Would love to join.
CP 660+ Mag Sorc Pet Build.
Planning on rolling out some alts after the update.
Interested in Normal Trials. 26k-27k DPS on a target dummy.
I'm pretty introverted so I don't talk a lot.
GT: Wisha
Aeggisfang wrote: »Hello, I would like to join the guild! My Xbox GT is: Fellblade
I’ve been playing consistently for about 1.5 years and have experience running all the content including veteran trials. I’m looking to start playing with another guild that is active in running dungeons, trials, and PvP.
MagSorc | High Elf | DPS | CP572 (Main)
StamDK | Argonian | Tank | CP572
MagPlar | High Elf | Healer | lvl20
Thanks and I look forward to joining your gaming community!
Moonliness wrote: »Interested in joining if there's still room!
GT: Moonliness
BadSerpico wrote: »
Good Day!
I am a long time dabbler in the Xbox ESO community (played just with a couple friends, one of them still regularly) however I have fully made the switch from PC to Xbox and am looking to join some awesome people and learn my way around.
MagSorc | Healer | - CP 200
MagDen | Hybrid | - Level 28
MagBlade | DPS | - Level 16 (likely new Main)
GT: xH0LLW00Dx (O's are Zero's)
Invites should be coming soonSophocles1 wrote: »I am very interested
I play a lot
Breton sorcerer
Gt: LegitLotus96398
Inv comingAlways looking for more good folks to play this game with. I currently only have 1 EP toon. But he's solely pvp and a blast to play. I'm happy to bring my other toons into some pve events. And I'm considering deleting one that I never play to make a,other EP pvp toon for pvp heals.
Gt- Delta1068
Max CP, all roles in pve. Only dps in pvp for now