Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

Thread for PC Users :)

  • BigM
    Gorthax wrote: »
    mdhammond wrote: »

    How them addons working out for you.......can you handle all that infor......oh wait........

    You guys will NEVER know if something is broke because you will never be able to tell lol Oh wait....thats up to us too.....

    Soooooo that means if WE (the pc players) stop reporting broken things because we can see them thanks to addons, you console people would be screwed?

    hmmmm......to report broken stuff or not too lol

    LOL stopped doing that long ago. Only reported if something blocked my progression. :smile:

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on August 4, 2024 11:44AM
    “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
    ― Stephen Hawking
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    BigM wrote: »
    PBpsy wrote: »
    They launch the console version and most console players immediately ask for that same crap that we wanted for more that a year.

    Well, that's OK because the AMA Reddit convo has @ZOS staff saying they will be adding more "requested features" to the Console UI.

    Us PC Players are being treated like the proverbial red-headed step-child again.

    All The Best

    It won't stop I still say our game is on the way out. Nothing else really makes sense. They are showing us by not responding to us one time in the last 24 hours. Heck even when we were having major issues on PC/MAC side they do and only update in a console post.

    Here guys go read the console forum we are updating there. Yep we are the bottom of the barrel. But one thing is for sure they loved our green to get to this point! :kissing_smiling_eyes:

    And holy cow yes. That thread thing made me mad, especially when after I quoted her and gave a big LOL she came back with something like "Well PC is mentioned 2/3 of the way down the page"(paraphrase). That was soooooo disrespectful. (so am I though sometimes)

    I love parenthesis.
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    Oh and now it's "Wait until AFTER E3" instead of "Wait until after console release". Someone else mentioned this. I see why they don't say much. They put their foot squarely in their mouth every time they open it.
  • nastuug
    Now, where were we...

  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    nastuug wrote: »
    Now, where were we...


    I started a new poll. You guys got me thinking. Way to go getting me thinking. Never a good thing.
  • nastuug
    That's your fault. I just wanted more popcorn gifs. ;)
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    nastuug wrote: »
    That's your fault. I just wanted more popcorn gifs. ;)

  • lathbury
    mdhammond wrote: »
    But in all seriousness ya I don't know what it's been like for PC users and I wish you all got the responses you deserve. After all you all put in the work and have been the loyal fan base. I want ESO to prosper across all platforms, TES 3 got me into RPGs and I've been addicted every since, I want it to be successful. I probably would of got into PC gaming myself but asking for a gaming rig wasn't an option in my house growing up lol

    Now your grown up get one join us we have popcorn :)

  • nastuug
    nastuug wrote: »
    That's your fault. I just wanted more popcorn gifs. ;)


  • Xendyn

    I started a new poll. You guys got me thinking. Way to go getting me thinking. Never a good thing.

    Oh don't do that. Your head will be like..

    Edited by Xendyn on June 12, 2015 12:08AM
    Lag is ruinin' my 'mershun!
    A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.
    There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance - Socrates
    Member of the Old Guard, keepers of the game's history

  • Bouvin
    Lorkhan wrote: »

    i hope we, pc players, get some increased server capacity as well.

  • Zhoyzu
    Dahkoht wrote: »

    holy ***, i need to save up for a set up like that.
    Zhoyzu - Nightblade Alchemist (v15) RETIRED
    Has-No-Heart - Templar Enchanter (v4) FUBAR
    Ambadassador - Dragon knight (v1) Naked with no future (returned from the naked realm to tank PvE)
    Sakis Tolis - Sorceror (v10 in progress) Living Legend!

    Xuhl'Xotuun - Warden Current Main as im starting the game over essentially with this character aside from crafting.

    Creator of Khajiit fall dmg reduction racial passive concept.

  • Heishi
    I got on after work and saw a certain message in my inbox and notifications I was like

    Then I read the following 8 pages and was like

    I wanted to get mad at the plutocracy. But then was like whatever I got popcorn
    And so did many brave men, women, and beast fall to the end of Beta, never to be heard from again. All that is left, is whispers of the adventures they had.
  • nastuug
    Heishi wrote: »
    I got on after work and saw a certain message in my inbox and notifications I was like

    Then I read the following 8 pages and was like

    I wanted to get mad at the plutocracy. But then was like whatever I got popcorn

  • Psychobunni
    PBpsy wrote: »
    C'mon guys, too much seriousness going on, let's get back to silly!!!!!


    OMG you creeper! How did you get my picture?!?! :o

    If options weren't necessary, and everyone played the same way, no one would use addons. Fix the UI!

  • PBpsy
    PBpsy wrote: »
    C'mon guys, too much seriousness going on, let's get back to silly!!!!!


    OMG you creeper! How did you get my picture?!?! :o


    Google flying bunny
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
    Elitist jerk
    Fan of icontested(rainbow colors granted)
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    PBpsy wrote: »
    PBpsy wrote: »
    C'mon guys, too much seriousness going on, let's get back to silly!!!!!


