is hard enough with all their nerfing without adding to the *** pile-up that is what DK stats are becoming. I'm extremely concerned that they're trying to make DKs totally obsolete now, because all of these adjustments don't add up to a balanced and decent class. Very concerned with the direction ZOS is taking, and I'd really like it if they'd respond to our feedback in a way other than "suck it up and stop playing if you don't like it", which is the last thing I saw from them on the issue. I'm all for making a game more challenging but there's a difference between a challenge and an amputation, cutting off our legs is more what this feels like than putting 5kg bags of bricks on our backs, which is something I could live with.

    True. Wont start to play another class in pvp.
  • Ishammael
    A brief history of the dragonKnight:

    1. ESO launches with ridiculous skills and synergies. 8m talons and a cost reduction bug for batswarm. (Although there were more, e.g. Streak sorcs with batswarm). Enter players who exploited. Much QQ. Skills were mostly fixed.
    2. Patches 1.2 through 1.5. The reign of the DK in light armor. Many 1vX videos from players like Sypher owning scrubs with a DK. Daily threads calling for nerfs. All us DK share a secret though: we don't actually do that much damage, and rely on players suiciding into banners, bats or reflective wings.
    3. Patch 1.6 drops. Huge game changes. Wings nerfed, block nerfed, softcaps removed. The magicka DK in light armor is no longer viable as a solo roaming class. Existential weaknesses become more apparent (no magicka based gap closer and no escape tool). But that's ok. DK retool and enter the battlefield in heavy armor specced for magicka damage. Block continues as a mainstay against the enormous burst potential of nightblades and sorcs.
    4. Patch 1.6 remains. Small changes even in light of huge disparities in potential power between stamina and magicka builds, between the available burst potential amongst classes.
    5. Enter the steel tornado meta. A twelve meter, AoE execute. Backed by trains running 25k barriers. Players begin to recall patch 1.5 more fondly. They realize that perhaps all the DK crying wasn't that big of a deal in light of the current meta.
    5. Patch 1.7 drops to PTS. No stamina regen while blocking, blanket damage, healing, and shield nerf. Death of the magicka DK unless changes are made. Here's why: double nerfs to inhale, gdb heals for 16% (lol), dots at half strength, no blocking, igneous at 16% of hp damage shield, whip hits like a noodle, no gap closer or mobility, no escape, and no burst outside of dropping ultimate.

    I'll post more extensive breakdown later.
  • Rinmaethodain

    NB and DPS builds are ZOS puppies. They make sure nothing bad happens to them and just when some poor DPS whines that they got killed in PVP ZOS will made up some excuse to nerf whatever made PVPer upset.

    This is where "0 stamina regen while blocking" nerf comes from and so far ZOS is ignoring any feedback about it.
    Asrien wrote: »
    This is going to suck for me when it gets to the non-PTS version. I'm a stam DK, which in itself is hard enough with all their nerfing without adding to the *** pile-up that is what DK stats are becoming. I'm extremely concerned that they're trying to make DKs totally obsolete now, because all of these adjustments don't add up to a balanced and decent class. Very concerned with the direction ZOS is taking, and I'd really like it if they'd respond to our feedback in a way other than "suck it up and stop playing if you don't like it", which is the last thing I saw from them on the issue. I'm all for making a game more challenging but there's a difference between a challenge and an amputation, cutting off our legs is more what this feels like than putting 5kg bags of bricks on our backs, which is something I could live with.

    They already announced in last ESO live that they are "getting positive feedback" about it and they gonna keep it for live server, like if they ignored on purpose 30+ pages of negative feedback about this change on forums.

    It seems like
    - ZOS thinks that its absolutely impossible to provide a feedback about something before its on PTS (because its not like, any person with a brain, able to think logically, can tell that ubernerfing something to absolute 0 is never going to be good)
    - they think that anyone who wasnt on PTS is not allowed to submit feedback,

    Right now PTS is dominated by PVP DPS classes just to check ganking and killing players. The most favourite class of ZOS.
    Of course they will benefit the most of this "0 stamina regen while blocking" change. Why? Because all those classes want is to KILL EVERYTHING. Of course a tank, a class that IS SUPPOSED to be able to not die from one shot is annoying hell out of them.

