The Illuminati - Ebonheart Pact - 350+ Members - Recruiting Active/Mature Members

  • BobbyBigTime
    Ebonheart Pact looking for a guild to play with frequently. GT: ONTHEJAZZ2009

    Invite sent. Welcome!
    GT: BobbyBigTime69
    Guildmaster (Illuminati)
    "History is the lie commonly agreed upon"
  • chaoticorc
    Soul Shriven
    looking for a fun guild to join. GT is ChaoticorcOney
  • BobbyBigTime
    chaoticorc wrote: »
    looking for a fun guild to join. GT is ChaoticorcOney

    Invite sent. I think u may be number 50! Thx for getting us that guild store! ;)
    GT: BobbyBigTime69
    Guildmaster (Illuminati)
    "History is the lie commonly agreed upon"
  • sbrite10b14_ESO
    Im a little older than probably some of you.Im 46 but still a kid at heart lol.Id be intereseted. Xbox ID is OPTIKON4658 .
  • SecXTanX
    Soul Shriven
    Little older here as well, 40. GT is SecXTanX and game name is Wriggz. I'll be on tomorrow for sure, played a bit much today.
  • Danstarrrrr
    I'm looking for a guild and friends to level with. I'm level 5. Female over 30. From Australia. Would like an invite if Aussies are welcome :) GT EllusiveDream. Thanks

    Im looking to start an australian guide soon in the daggerfall if you are interested. I can invite you when its up and running if you would like ?
  • Danstarrrrr
    I'm looking for a guild and friends to level with. I'm level 5. Female over 30. From Australia. Would like an invite if Aussies are welcome :) GT EllusiveDream. Thanks

    Im looking to start an australian guide soon in the daggerfall if you are interested. I can invite you when its up and running if you would like ?

    *guild that is haha
  • BobbyBigTime
    Guild store now operational! If I've missed inviting anyone just let me know, been kinda crazy this weekend.
    GT: BobbyBigTime69
    Guildmaster (Illuminati)
    "History is the lie commonly agreed upon"
  • floxsom
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to join. Loving the game so far, gamer tag: Popo Macaroni
  • dblurxd_ESO
    Invite me, my gamertag is dBluRxD!
  • buddcl0t
    I'm level 12 templar healer build looking for a guild.31 years mmos haven't played one in a few years though. my alliance is dagger fall covenant though. am i able to change that?
  • WarpCoreBreach
    Soul Shriven
    Greetings! I’d love to be a part of your guild! I’m new to MMO but I am a hardcore fan of Oblivion and Skyrim on consoles. I am a recently retired high school teacher with some time to commit to the game. I’m not a geezer and I don’t see age as any kind of barrier. I play smart and deliberate, I enjoy exploring all areas of the game. I love crafting, provisioning, enchanting, and alchemy. I seem to create way too much gear and supplies! I am always working to create the best possible weapons, potions, etc. I enjoy collaboration and cooperation and I have no big ego to satisfy. I’m not sure I know exactly the roles these guilds play in the game but I am a quick-learner! I am looking forward to your response!
    – Bryan
    – GT: WarpCoreBreach
  • BobbyBigTime
    buddcl0t wrote: »
    I'm level 12 templar healer build looking for a guild.31 years mmos haven't played one in a few years though. my alliance is dagger fall covenant though. am i able to change that?

    What is your gamer tag? I'll invite & explain alliances & such if you would like.
    GT: BobbyBigTime69
    Guildmaster (Illuminati)
    "History is the lie commonly agreed upon"
  • BobbyBigTime
    Everyone else, invites sent. Welcome to the ranks of the Enlightened!
    GT: BobbyBigTime69
    Guildmaster (Illuminati)
    "History is the lie commonly agreed upon"
  • BobbyBigTime
    62 members & counting. We're always looking for more to join us! Let's get to 75 by tonight!
    GT: BobbyBigTime69
    Guildmaster (Illuminati)
    "History is the lie commonly agreed upon"
  • Gabriel_Froste
    Glorious. Now I can sell my lvl 14 Iron Goods for a good amount of gold... and reasonable prices... taking into consideration the amount of cash most lvl 14s have... but then other players can most likely exploit that and sell the sets for even more money...


