I'd like to discuss a build i've been using that i think will be amazing once IC DLC arrive's. Here's what i use currently.
Bar 1: Two-Hand
Dark Cloak
Mass Hysteria
Surprise Attack
Clouding Swarm
Bar 2: Bow
Camouflage Hunter (For critical chance, i don't even bother using because of the bug)
Relentless Focus
Double Take
Piercing Mark
Venom Arrow
-5 piece's of Undaunted Infiltrator (all will mundus stone trait)
-4 piece Hawk Eye (2 ring's, Chest/Leg's)
-Weapon's are just from the Elite Store Vendor
Attribute's: All into Stamina.
Mundus Stone: Warrior
Drink: V10 dual stat magicka/stamina recovery. 375 each.
I get around 2.4k wep damage buffed. With 66% crit on my Bow Bar.
45% crit on my 2h with 2.2k wep damage.
How this build work's:
Buff up, start will heavy attack into Venom Arrow. Keep light attacking to see intention's. If player start's a channel interrupt with Venom arrow. Ambush in Cloak, Surprise attack. Nothing new on the 2 hand bar.
The extra max magicka and magicka recovery help me cloak/fear a lot more often which help's my sustain.
This build will be so much better after the IC DLC because of the change's to Relentless Focus. As well as Vigor getting dropped to level 5. Warrior Mundus stone i've heard is getting a Buff which help's.
Next patch Relentless Focus will only require 4 light/heavy attack's to proc Assassin's will. Which will make my build a lot better.
Here's where i need help.
I will be switching to Duel Wield with Night Mother's Dagger's for Crit. So Bar 1 will then look like this:
Dark Cloak
Mass Hysteria
Steel Tornado / Rapid Strike's (Only used when enemy is feared. The Damage is nice with high crit chance.)
Clouding Swarm
You can see i will be missing Major Brutality. What should i do?
Also, opinion's on Venom Arrow Vs Poison Injection?
Edited by GreenSoup2HoT on July 27, 2015 10:56PM