    What they do? While on mass on PTS they spam false /feedback just to give ZOS excuse to push trought this unjustified nerf and give ZOS excuse to keep it untill PTS changes will go live.

    Thats why anyone who REALLY cares for future of ESO and PVE tanking should provide the real /feedback about "0 stamina regen while blocking"
  • ThyIronFist
    I'm pretty sad. Abilities like ash cloud, dragonblood, and ultimates such as standard and molten armour are not even worth using in my opinion, abilities such as deep breath/draw essence and also our DoTs took a severe nerf, double nerf actually because both healing and damage has been reduced in Cyrodiil so using these abilities is pretty much useless as it feels like wet noodles.

    I'm playing with 5 heavy 1 medium and 1 light on the PTS at the moment with sword and board and a 2h, I'm having fun but ZOS seriously needs to give us a stamina whip and revert some of the DK nerfs and also do something about the ridiculous nerf to stamina regen while blocking.

    Also consider doing something about talons, why does it cost magicka and do physical damage? It doesn't make any sense. Can't they make 1 morph cost stamina and do physical damage while the other morph would cost magicka and do spell damage?

    We have no mobility at all and then ZOS continues to nerf our damage and tanking skills and continues by removing stamina regen while blocking. I don't even...

    The game is already Elder Nightblades Online and next patch it will be even worse. I wont re-roll as I love playing on my DK but if the nerfs continue I will just stop playing again.
    The Elder Zergs Online
    Sainur Ironfist - DK - EU - Ebonheart Pact
  • Joy_Division
    Ishammael wrote: »
    A brief history of the dragonKnight:

    1. ESO launches with ridiculous skills and synergies. 8m talons and a cost reduction bug for batswarm. (Although there were more, e.g. Streak sorcs with batswarm). Enter players who exploited. Much QQ. Skills were mostly fixed.
    2. Patches 1.2 through 1.5. The reign of the DK in light armor. Many 1vX videos from players like Sypher owning scrubs with a DK. Daily threads calling for nerfs. All us DK share a secret though: we don't actually do that much damage, and rely on players suiciding into banners, bats or reflective wings.
    3. Patch 1.6 drops. Huge game changes. Wings nerfed, block nerfed, softcaps removed. The magicka DK in light armor is no longer viable as a solo roaming class. Existential weaknesses become more apparent (no magicka based gap closer and no escape tool). But that's ok. DK retool and enter the battlefield in heavy armor specced for magicka damage. Block continues as a mainstay against the enormous burst potential of nightblades and sorcs.
    4. Patch 1.6 remains. Small changes even in light of huge disparities in potential power between stamina and magicka builds, between the available burst potential amongst classes.
    5. Enter the steel tornado meta. A twelve meter, AoE execute. Backed by trains running 25k barriers. Players begin to recall patch 1.5 more fondly. They realize that perhaps all the DK crying wasn't that big of a deal in light of the current meta.
    5. Patch 1.7 drops to PTS. No stamina regen while blocking, blanket damage, healing, and shield nerf. Death of the magicka DK unless changes are made. Here's why: double nerfs to inhale, gdb heals for 16% (lol), dots at half strength, no blocking, igneous at 16% of hp damage shield, whip hits like a noodle, no gap closer or mobility, no escape, and no burst outside of dropping ultimate.

    I'll post more extensive breakdown later.

    There is much truth to this.

    To me, what best illustrates the career of the DK is the streamer Sypher. This guy was practically synonymous with DKs. He played on his own and established quite a reputation for effective play. Throughout the entire 1.6 patch, I only ever seen him once on his DC (that's right newish players, he was a orginally a smurf, not a banana :smiley: ), lying dead next to King Richard by a breach at Castle Faregyl. I have, however, bumped into his NB on many occasions and recently have been coming across his sorcerer quite a bit.

    His latest upload, which is supposed to spotlight a DK taking on a "zerg," is, intended or not, a sobering commentary on the frustrations of trying to play a DK solo: "I have to move away from the situation ... I can't do that ... I can camp a little bit ... didn't really kill anyone there ... solo, you're just going to be doing this [running away in mist form] ... doing a great job stalling these guys, but that's just about it ... can I escape? ... Oh, I killed someone! [Excited voice after 3 minutes of constant combat] ... You can do that, you can stall them until [friendly zerg comes and kills the enemies]."

