Maintenance for the week of February 10:
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 12, 8:00AM EST (13:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)


  • BadSerpico
    Wisha wrote: »
    Would love to join.

    CP 660+ Mag Sorc Pet Build.

    Planning on rolling out some alts after the update.

    Interested in Normal Trials. 26k-27k DPS on a target dummy.

    I'm pretty introverted so I don't talk a lot. =)

    GT: Wisha

    No problem we have a lot of friendly players and some just talk through text chat which is totally fine. Our biggest thing is not being jerks. I’m currently traveling but another officer well invite
  • kaotiksoul2
    I'm interested. Gt is kaotiksoul
  • BadSerpico
    I'm interested. Gt is kaotiksoul

    Inv sent
  • John2584
    Main posted updated—we are still active and always looking for good members!

    Guild Leader - Ebonheart Defenders
    Xbox One Gamertag - John2584
  • Xariz
    Was a long time pc player that decided to switch to Xbox as my primary platform since I just bought a one x. Currently a dps khajit night blade level 36 and pushing my way to 50 as fast as I can. Interested in pve and pvp although haven't decided which I wanna focus primarily. I'm on usually every night for at least an hour or two. And usually way more active friday-sunday but have a wedding coming up in July so it's getting hectic. My GT is thepwndocksaint
  • John2584
    Thepwndocksaint - invite sent, welcome!

    Guild Leader - Ebonheart Defenders
    Xbox One Gamertag - John2584
  • Aeggisfang
    Hello, I would like to join the guild! My Xbox GT is: Fellblade

    I’ve been playing consistently for about 1.5 years and have experience running all the content including veteran trials. I’m looking to start playing with another guild that is active in running dungeons, trials, and PvP.

    MagSorc | High Elf | DPS | CP572 (Main)
    StamDK | Argonian | Tank | CP572
    MagPlar | High Elf | Healer | lvl20

    Thanks and I look forward to joining your gaming community!
    MagSorc | High Elf | DPS
    StamDK | Argonian | Tank
    MagPlar | High Elf | Healer
  • Moonliness
    Interested in joining if there's still room!

    GT: Moonliness
  • BadSerpico
    Aeggisfang wrote: »
    Hello, I would like to join the guild! My Xbox GT is: Fellblade

    I’ve been playing consistently for about 1.5 years and have experience running all the content including veteran trials. I’m looking to start playing with another guild that is active in running dungeons, trials, and PvP.

    MagSorc | High Elf | DPS | CP572 (Main)
    StamDK | Argonian | Tank | CP572
    MagPlar | High Elf | Healer | lvl20

    Thanks and I look forward to joining your gaming community!
    Moonliness wrote: »
    Interested in joining if there's still room!

    GT: Moonliness

    Invite coming today, welcome
  • John2584

    Guild Leader - Ebonheart Defenders
    Xbox One Gamertag - John2584
  • John2584
    FYI, we are still active and looking forward to the upcoming new expansion. We are always looking for active and good-natured players to join our family!

    Guild Leader - Ebonheart Defenders
    Xbox One Gamertag - John2584
  • AuFishJr
    Soul Shriven
    Hi John! I would also like an invite to the guild! Gamertag is AuFishJr
  • John2584
    Aufish- Invite sent! Welcome!

    Guild Leader - Ebonheart Defenders
    Xbox One Gamertag - John2584
  • didymaow
    GT didymaow

    You replied to my post and I am definitely interested! Let me know if you are still recruiting
  • WillS1888
    I pmed u already on xbox but thought i'd ask for an inv here to just as a refrence.
  • BadSerpico
    WillS1888 wrote: »
    I pmed u already on xbox but thought i'd ask for an inv here to just as a refrence.
    didymaow wrote: »
    GT didymaow

    You replied to my post and I am definitely interested! Let me know if you are still recruiting

    Invites coming when ESO is up
  • W00G13B00G13
    Soul Shriven
    PM’d you on Xbox. 600 CP mag sorc,
    GT: W00G13B00G13

    Note the “0’s” are zeroes in my name.

    I am interested in joining. Thanks.
  • BadSerpico
    Invite coming
  • BadSerpico
    Ebonheart Defenders has solid, mature and friendly leadership no Matter what level of play you come in at. Plus our experienced players are extremely helpful in getting to end game content
  • BigSarge40
    Soul Shriven
    Looking to join if still available.
    GT: The Real Papa Z
    Lots of characters various levels
  • WillS1888
    BadSerpico wrote: »
    WillS1888 wrote: »
    I pmed u already on xbox but thought i'd ask for an inv here to just as a refrence.
    didymaow wrote: »
    GT didymaow

    You replied to my post and I am definitely interested! Let me know if you are still recruiting

    Invites coming when ESO is up

    I dont think I got the inv. My name ig is WillS18881 (cuz WillS1888 was taken already for some reason) so might be why
  • John2584
    Invites sent—welcome!

    Guild Leader - Ebonheart Defenders
    Xbox One Gamertag - John2584
  • Dephyrius
    Good Day!

    I am a long time dabbler in the Xbox ESO community (played just with a couple friends, one of them still regularly) however I have fully made the switch from PC to Xbox and am looking to join some awesome people and learn my way around.


    MagSorc | Healer | - CP 200
    MagDen | Hybrid | - Level 28
    MagBlade | DPS | - Level 16 (likely new Main)

    GT: xH0LLW00Dx (O's are Zero's)
  • Sophocles1
    I am very interested
    I play a lot
    Breton sorcerer
    Gt: LegitLotus96398
  • BadSerpico
    Dephyrius wrote: »
    Good Day!

    I am a long time dabbler in the Xbox ESO community (played just with a couple friends, one of them still regularly) however I have fully made the switch from PC to Xbox and am looking to join some awesome people and learn my way around.


    MagSorc | Healer | - CP 200
    MagDen | Hybrid | - Level 28
    MagBlade | DPS | - Level 16 (likely new Main)

    GT: xH0LLW00Dx (O's are Zero's)
    Sophocles1 wrote: »
    I am very interested
    I play a lot
    Breton sorcerer
    Gt: LegitLotus96398
    Invites should be coming soon
  • John2584
    Invites sent—welcome!

    Guild Leader - Ebonheart Defenders
    Xbox One Gamertag - John2584
  • Delta1068
    Soul Shriven
    Always looking for more good folks to play this game with. I currently only have 1 EP toon. But he's solely pvp and a blast to play. I'm happy to bring my other toons into some pve events. And I'm considering deleting one that I never play to make a,other EP pvp toon for pvp heals.

    Gt- Delta1068

    Max CP, all roles in pve. Only dps in pvp for now
    Xbox One GT: Delta1068
  • BadSerpico
    Delta1068 wrote: »
    Always looking for more good folks to play this game with. I currently only have 1 EP toon. But he's solely pvp and a blast to play. I'm happy to bring my other toons into some pve events. And I'm considering deleting one that I never play to make a,other EP pvp toon for pvp heals.

    Gt- Delta1068

    Max CP, all roles in pve. Only dps in pvp for now
    Inv coming
  • BadSerpico
    Come join in on the fun
  • BadSerpico
    Still recruiting
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