Invisible and non-interactive NPCs.

  • glendale1
    ZOS_MollyH wrote: »
    Greetings! Have you submitted a support ticket for the invisible NPCs? If not, please let us know and we'll be happy to submit one on your behalf!

    Chief Koth is invisible to me but not my teammates. Really messed up.
  • marktheshark23
    Soul Shriven
    Support didnt work just uninstalled then re-installed and worked, but eventually happened again:(. I switched out to european server and it has not happened to me so far and have been playing consistently.
  • Zabb
    Same thing here. On xbone with brand new character and can't interact or see certain npcs. Just stuck for now. I can however run into them lol. And u also see many black mannequin looking figures too. Not sure maybe they are night blades!
  • JoeNelly
    Soul Shriven
    Platform: Xbox One

    This has been happening to me on a lot of quests the last two days. I go to talk to an NPC to progress in a quest and am met with their name and an option to talk but there's no one there and hitting A doesn't open a conversation or anything. Right now it's happening in Fort Virak Ruin during the Breaking Fort Virak quest. I'm attempting to talk to Walks-In-Ash. This has also happened a good amount of times when i approached the start of new side quests, only to have the same issue.

    Connection errors, extremely long loading times, glitches constantly, and now this crap. The game is definitely good but this is seriously ridiculous. The game is a damn trainwreck right now.
    Edited by JoeNelly on June 12, 2015 2:52PM
  • EquinoxBlack
    Ran into this last night... Banker in Daggerfall was invisible... got the action button, but clicking it resulted in nothing.

    Also ran into some invisible bad guys during the Red Rook Camp quest line. When you go into the basement to save the hostages they were invisible, and there were bad guys attacking that I couldn't see/attack... but other players could attack them... and the inverse was true... I could attack bad guys that some others couldn't see/attack.

    Not a transfer... new console player....
    Equinox Black
    Family Friendly - Guild Leader

    NA Megaserver - Daggerfall Covenant
    Xbox Live - Equinox Black
    Good news, everyone! I think I perfected a plague that will destroy all life on Azeroth!
  • JoeNelly
    Soul Shriven
    Oh I'm being attacked by invisible enemies that I can't attack back. Come to think of it, this happened to me yesterday as well. -_- it keeps getting better.

    Edited by JoeNelly on June 12, 2015 3:27PM
  • JoeNelly
    Soul Shriven
    A lot of players and NPCs like this too:
  • JoeNelly
    Soul Shriven
    A lot of players and NPCs like this too:
  • AntTKD
    Soul Shriven
    On Xbox One at least, this glitch Isn't exclusive to the friendly NPC's. I was just casually strolling down the beach when I'm attacked by invisible Maumor Pirates! They can kill you but you can't kill them.
  • Punk1009
    Soul Shriven
    I have also been experiencing these invisible NPCs, also some enemies and ppl in pvp are invisible.
    Hopefully this is fixed quick because it is ruining this lovely game for me
  • SilkySte
    Is there a time scale to get these issues resolved please? I have experienced all of these issues and its getting on my nerves.

    New player character.
  • SmotheryLlama11
    Soul Shriven
    For those of you experiencing this issue, though some of the details are in your posts, the following info would be helpful:

    What platform they are you on? (Assuming Xbox One in this thread, given this thread is in the Xbox One Tech Support forum)
    Where were you when it happened?
    What NPCs are missing (if you're able to tell?)
    What are you experiencing? Do they see the NPC name? Can you interact in any way? Are you getting attacked by invisible things?
    How long were you playing before it happened?

    Xbox One Captain Kaleen also the blacksmithing person in Dagerfall for certification quest. On some of my quest I have been attacked by invisible people where other players attack them and can see them but I can't. Some of the guards are missing in Bitnik. I had seen some NPCs lying on the ground like their dead. I'm given the option to interact. It I think their dead.
    I've turned off Xbox over night and still have the same problem. I tried creating a new character on the European server but it the creation window character disappeared. Maybe the server needs to get reset. Not sure.
    Thank you
  • SmotheryLlama11
    Soul Shriven
    ZOS_MollyH wrote: »
    We are aware that some NPCs (such as Lyris Titanborn) are invisible for some console players. This can prevent interaction with them and hinder progress in the game.

    Our team is currently working to resolve this issue.

    Until this issue is fixed, we recommend that PlayStation 4 and Xbox One players try the following steps:

    For PlayStation 4
    Power Cycling
    • From the Dynamic Menu's Home screen, press [UP] on the d-pad to bring up the Function screen. Then select Power and choose Turn Off PS4.
    • Or, press and hold the [PS button] for at least one second. Then select Turn Off PS4 on the screen that is displayed.
    • Or, hold down the Power button on the front of the PlayStation 4 for at least 7 seconds until the system beeps twice.
    For Xbox One
    Power Cycling
    • Go to the Home screen.
    • Press the [Menu] button on the controller.
    • Select Settings.
    • Go to Power & startup.
    • Select Turn Xbox Off.
    • Select Yes to power down the console.
    • Turn the console back on by pressing the [Xbox button] on the console or the [Xbox button] on your controller
    Clear the BLU-RAY persistent storage
    • Press the [Menu] key on the controller.
    • Go to Settings and select Disc & Blu-Ray.
    • In the BLU-RAY section, select Persistent Storage.
    • Select Clear persistent storage.

