djnuzzoub17_ESO wrote: »I'd like to join you guys,as mostly solo player I've only done a couple group dungeons and a little AA trial.I have a V14 dps nightblade and a V11 dps . thx
In-game handle @shewter520
uniq_faznrb18_ESO wrote: »Are we starting any guilds on the ps4 or xbone? Jusi wondering thats all - Ravensworn
cioppamb16_ESO wrote: »Hi id like to join your guild! My user is @DerpyDude
TigerSeptim wrote: »May this one join as well? His ingame handle is @TigerSeptim . Or just look for a one-eyed Khajiit in the Covenant- that will work too.
hull_emmarwb17_ESO wrote: »
david271749 wrote: »I'll take an invite.
Spacemonkey wrote: »@MissBizz Ur'Quan invited me monday - I should be able to play a bit tonight
itsonlyjosh wrote: »I sent a message in game, but I thought I would just leave my information in here as well. My userid is @itsonlyjosh
Looking for one as well!@jujuawake