I won't offer my suggestions or feedback based on only a few hours (I'm kind of funny that way, relying on experience as opposed to speculation), but I will say to those people who are dubious about mixing PvP and PvE, feel the IC is just for "gankers" and "greifers," feel they are "forced" to do something, or are too worried about losing their Tel Var stones: you are missing out on a very enjoyable experience. The LOS opportunities afford by interesting terrain, tactics available to savvy player by PvE mobs that are not impotent statues (good job ZoS!), and the frenetic pace of combat in the IC were all something I enjoyed much more than I thought I would. And I am not even a "ganker" or the type of person who many people keep saying IC was made for.
I know the Tel Var stone issue is a touchy subject and many feel passionately one way or the other, but I can say it wasn't hard at all to accumulate them without even necessarily trying to "farm" them. Last night we all died a ton just enjoying the combat I and I think many people weren't even keeping track of them as they changed hands so quickly. Just get out there and play the game. There are critiques to be made and suggestions for improvement and these will come. But ZoS has got something here that can be a lot of fun.
Edit: I do think victorious players should not automatically be given Tel Var stones from defeated players ... it would be much more interesting if they actually had to take them off your dead body (nobody likes 40+ yard snipes when fighting a PvE boss!)
Edited by Joy_Division on July 30, 2015 4:26PM