    OMG you creeper! How did you get my picture?!?! :o


    Google flying bunny

    Well I did, and I found this!!

  • Heishi
    PBpsy wrote: »
    C'mon guys, too much seriousness going on, let's get back to silly!!!!!


    OMG you creeper! How did you get my picture?!?! :o

    And so did many brave men, women, and beast fall to the end of Beta, never to be heard from again. All that is left, is whispers of the adventures they had.
  • Shunravi
    Heishi wrote: »
    PBpsy wrote: »
    C'mon guys, too much seriousness going on, let's get back to silly!!!!!


    OMG you creeper! How did you get my picture?!?! :o


    This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha... Ooh sweetroll!
  • JD2013
    Back! What did I miss?
    Sweetrolls for all!

    Christophe Mottierre - Breton Templar with his own whole darn estate! Templar Houses are so 2015. EU DC

    PC Beta Tester January 2014

    Elder of The Black
    Order of Sithis
    The Runners

    @TamrielTraverse - For Tamriel related Twitter shenanigans!

    Crafting bag OP! ZOS nerf pls!
  • victorhrpereira
    Thanks for creating this thread, I never had so much fun reading this forums before lol
    My girls :

    Cecily - Stam. DragonKnight - EP
    Valky Bladesister - Stam. Nightblade - EP
    Serah Sunspade - Stam. Templar - EP
    Cynthia Vukein - Mag. Sorcerer - EP
    Lúmina - Mag. Templar - EP
    Shauna Ivy - Mag. DragonKnight - EP
    Skyla Moon - Stam. Sorcerer- EP
    Jasmine Crystal - Mag. Nightblade - EP
  • firewatch
    P3ZZL3 wrote: »
    Right PC masters (and mistresses) I'm home and heading into EU Megaserver. Have a good evening and I'll revive this thread tomorrow morning :)

    In the mean time.....I suspect some people in @ZOS after today might feel a bit like this:


    Ahhhh hahah I've never laughed so hard at a forum post...
  • nastuug
    firewatch wrote: »
    P3ZZL3 wrote: »
    Right PC masters (and mistresses) I'm home and heading into EU Megaserver. Have a good evening and I'll revive this thread tomorrow morning :)

    In the mean time.....I suspect some people in @ZOS after today might feel a bit like this:


    Ahhhh hahah I've never laughed so hard at a forum post...

    I think that was from an episode of the Amazing Race a few years ago. Just as funny now as it was then. =)
  • Marsgodofwar
    JD2013 wrote: »
    Shunravi wrote: »
    nastuug wrote: »
    JD2013 wrote: »
    Back! What did I miss?




    Here ya go http://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/39hegg/news_zos_had_a_console_aua_today_here_are_the/

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on August 4, 2024 11:48AM
  • JD2013

    Thank you!

    Oh, so now there'll be news on new content after E3?

    That's . . .

    Pass the popcorn please.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on August 4, 2024 11:49AM
    Sweetrolls for all!

    Christophe Mottierre - Breton Templar with his own whole darn estate! Templar Houses are so 2015. EU DC

    PC Beta Tester January 2014

    Elder of The Black
    Order of Sithis
    The Runners

    @TamrielTraverse - For Tamriel related Twitter shenanigans!

    Crafting bag OP! ZOS nerf pls!
  • Faulgor
    JD2013 wrote: »

    Thank you!

    Oh, so now there'll be news on new content after E3?

    That's . . .

    Pass the popcorn please.

    I don't think that'll do it ...

    I need an infusion of liquefied popcorn.

    Everybody else is releasing new stuff even before E3 to get people hyped.
    ZOS can't even get anything done at E3.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on August 4, 2024 11:51AM
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • noobfury
    I'm a PC and console guy, I played ESO beta and played at launch/early release through about August 2014 (stopped really playing a lot closer to July). I loved the game, but yes, it was broken from the get go and still hasn't been fixed.

    I understand being upset about the lack of attention to the PC platform. Especially since said lack of attention, especially to PvP has ruined end game and also paying a monthly sub before the game went F2P.

    My question to all of the PC players in here is: Why? Why did you continue to force yourselves to suffer through all the [snip]? Why not just cancel your sub and not play the game? Why waste your time?

    And yes, it's your time and money to do with as you please. Not jumping on any of you guys at all. Personally, when I had enough of the [snip], I cancelled my sub and dabbled around some other MMORPGs and console games. I'd periodically check the forums on here, usually about once a month or so, to see if anything had changed. Hoping it had to come back.


    You should want the consoles to work smoothly, then PC might get attention again and hopefully fixed. That's what I'm hoping for at least.

    This thread is not so much about raining on the console parade as it is simply a little unification for us pc users who actually want to believe in the future of this game.

    I have been putting both TIME and MONEY in to mmorpg's for over 10 years only to watch the majority of these companies grab as much cash as they can and then leave their player base holding the bag.

