darkspyro92_ESO wrote: »I really do agree with this, and to go further with this, Argonians get a racial ability that allows them to move faster in water (and increase the effectiveness of potions), but it's literally useless because I don't need to swim.
"Yay! I can swim faster than all my friends even though the only times I need to swim would be to cross about 20 feet of water! But wait, there's more! There's also conveniently placed rocks you can jump on to cross the same river, but even faster! Huzzah!"
Seriously. It would be a complete waste of my skillpoints if not for the potion effectiveness.
Also, see my Shaman class idea post. I wasn't really serious, so it isn't fleshed out, but the descriptions should tell enough.
Could be a new class idea like you were talking about. I think it would make more sense than Bard since everyone can play instruments and there are Shaman enemies.
How many times are you going to tell us your wishlist?
EDIT: That's all a lot of this is. Some of it are actual improvement suggestions, but most are just "I want this in the game."
c.p.garrett1993_ESO wrote: »Can't watch the video at work, but I'll be sure to come back to this when I get home.
Robotmafia wrote: »cool and well done video
I agree with most parts of the video.. combat seems ok to me.. if u get bored of your abilities u can always change ur play style and use different abilities..
im sure a lot of these things would already be in place if they had the resources.. or if the people in charge would see it as a KSP
Disagree with most points.
If you want to play SWTOR, please go play SWTOR, do not try to turn ESO into game with same mechanics.
There are some valid points in this video, but as a whole compilation I would vote for no.
I always believed in if a game does something right its ok to use it lol.
also what about the no hit back like he showed through the building?.
Ps Drack you swapping to console because we are and i really think the addon idea is good for us but what do you think?
No, i am not swapping, i would rather swap back to SWTOR
As I said i think some of the ideas are ok, and yes having swing marks on trees etc would be cool, but... I would rather have ZOS working on something else, like new content. A lot of these suggestions are just cosmetics that can be done in between expansions etc.
I mostly agree with the exception of:
Integrated add-ons (unless you can disable them)
Auction house
Underwater stuff
Crown store
Modified combat
Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »Didn't watch the video. Figured it followed the same inconsequential rambling the post starts with. Tend to have problems with this when the point is lost somewhere is a wall of text.
Seriously? You create another thread for this video, after it has already been picked apart, because it was not an accurate representation of the idea of 'we'? So he changed it to be more of a personal opinion, and reuploaded it. It still was picked apart in the other thread.
This is just a duplicate thread, nothing more.