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Provisioning Writs are lame.

Make Berveza Lager -> Drop in Box -> Get Provisioner's Sack -> Berveza Lager Recipe.

  • Minack
    Yo dawg, I heard you like berveza...
  • Grapdjan
    Yeah they are quite weak. Put a low chance at getting something fun from all writ bags, chef hat whatever, pets etc. Cosmetic stuff. Get with the times.
  • Islyn
    ^^ Yep
  • Islyn
    Minack wrote: »
    Yo dawg, I heard you like berveza...


    (ETA: You should have gone Full Throttle and made the meme Image :P but you know - that takes a level of dedication that NO LOL button just doesn't inspire)
    Edited by Islyn on February 25, 2015 10:56AM
  • LordSkyKnight
    I would recommend writing a more constructive post and maybe come up with some suggestions on changes they could implement. Right now it just looks like you are creating a spam thread.
    "And it's important to state that our decision to go with subscriptions is not a referendum on online game revenue models. F2P, B2P, etc. are valid, proven business models - but subscription is the one that fits ESO the best, given our commitment to freedom of gameplay, quality and long-term content delivery. Plus, players will appreciate not having to worry about being "monetized" in the middle of playing the game, which is definitely a problem that is cropping up more and more in online gaming these days. The fact that the word "monetized" exists points to the heart of the issue for us: We don't want the player to worry about which parts of the game to pay for - with our system, they get it all."
    - Matt Firor
  • Islyn
    I suggest that provisioning writs not give me recipes for stuff I just made in a provisioning writ.
  • Minack
    Islyn wrote: »
    Minack wrote: »
    Yo dawg, I heard you like berveza...


    (ETA: You should have gone Full Throttle and made the meme Image :P but you know - that takes a level of dedication that NO LOL button just doesn't inspire)

  • Iago
    so are the crafting writs
    That which we obtain to cheap we esteem to lightly, it is dearness only that gives everything its value.

    -Thomas Pain

  • Daraugh
    Valuable at low levels, I've gotten so many of those ultra rare recipes on my lvl 10 DC toon. All those recipes that go for thousands of gold to completionists... yeah :)
    May all beings have happiness
    May they be free from suffering
    May they find the joy that has never known suffering
    May they be free from attachment and hatred
  • Imryll
    I just wish they'd warned my character that she'd need to go to Grahtwood to turn in her glyph. She's still questing in Auridon and not ready to move on.
  • Keepercraft
    We have cooking skills, but we don't have fishing skills.
    More game-play and crafting for fishermen and cooks. :]
    Edited by Keepercraft on February 25, 2015 1:11PM
    Still waiting for Sithis.
  • Aeeeek
    My main bluffed her way through the initial cooking test.
    Skill 50 but very sketchy on recipes, only skills are the time boosting ones.
  • ZOS_ShannonM
    Hey folks,

    We understand that not everyone is thrilled with provisioning writs as they currently stand, but we want to remind everyone that it's much more helpful to our developers if you not only state your opinion on them, but also provide a bit more detail on exactly what you dislike about them and provide any suggestions you have on improving them.

    Thank you for understanding.
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    Staff Post
  • Durban
    I think it is obvious that the OP dislikes receiving as a reward for a writ, the exact same recipe that was required to complete the writ in the first place.
  • Nestor
    I have gotten a good selection of rare recipes, L1 Blues for instance that I did not know.

    What bugs me is being given a writ that requires a recipe that is rare, like 5000 gold for a L1 Green Recipe rare. The latest one is Citrus Mash (or something like that) the recipe is like 5K, if you can find it, and it take a Tangerine which is also not a common ingredient.

    I mean, we are making essentially MRE"s for the troops, do they have to be so picky?
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • AlnilamE
    If I get 10 pinguis as a reward, who cares if I already know the green recipe?

    If you are a max provisioner, you better know all the green recipes. You can just vendor them. Maybe next time you'll get a blue/purple you don't have?
    The Moot Councillor
  • reften
    I love those writs, just make every possible combo for food the writ will ask for, keep them in a bank...bam, 600+ gold every day.

    Sell the receipt for a few extra coins. Big deal.What is your expectation here?

    Maybe, could just get coin and some common ingredients with a chance at rare ingredients, and no items. But wherever, writs are a good idea for a little solo end-game stuff to do.
    Bosmer (Wood Elf)
    Moonlight Crew (RIP), Misfitz (RIP), Victorem Guild

    VR16 NB, Stam build, Max all crafts.

    Azuras & Trueflame. Mostly PvP, No alts.

    Semi-retired till the lag is fixed.

