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(DC) Brotherhood of Daggers - - LF Members!!! (Social, PvX Guild)

  • oneshot_onekill

    Hi, I just got eso about 10 days ago and want to join a guild for numerous reaons. This may seem like a lot to write when trying to find a guild but if you think about it, my goal is to play with a guild for a LONG time. The views and people I play with need to match. To begin with, I will tell you about myself. I am 22, live in the u.s and am a mature person. I am a personal trainer (I love fitness), love free styling and rap in general, and I am a medically retired United Srates Marine. I am a good leader and like to have fun and joke around. At the same time though I know when to be serious and I don't take everything like a joke. I am a VERY analytical person, I love to learn from others and also help people with what I know. I am very intellectual, but I never stop seeking knowledge nor do I think I know everything, because I don't.
    My character:
    Templar level 13
    Daggerfall Covenant
    want to play both pve and pvp

    1. To have fun playing with others. If your not having fun, why do it?
    2. To seek a leadership role. I lead by example and love helping others.
    3. To be apart of something bigger than myself. Doing quests and clearing dungeons with others is a lot more fun combat wise. I am a templar, and being the character that buffs others and the clan depends on is fun. Playing a templar solo is boring in my opinion.
    4. To have team pride, unity and loyalty. If I'm in a clan I will do whatever I can to help the clan, I will take pride in that clan, and will always be loyal to the clan.
    5. To learn and get better at the game.
    6. To make friends and meet new people.
    7. To have short term and long term goals.
    8. To have responsibility.

    There are certain things that I seek in in a guild too. I don't want to join just any guild; I plan to be with a guild for a long time, so why would I join a guild with people I don't get along with or with completely different views than mine?
    Traits I seek in a guild:
    1. Having a good combination of fun/joking/seriousness/responsibilities. A guild that jokes around ALL the time and never has any goals or responsibilities is not fun. A guild that is all work, has too many responsibilities, takes things too serious and treats eso like a job is no fun. Balance is key.
    2. A guild with good leadership. If the leader(s) of the guild is not setting an example, doesn't hold people accountable for there actions, is a ***, is too timid and doesn't know how to give orders, or is close minded are all reasons I would not want to join.
    3. Having a good ranking system. I ABSOLUTELY HATE when a guild has a ranking system that hands out ranks like candy. Ranks should be EARNED over time when you show you are ready; they should take a good amount of time to earn. Someone with a high rank should represent that rank well. Giving someone the top rank in a month or two is SO stupid. I believe that reaching the highest rank should take at least a year or more.
    4. An open minded guild. Everyone should have an input, from the lowest rank to the highest rank, and if need be the guild should be willing to make changes.
    5. No arrogance or superiority. The last thing I want is to be in a guild with know it all close minded people. Guild members (especially high ranks) should show humility, kindness, confidence and enthusiasm.
    6. Endurance. A guild that stops trying to improve or puts in little effort will soon not be a guild at all. It should be fun, but times may call on the leaders to show some mental endurance when things get complicated.

    If you are looking for people to join your clan and you think I seem fit you can reply on here or message me on Xbox live gamertag: one1sh0tonek1ll
  • BeautifulyWickd
    Soul Shriven
    GT BeautifulyWickd
    Please & Thank you
  • Radee
    Beautifuly I sent you an invite!
    As for your reply oneshot that was a very good read man. It's nice to see people with a drive for finding the right guild too. :)

    I know I can promise you many of those things, but I can't promise progress to be as immediate because my schedule playing ESO right now is very laxed, so it's harder to pick out officers and fill my ranks and build a strong guild system when I haven't had the time I want for it yet.

    We're actively growing though and we are an active bunch for our real life circumstances!
    If you'd like to join and try us out, you're more than welcome to.

    We're currently at 20 members.
  • Radee
    Still recruiting!
    21 and climbing :)
  • Radee
    We're at 24 members strong!
    Looking for all roles to be filled for any end-game content coming up for us!

    If you fit the type of description posted, definitely give us a shot!!

    Hope everyone had a great 4th of July!
  • Radee
    Still actively recruiting!!
  • Radee
    Bumpity bump
    Looking to reach 30 members soon!
  • Radee
    We're still actively recruiting!!
  • Radee
    We're still recruiting!
    Only a few members away from 30!
    Come join the ranks and be a part of a close community of players!
  • TSaVO1012
    GT is TSaVO102012 (first o is the letter, last two are "zero" ) .
    Figure this game could be significantly more fun wth other people so I'm looking for a cool group to join up with . 25 years old and have created a couple different characters but I'm definitely leanining towards a sword and shield Templar tank. I will definitely have to respec a few of the skill lines once I reach endgame but for how I'm just kinda feeling all the abilities and skills out. Like the play, would love to play with a static group every day/ couple times a week.
  • Radee
    Definitely! Sending you an invite right now!

    Still recruiting though!
    1 member shy from 30!
  • Radee
    We're still actively recruiting!
    We're looking to reach our main goal at 60 members!
    We're right near that half way point! :)
  • Radee
    Still recruiting!
  • stemwedel37
    Soul Shriven
    M1nightTokeer and I play just about every night need a good dungeon team
  • Radee
    Your account wasn't found in game stem, you'll have to recheck that name for me man :)

    We're still looking for players!
  • Radee
    Still recruiting!!
  • Radee
    Yay for getting sick!
    Just kidding. Haven't kept this bumped much!
    We're still actively recruiting! :)
  • MrRemedy
    hello, I'm about to create a new dagger fall Breton Templar healer and I'm interested in joining,
    My gamertag is "Maqby"

    I'm 18, I play various times after work on weekdays and play on weekends

    I'm very experienced with MMOs and an amazing healer
  • Radee
    Sounds good man sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday!
    I was out of town, but I will send you an invite today when I get on!

    We're still actively recruiting!
  • Radee
    We're currently at 32 members!
    Actively looking for players to begin Veteran and End-Game content as well!!
  • Radee
    Still still still recruiting!
  • BrotherGrimm
    Still recruiting?

    GT: l3rotherGrimm (thats an L at the beginning)
  • Radee
    Account not found man!
    NA right?
    I'm gonna try I just for the heck of it
    :) still recruiting!
  • BrotherGrimm
    That worked. Thanks.
  • TW25
    Soul Shriven
    My wife and I will join. We're looking for a guild. GT: TW25 and Denwen1012
  • Radee
    Sounds good I'm hopping on to send some invites in a minute :)

    We're still actively recruiting! Looking to max our first lock of members around 50! If you're looking around and would like to give out a guild a chance, now is the time! :smiley:
    Looking to eventually build a strong, long lasting community and family guild of DC ESO!
  • Radee
    Still actively recruiting!
    And for any guilds looking to merge - we are not interested in leaving our guild currently, but you are more than welcome to discuss joining into our guild and having certain ranks assigned with me in PM's.
  • Radee
    Ugh, certain medical conditions are the worst!
    Still must recruit though!
    We're still looking for players interested in building our guild into a community of players who could enjoy their time together while playing ESO and actively progressing through future end-game content together!
  • Radee
    Still recruiting!!
  • steamyk
    Soul Shriven
    Sounds like my kind of guild. I am 22, I work as an insurance adjuster during the day. After 5 pm however there is little the keeps me from hoping on eso with a beer in hand. I have a almost lv 16 dragon knight and have pretty good idea what I'm doing because I played this game on pc during beta and and launch. It's been a while though.

    Gt: sinisterleef

    Only thing is sometimes I may not respond if you see I'm on because my wife plays on occasion.
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