PlayStation 4 NA – Seeking/Offering Vampire or Werewolf Bite

  • Dark_Akatsukki
    Any vampire on your guild? I'm looking for a bite for my second character I have a warewolf guild too
  • Cozzaa89
    No we need a vampire, some of us are already werewolf
  • i99chaz199
    Ww bite ebonheart.!! Pm on ps for details!
  • TrippyTrey
    Looking for werewolf bite
    Na server
    Gt Trey_2_trippy-_-
  • Snake_Doctor2010
    Soul Shriven
    Lf vamp bite
    NA server
    Any alliance will do
    Looking to join vamp guild
    Psn: Snake_Doctor2010
  • Cherish
    werewolf bite
    Edited by Cherish on June 18, 2015 7:58AM
  • xXGreyWardenXx
    Lf: Vampire bite
    Megaserver: NA
    Alliance: ebonheart pack
    Console: ps4
    Gamertag: xXGreyWardenXx

    Have a werewolf bite ready will trade for vampire bite
  • CamoPrincess
    LF vampire bite. Willing to pay
    Ps4 NA
    PSN: roadglide103

    Still looking! Please send me a psn message ;)
  • Allentrill
    Lf: Vampire bite
    Megaserver: NA
    Alliance: daggerfall
    Console: ps4
    Gamertag: allentrill
  • TheLegendOfTaco
    Will anyone bite me? Looking for vampire.

    North America


    PSN : TheLegendOfTaco

    [Moderator Note: Comment edited per our rules on WTB/WTS]
    Edited by ZOS_ArtG on June 18, 2015 2:39PM
  • RyoBlaze
    Soul Shriven
    LF: Vampire BITE


    Ebonheart pact

    PSN name: RyoBlaze

    message me on psn if your willing to give a free bite ty :smile:
  • Orcberserker
    Soul Shriven
    Need vampire Bite please

    Psn: Necrozerkar

    ebonhart pact

    Message me with offers
    Edited by Orcberserker on June 18, 2015 10:58AM
  • TJ_Winningham
    Soul Shriven
    vampire bite!!! It's gotta be some vampires on AD smh.

    [Moderator Note: Offering real life currency for any service in game is a violation of the Terms of Service]
    Edited by ZOS_ArtG on June 18, 2015 2:40PM
  • xXGreyWardenXx
    Lf: Vampire bite
    Megaserver: NA
    Alliance: ebonheart pack
    Console: ps4
    Gamertag: xXGreyWardenXx

    I have werewolf bite ready will trade for vampire bite
  • Heromofo
    I'd be willing to turn someone werewolf when the server is back up.
    NA DC Side

    I am again willing to turn someone vampire this Sunday (7 day cooldown) for the same tribute (book now).
    NA AD Side

    Must be willing to use psn chat we lost a bite already so we have to insist on this.
    It will be done at a time when our guild is on to make sure we dont fall for problems again.

    We are looking for a vampire bite on the DC side we would be willing to turn your alt or your friend into a werewolf if you so like.

    [Moderator Note: Comment edited per our rules on WTB/WTS]

    Edited by ZOS_ArtG on June 18, 2015 2:42PM
  • Heromofo
    vampire bite!!! It's gotta be some vampires on AD smh.

    Mate never offer real money trust me you will get someones attention but not the good kind.

    [Moderator Note: Offering real life currency for any service in game is a violation of the Terms of Service]
    Edited by ZOS_ArtG on June 18, 2015 2:43PM
    Looking 4 vamp or werewolf bite ebonheart psn is VANOKESTER

    [Moderator Note: Comment edited per our rules on WTB/WTS]
    Edited by ZOS_ArtG on June 18, 2015 2:44PM
  • brassmaster12
    Looking for someone to give me a vampire bite

    PSN ID: Jason_Bras

    Faction: Aldmeri Dominion

    North American Server

    Please message me on PSN if your willing to give me a bite, I hope too be able to give people free bites in the future,

    thanks :)
    Edited by brassmaster12 on June 18, 2015 1:34PM
  • Virused
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a vamp bite plz,name virused99 ,ebonhart pact , ps4 eu server
  • CamoPrincess

    Still looking! Please send me a psn message ;)

    still looking and willing to tip. Please send psn message. I hope to get bit and then spread it for free.

    [Moderator Note: Comment edited per our rules on WTB/WTS]
    Edited by ZOS_ArtG on June 18, 2015 2:44PM
  • ravencrop
    Soul Shriven
    Lf: Vampire bite
    Megaserver: NA
    Alliance: ebonheart pact
    Console: ps4
    Gamertag: Strelok-OneShot
    Willing to give tribute after receiving bite.

    [Moderator Note: Comment edited per our rules on WTB/WTS]
    Edited by ZOS_ArtG on June 18, 2015 2:45PM
  • Heromofo
    Heromofo wrote: »
    I'd be willing to turn someone werewolf when the server is back up.
    NA DC Side

    I am again willing to turn someone vampire this Sunday (7 day cooldown) for the same tribute (book now).
    NA AD Side

    Must be willing to use psn chat we lost a bite already so we have to insist on this.
    It will be done at a time when our guild is on to make sure we dont fall for problems again.

    We are looking for a vampire bite on the DC side we would be willing to turn your alt or your friend into a werewolf if you so like.

    [Moderator Note: Comment edited per our rules on WTB/WTS]
    Lol Art if tribute is not ok can i get around it by saying something like " very large tip expected"? If you edit my comment its best to remove it or i get spammed by people pleading for bites and i have to block them to get them to leave me alone.
    Edited by VANOKESTER on June 19, 2015 2:18AM
  • ZOS_AlanG
    Heromofo wrote: »
    Lol Art if tribute is not ok can i get around it by saying something like " very large tip expected"?
    We don't allow any sale or trade discussion on the forums - bites can be given freely, but that's it.
    Forum Rules | Promoting Constructive Discussion | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Help Site

    I’ve moved to a new position and I am no longer active on this forum. For assistance, please check the resources linked above
    Staff Post
  • FoxyAbyss
    Soul Shriven
    Werewolf bite
    Just shoot me a message on psn
    Would like to get 2 if possible. Will spread the disease once leveled enough
    Edited by FoxyAbyss on June 18, 2015 3:07PM
  • Phycozero
    Still looking for werewolf bite in ebonheart pact
  • Osakamaru
    Osakamaru wrote: »
    Looking for vampire bite

    Psn Tre_C_A-R_D

    Aldmeri Dominion NA

    Please....Its been 4 days :(

    Starting to lose hope here....anyone?
  • Osakamaru
    ZOS_AlanG wrote: »
    We don't allow any sale or trade discussion on the forums - bites can be given freely, but that's it.

    Sadly this looks like it will never happen
    ima be giving out free werewolf bites weekly just gave one out today so 7 days from now ill give another.PSN is VANOKESTER and im in ebonheart
    Edited by VANOKESTER on June 19, 2015 2:19AM
  • King_Thorgrim
    Soul Shriven
    Lf: werewolf bite
    Sever: PS4 NA
    PSN: xLegitXHoundx
This discussion has been closed.