Maintenance for the week of October 21:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 21
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – October 21, 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

✭✭✭Daggerfall Guild for players over the age of 30✭✭✭

  • ritmoon
    Yes it is, sorry.

    We are very active and very social and we like to group up and have all sorts of events. You would miss out on all of the fun if you were in a different Alliance all the time.

    We have had a number of people switch to Daggerfall to join. (hint, hint)

    Understood. I'll give it some thought. Thanks.

    GT RITMoon
  • Nonpoint
    If you would like to play with other adults that are not oblivious to the world around them, join us at:

    We have been adding quality members at a steady pace and all have commented on how great the environment is especially after experiencing area voice chat and other groups with less structure.

    If you meet the requirements come on over and join us. Don’t miss out on our very active and involved community!
  • kashel
    Soul Shriven
    Hi... i am lv 37 Templar Healer.... and 30 years old... i love to heal dungeons...

    i am from brazil...

    GT: Marques2410
  • Nonpoint

    Upcoming Events:

    -Sept 10 - Cyrodiil skyshards and delves

    -Sept 12/13 - Crafting session to create and trade for deconstruction massive amounts of items from every trade for all attendees.

    -Sept 14 - The Oceanic Show, voice chat information sessions from max level experienced players about topics such as builds, game mechanics, veteran content, trials, pvp, etc

    -Sept 18 - Fishing event, break into small groups with experienced fishing guides for achievements and perfect roe.

    -Sept 26 - Winning Raffle # for 3000 crowns chosen.
  • justinian777
    Soul Shriven
    Would love to join VicVenom777
    35 years old
    Breton Sorcerer
  • softasylum
    Soul Shriven
    Over 30. This guild sounds just what I'm looking for. Gamertag: softasylum

  • gkspcg_ESO
    Great guild with friendly helpful members that enjoy everything the game has to offer.
  • Viper_1st6
    I think the forum on your website is broke. I tried to register and got, "Not Found The requested document was not found on this server.

    Web Server at".
  • DubyaRules
    Not sure what may have caused that, but our web site, forums and Facebook page are all up and running.

    Anyone interested in joining needs to follow the instructions at

    We do not invite based on a 2 second post that only lists a GamerTag. We're not a fly-by-night guild that was thrown together with minimal effort. We are a mature experience for adults, not a drive by "Guild #5" for people with 3 seconds of spare time and an unused Guild slot.

    Our Officers spend hours each week on Guild administration. If you can't spend five minutes to read the rules and register, then you are not right for Soulforged.
  • kashel
    Soul Shriven
    DubyaRules wrote: »
    Not sure what may have caused that, but our web site, forums and Facebook page are all up and running.

    Anyone interested in joining needs to follow the instructions at

    I am trying to register at your forum and keep recieving same error as Viper

    The website its ok for me...

  • DubyaRules
    Give it a shot now. The Database may have been updating.
  • holyhitter777
    Soul Shriven
    I'm interested in joining. Gamertag same as UserID. I meet all requirements and am looking for mature people to game with.
  • DubyaRules
    If you are over 30 years old and your main is in Daggerfall on the North American server, come join Soulforged and play with other adults!
  • holyhitter777
    Soul Shriven
    So I can not join unless I go through your website?
  • DethBaphomet
    Soul Shriven
    Anyone interested in joining needs to follow the instructions at

    We do not invite based on a 2 second post that only lists a GamerTag. We're not a fly-by-night guild that was thrown together with minimal effort. We are a mature experience for adults, not a drive by "Guild #5" for people with 3 seconds of spare time and an unused Guild slot.

    Our Officers spend hours each week on Guild administration. If you can't spend five minutes to read the rules and register, then you are not right for Soulforged.
  • gkspcg_ESO
    Great guild with friendly helpful members that enjoy everything the game has to offer.

    Currently clearing Craglorn and making our presence known in PVP.
  • DubyaRules
    Welcome to all the new folks - we're glad to have you!

    We have been very cautious in our recruitment and who we promote from Recruit to Member, but being careful and being selective has really paid off. We have great members that play together, chat together and laugh together. We have a lot of fun, we bounce ideas off of each other, we help each other with dungeons, world bosses, quests, dailies, PVP and crafting.

    We have a very low turnover because the people that go through the process required to join Soulforged are almost always people who are fed up with the craziness of random anarchy guilds that have no structure and no civility. These folks come to Soulforged and are usually surprised by the fact that we have a reciprocal mindset. You need help with Vet Undaunted? Ok, I'll come and help you. And in turn, you pay it forward by helping someone when you are able.

    If you take and take without giving, you are not a good fit and we will part ways. That's what makes Soulforged a great guild. Our members build friendships. When someone jumps into chat, they are welcomed by the others. When someone asks for help, we will often drop what we're doing to help. We form recurring groups for things like dailies or running through all of the Craglorn quests with the same group of 4. We also have events where we go fishing together for trophy fish and the guild supplies all of the bait. We go to Cyrodiil together to PVP, or complete all of the Delves and Skyshards.

