Ok, before I start I would like to state that I have found my own way to become an absolute vicious sorcerer who gives way to no one, even against players on there own buff servers(don't even get me started on that stupid mechanic, PVP servers providing PVE buffs? Why and why and why is that still a thing?). But I have absolutely no fear or respect for any enemy sorc I encounter. All they do is streak away or die. When the use there ultimates on me, I laugh at them and slaughter them for it.
First, the overload ability can be reflected right back in your face. After getting killed by your own ultimate a few times its obvious there is nothing "ultimate" about it. When a sorc pops on the overload, we laugh and have our DK's reflect it back in their face. There is no other class ultimate that will get you killed just by firing it off, enough said.
The only way to fix overload is to make it immune to reflect like all other ultimates except the meteor, which is underused because of the same principle.
Second, the negate is about as useful against enemies as the battered bear trap trophy. It takes way to long to charge, and has NO NOTICEABLE EFFECT AGAINST PLAYERS. All it does is stun them once if they cast a spell, and doesn't protect you at all from outside spells. Granted it's about the best one around for NPC's, but the simple fact that negate effects NPC's in a different fashion than players is just odd. Negates take forever to cast. Try dueling a DK with a negate, they'll just stand there reflecting everything you try and use, dropping 3 or 4 standards per your 1 negate, they have stupid regen and healing so its not like you can outlast them by casting curse or some other weak spell. If that DK uses twin sisters, then there is NOTHING you can do to kill it AT ALL. Everything you try will either kill you or charge their ultimate. I have never seen a sorc throw up a negate and clean house, yet I see every other class ultimate become the end of entire mobs. If you disagree then I ask if you would trade your standard, or veil, or nova for negate. Plus, sorcs are meant to do damage, not weak defense spells.
How come the other ultimates have multiple effects or massive damage or powerful synergies or added healing for them and less healing for enemies, while the negate has no added effects at all or any added synergy. Is there any reason that negates do not stun players like npc's? Lets compare negate to batswarm, shall we? A vamp on the brink of death can cast batswarm and kill you while healing back up to full almost instantly, even with the latest nerf. A sorc on the brink of death can throw a negate and die, while the negate cast does 0 damage or lasting effects. If a sorc cast a negate on me, even though I'm a sorc I start laughing, jump INTO THE NEGATE FIELD AND TEAR THEM TO SHREDS with absolutely no negative effects. Right now, negates are mainly used as a mass NPC stun, not to negate spells.
Negates either need to stun players it hits and shield the players inside from ALL spells, inside the field and out. Or the negate field could have a morph that allows it to follow the caster around. It still won;t even hurt anyone, just take away there magic. Since sorcs are supposed the be the best users of magic, this seems pretty simple to me. Take away the stun on NPC's for all I care, or have them get up if the field leaves them. Either that or drop the cost down to a level on par with DK standards, who by nature charge ultimates way to fast in my opinion. If all my negate can do if negate enemy ultimates, then it would make sense that I can charge it fast enough to actually do it. If I can only negate 1 out of every 3 or 4 they thow then its not helping. It needs to be ready for almost every enemy ultimate cast or it's a huge negative for the negate.
That brings us to the storm atronach. This once can be a great ability, but it has way too many weaknesses. This one makes me laugh the hardest when used wrong. When that big ole' atronach comes my way, I simply hit it with a rune cage which disables the thing for the whole duration of the ability. That alone should set off a few alarms to how weak it is, but to make matters worse, I can kill an atronach in like 3 seconds or less anyway. And the synergy, man is that worthless, it will actually get you killed for using it and I wish it wasn't even there to get in the way of "real" synergies that actually help. The next time the "charge" sits there and blocks a desperately needed "purge", I'm gonna punch the atronach responsible,lol. The damage done by the atronach synergy is so low that any level lvl 20 player can out dps it with light attacks from a bow. So why is it even there? If I'm wrong about this synergy please let me know, because as of tight now, everyone I play with hates it.
For atronachs, I think it would be cool if there were more morphs, Like a choice of which kind of atronach to use. Maybe a weapon damage flesh atronach as a choice, maybe an air atronach. Either that or give them a synergy that is worth pressing "x" for. How about a synergy that calls a flame atronach as well or something that might actually kill something. Not to much to ask considering all the other untlimates will wipe whole groups if synergized. Another option is to allow the atronach to stay around until killed or the player leaves the certain radius, which would require the first atronach to disappear. Maybe while synergized the Atronach won't fall apart, but for beefs sake give it something that makes it stonger than the freaking mudcrabs. No joke, mudcrabs will kill you faster than a atronach will.
When I see a DK cast a standard or a Templar cast a nova, I jump in, hit x and kill anything in range, regardless of how many.Very rare is the instance where someone has seen my atronach and been like, "oh yeah, these guys are about the get crushed", then jump in and finish them all off because stormy had them on the ropes.
So in recap, if your a sorc and you use your ultimate, other players will laugh at you and destroy you for it, they might even tea bag your dead atronach while they are at it. Since all the other classes excel at they're roles, dps, tank, or heal, we should add a fourth for sorcs and called "meat shield" or" cannon fodder" or maybe even "enemy ultimate charging punching bag". That way everyone know what to expect out of sorcerers.
One last thing, if you are a sorc, put away any sorc ability you have that is meant to do damage. Use weapon ablities instead, they are much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much stronger. Actually, just use a bow and forget you even had dps magic in the first place, or even better, start a new character, pick dragonknight and go around eating sorcs for breakfast.
Edited by Dirty_Digs on November 17, 2014 12:52AM