Maybe break it into separate fights? Things like that can be fun (maybe except DPS checks, these seem boring and pointless), if they aren't served all at once. I feel that fights which have multiple unforgiving mechanics where 1 mistake = group wipe belong to the 'hard mode'.Joy_Division wrote: »Let's analyze that Praxin fight and try to envision how a "training" run might possibly help players. I've done this fight over 100 times and I this is what all groups need to do:
1) mitigate the damage from first horde of spiders. If they do not do this, it is an instant wipe.
2) aoe them down and spam healing springs.
3) second wave isn't nearly as bad since less spiders and tank can taunt big boss, but mitigation and aoe still necessary
4) third wave: this is a huge DPS check, specifically AOE. Groups must quickly take down the trash while the tank holds aggro on the mini-bosses. Healers need to be CCed and killed as priority targets.
5) fourth wave: there probably will still be stuff alive from wave three. More adds, at this point there will be a spider boss, a charger boss, and a nightblade type boss. This stuff has to die quickly before Praxin becomes hostile.
In a training wheels scenario, how is a group supposed to learn ANY of these mechanics? I'm totally serious.
RakshaTheKhajiit wrote: »Maw the infernal from BC could be an example of a nice, fun fight. It has mechanics that you need to learn, you can even get one shot if you aren't paying attention. However, if anyone messes up something, group can still recover.
Joy_Division wrote: »DeathDealer19 wrote: »lol this is hilarious. Vet dungeons are already tuned for casuals. You can faceroll all of them. Ive 2 manned some vet dungeons lol. Trials.....AA and HRC are so easy its ridiculous. SO is difficult and I LOVE IT. so fun. Any casual player can complete everything aside from maybe Vet DSA and Sanctum Ophidia. Even those. We carry casuals all the time through them
Are you a DK?
I'm a casual player (v14 Sorc DPS), and have a great bunch of other casual players that we often run through things with. Yet we struggle with some endgame content. We only managed to do vet CoH when we could scale it down to v1 (That Spider Daedra boss...) We had a couple of cracks at Vet CoA, first hitting the playwall with the 2nd boss and the 3rd. We also attempted normal mode DSA and after 8 hours we got to the final boss only to be absolutely and thoroughly steamrolled. Not by him, but by his boss adds.
We followed what written guides we could (video guides are rubbish with the game running in the background) and most of them are like, 'oh, the second boss is really straightforward' and yet we wipe again and again and again until it's not fun anymore. Like the Fire Maw in Vet City of Ash, he does not need adds. He's hard enough without them.
So we stop and think and change our skills and try different tactics, and it doesn't help.
Don't tell me this content is easy. Don't tell me I need a better crew. Just point me to a well written guide which caters to non-DKs
On the other hand, I can see that a training mode is a bad idea. What would be better would be to tone them down a bit. Not nerf them into Oblivion, but helpful things like spawning fewer adds each time you wipe
He doesn't need to be a DK...just someone with the best gear who has all the fights memorized such that they know exactly how to exploit every challenging dungeon fight.
*Every* group I run in CoA uses the door exploit vs the Fire Maw so you don't have to fight the adds. They exploit the Lich in Wayrest Sewers. I actually ran with a group who literally just ran past the Guardian Boss in CoH. They claim the content is catered to casuals and don't even realize they very reason it is so trivial to them is that the intentionally make it that way.
He also won't admit the tough fights you can't exploit - like the Ash Titan in CoA - is legitimately difficult if even one member of your group is inexperienced. It is very difficult to "carry as casual" through that fight because the tank must know exactly what they are doing to kite the atronachs, the healer expends a crazy amount of mana healing that fight, and the DPS need to kill the Titian fast before the tank and healer run out of resources. I have been in numerous groups with three players who knew what they are doing wipe and wipe and wipe on that boss because of one inexperienced player. You can't just read a guide for that fight. You have to intuitively know to dodge the fire waves, block/avoid fire rains, and not make a single mistake in your defined role or else the raid will wipe. It is a very unforgiving fight because the best and most experienced player is dependent on the weakest and least experienced doing her job correctly.
