Hello there, I started playing 2 weeks ago, so I learned some basics about the game, still much to learn though!
I do have a mic and everything, and I'd love to join the guild.
PSN - Scorture6
Hello there, I started playing 2 weeks ago, so I learned some basics about the game, still much to learn though!
I do have a mic and everything, and I'd love to join the guild.
PSN - Scorture6
Hi, i am a 41 DK, playing since 2 weeks. I live in germany, i know there is a european server, but in most mmo games
the european Players are scrubs. Looking for some funny ppl to play with. I am nearly every day on, night and day, depends on my shift.
Would like to join your guild, to smack some ass together.
Greetz Tyskiee
Hi, i am a 41 DK, playing since 2 weeks. I live in germany, i know there is a european server, but in most mmo games
the european Players are scrubs. Looking for some funny ppl to play with. I am nearly every day on, night and day, depends on my shift.
Would like to join your guild, to smack some ass together.
Greetz Tyskiee
Psn is Tyskiee91
AdeptusKillius wrote: »PSN: AdeptusKillius
linkstark3070 wrote: »Looking for a good Alderi Dominion guild to join. Lvl 22 sorcerer high elf. Can I join?
Psn: LinkStark3070
AdeptusKillius wrote: »PSN: AdeptusKillius
did the invite not go through for ya? ill get another one sent this evening.
luckybush56 wrote: »my psn is "luckybush56",and my friend's is "juliah56"..plz inv us
Hello there!
I'm interested in joining your guild. I don't have much to offer right now since I'm still pretty new at this game. But I'll gladly contribute to the guild once I put myself in a better position.
I'm a level 38 Nightblade.
Looking forward to your reply!
PSN: Exithes
Hi there I've just started playing Elder Scrolls and am looking for a guild to join so I can trade with and participate in raids etc as I develop my character.
Currently I've a level 7 Altmer Mage I am developing. Sorry for the low level but I am an mmo fan and have been playing FF14 for almost two years so know how to contribute and work properly with a guild. I am based in Australia but play at all different hours due to shift work.
My PlayStation ID is Blupaul
I look forward to an invite and hope you consider me as a candidate for your guild.
Thank you.
PSN: FatemoeTW
hey my psn is syedusman30 and guild invite would be most appreciated, iam a veteran 4 sorcerer and i play both on pvp and pve, also im pretty active and i rlly get involved in guild activities and i contribute aswell if the guild is active and fun to be in.