    Love the Packers, Bourbon, and of those will eventually kill me.
  • Vyle_Byte
    Hey folks,

    We understand that not everyone is thrilled with provisioning writs as they currently stand, but we want to remind everyone that it's much more helpful to our developers if you not only state your opinion on them, but also provide a bit more detail on exactly what you dislike about them and provide any suggestions you have on improving them.
    Islyn wrote: »
    I suggest that provisioning writs not give me recipes for stuff I just made in a provisioning writ.

    I don't know about you, but I see that suggestion on improvement as quite valid. Pretty self explanatory that one.
    Member of the Old Guard
    Mother of the Byte Family
    Vyle Byte||Ivana Byte||Vyible Byte||Hakate Vampler Former EMPRESS BWB||Haan Zolo {Retired} (He swung first)||Lunari ||Wardyn Chalyk Tahno||Dirti Dianah||Bonnie||
    Viva la Byte
  • TheShadowScout
    Some crafting writs are a bit... suboptimal.

    The provisioning writ though is neat, considering how many expensive top rank ingrediants they sometimes give out... though I have to agree, the green recipes we all already have gotten dozens of times seem a bit like an insult sometimes...

    The alchemy writ is neat as well on the ingredient side, though often strange when you get back exactly what you gave, so...

    The enchanting writs... eh. Pretty basic I guess, but... it's something.

    Now the others... there the rewards are seldom equal the effort (just how much ore does a blacksmiting writ eat up again? last one I did was somewhere around 60 or so IIRC... quite a different scale of effort to gather then three of four bits for the formerly mentioned ones). If they at least had a decent chance to drop high quality purple or gold tempers... that'd be worth it...

  • Soulshine
    I am not a fan of writs and honestly, I don't really see the reason for why they spent time and resources creating this system the way they did in the first place.

    If it was meant to be a boost to crafting inspiration while still leveling a skill, it pales in comparison to that of deconning items from someone you partner up with. The gold reward is minimal compared to what you can get in the same amount of time doing normal things, and the "gift" rewards are of course inevitably tied to the RNG so they more often than not grant something not useful. I think one time I got a map to a site for alchemy plants in Craglorn and I actually laughed when I saw the amount of plants. I can get easily get twice the amount in half the time it took me to get to the spot itself, kill the mobs around it, and dig them up.

    If they had made this system more of an achievment tree rather than just timesink daily, I think it would have made more sense to me and give me incentive to do keep doing them. Say you complete 50 writs and then get an unlock to a unique recipe for your craft which does not drop some other way, at 100 you get another and a title maybe, at 500 you get a special cosmetic or something else to refect your "pride in the craft" or whatever you want to call it - anything beyond just dead end repeatable.
  • I_killed_Vivec
    Nestor wrote: »
    I have gotten a good selection of rare recipes, L1 Blues for instance that I did not know.

    What bugs me is being given a writ that requires a recipe that is rare, like 5000 gold for a L1 Green Recipe rare. The latest one is Citrus Mash (or something like that) the recipe is like 5K, if you can find it, and it take a Tangerine which is also not a common ingredient.

    I mean, we are making essentially MRE"s for the troops, do they have to be so picky?

    Unlucky. Mine are always variations on honeycomb and bervez - and I often get 10 penguins as payment which sets me up for more honey brittle:)
  • mandrakethebard_ESO
    I do believe that stating that Provisioning writs are "lame" is overly dramatic. In fact, I have found them immensely useful. (1) Although I have had no need for the recipes that have come with the sacks (having already found all of them previously), they would have been very useful if I was still building up my collection. (2) The provisioning sacks would have been useful solely for the ingredients... remember, they are the only source for the secondary ingredients for veteran-level foods (Imperial Stock, etc.) that does not involve purchasing them (1-at-a-time at 63g a pop), and you get those 10-at-a-time (a 630g value). In short, the provisioning writ rewards are currently excellent.

    What I suggest is that the devs please be certain to include in the v1.6 provisioning sacks (1) a variety of recipes, including rare ones, and (2) genuinely rare or otherwise difficult to obtain ingredients.

