Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

B2P rumour about ESO on internet

Hey everyone

I have read rumour about ESO go to become B2P due to console launch do anyone know if it is true could we get answer from ZoS about this and if PC version is go to B2P as well and why in that case should PC version get affect??

As i say it is just rumour but it would be nice to get some clarity in all this rumour go around.
If you find yourself alone, riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled; for you are in Elysium, and you're already dead
What we do in life, echoes in eternity
  • Selique
    Rumor that is probably not true, but being stirred up just because there isn't much else to say right now. Just ignore it until there is some sort of Official statement.
    Falls-With-Grace ~ Shadowscale (Argonian Night Blade)
    Selique Lasra ~ Captain, Smuggler, Swashbuckler (Redguard Templar)
    Chases-Comets ~ Shellback Warrior (Argonian Dragon Knight)
    Slissix-Kir ~ Swamp Shaman (Argonian Sorcerer)
    Hail Sithis..
  • Zershar_Vemod
    Rumor has it that the Moon is made of cheese....
    House Nyssara (NA)
    Black Market Traders
    Order of the Lamp Post
    Thorn Brigade
    VR15 Nightblade Vampire
  • DeLindsay
    Rumor has it that the Moon is made of cheese....
    Uncle Sheo told me that ages ago.
  • Zershar_Vemod
    DeLindsay wrote: »
    Rumor has it that the Moon is made of cheese....
    Uncle Sheo told me that ages ago.

    Everything is cheese.

    Cheese for everyone!!!
    House Nyssara (NA)
    Black Market Traders
    Order of the Lamp Post
    Thorn Brigade
    VR15 Nightblade Vampire
  • Shunravi
    This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha... Ooh sweetroll!
  • Aett_Thorn
    How this goes:

    1) Forum goer: "Hey guys, do you think that this game will ever go B2P or F2P? I'm just curious."

    2) Bad gaming news site (BGNS): "There are player discussions about ESO going B2P or F2P."

    3) Other BGNS: "There are rumors about ESO going B2P or F2P."

    4) Third BGNS: "Other sites are reporting that ESO might go B2P or F2P."

    5) New forum goer: "I'm seeing gaming sites say that ESO might go B2P or F2P. Is it true?"

    Shoddy journalism is what it is.
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    Wolfshead wrote: »
    Hey everyone

    I have read rumour about ESO go to become B2P due to console launch do anyone know if it is true could we get answer from ZoS about this and if PC version is go to B2P as well and why in that case should PC version get affect??

    As i say it is just rumour but it would be nice to get some clarity in all this rumour go around.
    Rumour has it there are some intelligent and worthwhile posts on these forums .. you'll have to excuse me while I go and look for them.
  • OrangeTheCat
    Weak minds....
  • Pendrillion
    Everyone wants to have his 5 minutes of internetfame by being thefirst who saw the writing on the wall. It is tiresome. If you want to have info use the search function or scroll down a bit in general discussions and you find literally tons of such threads.
    If you really look for info... try contact costumer service

    Other than that I see those threads as fear and rumor mongering. To erode the playerbase. Or to satisfy your own feeling of selfimportance. Sorry.
    Edited by Pendrillion on January 16, 2015 3:41PM
  • Elsonso
    Speculation on unrelated events drive rumors.
    Rumors drive blog posts.
    Blog posts drive site visits.
    Site visits drive ad revenue.
    Ad revenue drives search for speculation.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • ers101284b14_ESO

    This horse has passed on! This horse is no more! He has ceased to be! He's expired and gone to meet his maker! He's a stiff! He's Bereft of life, He rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed him to the wall he'd be pushing up daisies! His metabolic process is now history! He's off the twig! He's kicked the bucket! He's shuffled off this mortal coil! Run down the curtain and joined the bleeding choir! This is AN EX HORSE!!!!
  • TehMagnus
    Isn't this like the 10th post on the matter in the last 5 days?
  • liquid_wolf
    Wolfshead wrote: »
    Hey everyone

    I have read rumour about ESO go to become B2P due to console launch do anyone know if it is true could we get answer from ZoS about this and if PC version is go to B2P as well and why in that case should PC version get affect??

    As i say it is just rumour but it would be nice to get some clarity in all this rumour go around.

    "People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true. People's heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so are all the easier to fool."
  • Ahdora
    Heals With Stick, V11 Argonian Nightblade Healer, NA-EP
  • Morshire
    Rumor has it that the Moon is made of cheese....

    This is not a rumor. My sister's, cousin's, friend's aunt once dated a guy who worked at NASA when Buzz Aldrich came home with the first samples. Everyone was so excited. This other janitor guy said it smelled like cheese as they unloaded the moon rock samples. Of course this guy who knew the other guy I mentioned above decided to try a bite. He said it tasted like Fumunda cheese and everyone cheered. There are pictures somewhere on the web, but a government conspiracy is keeping them from us. So this super well known scientist, I cannot mention his name because he is so famous, confirmed this and went to prove it, but NASA has "lost" almost all the samples. This is confirmed as Brad Meltzier show "Lost History" just did a whole hour on the missing rock topic.

