coolboot7-OG- wrote: »vampire bite. Anytime is good.
TristaLeigh wrote: »
You should always get the Bite first, or you could be out your hard earned gold.
Be safe and think about it.
coolboot7-OG- wrote: »
In life, when has there ever been an instance when someone has purchased goods from someone and received the product beforehand. One could go to any store online or near them and want to buy something; they do not receive the product until they pay. It is how life works.
TristaLeigh wrote: »
This is not about REAL LIFE products. This is about a game that people should be more respecting to each other and should be more open to the fact that Scamming is a real thing. Not about REAL MONEY
coolboot7-OG- wrote: »
Never did I say this was real life. However, since you want to pull the "Oh, it's a game card", Every product you purchase from the crown store is payed for before you receive as well. If my case is not strong enough for you still you are only listing the fact that the provider of the vampire bite is the only one who is able to scam. Yes, people say they will bite and end up just running with the money like the wastes of skin that they are, but in reality, someone who asks for a bite first then provides payment can do the same thing. That person who got turned and did not pay, has ruined the sellers chance at receiving any profit for 1 week from being a vampire. So all due respect "SCAMMING ", goes both ways buddy.
TheLegendOfTaco wrote: »Nobody work this this guy. If mod sees this this guy violated the games terms of use you mentioned in the first post by scamming 15k.
CamoPrincess wrote: »LF free vamp bite
Psn: roadglide103
Ps4 NA
TristaLeigh wrote: »
EBONHEART here too would you like to join our guild?
we are easy going and have been screwed over by scammers.