PlayStation 4 NA – Seeking/Offering Vampire or Werewolf Bite

  • PhatmanXBL3
    Soul Shriven

    Sorry meant to specify vampire bite.

    Still looking, im in the Daggerfall Covenant.
  • bnutz1
    Soul Shriven
    Sup everyone, I'm in need of help of getting a vampire bite. My psn is Bnutz0009 sever Na. I am in the Aldmeri Dominion Alliance, Please send me a message if you are able to help thanks.
  • xXGreyWardenXx
    Lf: Vampire bite
    Megaserver: NA
    Alliance: ebonheart pack
    Console: ps4
    Gamertag: xXGreyWardenXx

    Have a werewolf bite ready will trade it for a vampire bite
  • jarvey33
    Soul Shriven
    Aldermi Dominion
    PSN: jarvey33

    Need vampire bite, will trade werewolf bite.
  • Young_Archiebold
    Well, here goes the old college try...

    LF: Vampire
    Ebonheart pact
    PSN: young_archiebold

    Would love a free one, but well aware on what planet I live on lol will coordinate payment.
  • ryataki
    Soul Shriven
    I'm looking for vampire bite psn crimsonfire666 on ps4 europian megaserver character name ryataki please contact me if your interested in helping me out.
  • Balorio
    Soul Shriven
    I am looking for a Vampire or WW bite for my friend:

    LF: Either one.

    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact

    PSN: Bishsume

    I'd appreciate anyone willing to help him out! If need be, we can try to arrange some sort of a payment of gold or something...
  • RadiantDawn525
    Soul Shriven

    Alliance: ebonheart pact
    Megaserver: NA
    Console: PS4
    Name: Priscilla Dragonthorn
    PSN: RadiantDawn525
    I'm looking for a vampire bite ;) please help me out
  • BigHairyDucks
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for someone willing to give me their vampire bite in the Daggerfall Covenant. PSN:BigHairyDucks (PS4) North American Server
    Edited by BigHairyDucks on June 18, 2015 6:10PM
  • That_Guy42
    I got scratched! Wooiooooooooioooo!
    Edited by That_Guy42 on June 25, 2015 6:28AM
    Many fall, but one remains.
  • statik711
    Soul Shriven
    US NA
    Looking for vampire, have werewolf ready to bite.
    Psn: Statik11

  • xXGreyWardenXx
    Lf: Vampire bite
    Megaserver: NA
    Alliance: ebonheart pack
    Console: ps4
    Gamertag: xXGreyWardenXx

    Have a werewolf bite ready will trade it for a vampire bite
  • Rozaka
    willing to trade a werewolf bite for a vampire bite in 3 days and 4 hours :smiley:
    aldmari dominion
    us server
    psn rozaka
  • zerv-kun
    Looking for Vampire Bite in Ebonheart Pact.
    PSN: Zerv-Kun
    ESO NA Server:
    Dark Elf Sorcerer Veteran Rank 1 Seiðr
    Nord DragonKnight Level 21 Odin Nikarr(Farming Motifs)

    Gulid: The Shattered Legion(Ebonheart Pact)
  • Tardistiles
    Soul Shriven
    PSN: Tardistiles
    Console: PS4
    Alliance: Ebonheart
    Server: North America

    Looking for a Vampire bite for my side character. I'm willing to pay gold (at least 10,000 gold, if I have to) as well as guarantee a Werewolf bite from my clan-mate that I recently turned. With people purposefully killing the spawns, it's difficult to get bites the real way.

    Any help is appreciated. Feel free to message me on PSN or wherever if you're interested
  • SaintSteele
    Soul Shriven
    I'm looking for a vampire bite. Add me and we'll discuss!

    PSN: SaintSteele
  • TheLegendOfTaco
    To be clear the bite is free

    PSN: TheLegendOfTaco

    Ebonheart Pact
    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules for this thread]

    Edited by ZOS_Ann on June 25, 2015 3:24PM
  • Sabe18
    Soul Shriven
    Really would like a vamp bite, been searching for a while. Psn reservoirdog0018. Ebonheart pact. Na
  • Beardilingus
    Soul Shriven
    Hey PS4 werewolves,


    Ebonheart Pact

    I've been trying to get a bite naturally with no luck. Any wolves out there willing and able to bite the good way!

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Naming & Shaming]
    Edited by ZOS_Ann on June 25, 2015 3:25PM
  • SkinnyDG
    Hey guys. I'm looking for a werewolf bite. I spent 4 hours waiting by some graveyard only to see 2 people get scammed out of coin. Talk about sad. There were also guys hunting the werewolves so we can't get infected. I don't know what else to do but ask for help here and it doesn't look like anyone offers infections. I have no problem donating but after the crap I saw last night you will have to bite me first. Any help or a lead on where I can get one would be awesome sauce.
    I'll be playing for the next 12-16 hours cause I'm crazy addicted.

    PSN: Skinny_DG_
    NA Server

    Lvl 35 Nightblade
  • LowFatCat
    Soul Shriven
    Hey everyone, I have a character that needs to be bitten by a werewolf, then another that I'd like bitten by a vampire. I'd VERY much appreciate either of them, but if you could do both I would love you forever. FOREVER, I SAY!

    Friend me!
    PSN: Visaris-Hound

    The guy I want to be a vampire is in the Dominion. The guy I'd like to be a werewolf is in Ebonheart.

    Please please please help. :)
  • Originality
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a vampire bite in the Covenant on the NA server.
    My PSN is Ori_Spacebear
  • SlayerofZombehs
    Soul Shriven
    Console: PS4
    Looking for : werewolf bite
    Server : NA
    Alliance : Aldmeri Dominion
    PSN : SlayerofZombehs
  • TheKingslayer1998
    Soul Shriven
    I'm looking for a vampire

    psn: Slender_Man052
    Character name: Rodrik Umber
    NA server

    please message my psn to set a meeting place.

  • sandawgjr
    Soul Shriven
    I'm looking for a werewolf bite
    Daggerfall covenant
    Character name:Brailon
    Msg me on psn if you can help
  • gichimonidoo
    Soul Shriven
    Seeking vampire Bite

    PSN: bruceleroy5
    NA serve
  • xXGreyWardenXx

    Lf: Vampire bite
    Megaserver: NA
    Alliance: ebonheart pack
    Console: ps4
    Gamertag: xXGreyWardenXx

    Have a werewolf bite ready will trade it for a vampire bite
  • templesus
    Looking for a vampire bite
    Ebonheart Pact
    if interestepsn True_Trikkshot

    [Moderator Note: Comment edited per our rules on WTB/WTS]
    [Moderator Note: Offering real life currency for any service in game is a violation of the Terms of Service]
    Edited by ZOS_ArtG on June 19, 2015 2:34PM
  • SkinnyDG
    Real money, scamming, camping...the actions this feature is causing is kind of disgusting.
  • ShadowProctor
    Been looking for a Vampire bite since launch. Every time I was around when they spawned, players killed them right away and I couldn't get infected. Getting to be very stressful, and I'd be extremely appreciative if someone could bite me.

    I'm in the Daggerfall Covenant.

    NA Server - PS4

    My PSN name is ShadowProctor

    I've messaged several Vampires in-game about it, offered gold and set-items, nobody so much as replies.

    So, if able to help me out, send me a message on PSN or something, I can meet you at the shrine in Bangkorai whenever it's convenient for you. Thanks.
    Edited by ShadowProctor on June 19, 2015 2:17AM
    "My beautiful abomination, how you shine in the dark." - Lamae Bal

    - Guildmaster of the Shadow Sect (PS4/NA/DC).
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