PlayStation 4 NA – Seeking/Offering Vampire or Werewolf Bite

  • Tmouch
    Soul Shriven
    Good evening,

    Id like to be bitten by vampire if all possible. Im on NA servers Ebon and will also join Vampire clan to pay the bites forward.

    PSN: ***_Nutz

  • GoliathYT
    LF Vamp bite


    Alliance: Ebonhart

    North America
  • Osakamaru
    Osakamaru wrote: »
    Looking for vampire bite

    Psn Tre_C_A-R_D

    Aldmeri Dominion NA

    Please....Its been 4 days :(

    Still here...
  • REYES_312
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a vampire bite I have my other character that carried over from PC that can give a werewolf bite willing to give a werewolf bite for free just as long as I get help with my vamp bite for my other character PSN is REYES_312
    Soul Shriven
  • inya21
    Soul Shriven
    I am on dominion ps4 North American looking for vampire bite will to pay it forward with werewolf bite. Psn xinyax
  • CocoaPeanuts
    Soul Shriven
    PSN: CocoaPeanuts



    I can offer friendship :D:D:D:D
  • ShadowProctor
    See all kinds of people posting, but nobody replying to anyone, and the only reply I've seen was someone who was trying to charge someone one thing or another. To be honest, I doubt that Vampires and Werewolves just search the forums for someone to turn out of the goodness of their own hearts. :( I've been asking dozens of players, sent so many PSN messages that I can't even count them all - and not a single player will help me out. Not even with the offer of gold or set items.

    So "if" I actually find someone that will help me out, I'll definitely come back to this thread and help out others, because it just shouldn't be this stressful to find someone to turn you.
    Edited by ShadowProctor on June 19, 2015 3:49AM
    "My beautiful abomination, how you shine in the dark." - Lamae Bal

    - Guildmaster of the Shadow Sect (PS4/NA/DC).
  • OhItsReckt
    There are literally groups upon groups of people in EP trying to get bit by a werewolf. I've ran the spawn route down for the last three full moon cycles and I haven't even seen a werewolf. No one is willing to bite me, despite being offered way more than the skill line is worth.

    Is there anyway we can either increase the spawn, or something? This is getting crazy.

    By the way, if anyone is willing to give me a WW bite, x_MERC_EM_x is my PSN, I'm literally on almost all day.
  • TristaLeigh
    Soul Shriven
    Hello, I am looking to become a vampire.
    I am in the Ebonheat Pack, my PSN is BurstinBubbles.
    Thank you in advance.
    Edited by TristaLeigh on June 19, 2015 4:00AM
  • coolboot7-OG-
    vampire bite . Anytime is good.

    [Moderator Note: Comment edited per our rules on WTB/WTS]
    Edited by ZOS_Stephen on June 19, 2015 5:07AM
  • Osakamaru
    Osakamaru wrote: »

    Still here...

    Welp going on 5 days now
  • TristaLeigh
    Soul Shriven
    vampire bite. Anytime is good.

    You should always get the Bite first, or you could be out your hard earned gold.
    Be safe and think about it.

    [Moderator Note: Comment edited per our rules on WTB/WTS]
    Edited by ZOS_Stephen on June 19, 2015 5:05AM
  • SilentCowz
    hook a guy up for a vampire bite!
    psn - silentcowz
  • CamoPrincess
    LF vampire bite
    Ps4 NA
    Psn: roadglide103

    Willing to Tip

    Online now
    Edited by ZOS_Stephen on June 19, 2015 5:09AM
  • TristaLeigh
    Soul Shriven
    People are out there trying to scam others out of their hard earned gold, and bites, so please be cautious about how you go about acquiring your wanted race.
    This is the order both parties should agree upon.

    1)Bite first
    2) Get/ get money if money was part of the agreement. If not thank the person who bit you
    3) don't be rude to the person who is doing the biting
    4)Don't be rude to the Bitee
    5) Enjoy your newly acquired race!
  • coolboot7-OG-

    You should always get the Bite first, or you could be out your hard earned gold.
    Be safe and think about it.

    In life, when has there ever been an instance when someone has purchased goods from someone and received the product beforehand. One could go to any store online or near them and want to buy something; they do not receive the product until they pay. It is how life works.
  • TristaLeigh
    Soul Shriven

    In life, when has there ever been an instance when someone has purchased goods from someone and received the product beforehand. One could go to any store online or near them and want to buy something; they do not receive the product until they pay. It is how life works.

