nikolaj.lemcheb16_ESO wrote: »ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »As a whole, we felt like the burst damage from stealthed attacks were too high, so this won't be changing even when Radiant Magelight gets fixed. But remember, these can and will still crit!
This quote really indicates how little in touch with Cyrodiil the devs are.
Atm the BIG problem is DKs being able to face 5 to 8 times their numbers and impulse groups. The ability to hurt a single target well means almost nothing on the overall battlefield balance but it did give NBs a way to mean something.
With this change and the oil change things become even worse than before.
nikolaj.lemcheb16_ESO wrote: »ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »As a whole, we felt like the burst damage from stealthed attacks were too high, so this won't be changing even when Radiant Magelight gets fixed. But remember, these can and will still crit!
This quote really indicates how little in touch with Cyrodiil the devs are.
Atm the BIG problem is DKs being able to face 5 to 8 times their numbers and impulse groups. The ability to hurt a single target well means almost nothing on the overall battlefield balance but it did give NBs a way to mean something.
With this change and the oil change things become even worse than before.
..yet, they nerfed Night's Silence and now sneak attack damage lol
Anything else you want to take away from the stealth gameplay style, ZOS?
ZeroTheCat wrote: »What I don't understand is that Soul Assault does equal or more damage over the same amount of time but that is considered fine?! You can't even block or dodge that caa-caa-poo-poo! This nerf is just so weird...
I can count to potato.
WWJLHD?Hypertionb14_ESO wrote: »another topic that cant see past its own farts.
ZeroTheCat wrote: »What I don't understand is that Soul Assault does equal or more damage over the same amount of time but that is considered fine?! You can't even block or dodge that sh-t! This nerf is just so weird...
ZeroTheCat wrote: »What I don't understand is that Soul Assault does equal or more damage over the same amount of time but that is considered fine?! You can't even block or dodge that caa-caa-poo-poo! This nerf is just so weird...
An ultimate, possibly the highest single-target DPS ultimate in the game, does more damage than a weapon skill?!? MADNESS!
Ifthir_ESO wrote: »Hide your glass-cannons, hide your forum threads, mike.gaziotisb16_Eso dies to snipe erryday
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »Ifthir_ESO wrote: »Hide your glass-cannons, hide your forum threads, mike.gaziotisb16_Eso dies to snipe erryday
And I'll still keep dying after the nerf
So long as I have a chance to gtfo and don't get killed before I know what hit me, I'll be okay.
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »Ifthir_ESO wrote: »Hide your glass-cannons, hide your forum threads, mike.gaziotisb16_Eso dies to snipe erryday
And I'll still keep dying after the nerf
So long as I have a chance to gtfo and don't get killed before I know what hit me, I'll be okay.
dude, just wear armor with impenatrable on all the pieces (or atleast 5 of the peices) and youll be fine. and you wont die.
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »Ifthir_ESO wrote: »Hide your glass-cannons, hide your forum threads, mike.gaziotisb16_Eso dies to snipe erryday
And I'll still keep dying after the nerf
So long as I have a chance to gtfo and don't get killed before I know what hit me, I'll be okay.
dude, just wear armor with impenatrable on all the pieces (or atleast 5 of the peices) and youll be fine. and you wont die.
not to mention all the ridiculous shield stacking that some players do, that 1500 is easily absorbed if done right. I know because it happens to me all the time.
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »Ifthir_ESO wrote: »Hide your glass-cannons, hide your forum threads, mike.gaziotisb16_Eso dies to snipe erryday
And I'll still keep dying after the nerf
So long as I have a chance to gtfo and don't get killed before I know what hit me, I'll be okay.
dude, just wear armor with impenatrable on all the pieces (or atleast 5 of the peices) and youll be fine. and you wont die.
I can count to potato.
WWJLHD?Hypertionb14_ESO wrote: »another topic that cant see past its own farts.
Ifthir_ESO wrote: »Shield stack + Block > all in this game
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »is it cheating?
skwornub18_ESO wrote: »Long overdo, no one needs one shot instakills
Sorry that's a V8 NBskwornub18_ESO wrote: »Long overdo, no one needs one shot instakills
Level 8 NB. I have never been able to one shot kill anyone. Including level 40 pvp's.
But I'd like too!
Ifthir_ESO wrote: »Shield stack + Block > all in this game