Dragonchylde wrote: »Sheogorath was originally Jyygalag (sorry no idea how to spell it) the Deadric prince of order and the most righteous and powerful of them all. The other princes were jealous of him and cursed him with madness. My impression is that he still tries to "do the right thing" but he's just plain crazy. Once he embodied order, though now he only embodies pure chaos. Chaos and order are both neutral forces so he has never been good or evil.
He's not half as evil in the games as he's supposed to be. His madness should scare your breakfast out of you, but he's little more than a clown.
I completely agree with this. In the games he's just silly... taking about cheese and such. If they were to truly do "madness" justice he would do things like reach onto the mouth of a nearby "friend", pull out his intestinal tract, fashion it into a puppet and insist you call it Mrs. Prenderghast. Then he would wonder why his friend is just lying on the ground, lifeless, instead of enjoying the fun.
He's too sane to be mad.
But that's ok. I like how he is in the games. He's silly Uncle Sheo.
I hate him for making me kill emeric, aryenn, and razum-dar. Also, I think he is evil for making me decide between curing valaste or getting two skill points.
I love that perspective @Samadhi! That his lucidity makes him dangerous. Well done!
Chuggernaut wrote: »He's all aspects of insanity.