    We want all mature men and women over the age of 30 to come to Soulforged and enjoy a more mature gaming experience. An experience where people will catch obscure pop culture references from more than the last couple of years. An experience where you don't have to be elite and you don't have to have the twitch reflexes of a 14 year old and you don't have to have 20 years of MMO experience.

    If you have a question, ask us. If you need help, we're here. If you want to run a guild event, we'll plan it out and make it happen. If you want to PVP, we have PVP folks. If you want to craft, we have Crafting Jam Sessions where the guild supplies resources and we power level people through their tradeskills. Our last two raffles were for 3,000 Crowns each - donated by our awesome members.

    Our Members care about the Guild, and the Guild cares about it's members...and I know that sounds tacky and cliche', but it's true. You can hear it in our voices when we talk to each other. You can read it in our Forum messages and our Facebook page. Soulforged was not thrown together on a free website builder by a guy that has a power trip and 12 minutes to spend on building a guild.

    We are adults from varied backgrounds with varied interests and varied experiences, but we treat each other with respect, we work together and we have a LOT of fun doing it!
  • SaltyWorley
    Dubya covered most of it, but to put it simply, Soulforged is truly a community, and that seems to be pretty rare. You'll get to know everyone through group chat, through running the daily undaunted, through fishing trips, and countless other things, and though you enter as a stranger, once you've been around a while, everyone's like family. I can give no better evidence than this: our fishing trips are some of the most fun events we do, and if you've ever fished in Tamriel, you know that fun definitely isn't coming from the actual fishing. It comes from having a group of generous, like-minded people who want to have fun playing the game together, chatting, and working toward a common goal. If those words describe you, and you meet all of the requirements, come join us in Tamriel.
  • Nonpoint
    Lots of Events happening in October!

    Oct 1-31 - Month long fishing tournament with some HUGE prizes
    Oct 2 - Group fishing excursions with guides for achievements/roe
    Oct 6 - Cyrodiil skyshards and delves group activity
    Oct 10 - Bi-weekly crafting jam session to max out those tradeskills
    ...more to come!

    If you are over 30 years old and your main is in Daggerfall on the North American server, come join Soulforged and play with other adults!
  • Dakine_GFunk
    Soul Shriven
    I've been with the guild for about three weeks and it has completely reinvigorated my enjoyment of ESO. The support systems the guild has in place eliminate so much of tedium in the game, such as finding a group for dungeons and quests, or a partner for crafting and research. The guild events are fun and well organized, and you can always find someone in guild chat or the forums to help you if you are stuck or need advice.

    Everyone I’ve spoken to in-game and interacted with on the guild forums has been friendly and helpful, without any posturing or one-upsmanship. The guild is built around a community of mature gamers who understand the difficulties of balancing work, family and game time, so you can go back and forth between hardcore and casual gaming without feeling pressure to meet game-time or achievement quotas. I hope we see you soon in Tamriel!
  • i3ig_Gun
    I can craft 9 traits on: Heavy Legs, Boots, and Chest, Shields, Bows, and Lightning Staff.

    I can craft 8 traits on: ALL Medium and Light Armor, and ALL Weapons.

    I have ALL Styles except Glass.

    Send me a message in-game.

    GT: i3ig Gun
    GT: i3ig Gun
    Legion of Many - Daggerfall Covenant
  • Zaberhilt0
    Soul Shriven
    Sounds like a good fit for me ,would like a chance to join up and group quest
    Daggerfall nightblade 42 bow 50

    GT Zaberhilt
    Edited by Zaberhilt0 on October 4, 2015 11:50PM
  • DubyaRules
    Anyone interested in joining needs to follow the instructions at
  • RazorSharp02
    Soul Shriven
    PLEASE invite me to this guild. I love playing with people my own age. XBL:RazorSharp02
  • gkspcg_ESO
    This is a great guild with players over the age of 30. No drama, just good people having fun. We have several groups running Craglorn with one group having only 1 quest left for the Craglorn Completionist achievement. We are now moving forward to make our selves known in the Imperial City.
  • RazorSharp02
    Soul Shriven
    I asked a few days ago for an invite, may I please be added to this guild? Or is it closed for now?
  • gkspcg_ESO
    We now have several events a week and are high in the PvP leaderboards. There is something for everyone.
  • Nonpoint
    What has your guild done for you lately?
    october Events
    October 1st through October 31st
    The mother of all fishing tournaments!

    We have organized a month-long fishing tournament. Check the Guild Forums for event details (because there are MANY!) as well as updates. There are some REALLY nice prizes for first, second and third place!