    So for me, and all my tin hat friends, the moon is made out of cheese and the government doesn't want us to find out or people would be ordering pieces of the moon in droves, which would speed space travel from private companies, which would get us out there faster, which would lead to the breakdown of society and religion because we would find out that Star Wars was all based on truth.

    Super obvious, I don't see how you all don't get it. But even I don't think this game is going F2P/B2P....... :p
    Follow me if I advance, Kill me if I retreat, Avenge me if I die.

    When this immediate evil power has been defeated, we shall not yet have won the long battle with the elemental barbarities. Another evil, it may be an invisible adversary, will attempt, again, and yet again, to destroy our frail civilization. Is it true, I wonder, that the only way to escape a war is to be in it?

    If I die, you are forgiven, If I live, I will kill you.
  • Nazon_Katts
    Wolfshead wrote: »
    Hey everyone

    I have read rumour about ESO go to become B2P due to console launch do anyone know if it is true could we get answer from ZoS about this and if PC version is go to B2P as well and why in that case should PC version get affect??

    As i say it is just rumour but it would be nice to get some clarity in all this rumour go around.

    "People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true. People's heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so are all the easier to fool."

    Careful folks, that works in more than one situation and from any angle.
    Wolfshead wrote: »
    Hey everyone

    I have read rumour about ESO go to become B2P due to console launch do anyone know if it is true could we get answer from ZoS about this and if PC version is go to B2P as well and why in that case should PC version get affect??

    As i say it is just rumour but it would be nice to get some clarity in all this rumour go around.
    Rumour has it there are some intelligent and worthwhile posts on these forums .. you'll have to excuse me while I go and look for them.

    Don't bother.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • Shunravi
    Morshire wrote: »
    Rumor has it that the Moon is made of cheese....

    This is not a rumor. My sister's, cousin's, friend's aunt once dated a guy who worked at NASA when Buzz Aldrich came home with the first samples. Everyone was so excited. This other janitor guy said it smelled like cheese as they unloaded the moon rock samples. Of course this guy who knew the other guy I mentioned above decided to try a bite. He said it tasted like Fumunda cheese and everyone cheered. There are pictures somewhere on the web, but a government conspiracy is keeping them from us. So this super well known scientist, I cannot mention his name because he is so famous, confirmed this and went to prove it, but NASA has "lost" almost all the samples. This is confirmed as Brad Meltzier show "Lost History" just did a whole hour on the missing rock topic.

    So for me, and all my tin hat friends, the moon is made out of cheese and the government doesn't want us to find out or people would be ordering pieces of the moon in droves, which would speed space travel from private companies, which would get us out there faster, which would lead to the breakdown of society and religion because we would find out that Star Wars was all based on truth.

    Super obvious, I don't see how you all don't get it. But even I don't think this game is going F2P/B2P....... :p

    I'm not sure if you won the internet.... or summarized it
    This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha... Ooh sweetroll!
  • Zershar_Vemod
    Morshire wrote: »
    Rumor has it that the Moon is made of cheese....

    This is not a rumor. My sister's, cousin's, friend's aunt once dated a guy who worked at NASA when Buzz Aldrich came home with the first samples. Everyone was so excited. This other janitor guy said it smelled like cheese as they unloaded the moon rock samples. Of course this guy who knew the other guy I mentioned above decided to try a bite. He said it tasted like Fumunda cheese and everyone cheered. There are pictures somewhere on the web, but a government conspiracy is keeping them from us. So this super well known scientist, I cannot mention his name because he is so famous, confirmed this and went to prove it, but NASA has "lost" almost all the samples. This is confirmed as Brad Meltzier show "Lost History" just did a whole hour on the missing rock topic.

    So for me, and all my tin hat friends, the moon is made out of cheese and the government doesn't want us to find out or people would be ordering pieces of the moon in droves, which would speed space travel from private companies, which would get us out there faster, which would lead to the breakdown of society and religion because we would find out that Star Wars was all based on truth.

    Super obvious, I don't see how you all don't get it. But even I don't think this game is going F2P/B2P....... :p

    They knew this whole time....................what else are we not being told about !?
    House Nyssara (NA)
    Black Market Traders
    Order of the Lamp Post
    Thorn Brigade
    VR15 Nightblade Vampire
  • SantieClaws
    This rumour has been a gradually growing firestorm for about three weeks now since the six month sub option was removed. ZoS simply will not confirm or deny it or even acknowledge openly that the firestorm is happening.

    Make of that whatever you want to.
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Zershar_Vemod
    This rumour has been a gradually growing firestorm for about three weeks now since the six month sub option was removed. ZoS simply will not confirm or deny it or even acknowledge openly that the firestorm is happening.

    Make of that whatever you want to.

    No one would believe ZOS no matter what is said.
    House Nyssara (NA)
    Black Market Traders
    Order of the Lamp Post
    Thorn Brigade
    VR15 Nightblade Vampire
  • Psychobunni
    Why has forum mods stopped putting an end to multiple posts of the same subject? IMO, that is more bothersome than a *perceived* lack of answers.

