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• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – October 21, 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

(DC) Brotherhood of Daggers - - LF Members!!! (Social, PvX Guild)

  • PontiusLeonhardt
    Soul Shriven
    Add me up! Work overnights but I can hop on in the evenings. Gamertag is usf lhart usf. That's an L not an i... I have a lvl 17 Templar and would like to start playing with a guild...
  • gkspcg_ESO
    I'd like an invite. I'm an old school gamer that stared out on the first console that played Pong. I'm over 18 and then some. lol

    GT: Gargoyle1965
  • thiggins7002
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like to join. 25 years old. makes jokes with the best of them. GT is Xxdr diabetesxX
  • Radee
    Hey guys great to see so much interest in the guild over night!
    I'm at work currently but I'll be sending you all invites when I get home around 7 PM EST!
    Hang tight til then!

    Besides that though we'll be reaching our 40 member goal today!
    Looking for more members to reach our main goal of 60 members!
    Join today! :)
  • AgentMcBean
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like to join. I work different hours weekly being in the navy though.

    Gt: AgentMcBean

  • Radee
    Invited everyone earlier!
    Still recruiting!
  • Radee
    We're still actively recruiting!
    I managed to bust my headset.
    Time to buy a new one today.
    RIP headset :(
  • Radee

  • Radee
    Still recruiting members!
  • Radee
    We're still actively recruiting!
  • Radee
    Finally got a working mic again :)
    We're still actively recruiting!
  • Radee
    I lied, I have to take the mic back and get yet another one..
    But we're still recruiting!
  • Radee
    Mudcrabs are dropping some good loot today! :#

    Besides that, BOD plans to be doing more group events in August and will plan many events each month from there on out!
    So come join in on the fun!

    There's way more to come!

    Either way enjoy your summer everyone!
  • Radee
  • Radee
    Still recruiting!!
    7 members til 50!
    Come join today!
  • Radee
    We're still actively recruiting!
    Join today!
  • Vehemintz
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to join your guild..

    24 yrs old
    First time ESO'er but long time MMO player.
    Currently have a level 24 pure stam Imperial nightblade

    I plan on gearing up and taking end-game pvp halfway serious (as serious as possible with my work schedule)

    Get back with me and let me know!!

    Thanks for the consideration!

    Edit, sorry forgot to add my GT: Vehemintz
    Edited by Vehemintz on July 22, 2015 3:11AM
  • Radee
    Sent you the invite tonight!
    Off to bed, we're still recruiting!
    Looking to reach 50 members! Join today! :)
  • Radee
    Good morning!
    Still recruiting!
  • Radee
    We still out here
  • Albabhoy
    Soul Shriven
    Hi your guild sounds like what I am looking for, a chilled bunch that like gaming, taking the *** and beer.
    I have just started to get into ESO and am a lvl 9 Breton DK.
    Would like to join if you will have me.

    GT Albabhoy
    I'm 39 and I'm starting to think this game could get me divored, heres hoping ;)
  • Radee
    HAHAHA, perfect reply!
    Definitely will be sending you an invite to the guild tonight Albabhoy, when I get home from work.

    Besides that though!
    We're right off from 50 members everyone!
    Within the next month, we'll be planning group events and guild events for our entire guild to enjoy together each week!
    Come join us before you miss out on all of the upcoming fun!
  • Radee
    Got home from work and sent that invite out!

    We're also still recruiting, so here's an after work bump!
  • Lordklinger
    Do you have a decent amount of VR players, or are most lower levels?
  • Radee
    It's a mix but I'd say it's more of a majority of non VR members currently.
    Mostly because some of us rerolled from our VR characters to fill specific roles for later content.
  • Radee
    We're still recruiting!
  • Radee
    We're still recruiting!
    Hoping to reach that 50 member goal tonight!
    We're still aiming for at least a solid 60 members!

    For anyone who keeps an eye on this thread..
    I have a question!

    Out of all of the healer combination and choices (Not too many!) in ESO, what do you believe is the best?

    I currently believe it's a face off between:
    Breton Templars w/ Pref. Light Armor
    Argonian Templars w/ Pref. Light Armor
    - - -
    I've only done a bit of research though, so if you think there are better combos out there, let me know!
    Or if you don't want to tell me about the Templars, you could post any other combination/build for any other class.

    This is NOT a discussion thread though.
    If you'd like, send me a PM and we could talk more from there, and even open up a different thread.

    Just one simple reply as to what you think is currently the best for the class. :)
    Edited by Radee on July 23, 2015 4:43PM
  • oceaniclemming
    Soul Shriven
    Hi I'm a 34 year old with two kids and a job. I work a graveyard shift and I try to get on as often as possible. I have a vet 1 stamina Templar. I'm new to mmos but not new to elder scrolls.

    GT: oceaniclemming
  • Cloudlv12
    Soul Shriven
    I'll take an Invite if that's cool. I'm 24 and look for a great social experience while playing, people to quest with and do dungeons. Plus a solid trade set up if that's another goal of this guild. This really caught my eye,

    Radee: "With experience from many PC MMORPG's, this guild understands commitments to Real Life while actively progressing to achieve enjoyable end-game content that's both entertaining and competitive at the high tier of gaming from an MMORPG(ESO). We're aimed to become a guild where players who truly want to get involved deeper in the game with the time they have, but may just not always have that time because of those other real life commitments."

    I share this mentality and would enjoy the company of like minded people. Have two mics and a large array of humor preferences ( Nice required info btw lmao). So throw me an invite if you feel inclined :)

    GT: Cloudlv12
  • Radee
    Invited everyone who recently asked to join! :)
    Hope to talk to all of you soon!
    we're still recruiting!
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