    October 9th through October 31st
    SFG Spooky Scavenger Hunt

    Hello all my ghouls and boils and get ready for a little Halloween fun! BlackSwan & I have created a creepy little scavenger hunt to get you in the mood for one of our favorite holidays! Entrance fee is a mere 1k gold per person, Starting Saturday Oct 10th you have until 12 midnight (EST this time) on All Hallow’s Eve (Oct 31st) to send me, your finished list of items. We have 6 attachment slots available when sending in-game mail and these items should all stack properly for you to send them in one final shot, with the subject line reading “SFG Spooky Scavenger Hunt Completed”. The 1st 3 completed entries I receive by the deadline will be the winners and in standard SFG fashion, so choose their prizes. I will NOT accept partial entry mails folks, so hold on to them until you have completed the list, but you never know and could get lucky and find it all really fast (it should only take up 6 slots, not like 231 fish). ;) The goal of the SFG Spooky Scavenger Hunt is to pilfer and collect, then launder certain creepy items. Those who aren’t so familiar with the stealthy stealing aspect of the game or its lovely local REFUGES for laundering, will learn much in this challenge! This also works towards a few achievements, I believe, and who doesn’t love that?!?! The items to be collected are as follows:

    Creepy Monkey Puppets….(Monkey Shines, I know you’re thinkin’ it)
    5 Daedric Candlesticks….(in case the power goes out again)
    5 Memento Mori….(for the stalker in all of us)
    5 Tufts of Hair…(ew, but maybe we could knit a sweater..)
    31 Pumpkins…because its Halloween silly!
    And ONE of ANY of the 5 GREEN Items Below:
    Daedric Tarot Cards
    Shrunken Hagraven Head
    Crow Feather Quill
    Ornamental Bone Saw
    Black Lace Kerchief
    Some of these items are pretty easy, some less so and the wonderful randomness of the game and the possibility of getting pinched adds to the thrill. I’m not above people teaming up, but understand that each person would be responsible for the entry fee BUT only ONE prize awarded to the “team” (although you could of course then split the winnings amongst yourselves). A good idea if maybe a higher Vet finds a GREEN item then wants to team with a new/lower guildie who can score more of the white items. I’ll announce the winners by Sunday night 01Nov. The Prizes are:

    “The Black Kitty” – Basically all the entry fees, a tidy little sum…MEOW!
    “Heap of Horrors” – ALL of the items stolen by everyone. This is where a BIG bunch of ugly, can turn into some real pretty GREEN $$$ :mrgreen:
    “No Tricks, Just Treats – Picnic Basket of Goodies” – A variety of meals & drinks from green to purple including such delicacies as:
    Vaermina’s Nightmare
    Hircine’s Meatloaf
    Parrot & Pumpkin salad
    Animate the Dead
    Midnight Ritual Tea
    Sload Slime
    Hag Fen Pumpkin Pie…..because ya gotta have a pumpkin pie for Halloween!

    Nonp0int's Pumpkin as featured on the latest ESO Live Twitch Stream!


    October 12th through October 16th
    Imperial City

    We will have an Imperial City group going for the entire week, we will be camped out in All Members 4, so if you would like to join the group and get some materials for your VR15/VR16 gear, just drop into All Members 4 and ask for a group invite.

    Other things happening:
    Bi-weekly Crafting Jam Session
    Come and join our bi-weekly crafting jam session to help members level up their tradeskills quickly and trade traits for research.

    Pick the skill that is most important to you, and start harvesting materials of the highest level you can safely and efficiently farm.
    Try to get 3/3 in the extraction passive for your chosen skill so you will get some materials back from the deconstruction process to reuse.
    Blacksmithing = Metal Extraction
    Clothing = Unraveling
    Enchanting = Aspect Extraction
    Woodworking = Wood Extraction
    Event zone will be Shornhelm.
    Easily accessible for characters of all levels.
    Bank and crafting tables are in a small area that is easy to navigate. (No walls, giant staircases or cliffs between buildings)
    Event chat channel will be All Members 3.

    The Oceanic Show
    Join us in All Members 3 for an informative session about ESO details. Each show will cover different topics, such as:

    Game Mechanics.
    Character Builds.
    Patch notes.
    Group/raid etiquette.
    Correct kill order for major fights (Healers first!).
    Better efficiency to get more out of your play style.
    General tips that will make your life in Tamriel easier.
    Discussion after each talking point for members to ask questions or discuss their views on the topic.
    For a recap of previous shows, please visit The Oceanic Show thread on the Forums.

    I really don’t feel you will find another guild like us. Come check us out for more information.
    Edited by Nonpoint on October 17, 2015 4:27PM
  • DubyaRules
    For those that drop in and say, "inv my gt plz k thx lolz", we're not the guild for you.

    As we have stated many times, you must read the rules and follow the instructions on our web site to apply. We have a process and we have standards. That process and those standards apply to everyone.

    We are VERY interested in mature adults over the age of 30 who can follow simple instructions. We are not interested in anyone else because to put it bluntly, it is a waste of your time and ours.

    Happy gaming!
    Soul Shriven
    Would love to join. GT: MLVLTDxWAR
    Daggerfall Covenant North America

    Malevolence | Imperial | Templar | Stamina DPS / Alt Heals | VR 16
    Vincent | High Elf | Sorc | Magicka DPS | VR 7
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