    I do have one additional suggestion. In my experience, one moves through the levels so rapidly that one is unlikely to come across very many rare items along the way, but all item drops are level-linked... result: a level 50 character is quite unlikely have come across any purple recipes on their way to level 50, and once they have reached level 50 random drops of lower-level recipes are impossible. Even worse, Provisioning skill progression is so rapid that most characters are able to obtain level 50 in that skill almost as soon as they have the skill points available to use on it, and the rewards from the provisioning writs are level-linked to the skill. Therefore, I feel that it would be useful to make drops of random-leveled rare recipes possible in the provisioning writ rewards so that it becomes possible, for example, to find a recipe for a level 35 Consummate food in a provisioning sack provided to a character with a level 50 Provisioning skill.
  • AlnilamE
    I do believe that stating that Provisioning writs are "lame" is overly dramatic. In fact, I have found them immensely useful. (1) Although I have had no need for the recipes that have come with the sacks (having already found all of them previously), they would have been very useful if I was still building up my collection. (2) The provisioning sacks would have been useful solely for the ingredients... remember, they are the only source for the secondary ingredients for veteran-level foods (Imperial Stock, etc.) that does not involve purchasing them (1-at-a-time at 63g a pop), and you get those 10-at-a-time (a 630g value). In short, the provisioning writ rewards are currently excellent.

    What I suggest is that the devs please be certain to include in the v1.6 provisioning sacks (1) a variety of recipes, including rare ones, and (2) genuinely rare or otherwise difficult to obtain ingredients.

    I do have one additional suggestion. In my experience, one moves through the levels so rapidly that one is unlikely to come across very many rare items along the way, but all item drops are level-linked... result: a level 50 character is quite unlikely have come across any purple recipes on their way to level 50, and once they have reached level 50 random drops of lower-level recipes are impossible. Even worse, Provisioning skill progression is so rapid that most characters are able to obtain level 50 in that skill almost as soon as they have the skill points available to use on it, and the rewards from the provisioning writs are level-linked to the skill. Therefore, I feel that it would be useful to make drops of random-leveled rare recipes possible in the provisioning writ rewards so that it becomes possible, for example, to find a recipe for a level 35 Consummate food in a provisioning sack provided to a character with a level 50 Provisioning skill.

    I'm quite sure that one of the changes in the provisioning overhaul is that recipes will be found based on the zone you are in, and not on the level of your character (as they are now). So you just need to go back to the appropriate zone to try and find the recipes that you are missing. (yay!!)
    The Moot Councillor
  • LonePirate
    I personally enjoy working the Provisioning writ for my VR14, Provisioning Level 50 character as he knows all of the current recipes except for the three removed recipes. The writs can be completed quickly for a very satisfying amount of gold.

    However, my new Level 5 character who is just starting his Provisioning career (also at level 5) hit a brick wall when the writ asked him to craft some Voljar's Honey Cider. I spent hours searching for this recipe in containers and guild stores and the cheapest one I could find was 8,000g. That is outrageous. I don't mind if the higher level writs require difficult to obtain recipes; but newcomers to the craft shoukd not face such a burden.

    Not only that; but the writs should consider the character level and Provisioning level of the character when the crafting tasks are given. My level 5 character should never be required to craft a level 10 item like Voljar's Honey Cider, especially since that recipe does not drop for level 5 characters.

    Ideally, recipes should drop based on whatever is lower: the character's level or the Provisioning level. I do not like the change in 1.6 where recipes now drop based on zone level. My VR14 Provisioning 50 character spends the vast majority of his time in Cyrodiil. In the current 1.5 live server, in Cyrodiil, recipes drop according to my level (the max VR5 recipes). In 1.6, the recipes that drop in Cyrodiil are in the level 30-40 range when they should be the VR10 variety. In short recipes shoukd follow the treasure chest rule in Cyrodiil - items drop according to your level.

    Lastly, Provisioning writs (or any writ for that matter) should never require a player to deliver goods to zone that is above their level. A level 45 player should never be required to deliver something to Craglorn. A level 10 player should never be required to deliver something to Deshaan, Grahtwood or Stormhaven.

    Again, the Provisioning writs are great. They just need some kinks ironed out that prevent players from completing them.
  • Islyn
    Hey folks,

    We understand that not everyone is thrilled with provisioning writs as they currently stand, but we want to remind everyone that it's much more helpful to our developers if you not only state your opinion on them, but also provide a bit more detail on exactly what you dislike about them and provide any suggestions you have on improving them.

    Thank you for understanding.

    I thought my op - though mildsnark - with makes drink for writ and gets exact recipe back was pretty self-explanatory.

    Also a definition of lame is not working - so I feel the statement was factual.
  • Jacozilla
    You are wrong below re: "rewards from the provisioning wrote are level-linked to the skill" - in the context of obtaining rare lower level recipes.

    The level of writ offered, and therefore level of rare recipe reward, is not based on your prov skill nor your char level - but on the points you invested into recipe skill.

    You can be max 50 prov skill, have only the default no-points invested into recipe skill level, and will be offered the lowest tier writ, which reward you with rare green recipes of level 5, 10, 15 - and rare blue recipes level 10 and 15. Rinse and repeat daily with one char to earn every rare green/blue recipe

    Invest one point into recipe skill to get next tier of writs, and get all those rare recipes.

