Why is Perphection so upset?
Okay let's look at it this way.
If they never went B2P you would have to pay 15$ a month to play the imperial city.
Now that they are going B2P you can pay 15$ a month to play the imperial city like the first example. Or you could purchase the imperial city as a DLC and play it for as long as you live.
What seems to be the problem here exactly?
LonePirate wrote: »
These sorts of level-headed responses are not conducive to our efforts to rally angry citizens carrying torches and pitchforks.
Perphection wrote: »
Oh my, you're missing the point again. It's the "IF", they sub that matters.
You said it yourself very, very clear..These are your words not mine.
"if they choose not to sub then they don't play any new content, nothing has changed"
Exactly my point, nothing has changed. If nothing has changed why would they sub or buy DLC's?
Okay let's look at it this way.
If they never went B2P you would have to pay 15$ a month to play the imperial city.
Now that they are going B2P you can pay 15$ a month to play the imperial city like the first example. Or you could purchase the imperial city as a DLC and play it for as long as you live.
What seems to be the problem here exactly?
Cervanteseric85ub17_ESO wrote: »
Uhhhh maybe because the DLC will add new content ? I thought that was common knowledge
Perphection wrote: »
These sort of "level-headed responses", are made under the assumption that players will return, and be willing to drop more money on a game that has previously let them down. If it hadn't they would still be playing.
Cervanteseric85ub17_ESO wrote: »
I know sypher he just doesn't seem to get it, that is what I told him in the beginning of the thread. I am just going to stop beating this dead horse.
Perphection wrote: »
Again, as previously stated maybe 5 times now? ZOS doesn't have a very good track record when it comes to patches and updates. Do you not remember the mass exodus which was the 'Lighting Patch'.
Which again, is why Imperial City needs to be a gesture of good faith. ZOS needs to work on redeeming themselves, show players who have quit as well as the rest of us that you're improving and that you actually can add quality content. Then, if people believe in ZOS they will gladly buy future DLC's.
Cervanteseric85ub17_ESO wrote: »
So what does that have to do if it's B2P or sub based ? It's still the same game....wait a minute.....I caught you sneaky devil....what you want is free to play, because that is what your argument is point towards
Cervanteseric85ub17_ESO wrote: »
Sounds like you have issues with ZoS....again what does B2P or sub matter in this situation ? Would you have liked it better if ZoS just invited everyone back to play for free ?
Cervanteseric85ub17_ESO wrote: »
Just pay the sub like we have been and everything is included.....nothing is really different to be honest. So if they were planning on coming back for imperial city they would have to had to resub anyways, this way when imperial city does launch they can chose to sub and get all the content or they can just buy said imperial city DLC if that's all they are interested in
Unfortunately I don't think the Imperial City will have much impact on PvP since it sounds like another PvE zone.Perphection wrote: »I'm more concerned about having a thriving PvP scene again, and ways that they could potentially make that happen.
Just keep paying and pretend they didn't withhold IC for the last 5 months so they could nickel and dime people for it as DLC.
Fact is, they promised 4-6 week content updates and in the last year we've gotten Craglorn and More (upper) Craglorn.
Not exactly the 4-6 week content update schedule we were tricked into believing when we signed up to pay a monthly subscription now is it?
Also, instead of keeping up with this schedule they've been devoting resources to developing the cash shop...using our subscription dollars to do so.
So, keep calm and continue giving ZOS your money isn't exactly what people want to hear right now.
Unfortunately I don't think the Imperial City will have much impact on PvP since it sounds like another PvE zone.
Perphection wrote: »
That's exactly what ZOS is doing... They're inviting everyone back to play for free.
However, if they want to keep those people playing the game, they need to show them improvements, they need to convince them buying DLC's is worthwhile, and again given their track record you'd have to be crazy to have faith that ZOS can deliver quality content.
Perphection wrote: »
Imperial City could have a monumental impact on PvP! They said they were trying to base it off "Darkness Falls", from DAOC. If that is the case, the access to the Dungeons and content is based off of PvP. The realm "winning", the war has control over that territory.
This means that PvE players would partake in PvP, and see merit in Cyrodiil.
LoTRO tried this "Winning Faction gets dungeons in the PvP zone" stuff.
The dungeon was completely dead after about 2 months.
Pancake-Tragedy wrote: »
Yep. Attaching PvE content to PvP and calling it PvP content isn't PvP content.
Perphection wrote: »
You're just dying for my attention aren't you? It's cute.
Creating reason, and purpose for PvP facilitates PvP. Currently, there is no real purpose other then Emperor. The PvP gear isn't worth grinding for, and most of us who PvP frequently have Millions of AP with nothing worthwhile to spend it on.
Imperial City, *could, give PvP a greater purpose and incentive to play.
Perphection wrote: »You're aware that this post is in the "Alliance War" right? This thread is 100% focused on PvP. I've never done Trials, Dungeons, Craglorn stuff, I don't even know what it's called, nor do I care.
1.6, and the updates to bring players back to this game leave out PvP. PvP, is what needs to be revitalized. If you're a PvE player, the games population means little to nothing to you. The games population has no effect on your overall experience.
Again, this is regarding PvP and why Imperial City needs to be included, and not DLC content.
Perphection wrote: »PvE players used to fight very hard to protect their buff servers. Or do you not PvP enough to remember that?
Cervanteseric85ub17_ESO wrote: »
They still do.....azure star....chill rend
No matter how many new and/or returning players there are when this game goes B2P, there will be a steep population decline after a month or two. People will burn through new content in a week, get bored, and then stop playing. That's the nature of MMOs these days.
This applies to PvP population, too.
Who cares about the PvE component? The Imperial City will also include ESO's equivalent of DAoC's Darkness Falls!Pancake-Tragedy wrote: »Edit: The way the IC was advertised makes it sound as if it is a PvE zone that is in Cyrodiil anyways...