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• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – October 21, 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

✭✭✭Daggerfall Guild for players over the age of 30✭✭✭


We try very hard to create a stress free environment for the mature adults who play Elder Scrolls Online. Some of our members are hard-core: Get max level, rush to the end game. Some of our members are casual: Jump on for a couple of hours, knock out a few quests or join a guild group for a 4-person dungeon, then jump off.

Whether you are hard-core, casual or somewhere in the middle, we would be glad to have you! We look forward to grouping with you and if you enjoy a little PvP, battling in Cyrodiil with you. We have events like Crafting Jam Sessions, PvP, Fishing, Raffles, Scavenger Hunts, Races and more! Check our Events page for upcoming events.

Make sure that you read and follow the rules on the Guild web site. There aren't many rules, but the ones that we have are strictly enforced. Two of the main rules are:

Mute your mic if there is any background noise that is causing your mic to turn on. You will see your name constantly popping up in the lower-right corner of the screen if this is happening. The whole guild shouldn't have to listen to music, mumbling, a play-by-play description of everything that is happening to someone in the game or conversations that someone is having at their house. If you get 2-3 people doing that, everyone leaves the chat channel. That is bad for the guild. Be judicious with your Guild Bank usage. Don't grab 4 stacks of 200 ingots in one day. If you REALLY need ingots, and we have 4 stacks of 200, take a stack a day to give others a chance to work on their Blacksmithing. If you grab a stack of 200 runes to work on Enchanting, when you notice that you are barely getting any experience, don't waste resources. Put whatever is left back in the Guild Bank and go up to the next level. (This does not apply to multiple stacks of small amounts. If there are 9 stacks of Leather, and the amounts are something like 19, 2, 13, 7, 3, 1, 1, 1, 5 - grab them all)

You will get out of the guild what you put into the guild. Be the change you want to see. If you wish more people would invite you to group up, invite others to group up. If you wish others would help you kill a world boss that you can't kill alone, come to the aid of someone when they ask for help. If you wish there were more purple items in the Guild Bank, put purple items in the Guild Bank. I watch logs, I watch activity, I talk to the members daily and I observe character "tells". It is my job to protect the gaming experience of all Soulforged members, because when I created Soulforged, I promised a better, more mature gaming experience and a lot of people have trusted me to deliver. Likewise, if you trust in the idea of Soulforged, I will do everything I can to protect your experience in ESO.

Stop by our web site today and apply to start enjoying a mature Elder Scrolls Online experience.
Edited by DubyaRules on August 19, 2015 7:15PM
  • DubyaRules
    We just formed Soulforged, a guild for adult players age 30+. We aren’t “established” yet, in fact I finished the Web site/Forums today. But it’s easier to BUILD a great guild than try to fix a bad one. Besides, my core demographic isn’t really the kewldood “OMG, need uberguild that pwns everything NOW!” crowd, so if you’re a mature player that is more interested in having fun and enjoying yourself, without the annoyance of someone else’s music blaring through your headset or players yelling immature drivel over you when you have a question about the game…

    Come and help us build a great guild.
  • Karchev18b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like to join up Karchev is my username would love to contribute to this
  • oneshot_onekill

    Hi, I just got eso about 10 days ago and want to join a guild for numerous reaons. This may seem like a lot to write when trying to find a guild but if you think about it, my goal is to play with a guild for a LONG time. The views and people I play with need to match. To begin with, I will tell you about myself. I am 22, live in the u.s and am a mature person. I am a personal trainer (I love fitness), love free styling and rap in general, and I am a medically retired United Srates Marine. I am a good leader and like to have fun and joke around. At the same time though I know when to be serious and I don't take everything like a joke. I am a VERY analytical person, I love to learn from others and also help people with what I know. I am very intellectual, but I never stop seeking knowledge nor do I think I know everything, because I don't.
    My character:
    Templar level 13
    Daggerfall Covenant
    want to play both pve and pvp

    1. To have fun playing with others. If your not having fun, why do it?
    2. To seek a leadership role. I lead by example and love helping others.
    3. To be apart of something bigger than myself. Doing quests and clearing dungeons with others is a lot more fun combat wise. I am a templar, and being the character that buffs others and the clan depends on is fun. Playing a templar solo is boring in my opinion.
    4. To have team pride, unity and loyalty. If I'm in a clan I will do whatever I can to help the clan, I will take pride in that clan, and will always be loyal to the clan.
    5. To learn and get better at the game.
    6. To make friends and meet new people.
    7. To have short term and long term goals.
    8. To have responsibility.