    For the really enterprising, and given how easy it is to level prov skill, have your mules all at different prov points into recipe skill invested. They can all be prov skill 50 or whatever minimum needed to invest the points into recipe skill needed - but just have 1 char with 0 points into recipes, another with 1, another with 2,etc

    Then when you do daily writs with these 5 mules, you can earn rare recipes for every tier.

    What I've learned regarding reward are that:
    A) gold earned is tied to character level - not writ level/tier
    B) recipe reward though is tied to the tier of writ you were offered, and that is based on points you put into the recipe skill, not your prov skill

    Respec to only have zero points into recipes or use your gear mules as suggested above to be your rare recipe factory.

    I do have one additional suggestion. In my experience, one moves through the levels so rapidly that one is unlikely to come across very many rare items along the way, but all item drops are level-linked... result: a level 50 character is quite unlikely have come across any purple recipes on their way to level 50, and once they have reached level 50 random drops of lower-level recipes are impossible. Even worse, Provisioning skill progression is so rapid that most characters are able to obtain level 50 in that skill almost as soon as they have the skill points available to use on it, and the rewards from the provisioning writs are level-linked to the skill. Therefore, I feel that it would be useful to make drops of random-leveled rare recipes possible in the provisioning writ rewards so that it becomes possible, for example, to find a recipe for a level 35 Consummate food in a provisioning sack provided to a character with a level 50 Provisioning skill.

  • starkerealm
    Nestor wrote: »
    I have gotten a good selection of rare recipes, L1 Blues for instance that I did not know.

    What bugs me is being given a writ that requires a recipe that is rare, like 5000 gold for a L1 Green Recipe rare. The latest one is Citrus Mash (or something like that) the recipe is like 5K, if you can find it, and it take a Tangerine which is also not a common ingredient.

    I mean, we are making essentially MRE"s for the troops, do they have to be so picky?

    Unlucky. Mine are always variations on honeycomb and bervez - and I often get 10 penguins as payment which sets me up for more honey brittle:)

    The writs pay out based on the character's assigned points. So, if you've got a vet 14 with no points in provisioning... start doing provisioning writs on them, and you can roll the dice for 10s and 15s... assuming you can craft them.

    I've gotten stupidly lucky with low level blue recipes though. I think my Provisioner has something close to 100k worth of tier 1 recipes memorized.
  • BlackEar
    Suggestion: Have some unique recipes tied to provisionign writs than can only be obtained through the daily writ and which are bound to your character.

    Suggestion: Recipes from all levels and quality has a chance to drop from a daily writ. Not just the level of your current skill. I for one still do not know a lot of low level recipes. It give me incitament to do the daily if I knew I could get a rare recipe from it that I do not know.
    Bjorn Blackbear - Master Angler - Collector - Black Market Mogul - Ebonheart Pact - Exterminatus - EU.

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  • Nestor

    The level of writ offered, and therefore level of rare recipe reward, is not based on your prov skill nor your char level - but on the points you invested into recipe skill.

    I am doing this right now with 3 characters. I am getting Rare Blues (and Greens) that I have never seen before in the game, nor even in Guild Stores. Probably because I refuse to even look at Green/Blue recipes that cost more than 100 gold. However recently I was asked to make something that requires probably one of the rarest green recipes out there, Citrus Malt and spent a couple hours searching out the recipe. I did not see any of the other rare Blues and some Greens that I have gotten from the writs.

    So, the 3 characters I have doing the writs will stay at recipe level 1 until they get all the recipes, then move them up one tier. I have 3 other characters that are L50 in Provisioning. I use them to make the items for the low level mules that are doing the writs.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • starkerealm
    Nestor wrote: »

    The level of writ offered, and therefore level of rare recipe reward, is not based on your prov skill nor your char level - but on the points you invested into recipe skill.

    I am doing this right now with 3 characters. I am getting Rare Blues (and Greens) that I have never seen before in the game, nor even in Guild Stores. Probably because I refuse to even look at Green/Blue recipes that cost more than 100 gold. However recently I was asked to make something that requires probably one of the rarest green recipes out there, Citrus Malt and spent a couple hours searching out the recipe. I did not see any of the other rare Blues and some Greens that I have gotten from the writs.

    So, the 3 characters I have doing the writs will stay at recipe level 1 until they get all the recipes, then move them up one tier. I have 3 other characters that are L50 in Provisioning. I use them to make the items for the low level mules that are doing the writs.

    Worst part, I literally just listed a green citrus malt recipe yesterday for 900. Might be in Windhelm or have sold already, though. The 10s and 15s go fast, when you list them.
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