Maintenance for the week of February 10:
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 12, 8:00AM EST (13:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)


  • geradenh
    Soul Shriven
    GT: aznant615 argonian nightblade, single target dp's, lvl 21
    Edited by geradenh on July 22, 2017 4:12PM
  • GipsyDangerMK34
    Soul Shriven
    Hey John I'd love an invite! Looking to play more actively with good people! I play mainly as Tank/DMG with a variety of classes: Lvl 38 Warden, Lvl 22 Nightblade, Lvl 16 Sorcerer and lvl 13 Dragonknight.

  • incomplete_name
    Hey John if y'all get room could I get an invite again, sorry I keep leaving. Gt: incomplete name
  • John2584
    All - Invites sent and welcome back incomplete

    Guild Leader - Ebonheart Defenders
    Xbox One Gamertag - John2584
  • incomplete_name
    Thanks. Not going anywhere this time, I promise
  • WickedRubyx
    Soul Shriven
    My Husband is looking for a guild to join if you have any more spots open.

    GT: jardarn
  • John2584
    Jardarn - invite sent!

    Guild Leader - Ebonheart Defenders
    Xbox One Gamertag - John2584
  • surlytroll
    I would be interested in an invite. I am basically starting over again and have a low level warden. Gt surlytroll
    Edited by surlytroll on August 27, 2017 8:17PM
  • HyperN0va2014
    Soul Shriven
    CP 184 DK tank and leveling shadowblade/sorcerer alts looking for an invite. GT: HyperN0VA2014
  • Quickster86
    Soul Shriven
    Would love to join a active clan so that I can have a group to do late game stuff such as trials and that. Will do PVP when I have good equipment. Only been playing about a month or so. Currently one level 50 Magic Sorc and 42 stam DK. Also 130 Cp points.

    Gamertag: Quickster86
  • John2584
    All - Invites sent, welcome!

    Guild Leader - Ebonheart Defenders
    Xbox One Gamertag - John2584
  • Stropius
    Soul Shriven
    I'd love to join if you have the room! I used to play on PC during the beta and launch, and have recently come back to the game on console. Currently I have a level 19 warden, and expect the level to grow fairly fast :)


    GT: Stropius
  • John2584
    Stropius - invite sent!

    Guild Leader - Ebonheart Defenders
    Xbox One Gamertag - John2584
  • GuyNamedSean
    I know I’d gotten an invite back in June, but life got in the way of gaming. I’d love to get a proper chance to join this guild. My GT is GuyNamedSean. My old mate Scottus would also like an invitation.
    Former Guildmaster of the Legion of Mournhold
    XBL: GuyNamedSean
    PC: GuyNamedSeanPC
  • BadSerpico
    Looking for some more active members that want to run vet and normal trials regularly, we have a big guild and friendly msg
    GT Bad Serpico Or
  • BadSerpico
    Run several events weekly
  • John2584
    Post updated!

    Guild Leader - Ebonheart Defenders
    Xbox One Gamertag - John2584
  • danteblakhart
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, I am interested. Im a Dunmer Dragonknight Lvl 14 with Lvl 6 blacksmithing. Very new to ESO. Looking for help in increasing blacksmith rank and play dungeons in a group. Xbox gamer tag is Dante Blakhart
    Ill join, Gt is same as my name here. Love the name
    Rhaegar Gregorson, The Ebonheart Centurion - Imperial Dragonknight
    RABIDxWOLVERINE - Xbox One, NA, Ebonheart Pact


  • John2584
    Invites sent! Wolverine, you were maxed on guilds but should still be able to see the invite.

    Guild Leader - Ebonheart Defenders
    Xbox One Gamertag - John2584
  • Sibelios
    Soul Shriven
    Hi there,

    CP lvl 235 Argonian Nightblade (name here. I used to play ESO PC from launch through release of Imperial City. Decided to jump back in the game on Xbox. Mostly been soloing, exploring, and reabsorbing the game since Christmas but finally ready to move onto some group fun. I'd really enjoy an EP focused group, PVP a plus, so this sounds perfect. Hope to join you if possible soon!

    GT: SibeliusX
  • BadSerpico
    Sibelios wrote: »
    Hi there,

    CP lvl 235 Argonian Nightblade (name here. I used to play ESO PC from launch through release of Imperial City. Decided to jump back in the game on Xbox. Mostly been soloing, exploring, and reabsorbing the game since Christmas but finally ready to move onto some group fun. I'd really enjoy an EP focused group, PVP a plus, so this sounds perfect. Hope to join you if possible soon!

    GT: SibeliusX

    I’ll send invite today
  • John2584
    Invite sent!

    Guild Leader - Ebonheart Defenders
    Xbox One Gamertag - John2584
  • Chrism1895
    Soul Shriven
    I’d love to join!

    Level 29 Nord Dragonknight.
    GT: Chrisms1895
  • BadSerpico
    Chrism1895 wrote: »
    I’d love to join!

    Level 29 Nord Dragonknight.
    GT: Chrisms1895

    Invite sent
  • Chrism1895
    Soul Shriven
    BadSerpico wrote: »
    Chrism1895 wrote: »
    I’d love to join!

    Level 29 Nord Dragonknight.
    GT: Chrisms1895

    Invite sent

    Awesome, thanks!
  • blake078
    Gt: blake078
  • Docmalone74
    Would love to join. I am new but have played many mmos. I have a 15 DK so far. Want to do more crafting and dungeon runs.

    Gt docmalone74

    Fun fact: my brother is head of 9ne of the design teams for ESO. I think he is in charge of the bosses?
  • BadSerpico
    blake078 wrote: »
    Gt: blake078
    Would love to join. I am new but have played many mmos. I have a 15 DK so far. Want to do more crafting and dungeon runs.

    Gt docmalone74

    Fun fact: my brother is head of 9ne of the design teams for ESO. I think he is in charge of the bosses?

    I will send invites when I get on
  • Wisha
    Soul Shriven
    Would love to join.

    CP 660+ Mag Sorc Pet Build.

    Planning on rolling out some alts after the update.

    Interested in Normal Trials. 26k-27k DPS on a target dummy.

    I'm pretty introverted so I don't talk a lot. =)

    GT: Wisha

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