That's crap, I've done no death runs of coa without the door glitch, and the pipe thing in wayrest is harder than the real fight since the wraith spawn can one shot the tank.
As far as skipping Ibelgast or other skippable bosses (eh, bc have them), all those bosses are very easy for their instances. People skin em to save time.
vet city of ash is the most recently released content in the game and is one of only 3 things that is v14 (dsa and so). It is very hard when you have not learned the bosses or are not well equipped. Ash titan is 10x harder when the dps is not excellent because the tank kiting isn't sustainble. Many groups copy the kite/ignore strat without acknowledging they lack the dps to execute it.
Lets not talk about vet coa and vet bc in the same discussion. Coa is supposed to be a lot harder.
DeathDealer19 wrote: »lol this is hilarious. Vet dungeons are already tuned for casuals. You can faceroll all of them. Ive 2 manned some vet dungeons lol. Trials.....AA and HRC are so easy its ridiculous. SO is difficult and I LOVE IT. so fun. Any casual player can complete everything aside from maybe Vet DSA and Sanctum Ophidia. Even those. We carry casuals all the time through them
Could you provide links to some of these wonderful guides, please? I have Googled and found precisely two: and Deltia's Gaming. Videos are not very helpful to me personally because I struggle to understand speech over game sounds, and few gamers' videos are subtitled (and don't even start on Youtube "automatic captioning", it's a joke).Black_Wolf88 wrote: »if you want learning mode, then there already is one. its called guides.
there is lots of websites that offer full explanation of bosses+more, and even video of all dungeons and trials as they go trough it and talk about all hte important parts/mechanics.
if you cant complete a dungeon or a trial after watching and reading guides, then that means your team suck. either find a better group or try to work out the problems.
This would be helpful, as would the suggestion made by @RakshaTheKhajiit of simply splitting some of the more awful fights into stages. So you don't have to constantly "redo" a stage that you've completed.On the other hand, I can see that a training mode is a bad idea. What would be better would be to tone them down a bit. Not nerf them into Oblivion, but helpful things like spawning fewer adds each time you wipe
Over 900 hours with my main, and I also have a V7 and a V2, as well as a couple of newbies. So yeah, hours in the game isn’t the issue.Joy_Division wrote: »Hmm...if you doooooooo play and have not come across people harping on the concept of damage mitigation enough to fully understand its importance, then to my point above, you ought to diversify the people who you do play with. I get it, easier said than done.
I was the Healer. I usually am unless we pick up someone else who prefers to heal. (I run dungeons in AD with a core group of 4 friends, and will consider running one if our Tank and one of the DPSes are online).Joy_Division wrote: »I think my bars were set up something like:
Destruction Staff: Critical Surge / Inner Light / Impulse / Thundering Presence / Crushing Shock / Greater Storm Atronach
Restoration Staff: Critical Surge / Inner Light / Daedric Minefield / Mutagen / Illustrious Healing / Soul Strike initial response to this is "jack-of-all-trades is master of none." I'm looking at this bar and I *think* you are DPS, but you have 4 skills that do not help in this regard and a 5th that is redundant (Critical Surge).
Of course, if we are fighting a single boss (or even two). But what about the hordes of trash mobs? I need to be able to keep myself alive so I can heal everyone else! That's why I'm talking about needing Thundering Presence, Bound Aegis, or Hardened Ward.Joy_Division wrote: »4 person groups are supposed to by more than the sum of their parts. The reason why you have a tank is so you don't have to waste a slot and resources on Thundering Presence.
Crowd control for the hordes of spiders. I'm still talking about that horrible fight in Veteran Spindleclutch that ends with Praxin as a lich (if you manage to get that far without dying). That's also what the Greater Storm Atronach was on there for. It seemed to be essential for us not to wipe (well, every time I didn't manage to drop that Ultimate immediately, all four of us died within 10 seconds).Joy_Division wrote: »Daedric mines is expensive, inflexible, and weak damage.