    There are certain things that I seek in in a guild too. I don't want to join just any guild; I plan to be with a guild for a long time, so why would I join a guild with people I don't get along with or with completely different views than mine?
    Traits I seek in a guild:
    1. Having a good combination of fun/joking/seriousness/responsibilities. A guild that jokes around ALL the time and never has any goals or responsibilities is not fun. A guild that is all work, has too many responsibilities, takes things too serious and treats eso like a job is no fun. Balance is key.
    2. A guild with good leadership. If the leader(s) of the guild is not setting an example, doesn't hold people accountable for there actions, is a ***, is too timid and doesn't know how to give orders, or is close minded are all reasons I would not want to join.
    3. Having a good ranking system. I ABSOLUTELY HATE when a guild has a ranking system that hands out ranks like candy. Ranks should be EARNED over time when you show you are ready; they should take a good amount of time to earn. Someone with a high rank should represent that rank well. Giving someone the top rank in a month or two is SO stupid. I believe that reaching the highest rank should take at least a year or more.
    4. An open minded guild. Everyone should have an input, from the lowest rank to the highest rank, and if need be the guild should be willing to make changes.
    5. No arrogance or superiority. The last thing I want is to be in a guild with know it all close minded people. Guild members (especially high ranks) should show humility, kindness, confidence and enthusiasm.
    6. Endurance. A guild that stops trying to improve or puts in little effort will soon not be a guild at all. It should be fun, but times may call on the leaders to show some mental endurance when things get complicated.

    If you are looking for people to join your clan and you think I seem fit you can reply on here or message me on Xbox live gamertag: one1sh0tonek1ll
  • BeautifulyWickd
    Soul Shriven
    I'm 27
    GT BeautifulyWickd
    Please & ty
  • DubyaRules
    If you are over the age of 30 and would like to join us (You can be a member of up to 5 guilds) please use the URL above and follow the instructions on the "About Us" page.

    For those under the age of 30, I can refer you to a great guild that doesn't have ridiculous chat spam and singing and beat-boxing and mind-numbing mumbling and kids screaming...

    And they do not have an age restriction. If you are interested, just let me know.
  • babygirl7883
    I am a woman over 30 and would love to have a place to play and not be harassed by immature children, my husband, also over 30, would like an invite. Our gamertags are bigtroubles83 and troublemaker783.

  • BaconMagic
    Sign me up. 34, male, nightblade lvl 31. Would like to get to know some more like minded folks. I'm a nurse with a very predictable schedule, so I won't play much thursday thru Saturday, but my wife, 32, plays a toon on my account also. GT is: itchy spoon

  • DubyaRules
    Invites sent to:
    itchy spoon

    Welcome to Soulforged! Make sure that you sign up on the forums.

    Also, non-members can sign up on the Soulforged forums to trade, find groups or just discuss the game in general.
  • DubyaRules
    We now have a guild bank and a guild heraldry. If you are over the age of 30, come and grow with us.
    Soul Shriven
    Hello. Im new to mmo games and interested in your guild. Im over 30 and would like to join but honestly not sure of what it means or is expected of me but i'll do what i can to help. Just want to have fun and not take it so serious that i cant enjoy it. Gamertag is SIXFOOTJAWA.
  • Ravens-Sonata
    Hello Im Interested in joing an older gaed more mature guild. Im 50+ , my main char is a V3 Sorceress have a few other low level chars, Im DG alliance except one char is AD.

    Im not new to MMORPGS however new to this game - play Skyrim endlessly just about.

    GT is Ravens Sonata
  • Gdeanfjr
    Soul Shriven
    i would like to join my gamer tag is Eatmorbacon161. I am over 30 :).
  • DubyaRules
    Jawa, at least you're not a 3 foot Wookie. Expectations of guild members are on the forums at In a nutshell:
    • We want the mature ESO adults to have a safe haven from the nails-on-the-chalkboard voice chat that we have all experienced. This includes the screeching little kid voices, the mumbling teenagers who dictate their every move to the chat channel and even the adults who won't mute their mic while their kids run around screaming, have TV's blaring while they are on Kinnect, or rap into the mic while people are trying to communicate with each other.
    • Your main character must be DC, but you can have alts in other Alliances.
    • You must not take without giving, meaning you cannot that 4 purple items from the guild bank and deposit nothing (or deposit bug parts).
    • And you must not bring drama into the guild. If five people complain about one person, then I'd say it's safe to assume that the one person is not a good fit, and they will need to find another guild.
    Again, this is just a quick summary, the full rules are available on the guild website.