    Sad state of affairs actually.
    Edited by Joy_Division on August 4, 2015 4:47PM
  • HeroOfNone

    There is much truth to this.

    To me, what best illustrates the career of the DK is the streamer Sypher. This guy was practically synonymous with DKs. He played on his own and established quite a reputation for effective play. Throughout the entire 1.6 patch, I only ever seen him once on his DC (that's right newish players, he was a orginally a smurf, not a banana :smiley: ), lying dead next to King Richard by a breach at Castle Faregyl. I have, however, bumped into his NB on many occasions and recently have been coming across his sorcerer quite a bit.

    His latest upload, which is supposed to spotlight a DK taking on a "zerg," is, intended or not, a sobering commentary on the frustrations of trying to play a DK solo: "I have to move away from the situation ... I can't do that ... I can camp a little bit ... didn't really kill anyone there ... solo, you're just going to be doing this [running away in mist form] ... doing a great job stalling these guys, but that's just about it ... can I escape? ... Oh, I killed someone! [Excited voice after 3 minutes of constant combat] ... You can do that, you can stall them until [friendly zerg comes and kills the enemies."

    Sad state of affairs actually.

    Now you know what it's like to watch my stream, except more swearing because I push more than falling back. I feel ok when I'm in a group, but solo it seems more times we have to rely on our weapon abilities and the hopes the other guy won't get flustered and mess up their 3-4 surprise attacks.

    Also to note, chain don't work on stealth folks, even if you see them (no pulling them or pulling you)

    Petrify is still a soft root, yet you still need to break free, so expect most DKs to cast it and then uppercut you for an added wait for it to wear off. Also still see the instant reapply bug, so I guess abuse it till they fix it?

    And yeah, mist form is probably the best best to escape
    Herfi Driderkitty of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Find me on : Twitch | Youtube | Twitter | Reddit
  • ryanmjmcevoy_ESO
    Quoting myself from a thread about class mobility
    We all get that classes are meant to be different, and I don't think abyone is advocating for giving Temps and DKs a Bolt Escape, but mobility is HUGE, and that is especially true in the new Imperial City. Yes, Templars and DKs are more defensive and tankier, but there's the thing: as a Temp or DK in PvP, you have two options: win or die. The latter in the next update means DKs and Temps better be really good, or their gonna lose a lot of stones. Yeah, I can run away and cast reflect repeatedly, but I'm gonna run out of magika eventually, and those Sorcds or NBs are going to follow me with ease and kill me once I can't cast my defenses anymore. I HAVE to stand and fight. Sorcs and NBs with their mobility have the chance to preserve their earnings by escaping combat. Yes, they can run out of resources too, but tbh unless they were already engaged in a fight and thus low on resources, I rarely see Sorcs and NBs have much trouble getting away from a fight, especially against the lower mobility classes.

    Yes, Temps and DKs may have better self heals, but those got nerf hammered with battle spirit (not complaining really), and GDB is almost useless in PvP on the PTS, while Sorcs are still getting 17k shields from Hardened Ward alone (was talking to a Sorc who killed me the other day about that). I'm not suggesting any solutions ot this issue, but the truth is that this mobility will make a huge differene in the collection of TV stones. The perma blocking days are ending, so a DK can't even just block and slowly walk to safely either.

    Defensive classes receiving huge defensive nerfs (shields, GDB, reflect being short and expensive, 0 stam regen while blocking) while highly mobile classes *cough*sorcs*cough* are still getting huge damage shields. Mobility and being able to escape are going to be super important in the IC, and if we can't be defensive enough and we can't be mobile enough, what the hell are we?

    I'm glad DKs got pulled down from deity status at launch, but I think we need some love, and same for Templars, who have had it rough the whole time aside from the month of the jesus beam.

    My sorc friend uses a build I helped him come up with, and he talks all the time when we're in the IC about how he can stay alive forever and still kill things. My DK might be able to stay alive for a while, but I'm only going to kill the very worst of players (also I still need to get better at PvP lol). To get huge defense, I need to run tanking sets like Hist and Footman and spam shields and reflect and heals and as much as I can. For a sorc to get huge defense, they buff the crap out of their DPS resource.