Do you mean Endless Fury or Mages' Wrath? I have Endless Fury IV but pretty much never use it because the tooltip claims it only does 176 Shock Damage (unless the enemy happens to be below 20% health). Daedric Minefield, which you already said was weak, does 317 Magic Damage. Crystal Fragments does 653 Magic Damage (and I run the Srendarr addon which shows when it's ready for an instant cast).Joy_Division wrote: »My DPS PVE arrangement as a sorcerer:
Destruction Staff: Mage's Fury (BTW this skill is mandatory for DPSing. It is their only competitive damage skill). Elemental Ring, Crushing Shock, Critical Surge, Inner Light, Flawless Dawnbreaker.
Restoration Staff: Healing Springs (trumps Illustrious Healing), Spell Symmetry, Lightning Flood, Evil Hunter or Something else, Inner Light, Atronach or Negate depending.
One of my friends (Nightblade DPS) is extremely bad at red circles. Figured out the other night that he's colourblind, though. Hence this thread, which doesn't say anything useful yet.Joy_Division wrote: »Working as a group *should* come naturally provided each player more or less sticks to their designated role and stays out of red circles.
So basically it's something to use when you've got a Templar with you who can cast Breath of Life? That... almost makes sense. (Flames of Oblivion? My DK doesn't know that one.)Joy_Division wrote: »Can you explain to me why people like Spell Symmetry so much? If I'm already in danger of dying because of too many monsters, how is reducing my Health further going to help? I really don't get why it's a standard part of a lot of mage PvP builds.
Because it is the best skill in the game for a magicka DPS. To be clear, I *hate* the spell because it trivializes resource regeneration and renders basic attacks a huge DPS loss. But that is just my opinion and I'd be a fool not to use this spell as it can literally double your DPS, or at least for DKs with their Flames of Oblivion skill.
Now all this assumes, group content. I never use Spell Symmetry is PvP or solo questing because I don't have a dedicated healer to circumvent the supposed penalty for using this skill. What this spell does is *very* effectively turn a healer's mana pool into huge amounts of DPS.
Also, let's push the boat out. Don't suppose you've got a Dragonknight Tank, Dragonknight DPS, and Nightblade DPS set of bars too? Tank uses Heavy Armor 1 Hand & Shield or 2-handed, Nightblade DPS uses Medium Armor, Dual Wield or Bow, the Dragonknight DPS depends on which particular friend it is. One uses Destro and Resto Staffs, the other seems to be going through every weapon in the game but is currently using Bow. I'm not sure about his second weapon.
Hehe, this looks like pr0 group that knows what they are doing, have everything important unlocked and maxed, ultimates charged before every fight with resto staff exploit.First swarm of spiders. All block, DK (tank or dps) drop flag, nb drops veil, DK Tank may use talons couple of times, all who can, do aoe while blocking (impulse and whirling blades). Should be over in couple of seconds.
RakshaTheKhajiit wrote: »Hehe, this looks like pr0 group that knows what they are doing, have everything important unlocked and maxed, ultimates charged before every fight with resto staff exploit.First swarm of spiders. All block, DK (tank or dps) drop flag, nb drops veil, DK Tank may use talons couple of times, all who can, do aoe while blocking (impulse and whirling blades). Should be over in couple of seconds.
Everyone rage quits in frustration, thinking that if some random boss in that dungeon is so punishing, there is no way to get past final one. They wont even dare to try for example vet Elden Hollow, which is not nearly as punishing as this fight.
I cant now recall other bosses in Spindle, but I guess if those annoying mechanics that Praxin now has were spread out thorough other bosses in this dungeon, it wouldn't be nearly as frustrating.
RakshaTheKhajiit wrote: »Hehe, this looks like pr0 group that knows what they are doing, have everything important unlocked and maxed, ultimates charged before every fight with resto staff exploit.First swarm of spiders. All block, DK (tank or dps) drop flag, nb drops veil, DK Tank may use talons couple of times, all who can, do aoe while blocking (impulse and whirling blades). Should be over in couple of seconds.
What happens when casual group of templars, nbs and sorcs comes to that fight? Spiders spawn, everyone drops their random ultimates they happen to have at that time, then everyone dies because they never expected getting swarmed like that. Now no one has any ultimates left, so next try will be without those. After several wipes, spending some skillpoints to unlock new skills (some of them wont do much because they are completely unleveled) they finally managed to get past those spiders, only to get wiped by next wave. Everyone rage quits in frustration, thinking that if some random boss in that dungeon is so punishing, there is no way to get past final one. They wont even dare to try for example vet Elden Hollow, which is not nearly as punishing as this fight.