    This is not about REAL LIFE products. This is about a game that people should be more respecting to each other and should be more open to the fact that Scamming is a real thing. Not about REAL MONEY
  • coolboot7-OG-

    This is not about REAL LIFE products. This is about a game that people should be more respecting to each other and should be more open to the fact that Scamming is a real thing. Not about REAL MONEY

    Never did I say this was real life. However, since you want to pull the "Oh, it's a game card", Every product you purchase from the crown store is payed for before you receive as well. If my case is not strong enough for you still you are only listing the fact that the provider of the vampire bite is the only one who is able to scam. Yes, people say they will bite and end up just running with the money like the wastes of skin that they are, but in reality, someone who asks for a bite first then provides payment can do the same thing. That person who got turned and did not pay, has ruined the sellers chance at receiving any profit for 1 week from being a vampire. So all due respect "SCAMMING ", goes both ways buddy.
  • nativepride08
    Lf: werewolf bite
    Ebonheart Pact
  • TristaLeigh
    Soul Shriven

    Never did I say this was real life. However, since you want to pull the "Oh, it's a game card", Every product you purchase from the crown store is payed for before you receive as well. If my case is not strong enough for you still you are only listing the fact that the provider of the vampire bite is the only one who is able to scam. Yes, people say they will bite and end up just running with the money like the wastes of skin that they are, but in reality, someone who asks for a bite first then provides payment can do the same thing. That person who got turned and did not pay, has ruined the sellers chance at receiving any profit for 1 week from being a vampire. So all due respect "SCAMMING ", goes both ways buddy.

    I know this, and without trying to start an argument, I am just saying that both parties should stick to their word and give what they promised. Like my point #2 says Get Or Give what you were promised.

    The transaction shouldn't just be:
    "I wanna pay $$$ to be
    "I'll turn you for that much"
    *Gives gold to be
    Nothing comes of it.

    Or even
    I will turn anyone into
    "I will pay you to turn me!"
    "Gives bites"
    Nothing comes of it.

    Just saying that it should be more in-depth and talked out do both parties are sure that the other is trustworthy.
  • CamoPrincess
    what is your psn?

    Are you coming back?
  • TheLegendOfTaco
    Nobody work this this guy. If mod sees this this guy violated the games terms of use you mentioned in the first post by scamming 15k.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Naming & Shaming]
    Edited by ZOS_Ann on June 25, 2015 3:26PM
  • CamoPrincess
    Nobody work this this guy. If mod sees this this guy violated the games terms of use you mentioned in the first post by scamming 15k.

    Ya he just scammed me out of 10k
    [Moderator Note: Edited quote to match moderated version]
    Edited by ZOS_Ann on June 25, 2015 3:27PM
  • TristaLeigh
    Soul Shriven
    Accepting in-game payment for a service like this and not delivering the agreed upon service is a violation of the game’s Terms of Service.
  • CamoPrincess
    LF free vamp bite
    Psn: roadglide103
    Ps4 NA

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Naming & Shaming]
    Edited by ZOS_Ann on June 25, 2015 3:28PM
  • TristaLeigh
    Soul Shriven
    LF free vamp bite

    Psn: roadglide103
    Ps4 NA

    EBONHEART here too would you like to join our guild?
    we are easy going and have been screwed over by scammers.

    [Moderator Note: Edited quote to match moderated version]
    Edited by ZOS_Ann on June 25, 2015 3:28PM
  • CamoPrincess

    EBONHEART here too would you like to join our guild?
    we are easy going and have been screwed over by scammers.

    Ty for the offer but I am already in a guild
  • ShadowProctor
    If there's a Daggerfall Covenant Guild that gives Vampire bites, I'll definitely join and help spread it around.

    There's a Daggerfall Covenant Guild on the EU server dedicated to helping people get free bites - hoping there's at least one on the NA server like that.

    PSN: ShadowProctor
    Edited by ShadowProctor on June 19, 2015 5:31AM
    "My beautiful abomination, how you shine in the dark." - Lamae Bal

    - Guildmaster of the Shadow Sect (PS4/NA/DC).
  • xXGreyWardenXx

    Lf: Vampire bite
    Megaserver: NA
    Alliance: ebonheart pack
    Console: ps4
    Gamertag: xXGreyWardenXx

    Come on ppl at least stop trolling the *** vampire spawns jezzuz cant even get infected cuz they die so fast
This discussion has been closed.