    It just feels like a class that isn't sure entirely what it's supposed to be aside from one or two FoTM builds at this point, since the stuff we were good at got a blanket nerf and the more DPS based classes are outperforming us in both offensive and defensive categories.
  • Armitas
    Former DK.
    Current DK
    Nord mDK
  • vortexman11
    Thats exactly what my nord looks like when casting Harness Magicka

    Petrify gives immunity as soon as its casted now, so its no longer broken/exploitable/whateverpeoplecallit
    Edited by vortexman11 on August 4, 2015 5:26PM
    Guild of Shadows ~Elite~
    Învictus ~Council~

    EP | Vortexman | Dunmer DragonKnight | LvL 50 | Rank 50 | Former Emperor of Haderus & Chillrend |
    EP | Phobos | Altmer Nightblade | LvL 50 | Rank 26 |
    EP | Cheezus Sliced | Argonian Templar | LvL 50 | Rank 30 |
    EP | Eterno Tempesta | Altmer Sorcerer | LvL 50 | Rank 33 |
    DC | Vortexman | Dunmer DragonKnight | LvL 50 | Rank 12 |
    DC | Divine Storm | Altmer Sorcerer | LvL 50 | Rank 04 |
    EP | Pocket Vortex | Bosmer Templar | LvL 50 | Rank 24 |
    EP | Vortexman | Redguard DragonKnight | LvL 50 | Rank 28 |
    EP | Fungal Growth | Argonian Warden | LvL 50 | Rank 26 |
    EP | Eternal Guardian | Bosmer Warden | LvL 50 | Rank 13 |
    and a few other random toons

    Teaching by example >
  • Stalwart385
    I've been playing a heavy armor magicka DK in pvp for the pts.
    Storm Knightx4
    Skoriax2 (will probably switch to bloodspawn because of nerf)
    Pact S&B

    So far I haven't felt out classed. Every battle has been either long and drawn out with either taking the win or an apparent win. I've faced off multiple times against every class. That is 1v1, where I can still block when I see a big attack coming and balance my resources. In 1vX I have problems, if I see a big attack coming and block my stam falls out from all the different attacks hitting me (especially when PvE mobs are mixed in). Then I get perma feared or some other cc without stam to break free. I think the anti-block cc's should now be blockable since blocking took such a hard nerf and doesn't need a counter anymore. In large fights situational blocking will drop your stam out to where you can't break free while screwing with your stam regen timer (up to 4 seconds without a regen tick by taping a well timed block).
  • HeroOfNone
    Thats exactly what my nord looks like when casting Harness Magicka

    Petrify gives immunity as soon as its casted now, so its no longer broken/exploitable/whateverpeoplecallit

    I'll launch a video then next time folks exploit it. In one instance last night i'm locked in petrify and then wrecking blow hits a second later, laying on the ground with the petrify effect removing in another half a second. Can't be a 100% sure it's not lag, but it's annoying when it happens. The constant petrify lock down is trickier to do, never learned the exact timing secret, but it's something to do with when you cast on the break free animation of the enemy. I'll look for someone to assist on that.
    Herfi Driderkitty of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Find me on : Twitch | Youtube | Twitter | Reddit
  • trimsic_ESO
    Nothing else to add: I'm sad about the DK in general, and my stam DK in particular.
  • Galalin
    RIP to DK's in 2.0 its has finally been nerfed into the dirt, with the 2.0 changes we have even less choices now and in 1v1, 1vx and group play we are at the bottom of the food chain. But I will continue to hope some changes are made before it goes live. Maybe ZoS will change their minds.... who knows

    DK Scrub Out
  • Artheiron
    I'll launch a video then next time folks exploit it. In one instance last night i'm locked in petrify and then wrecking blow hits a second later, laying on the ground with the petrify effect removing in another half a second. Can't be a 100% sure it's not lag, but it's annoying when it happens. The constant petrify lock down is trickier to do, never learned the exact timing secret, but it's something to do with when you cast on the break free animation of the enemy. I'll look for someone to assist on that.

    damn. then it should be nerfed ASAP. cos it's a dk skill.
    Edited by Artheiron on August 4, 2015 6:10PM
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