I cant now recall other bosses in Spindle, but I guess if those annoying mechanics that Praxin now has were spread out thorough other bosses in this dungeon, it wouldn't be nearly as frustrating.
The_Adoring_Fan wrote: »Thanks for the suggestion. And as always, we appreciate hearing your feedback about any difficulty spikes, bugs, or exploits in Dungeons, Arenas and Trials.
The_Adoring_Fan wrote: »Thanks for the suggestion. And as always, we appreciate hearing your feedback about any difficulty spikes, bugs, or exploits in Dungeons, Arenas and Trials.
I think you may not be serious about this suggestion.onlinegamer1 wrote: »This difficulty setting would allow people with bad builds and horrible hand-eye coordination to complete them.
However something like this would perhaps keep the less competitive players from trying to get into groups with the hardcore crowd (which they really don't like because bad builds get groups wiped), and perhaps reduce the cries to reduce difficulty that have ended up making a lot of things less challenging for everyone over life of the game.
So in that sense an "easy mode" wouldn't be the worst thing in the world as long as rewards were significantly reduced of course.
Could you provide links to some of these wonderful guides, please? I have Googled and found precisely two: and Deltia's Gaming. Videos are not very helpful to me personally because I struggle to understand speech over game sounds, and few gamers' videos are subtitled (and don't even start on Youtube "automatic captioning", it's a joke).Black_Wolf88 wrote: »if you want learning mode, then there already is one. its called guides.
there is lots of websites that offer full explanation of bosses+more, and even video of all dungeons and trials as they go trough it and talk about all hte important parts/mechanics.
if you cant complete a dungeon or a trial after watching and reading guides, then that means your team suck. either find a better group or try to work out the problems.This would be helpful, as would the suggestion made by @RakshaTheKhajiit of simply splitting some of the more awful fights into stages. So you don't have to constantly "redo" a stage that you've completed.On the other hand, I can see that a training mode is a bad idea. What would be better would be to tone them down a bit. Not nerf them into Oblivion, but helpful things like spawning fewer adds each time you wipeOver 900 hours with my main, and I also have a V7 and a V2, as well as a couple of newbies. So yeah, hours in the game isn’t the issue.Joy_Division wrote: »Hmm...if you doooooooo play and have not come across people harping on the concept of damage mitigation enough to fully understand its importance, then to my point above, you ought to diversify the people who you do play with. I get it, easier said than done.
I also have over 1000 hours in Skyrim, and somewhere around 400 hours in Oblivion. But I played those games on low difficulty level. Both of them I started on the super-newbie level. And when I stopped playing Skyrim, I'd only made it up to Adept (the middle difficulty level). This is my first MMO. My experience with text-only MUDs in the 90s is completely irrelevant.
The only way I'm going to be able to "diversify" the people I play with is by quitting one of my Guilds, because I'm already at 2 social Guilds and 3 trading Guilds. Perhaps if I spend enough time doing high-level PvE content, I'll be making enough money that I won't need 3 trading Guilds. Hrm.I was the Healer. I usually am unless we pick up someone else who prefers to heal. (I run dungeons in AD with a core group of 4 friends, and will consider running one if our Tank and one of the DPSes are online).Joy_Division wrote: »I think my bars were set up something like:
Destruction Staff: Critical Surge / Inner Light / Impulse / Thundering Presence / Crushing Shock / Greater Storm Atronach
Restoration Staff: Critical Surge / Inner Light / Daedric Minefield / Mutagen / Illustrious Healing / Soul Strike initial response to this is "jack-of-all-trades is master of none." I'm looking at this bar and I *think* you are DPS, but you have 4 skills that do not help in this regard and a 5th that is redundant (Critical Surge).