    When there were multiple ppl posting (QQ 30 CP!") threads were being locked/removed. Now we know for a fact that crap sites are posting player speculation as "news" and all moderation has vanished?
    Edited by Psychobunni on January 16, 2015 4:25PM
    If options weren't necessary, and everyone played the same way, no one would use addons. Fix the UI!

  • Nestor
    TehMagnus wrote: »
    Isn't this like the 10th post on the matter in the last 5 days?

    This is how the rumors get started.....

    Aren't you glad you were here for the genesis of this one? It's like watching life get created from nothing. Magic.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Wolfshead wrote: »
    Hey everyone

    I have read rumour about ESO go to become B2P due to console launch do anyone know if it is true could we get answer from ZoS about this and if PC version is go to B2P as well and why in that case should PC version get affect??

    As i say it is just rumour but it would be nice to get some clarity in all this rumour go around.

    You couldnt post in the 20 other threads about this topic?
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • Morshire
    Wolfshead wrote: »
    Hey everyone

    I have read rumour about ESO go to become B2P due to console launch do anyone know if it is true could we get answer from ZoS about this and if PC version is go to B2P as well and why in that case should PC version get affect??

    As i say it is just rumour but it would be nice to get some clarity in all this rumour go around.

    You couldn't post in the 20 other threads about this topic?

    No, because then we would not have been enlightened about moon cheese and how the government is conspiring to keep us out of space.....sheesh man, really should try to follow the thread. :D
    Follow me if I advance, Kill me if I retreat, Avenge me if I die.

    When this immediate evil power has been defeated, we shall not yet have won the long battle with the elemental barbarities. Another evil, it may be an invisible adversary, will attempt, again, and yet again, to destroy our frail civilization. Is it true, I wonder, that the only way to escape a war is to be in it?

    If I die, you are forgiven, If I live, I will kill you.
  • Bouvin
    Aren't you required to have a PS Plus subscription or the XBOX sub (sorry we don't have an xbox at home) to play?

    Or will console require a sub as well?

    Edited for clarity.
    Edited by Bouvin on January 16, 2015 4:43PM
  • rophez_ESO
    A lot of circumstantial evidence and rumors. Taken individually, I wouldn't give them a second glance. Unfortunately, two facts make me consider that B2P is probably in the near future: Zenimax's resounding silence regarding certain rumors (stock pulled from shelves in particular), and the imminent release of the console version.

    Console release as B2P with monetized DLC makes a lot of sense. I don't think it makes sense to have a different payment scheme for PC players, especially when I'm sure ZOS/Bethsoft are hoping for huge console sales in relation to the PC sales.
  • AaronMB
    ZoS seriously needs to get out the Nerf Bat for these forum posts. You know they keep it right next to their keyboards and the NightBlade Voodoo Dolls.
  • Morshire
    Bouvin wrote: »
    Aren't you required to have a PS Plus subscription or the XBOX sub (sorry we don't have an xbox at home) to play?

    Or will console require a sub as well?

    Edited for clarity.

    My understanding is that Xbox and PS both require the online service, through them, and that because of this, consoles will not have to pay an additional sub for the game. I am not exactly sure what that means for PC people, but for sure the way you pay for the game will be different between what we as PC customers and the console customers pay. It will probably work out the same as far as cost, but it may change the model ZOS uses on console so that they are able to make money from the people using the console. I mean, if PC players pay $15 a month directly to the game, and the console pay $15 but to PS or Xbox to play, ESO will need another model to see a return from the console players.
    Follow me if I advance, Kill me if I retreat, Avenge me if I die.

    When this immediate evil power has been defeated, we shall not yet have won the long battle with the elemental barbarities. Another evil, it may be an invisible adversary, will attempt, again, and yet again, to destroy our frail civilization. Is it true, I wonder, that the only way to escape a war is to be in it?

    If I die, you are forgiven, If I live, I will kill you.
  • Nocturnalis
    IF there are any changes to ESO's revenue structure it will probably be at the time that the console release dates/ details are announced.

    We don't know the answers to these rumors and if you need further confirmation of this there are many other threads here on the forums confirming that WE DON"T KNOW.

    The horse has had such a thorough beating that it has become particles in the air, dust... Dust in the wind, all horses are is dust in the wind...

    Same old song, just a drop of water in an endless sea
    All we do crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to see

    Dust in the wind, all we are is dust in the wind

    Now, don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky
    It slips away, and all your money won't another ESO buy

    Dust in the wind, all we are is dust in the wind (all we are is dust in the wind)
    Dust in the wind (everything is dust in the wind), everything is dust in the wind (the wind)
    Edited by Nocturnalis on January 16, 2015 5:03PM
  • Morshire
    @Nocturnalis - you get an awesome from me for the Kansas reference. I actually had to play the song after that to "reminisce" about happier times. Thanks. ;)
    Follow me if I advance, Kill me if I retreat, Avenge me if I die.

    When this immediate evil power has been defeated, we shall not yet have won the long battle with the elemental barbarities. Another evil, it may be an invisible adversary, will attempt, again, and yet again, to destroy our frail civilization. Is it true, I wonder, that the only way to escape a war is to be in it?

    If I die, you are forgiven, If I live, I will kill you.
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