    Oh well. Cash is cash.
    Please Refer to my Blacksmith Manual
    Rambling Anti-Manual Manual
  • DontPanic
    Soul Shriven
    Hi I'm interested in joining the guild. I have 10+ years of mmorpg exp recently put wow down for this.
    My Gt is DontPanic8D.

  • BobbyBigTime
    DontPanic wrote: »
    Hi I'm interested in joining the guild. I have 10+ years of mmorpg exp recently put wow down for this.
    My Gt is DontPanic8D.


    Not home at the moment, but I'm getting an officer to get u invited now. Welcome Aboard!
    GT: BobbyBigTime69
    Guildmaster (Illuminati)
    "History is the lie commonly agreed upon"
  • BobbyBigTime
    Rushed to get home... to down servers... I'll get you guys invited who messaged.... hopefully
    GT: BobbyBigTime69
    Guildmaster (Illuminati)
    "History is the lie commonly agreed upon"
  • ksgriesnub18_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    hey, I'm interested in joining! I played the computer version a little but stopped since i didn't feel like paying for it lol. So now i have it on console. Currently a level 12 Dark elf Ebonheart Nightblade.

    I work full time job overnight and have college courses but i still get on during the day(eastern time). Would love joining you guys, I've been looking for a good guild!

  • BobbyBigTime
    hey, I'm interested in joining! I played the computer version a little but stopped since i didn't feel like paying for it lol. So now i have it on console. Currently a level 12 Dark elf Ebonheart Nightblade.

    I work full time job overnight and have college courses but i still get on during the day(eastern time). Would love joining you guys, I've been looking for a good guild!


    Servers just came online logging now. I'll get u an invite sent momentarily
    GT: BobbyBigTime69
    Guildmaster (Illuminati)
    "History is the lie commonly agreed upon"
    Add me to the guild if you guys coordinate well in Cyrodiil. Im a level 35 Sorcerer, been playing this guy since day 1. This is my first MMO, but that hasn't been a problem at all.

    Gamertag: SB Emji
    Edited by SirDOOMDOG on June 15, 2015 12:46AM
  • BobbyBigTime
    SirDOOMDOG wrote: »
    Add me to the guild if you guys coordinate well in Cyrodiil. Im a level 35 Sorcerer, been playing this guy since day 1. This is my first MMO, but that hasn't been a problem at all.

    Gamertag: SB Emji

    We have aspirations for pvp dominance in the future, we're just getting our feet wet now in Cyrodil. But we always strive for excellence so it will be organized when we get everyone maxed. Sending u an invite now.
    GT: BobbyBigTime69
    Guildmaster (Illuminati)
    "History is the lie commonly agreed upon"
  • Winteriscoming
    Soul Shriven
    My gamertag is Winter2015 add me please! :)
  • Winteriscoming
    Soul Shriven
    Add Sgt Brady420
  • aesterle
    Soul Shriven
    Hey, I'll take an invite. PC player rolling on xbox due to a horrible rig. Shoot it to my GT: Shwords if you want to. Thanks much!
  • lthompson06
    Soul Shriven
    Sounds like my kind of guild! If you are still recruiting, my gamertag is lacecilias.
  • AceMKIV
    Soul Shriven
    Hey! If you guys are still recruiting id like to join please.
    GT: AceMKIV
  • BobbyBigTime
    Invite sent to all. Great to have you all with us! All important guild info is under the messages.
    GT: BobbyBigTime69
    Guildmaster (Illuminati)
    "History is the lie commonly agreed upon"
  • Leowyatt
    Invite me GT: HolyLeowyatt
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