If you would like, send me an email in game to @Nestor and I can get you in this evening. I tend to be on the boards early in the day, the game at the end of the day. Being as old as I am, I am surprised that I remember how to get home.
So, just a quick note saying you want to join up and I will get you in after about 6PM Mountain Time. Unless someone pops in here before that and gets an invite out earlier.
Invite sent
Lord_Graywolfe wrote: »Hi are you still taking new members? I am interested in joining you, this sounds just like the kind of group I need. I am new to this game just getting started and still learning how everything works here. My main toon is Lord Graywolfe, thank you.
I am also interested in joining if you are taking new members. I just hit v1 but have only been soloing so far. I would like to found a group, casual group to start doing things like dungeons with. ID is @Myrcy
Hi I'm very Interested in joining, is the community pretty active? My account is Scythiss1
Level66Charizard wrote: »I'd like to join also.
Will send msg
Lord_Graywolfe wrote: »Ok I sent a message to you in game Nestor. At least I hope it worked lol. I am not crazy about the message or mail system in this game right now.
CNelson0985 wrote: »is there any XBox One division of this guild for the NA server?
Guimonds_ESO wrote: »Good Evening, I'm returning to ESO after lil time off from playing. I read thru forums & came across your guild. I would be interested in joining if you have an open spot. I have played thru many MMO's starting back to EQ1. ATM I'm making ESO my main game & dabble lil in Landmark building bat cave for my daughter.
Thank you
GameTekNYC_ESO wrote: »Hello MissBizz. I was referred to you by Thelon. I'm looking for a casual guild and he suggested that I seek out you're Guild. I am interested if you're group still has room.
Thank you.