    Ive seen it with Sony , Ive seen it with Trion , and a dozen others. I remember buying my copy of Fury in the store and seeing Auron shut down the servers within 2 weeks because of their bad decisions.

    People are tired of this trend. We go from one empty shell to the next because of the never ending cash grab that ultimately results in companies ignoring their source of income.

    Every time we start a new game we take a gamble on the company to deliver because we have no guarantee ever that it will work out , this is the bane of gaming.

    This thread is making light of a situation that has most of us saying " here we go again " while we desperately hope that we aren't investing in false hope and empty promises.

    There is nothing childish about not wanting to waste your time and money chasing the carrot someone is dangling in front of your nose. I work full time , built my pc and want my moneys worth when I invest in gaming . I don't like being jerked around and neither does anyone else.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on August 4, 2024 11:54AM
    noobfury earned the Eighth Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 8 years. PC NA
  • Messy1
    This thread is being molded into something like this . . .
  • PBpsy
    Faulgor wrote: »
    JD2013 wrote: »

    Thank you!

    Oh, so now there'll be news on new content after E3?

    That's . . .

    Pass the popcorn please.

    I don't think that'll do it ...

    I need an infusion of liquefied popcorn.

    Everybody else is releasing new stuff even before E3 to get people hyped.
    ZOS can't even get anything done at E3.


    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on August 4, 2024 11:57AM
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
    Elitist jerk
    Fan of icontested(rainbow colors granted)
    mdhammond wrote: »
    Sooooooooooooo many PC transfers I've met already. Match set, have a nice evening folks

    I do find it hilarious that earlier you stated how allegedly toxic our beloved pc master race community is, yet still you comment on a thread nothing to do with you, and also show hostility towards us, completely destroying a statement you said earlier
    noobfury wrote: »
    I'm a PC and console guy, I played ESO beta and played at launch/early release through about August 2014 (stopped really playing a lot closer to July). I loved the game, but yes, it was broken from the get go and still hasn't been fixed.

    I understand being upset about the lack of attention to the PC platform. Especially since said lack of attention, especially to PvP has ruined end game and also paying a monthly sub before the game went F2P.

    My question to all of the PC players in here is: Why? Why did you continue to force yourselves to suffer through all the [snip]? Why not just cancel your sub and not play the game? Why waste your time?

    And yes, it's your time and money to do with as you please. Not jumping on any of you guys at all. Personally, when I had enough of the [snip], I cancelled my sub and dabbled around some other MMORPGs and console games. I'd periodically check the forums on here, usually about once a month or so, to see if anything had changed. Hoping it had to come back.


    You should want the consoles to work smoothly, then PC might get attention again and hopefully fixed. That's what I'm hoping for at least.

    This thread is not so much about raining on the console parade as it is simply a little unification for us pc users who actually want to believe in the future of this game.

    I have been putting both TIME and MONEY in to mmorpg's for over 10 years only to watch the majority of these companies grab as much cash as they can and then leave their player base holding the bag.

    Ive seen it with Sony , Ive seen it with Trion , and a dozen others. I remember buying my copy of Fury in the store and seeing Auron shut down the servers within 2 weeks because of their bad decisions.

    People are tired of this trend. We go from one empty shell to the next because of the never ending cash grab that ultimately results in companies ignoring their source of income.

    Every time we start a new game we take a gamble on the company to deliver because we have no guarantee ever that it will work out , this is the bane of gaming.

    This thread is making light of a situation that has most of us saying " here we go again " while we desperately hope that we aren't investing in false hope and empty promises.

    There is nothing childish about not wanting to waste your time and money chasing the carrot someone is dangling in front of your nose. I work full time , built my pc and want my moneys worth when I invest in gaming . I don't like being jerked around and neither does anyone else.

    Well said.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on August 4, 2024 11:58AM
    Once I was a lamb, playing in a green field. Then the wolves came. Now I am an eagle and I fly in a different universe.

    Been taking heads since TeS 3 Morrowind..

    Been enjoying PvP tears since 2014

    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight EP [PC-EU] = Illuvutar = Ex The Wabbajack = (Stam DK)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Legendary Blades = Evil Ninja/Dueller = (StamBlade)
    LvL 50 - Sorcerer DC [PC-EU] = Daemon Lord = (Mag Sorc)
    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight DC [PC-EU] = Khal-Bladez = (Mag DK)
    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight DC [PC-EU] = Tenakha Khan = (Stam DK)
    LvL 50 - Templar DC [PC-EU]] = Blades The Disgruntled = (Stamplar)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Ghost Blades = (Assassin)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Malekith The Shadow = (Mag NB)
    LvL 50 - Warden DC [PC-EU] = Crimson Blades = (Stamden)

    Guild Master of The Bringers Of The Storm.

    Member Of The Old Guard
    PC Closed Betas 2013

    PC Mastah Race

    Anook Page anook.com/shadow2kk

    Been playing since Beta and Early Access

This discussion has been closed.