Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

  • GamingWithGunner2007
    Soul Shriven
    Hello ESO live my question is. at some point in the future is there maybe any chance of adding battle pets or using the pets you get from the crown store to fight and level up? it would be better then summoning them with a spell you get (yes my spelling is bad). it feels like it will give the pets meaning rather than them just following you around pointlessly.

    anyone fill free to answer this i just want to see if it gets answered on seo live if it hasn't already
    Edited by GamingWithGunner2007 on August 16, 2016 4:16AM
  • Synfaer
    Are you guys working on fixing the grouping tool or maybe designing an alternative tool that will work reliably?
    Grouping is sort of an important aspect of multi-player games and having an efficient way to form groups is arguably a lot more fun than spending hours spamming zone chat.
    Edited by Synfaer on August 16, 2016 6:39AM
  • petraeus1
    Will we ever be able to swim from the Gold Coast to Malabar Tor or vice versa? I got so close but then I got eaten.
  • DRXHarbinger
    Can consoles please get a crafting add on. Pc have it. I'd love to be able to make 100 pots at once, same for food etc too. Stops me from getting an rsi from bashing x,x,x,x plus it's dead tedious...please.
    PC Master Race

    8 Flawless Toons, all Classes.
    Master Angler
    Dro-M'artha Destroyer (at last)
    Tamriel Hero
    Grand Overlord
    Every Skyshard
    Down With BOP!
  • Trashyratchet
    Could we get some kind of buff / dot timers on console please? It used to be somewhat manageable, but with new gear sets procing new buffs, it's impossible to see/hear things activating or falling off. Ever tried to see if minor force is up on a sorc while your in lightning form with Kena proced? Or see / hear a frag proc in the same circumstance? Not to mention things like spell power cure proc looks almost exactly the same as about 5 other buffs. The sorc isn't the only one, it's just the most obvious one. Thanks
  • Bnec
    ETA on ps4 maintainance pleaseeeE?
  • aiyu87ftw
    Soul Shriven
    Hey guys my question is this

    Would you ever consider allowing our characters to change alliances. I have many friends on the DC side but all my characters are EP.

    Plentiful Harvest currently does not provide a double rate for Butterfly Wings and Torchbug Thorax. Is this being looked into and will it be fixed?
  • Krainor1974
    aiyu87ftw wrote: »
    Hey guys my question is this

    Would you ever consider allowing our characters to change alliances. I have many friends on the DC side but all my characters are EP.


    When one Tamriel is realeased every play can mix and travel everywhere in game, Alliance won't stop you.
  • elias.stormneb18_ESO
    How comes that Ayleid Wells still function in Colharbour? As seen in for example the Library of Dusk. It is commonly beleived that the Ayleid Wells are connected to starlight and by extension Aetherius. Does Coldharbour have such a close connection to Aetherius that the Ayleid Wells there can function like on Nirn, or to Coldharbour's Wells function differently from the ones in the Mundus?

    Also, what is the reason behind the Lightless Oubliette in Coldharbour is a replica of the White-Gold Tower? It is known that Daedra love to copy and replicate pieces of the Aedric realm and incorporate them into their realms, but is there any particular reason as to why specifically the Lightless Oubliette's exterior is so similar to the Imperial City?
  • DRXHarbinger
    Is Velidreth always that hungry or did we just arrive at dinner time?
    PC Master Race

    8 Flawless Toons, all Classes.
    Master Angler
    Dro-M'artha Destroyer (at last)
    Tamriel Hero
    Grand Overlord
    Every Skyshard
    Down With BOP!
  • silvereyes
    Can you make guild bank gold balance and deposits and withdrawals activities hidden for guild members that don't have permission to hire a guild trader or withdraw gold from the guild bank? This would go a long way towards curbing bid spying so that guild leaders wouldn't have to wait until right before maintenance to submit their kiosk bids.
    Ultionis wrote: »
    Happy to see name, race and appearance changes in game. Can change guild names be added sometime soon?

    Just send ZOS an in game support ticket with the name you would like it to be changed to and they can change it. I just changed our guild name a couple weeks ago.
    The Dollar Tree Guild

  • Ulfgarde
    I see that the Housing Editor is in the works. Can't wait to see it soon!

    Will we be able to craft furniture for our player houses using professions such as Woodworking and Clothing? It would be interesting to create unique styles from certain materials, like nightwood tables or jute carpets.
    Very athletic eso player
    PC EU
  • petraeus1
    Quests in ESO are very interconnected, both faction quests which have a chronological order as well as side quests which tie in heavily to the faction story. How will this work with One Tamriel? Will players be able to do these quests out of order and unwittingly create spoilers or plotholes for themselves?

    (E.g. a sidequest in Malabal Tor telling a player the Silvenar died on Khenarthi's Roost or that Pelidil turns evil, before having actually done those quests.)
    Edited by petraeus1 on August 19, 2016 9:34AM
  • NewbieOKS
    Curious about the RNG premium content which is rumored in the next upcoming update 12 in October 2016

    Here are the links below

    It is a hot topic now either in reddit and in this official forum, advise whether it can be delay or postponed after gaining insight from all the community members?