Critical Surge is on both bars because I can't swap weapons quickly enough to recast it when I need to. I get a lot of lag spikes because I am stupid enough to play on the North American server with my friends when I live in the UK, and I seem to spend an awful lot of time hammering on the Command key (Interrupt/Break Free) trying to get my abilities back so I can swap weapon. I am not really sure how 1.6 will improve this since I have pretty much run out of key bindings already. (I play on a laptop, have a lot of addons, and none of the Mac function keys can be used by the game).Of course, if we are fighting a single boss (or even two). But what about the hordes of trash mobs? I need to be able to keep myself alive so I can heal everyone else! That's why I'm talking about needing Thundering Presence, Bound Aegis, or Hardened Ward.Joy_Division wrote: »4 person groups are supposed to by more than the sum of their parts. The reason why you have a tank is so you don't have to waste a slot and resources on Thundering Presence.
By the way, this is what my character looks like in 1.5, having eaten V5 level food and cast Inner Light and Critical Surge:
I just hit V12 and I need to get/make new armour. I run 5 Light/2 Heavy, for the sole reason that I die too quickly in 7 Light.Crowd control for the hordes of spiders. I'm still talking about that horrible fight in Veteran Spindleclutch that ends with Praxin as a lich (if you manage to get that far without dying). That's also what the Greater Storm Atronach was on there for. It seemed to be essential for us not to wipe (well, every time I didn't manage to drop that Ultimate immediately, all four of us died within 10 seconds).Joy_Division wrote: »Daedric mines is expensive, inflexible, and weak damage.Do you mean Endless Fury or Mages' Wrath? I have Endless Fury IV but pretty much never use it because the tooltip claims it only does 176 Shock Damage (unless the enemy happens to be below 20% health). Daedric Minefield, which you already said was weak, does 317 Magic Damage. Crystal Fragments does 653 Magic Damage (and I run the Srendarr addon which shows when it's ready for an instant cast).Joy_Division wrote: »My DPS PVE arrangement as a sorcerer:
Destruction Staff: Mage's Fury (BTW this skill is mandatory for DPSing. It is their only competitive damage skill). Elemental Ring, Crushing Shock, Critical Surge, Inner Light, Flawless Dawnbreaker.
Restoration Staff: Healing Springs (trumps Illustrious Healing), Spell Symmetry, Lightning Flood, Evil Hunter or Something else, Inner Light, Atronach or Negate depending.
Why Elemental Ring over Pulsar? I love running through dungeons and seeing the health bars drop! Even though I know the true effect is much lower than it shows, I still thought it was useful.One of my friends (Nightblade DPS) is extremely bad at red circles. Figured out the other night that he's colourblind, though. Hence this thread, which doesn't say anything useful yet.Joy_Division wrote: »Working as a group *should* come naturally provided each player more or less sticks to their designated role and stays out of red circles.So basically it's something to use when you've got a Templar with you who can cast Breath of Life? That... almost makes sense. (Flames of Oblivion? My DK doesn't know that one.)Joy_Division wrote: »Can you explain to me why people like Spell Symmetry so much? If I'm already in danger of dying because of too many monsters, how is reducing my Health further going to help? I really don't get why it's a standard part of a lot of mage PvP builds.
Because it is the best skill in the game for a magicka DPS. To be clear, I *hate* the spell because it trivializes resource regeneration and renders basic attacks a huge DPS loss. But that is just my opinion and I'd be a fool not to use this spell as it can literally double your DPS, or at least for DKs with their Flames of Oblivion skill.
Now all this assumes, group content. I never use Spell Symmetry is PvP or solo questing because I don't have a dedicated healer to circumvent the supposed penalty for using this skill. What this spell does is *very* effectively turn a healer's mana pool into huge amounts of DPS.
OK. So you showed me what your DPS PvE arrangement as a Sorcerer looks like - what about your Healer PvE arrangement? Since that's what I usually am.
Also, let's push the boat out. Don't suppose you've got a Dragonknight Tank, Dragonknight DPS, and Nightblade DPS set of bars too? Tank uses Heavy Armor 1 Hand & Shield or 2-handed, Nightblade DPS uses Medium Armor, Dual Wield or Bow, the Dragonknight DPS depends on which particular friend it is. One uses Destro and Resto Staffs, the other seems to be going through every weapon in the game but is currently using Bow. I'm not sure about his second weapon.
btw - if this would be better off taken to PM then I don't mind, but I'm assuming that some of this is useful for other people to read too.