    For further assistance with the steps above, we recommend that players contact Customer Support for their console:

    PlayStation Support:
    Xbox Support:

    Xbox One directions worked. It's the CLEAR PERSISTANT STORAGE. After I did this missing NPCs showed up.
  • VladDracula8706
    Soul Shriven
    The quest "Restoring the guardians", the Walks-in-ash character is invisble, I canot give him the daedra hearts I collected, and I cannot communicate with him to comtinue the quest.
  • VladDracula8706
    Soul Shriven
    The quest "Restoring the guardians", the Walks-in-ash character is invisble, I canot give him the daedra hearts I collected, and I cannot communicate with him to comtinue the quest.

    No character transfer on this profile.
  • aizlin
    Soul Shriven
    Xbox one
    Dagger fall and surrounding area. Many NPCs in the area are invisible and cannot interact with them. Also being attacked by invisible enemies, and have died many times due to this.
    So far cannot complete long lost lore as Valente is invisible (mages guild). Also, Elina is invisible - same location.
    Cannot complete anchors from the harbor as 1 of the cultists bodies is also invisible.
    2nd to on can't speak to Lyris
  • DiluteGecko
    Soul Shriven
    Hi everyone, we are aware of this issue and it will be fixed in our next incremental patch. In the meantime, you should completely close your game or reboot your system if you run into an invisible NPC. Thanks!

    IF IT DIDN'T take 15 mins to log in and it actually fixed the problem then it would be fine, this is NOT a fix.

  • DiluteGecko
    Soul Shriven
    Hi everyone, we are aware of this issue and it will be fixed in our next incremental patch. In the meantime, you should completely close your game or reboot your system if you run into an invisible NPC. Thanks!

    IF IT DIDN'T take 15 mins to log in and it actually fixed the problem then it would be fine, this is NOT a fix.

  • DiluteGecko
    Soul Shriven
    Hi everyone, we are aware of this issue and it will be fixed in our next incremental patch. In the meantime, you should completely close your game or reboot your system if you run into an invisible NPC. Thanks!

    IF IT DIDN'T take 15 mins to log in and it actually fixed the problem then it would be fine, this is NOT a fix.

    NM it fixed but u have to stay logged out for at least 5 mins w/o waiting in the que

  • welren
    Soul Shriven
    When can we expect a patch for these bugs. These "fixes" don't cut it. I'm not going to turn off my Xbox and turn it back on every time I go into a new building and my quest npc disappears. This happens literally every time I enter a different area, it's a game breaking bug that many people are experiencing.
  • Bleach300
    Soul Shriven
    Would really like an ETA on a patch for this NPC problem.
  • SirPope
    Had same problem. Switched from main/ active quest and went back to location and she was there..
    Sir Pope
  • NewBlacksmurf
    The way to resolve this on Xbox one is:
    1: go home
    2: start another game...wait 20 secs
    3: go home again
    4: restart TESO TU
    5: login and it should resolve the issues.

    In some cases you may need to perform a hard reset before starting step 1
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Just wanted to let you know that this will likely be fixed in our next incremental patch for console!
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • oiwimpio
    Soul Shriven
    ZOS_MollyH wrote: »
    Greetings! Have you submitted a support ticket for the invisible NPCs? If not, please let us know and we'll be happy to submit one on your behalf!

    I am having the same issue with goblins not appearing and I can not even do the first quest with the prophet. Due to it leads me to some random persons house. I am on Xbox one.
  • Gedden1026
    Soul Shriven
    ZOS_MollyH wrote: »
    We are aware that some NPCs (such as Lyris Titanborn) are invisible for some console players. This can prevent interaction with them and hinder progress in the game.

    Our team is currently working to resolve this issue.

    Until this issue is fixed, we recommend that PlayStation 4 and Xbox One players try the following steps:

    For PlayStation 4
    Power Cycling
    • From the Dynamic Menu's Home screen, press [UP] on the d-pad to bring up the Function screen. Then select Power and choose Turn Off PS4.
    • Or, press and hold the [PS button] for at least one second. Then select Turn Off PS4 on the screen that is displayed.
    • Or, hold down the Power button on the front of the PlayStation 4 for at least 7 seconds until the system beeps twice.
    For Xbox One
    Power Cycling
    • Go to the Home screen.
    • Press the [Menu] button on the controller.
    • Select Settings.
    • Go to Power & startup.
    • Select Turn Xbox Off.
    • Select Yes to power down the console.
    • Turn the console back on by pressing the [Xbox button] on the console or the [Xbox button] on your controller
    Clear the BLU-RAY persistent storage
    • Press the [Menu] key on the controller.
    • Go to Settings and select Disc & Blu-Ray.
    • In the BLU-RAY section, select Persistent Storage.
    • Select Clear persistent storage.

    For further assistance with the steps above, we recommend that players contact Customer Support for their console:

    PlayStation Support:
    Xbox Support:

  • Gedden1026
    Soul Shriven
    Titanborn became invisible. Tried this fix for xbox one and now my character is invisible. Even after I deleted and remake and character. Also can't move or do anything at start of game. Made it worse.
  • Maltanoro
    Soul Shriven
    -Xbx one
    -stonefalls. Haven't seen any miss g NPC'S, but all goblin's are invisible. They can still kill me, and I get a red dot on the compass showing me approximately where they are. I can not hit the or target them.
    - not a pc transfer.
  • j4yc
    Soul Shriven

    What platform they are you on? xbox 1
    Where were you when it happened? Mistral Chancery (has happened with other npcs though)
    What NPCs are missing - Ulondil this time
    What are you experiencing? Do they see the NPC name? Can you interact in any way? Are you getting attacked by invisible things? Can see name and interact option but no one there and nothing happened when I select interact
    How long were you playing before it happened? Few hours
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