Perphection wrote: ». Nice bait and switch, looks like none of my friends will be coming back after all because that would require them to trust in ZOS' ability to properly implement patches and content.
Perphection wrote: »Re: Will Imperial City and full Justice be included in Tamriel Unlimited?
"We'll get into all the details about DLC in the future when we're ready to fully discuss it."
-Gina Bruno
DLC PvP, for content that was advertised long ago. Nice bait and switch, looks like none of my friends will be coming back after all because that would require them to trust in ZOS' ability to properly implement patches and content.
LonePirate wrote: »This really should not be a surprise to anyone. Despite all of the changed directions, misplaced priorities and mistakes along the way, ZOS has never wavered or hesitated to screw over the PVP community at any and every possible instance. It is their one consistent and reliable activity.
Perphection wrote: »You're not the smartest person I've ever encountered. Please, leave the thread. Thanks in advance for the moderation this thread is going to end up getting now.
Cervanteseric85ub17_ESO wrote: »
Just pay the sub like we have been and everything is included.....nothing is really different to be honest. So if they were planning on coming back for imperial city they would have to had to resub anyways, this way when imperial city does launch they can chose to sub and get all the content or they can just buy said imperial city DLC if that's all they are interested in
Hey if you stay subscribe your still getting it, remember subs aren't going anywhere just people who want the newest and freshest content without how buying things piecemeal will need to subscribe still.
They are just calling subscriptions memberships now.
LonePirate wrote: »This really should not be a surprise to anyone. Despite all of the changed directions, misplaced priorities and mistakes along the way, ZOS has never wavered or hesitated to screw over the PVP community at any and every possible instance. It is their one consistent and reliable activity.
Perphection wrote: »
The thing is, everyone who has quit the game feels slighted, and never had any intentions of returning to this game. Soo many players would only return if there were improvements in PvP, and making Imperial City DLC is a huge mistake. At the end of the day PvE ends, and PvP is the end game. PvP is what keeps players around.
Perphection wrote: »
Can no one in this thread read? Seriously? It's not about how this is going to affect current subscribers, it's the the players who ARE NOT currently player or subscribing who matter here. PvP, and the game in general need to be revitalized. Which means, players need to return and new players need to join in.
Pancake-Tragedy wrote: »You are saying that PvP needs a quality update to revitalize PvP. Right, yeah every PvPer is on board with that and there are threads that are asking that.
You brought up the fact that the Imperial City will be DLC, and you seem angry that it will be only accessible through a subscription, which would have only been accessible through a subscription anyways...
I did read it, just pointing out if they keep paying like before for the most current updates and don't go cheap they will be fine was my point, there was no promise really other then they have always said paying helps with content you stop paying you no longer entiled for the current hardwork, and besides with the change of model they still will most likely pump out things ever six to eight weeks like it has been going, so imp city wouldn't be in to april or may anyhow.
PvP needs a quality update to bring back players. Yes, I addressed that.Perphection wrote: »
You again.. I don't care about the subscription. That is why I've continued to subscribe all of these months. For the LAST time, this is not about me. It's about players who are contemplating on returning.
This is about players who are contemplating on returning.
This is about players who are contemplating on returning.
Does spacing, and redundancy help get my point across?
Perphection wrote: »
Most of the people who quit, are still pissed off they wasted their money trying this game to begin with. Asking them to return is already a feat in itself, asking them to shell out more money for content that should be added is not going to go over well.
Pancake-Tragedy wrote: »PvP needs a quality update to bring back players. Yes, I addressed that.
Your tantrum is amusing.
Perphection wrote: »
*sigh* I'd hardly call this a "tantrum". But then again we've already seen how poor your comprehension skills are.
Pancake-Tragedy wrote: »
There is nothing wrong with my comprehension skills. I've addressed the points in your thread, and now I am laughing at you.
Perphection wrote: »
Okay, enjoy yourself. Back on topic now please.
Perphection wrote: »You don't know what I mean by feeling "slighted"? Are you kidding me? What game are you playing that you don't feel that way?
"They would have had to subscribe", yes they would have. However, that is no longer the case. They can return, but will still be without any content improvements that appeal to them. So why would they stay? Why would they buy DLC's? They wouldn't. They will simply uninstall again.
Cervanteseric85ub17_ESO wrote: »
Settle down now.....Just because you feel a certain way doesn't mean everyone else has too. I been playing since beta and am I happy with the direction and improvements we have seen since launch, are things perfect ? Not even close. Why is it no longer the case ? ESO plus membership is there if they want to subscribe. 1.6 is included with tamriel unlimited so your argument hold no ground, all those improvements and changes, champion system, justice is included with the base game. If they sub it includes Imperial City, if they choose not to sub then they don't play any new content, nothing has changed except now people can choose to play this as a single player stand alone B2P game like all other ES games.
Okay let's look at it this way.
If they never went B2P you would have to pay 15$ a month to play the imperial city.
Now that they are going B2P you can pay 15$ a month to play the imperial city like the first example. Or you could purchase the imperial city as a DLC and play it for as long as you live.
What seems to be the problem here exactly?