    From my personal opinion, we don't want ESO to become a "gambling" game with this RNG premium content

    Hope my question could be answered in the next ESO Live broadcast

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_KaiSchober @ZOS_GaryA @ZOS_TristanK @ZOS_PeterT
    Edited by NewbieOKS on August 20, 2016 2:39PM
    ESO-Database provides statistics for Elder Scrolls Online characters and guilds. This information is collected by the ESO-Database Client and ESO Database AddOn Huge thanks to @Keldor for this amazing add-on
    Have you any plans to add a "Photo Mode" option to consoles where you can turn off the whole UI?
  • silky_soft
    With One Tamriel, are you going to unlock PVE locked content like the VMA weapons to PVP players via The Golden? Hell I would drop 1 month of AP to have access to that.
    I have no will left to help with lag until high action per minute devs play via a vpn from Asia or Oceania to NA and live stream thier experience of thier actions being declined by the server because they are out of frame.
  • red_effing_hood
    Soul Shriven
    Can you please do so.ething about the activity finder. I am so sick of queing for a dungeon and then when I get inside, immediately getting kicked from the group not because I wasn't performing my role adequetely, but instead because my character is not champion level. Then 8 have to wait 15 minutes to queue again. This is a problem. Either get rid of the cool down to queue or make the option to kick a player from the group only available after multiple wipes in a row on the same fight.
  • UltimaJoe777
    Why is the Nerien'eth set 2-piece effect's area of effect radius so small? Could you please increase the radius so it isn't wasted more than half the time it takes effect due to the enemy moving?

    Why is the Nightflame set 2-piece effect only a 2% chance to work? Will you be increasing this chance at a later time? Even 6% would be reasonable over 2%...
    Edited by UltimaJoe777 on August 21, 2016 7:04AM
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • Godthab
    I wonder if you care to consider the implementation of "portable cooking fire"? Means that you can cook anywhere you want, no matter if it is deep down in the dungeons, at the edge of cliff or right in the midst of desert somewhere. Since it's "fire" it doesn't have to last forever, like say just for 5 minutes after you light it. What would you think of such an idea?
    J'zakar Raimnirm | AD | Male | Khajiit Stamina NB
    Ma'jirra Raimnirm | AD | Female | Khajiit Templar
    J'dran Raimnirm | AD | Male | Khajiit Dragonknight
    Dro'zaddha Raimnirm | AD | Male | Khajiit Sorcerer
    J'leena Zahan | DC | Male | Khajiit Magicka NB
    Qa'yiira | EP | Female | Khajiit Nightbalde Archer
    Jo'shua-ra | EP | Male | Khajiit Warden
  • Akrasjel
    Do you plan introducing higher CP equipment/mats anytime soon(within 2-3 updates) ?
    [PC][EU][Daggerfall Covenant]
    Akrasjel Lanate - Imperial Nightblade | 50 | CP900+
    Born: 2E 551

    Member of: | Traders of the Covenant | Hammerfell Trading | Imperial Trading Company |
    Houses: Strident Springs Demesne,

  • Tai-Chi
    Teleportation between Mages Guildhalls

    Why have you not implemented travel between all 'Main City' Mages' Guildhalls and Eyevea?

    It would be a welcome addition to be able to travel between Wrothgar, Anvil, Hew's Bane and Eyevea - as well as any other new region that might become available in the future.
    • Perhaps this could be a reward for achieving lv10 in the Mages' Guild.
    • Or it could be tied to a Mages' Guild quest.
    I have no particular views on this at present.

    Judging from other Forum posts, re: collecting The Guild's requisite law books to reach Lv10, it would appear to be the most difficult/tedious one to achieve. The quick 'level-upper' brigade cry out for it to be made simpler. I contend that it should not. Those who reach Lv10 in the M-Guild are the antonym of the quick level-uppers. Why not reward us for the extra effort and diligence?

    I apologise in advance if this question has been aired before. If it has, I could not find it.
    PC - EU (Main) & PC - NA
  • drakhan2002_ESO
    Why do crafting writs use the most powerful tri-stat potions at turn in, rather than the same single-stat potions? (Columbine is not the easiest resource to obtain). Why can't we just "lock" potions? That would solve the problem.
    Edited by drakhan2002_ESO on August 22, 2016 6:32PM
  • xeroflare357
    is there a reason that velidreth doesnt give a sign before it one shots you? i mean even a tank with 45k hp and blocking gets 1 shot with no warning
    Buliwyf Steelheart - Nord Templar Crafter
    Chiaia Wahanly - High Elf Sorcerer Wizard
    Type Alpha Ikaros - Breton Sorcerer Ranger
    Type Delta Astraea - Imperial DragonKnight Tank
    Aegis The Blackheart - Redguard NightBlade Nightmare
  • xeroflare357
    Akrasjel wrote: »
    Do you plan introducing higher CP equipment/mats anytime soon(within 2-3 updates) ?

    yea liek we need to craft more gear that requires even more mats than the 160 gear already which already makes no sense since 150 gear is 1\10 of the 160 gear mat requirements . think about it zenimax what were you thinking
    Buliwyf Steelheart - Nord Templar Crafter
    Chiaia Wahanly - High Elf Sorcerer Wizard
    Type Alpha Ikaros - Breton Sorcerer Ranger
    Type Delta Astraea - Imperial DragonKnight Tank
    Aegis The Blackheart - Redguard NightBlade Nightmare
  • GrumpyDuckling
    Any plans to change the Nightblade's Dark Shades morph? Adding a second shade really doesn't do much to improve upon the original, unmorphed skill.
  • hamburgerler76
    Will we ever see the return of dungeons with continued story's threw vet modes? since WGT and ICP the meta seems to be same as normal mode just harder i really liked how vet version of a dungeon was like the continued story of its normal counter part i am sad to see this go!
  • craigr02
    Are there plans to add buff, debuff timers addon to console?
  • altemriel
    Will this game ever get better? Why is it always after patches, that you fix something and damage other things in the same time ZOS???
This discussion has been closed.