    Invites have been sent to SIXFOOTJAWA, Ravens Sonata and Eatmorbacon161. Welcome to Soulforged! Don't forget to register on the Forums, there is a private section for Guild members.
  • DubyaRules
    I edited the title so it would fit on the menu.
    45 years of youth. GT ArknInfiris. Would love to be in a group of people closer to my age range but that still has fun!
    "Walks Among Shadows"
  • DubyaRules
    Welcome to Soulforged! You should have an invite waiting for you in-game!
  • DubyaRules
    Are you aligned with the Daggerfall Covenant?

    Are you over the age of 30?

    Do you yearn for a voice chat channel where you can talk without being interrupted by people screaming over each other or blaring music?

    Do you want a Guild bank where you can leave items that you don’t need and pick up items that you do?

    Are you looking for a Guild that is organized enough to have a web site and forums for the members and guests?

    Join us at SOULFORGED for a more mature gaming experience, sans the drama.
  • DubyaRules
    Soulforged recruiting is still open. We are looking for more adults to join us for a mature Elder Scrolls Online experience.

    Your primary character must be in Daggerfall Covenant.
    You must be over the age of 30.
    You must mute your microphone if you are not talking to someone and you see your name at the bottom of the screen to indicate that your microphone is active. (It is amazing how uncommon "common sense" has become) ALWAYS mute before walking away from your controller.
    You must not take without giving. I can't count how many times a complete stranger (sometimes a kid, sometimes not) asks if he can "borrow" some gold. Or how many times at the end of a dungeon, complete strangers asking for all Medium armor and 2-handed weapons that I earned. (without offering to trade for something I can use) We are responsible adults, we don't stick our hands out unless it is to offer someone help.

    If you would like to play with other adults that are not oblivious to the world around them, join us at:
  • Albabhoy
    Soul Shriven
    HI i am interested in joining a mature guild. I am 39 on almosted everynight between 7 and 10ish CST.
    Just go started with ESO DK lvl10 and a NB lvl10 both in the Daggerfall covenant.
  • DubyaRules
    Is Albabhoy your GamerTag?
  • Albabhoy
    Soul Shriven
    Sorry Yeah GT is Albabhoy
  • Despairandvideogames
    Hello. I have been looking for older guild and would love an invite (ID= Ken Fricken). I have been in several other mmo guilds such and understand the rules. This guild sound like it is right up my alley, tired of the console kiddies.
  • DubyaRules
    Excellent! Stop by our web site, make sure that you understand the rules on the About Us page and sign up on the Forums, then we will get you an invite!
  • Despairandvideogames
    Done and done
  • DubyaRules
    Very good! Welcome to Soulforged, Despair! Your invite will be sent after the server maintenance.
  • DubyaRules
    There are only 147 shopping days till Christmas. Come and get your Soulforged membership before they're all gone!
  • Singularapathy
    I'd be interested in joining. I'm a 30 year old teacher (I know, I know) who plays a Templar Tank.

    GT: Singular Apathy
  • DubyaRules
    Nice! Stop by our Web Site and read the rules on the About Us page, then register on the Forums and we will get you an invite posthaste! We've had some folks join that didn't read the rules before joining, so they would sit in Guild Chat with their mic open all the time, yelling across the house or having conversations with people in the room that the whole Guild had to listen to.

    Needless to say, they had to be removed, which is not a good feeling. So please, read the rules. :)

    We have an eclectic group that you'll love. (Or else!)
  • DubyaRules
    After a fun weekend with an Intro to Cyradiil event and a lot of grouping/dungeons with other mature adults, I'm back to invite you to join us!

    If you are over the age of 30, your main Character is in Daggerfall Covenant, you play on the North America server and you would like to join other adults in a more mature Elder Scrolls Online experience, stop by THE SOULFORGED GUILD WEB SITE and follow the instructions to apply.

    Make sure that you read all of the rules. We do not tolerate rapping and beat-boxing or burping into the mic or having conversations with other people in your house or yelling across the house or kids screaming or your TV blaring...these are things that a whole guild should NOT have to listen to. If you get 2 or 3 of these clueless noise polluters in a voice channel, no one can discern anything useful.

    Stop putting up with that. We did.
  • DubyaRules
    We have a crafting event this week as well as other events coming up. If you're over 30, come and join us.

    Also, our Forums have a public section so if you are not a member, you can still stop by and buy/sell/trade or look for a group.
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