HOLY *** RED what are you DOING capping KEEPS that have no SCROLLS to protect? Are you actually TRYING to GATE CAMP???? Have you no SHAME YOU DISHONORABLE PUNKS!?
All I wanted was a COMPETITIVE campaign, but looks like I'm gonna have to LEAVE in order to get THAT.
Thanks, EP.
Just go Azura's Star if you want action. AD is rocking it, but there are still some decent battles going on.
Was just on Azura's and while I agree that AD is "rocking it," I can't agree that there were decent battles. As a DC player anytime 10-20 attacked a keep it seemed that AD responded with double the numbers.
Was just on Azura's and while I agree that AD is "rocking it," I can't agree that there were decent battles. As a DC player anytime 10-20 attacked a keep it seemed that AD responded with double the numbers.
Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »
As DC it always feels that both AD and EP won't fight you unless they have far superior numbers. If it looks like an even fight, they will just give you the keep until they can mass up zerg it back.
It gets tiring fighting against people who think numbers + aoe spam = skill.
PainfulFAFA wrote: »
Yeah, we all know blue NEVER zergs....
It's funny you should say that C0pp3rhead b/c while I was in Azura there was a guild spamming /z looking for people to start a second group to "take back the map." But I never saw more than 10 friendly DC at any one time and we actually lost 2 keeps and an outpost in the space of a few minutes.
HOLY *** RED what are you DOING capping KEEPS that have no SCROLLS to protect? Are you actually TRYING to GATE CAMP???? Have you no SHAME YOU DISHONORABLE PUNKS!?
All I wanted was a COMPETITIVE campaign, but looks like I'm gonna have to LEAVE in order to get THAT.
Thanks, EP.
Bwah ha ha ha......That's what yall get for abandoning Thorn! If you want back in, your gonna have to fight your assess off now
PainfulFAFA wrote: »So EP zerg capped everything back in Thorn... again with 2 bars AD lol.
QQ'ers want to put a leash on AD yet heres Red doing exactly the same thing. I see no reason why AD should listen. If the servers dies, so be it, until ZoS finds a way to fix this lag.
There were red players in other threads telling AD to inform other AD guilds of their moving to another campaign basically telling AD to police themselves and yet they can't police their own. There are plenty of campaigns for thornblade reds to spread out yet no they rather stay and zerg anything that gets flagged.
That old saying, two wrongs don't make a right and all that. When I saw last night Ad had one bar of pop in Azura, I assumed they got classy and sent a message that they didn't intend to ruin that server. So I moved my guys BACK. No sooner were we at our spawn at southern highrock (with our whole one bar of pop) and ad skyrockets to a poplock and about 30 ad descend inside our gate at our exact location. Everyone in our ts was stunned and commented on how "creepy" it was. The only way that scenario occurred is we had a spy in our TS. I've never seen anything like it.
RadioheadSh0t wrote: »Red and Blue brought bigger forces against our 16-20 group. Red brought 3 raids, blue brought a zerg train at least twice our size, they flagged like six of our keeps and once, to no avail. There was no other raid on AS bigger than 10 AND our Emperor wasn't even on his Emp character. Reds and Blues got beaten back fair and square, crying about it is just embarrassing on your part.
I'd really like to know where that blue zerg train was because I never saw it. At most I saw 10 friendlies that weren't part of my group (that at its largest was 6, but quickly dropped to 3). On the other hand, anytime we set up siege at Chalman or Ash 30+ AD showed up. Even when there were 6 yellow keeps flagged and we set up siege on Ash more than 30 AD rode in to defend. There was nothing fair about any of those encounters I was a part of.
Hrm. Looks like I got my campaign QQ thread confused. My last post was in reference to Azura's Star. If you're referring to the same campaign I was on from ~6:30 to 8:30 PST.
RadioheadSh0t wrote: »
Yeah... Because if AD has more than one bar, the server is RUINED! O NOES! Because there's NO WAY most of that pop is a bunch of PvEers...
Put down your tinfoil hat, no one is spying on your team speak.
But when I was on, DC never was pushed to their gates so I have no idea wtf you're talking about. Even the night everyone is QQing about we were gate camping red and left Blues inner triangle intact.
Red and Blue brought bigger forces against our 16-20 group. Red brought 3 raids, blue brought a zerg train at least twice our size, they flagged like six of our keeps and once, to no avail. There was no other raid on AS bigger than 10 AND our Emperor wasn't even on his Emp character. Reds and Blues got beaten back fair and square, crying about it is just embarrassing on your part.
Less QQ, more pew pew.
Dude chill the hell out. There is no need to skew what my experience was last night. Three bars of ad doesnt ruin a server. But 3 bars against no enemies is stupid. You all are just like the cowardly ep on thorn. You all sit on your buff map hugging one another and send crews of 40 to wipe crews of 10 at their home transitus. IMPRESSIVE.