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B2P rumour about ESO on internet

  • Paske
    They simply went with - [snip]. We told you numerous times. Timmy that eats crayons understood, but most of you cant. We are not going F2P. Give it a rest. Enjoy the game or find another to enjoy. Either way - live a happy life.

    But lets explain one more time - shall we ?

    They removed 6 months sub. Strange sure, never really explained. But they also use third party paying service and those cost money. Working for simular company I can state that everything we do is charged to customer. So removing an option that is not frequently used is simply made to reduce cost.

    EB games is an independent retailer from Australia. Zenimax can not and will not tell them how to stock their shelves. So after yearly invetrure they concluded - these boxes take space. Valuable space. People that play MMOs have a tendency to use internet connection. We should remove these boxes and fill space with single player games.

    Blogers and "journalists" live from click per day. Mostly payed by Google adds. They need big headlines to attract clicks to pay the bills. So much like "Aliens" guy from History channel they rolled the rumor. Knowing its BS, but money is money.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Flaming]
    Edited by ZOS_MichelleA on January 20, 2015 12:17AM
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