Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »I love how the last three posts are Decibel members.
Methinks thou dost protest too much.
edit: Before Fengrush got in the way.
My last post was directed at everyone, including our members- especially the ones who are being a little less amicable. Quit the forum PvP and go fight game.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »
'Go fight game'? That rolls off the tongue poorly.
I thought he meant to go fight the deer at first, but then I remember the deerpocalypse.
Bwah ha ha ha......That's what yall get for abandoning Thorn! If you want back in, your gonna have to fight your assess off now
Should crown Frostnub more often and show them their placeEU same *** most of the time.
10 AM middle of the week and Ep is locked camping the gates. No PvP possible until 10 PM.. Well then u have some fights but also huge lag.
Should crown Frostnub more often and show them their place
PainfulFAFA wrote: »I love how AD was defending Chal and KC like champs and what did EP do?
They go and cap empty castles: Fare, BB, and BM which is what OP is talking about.
GG reds. Just goes to show the mind of an EP
EU same *** most of the time.
10 AM middle of the week and Ep is locked camping the gates. No PvP possible until 10 PM.. Well then u have some fights but also huge lag.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
the problem aint the night cappers - your ad fellows have as much nightys as EP but the problem is them avoiding each other while EP destroys thorn AD is pestering on Azura and or Haderus.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »I love how the last three posts are Decibel members.
Methinks thou dost protest too much.
edit: Before Fengrush got in the way.
thats garbage (as AD is but not on thorn) don´t limit yourself to thorn entirely on sunday AD was cap locked at 12o`clock MEST on haderus and chillrend while EP was on thorn(with AD being a total of 3 bars ahead if you count cap locked as 4 bars) and DC on Azura every day the overall PvP-population of AD is > than the EP pop (atleast in europe) the problem remains that the early birds avoid each other leaving every one either to chose a campaign where they can not stand a chance vs overwhelming numbers or a campaign where they are overwhelming the other alliances.
But we're never locked at 10 AM, Ep is.
Yes, all alliances are night capping from time to time, but Ep is simply the best in it thanks to their endless amount players.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »Reason it's red is cause it is dead it's the only server I been seeing with 1 bars. They all moved to the other servers ruining them cause the guilds were tiered of night capping each other and want to to own a server to feel "special" so they all went to other servers ruining it to the native players there. Then they the got bored of owning a server so there following each other now ruining which ever server they go instead of all going back to TB were they belong leting players who wanna have fun pvping pvp in peace.
No one "ruined" the other servers. All campaigns have been one sided since months ago. All servers needed re-balancing and this is exactly what is happening. Just need to be patient before guilds properly spread out to avoid the latency spikes we get when too many players are fighting at the same place. But I'm sure it it going in the right direction.
18fps is a computer problem. Lower your graphics or upgrade your hardwares. My fps never go under 40 since months ago.
you never ever drop below 40fps? I'm calling bollocks on that
GorraShatan wrote: »Just abandon Thorn. There's no fun to be had there these days.
defilade__ESO wrote: »
People got sick and tired of the asinine, game ruining tactics EP was using on Thornblade, so they finally got fed up and left.
Yep, I play with an i7 4770k, 16gbs of ram and a gtx 980 4mbs superclocked and I put graphics at medium in a 4k resolution (3840x2160) and my frames never go under 40 per seconds. I put shadows at low quality because I judged it is the setting taking the most ressources.
I could probably play at high with some ultra settings if I would turn my resolution down abit but I am way too addicted to 4k at this point, not switching back.
This is the story of Thornblade. =P We cap a resource or a keep with 3-5 guys... we've seen 30-40 EP show up.Was just on Azura's and while I agree that AD is "rocking it," I can't agree that there were decent battles. As a DC player anytime 10-20 attacked a keep it seemed that AD responded with double the numbers.
This is the story of Thornblade. =P We cap a resource or a keep with 3-5 guys... we've seen 30-40 EP show up.
Last night on Thorn, AD rolled all the way up to dragon and recovered their scrolls and 1 of DC's. Unfortunately they didn't stay on in force so it eventually flipped back to red, but props to those AD for showing up and kicking some ass. It almost felt like Thorn was coming back to life.