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Dwemer Style Items - Another Ridiculously Long Grind

  • ElemancerZzei
    The motifs cant be griefed. Scraps could be, but the low level ones should be safe since you dont get scraps from mobs who dont drop loot for you.

    So far, I like the drop rates for both. They feel about right and I like that the motifs aren't 100% guaranteed on a purple roll.
    Edited by ElemancerZzei on October 19, 2014 6:13AM
  • MrGhosty
    I'm all for making things rare or requiring great effort to acquire them, but I would rather they just give you a "shopping list" of items to acquire and mobs to kill in order to achieve. I'm happy to put my time into a grind of killing X amount of things but I would rather know that at the end of the grind I was getting a reward instead of it maybe dropping what I need.
    "It is a time of strife and unrest. Armies of revenants and dark spirits manifest in every corner of Tamriel. Winters grow colder and crops fail. Mystics are plagued by nightmares and portents of doom."
  • Aren_Liore
    Its a good thing I don't really care for this style. Woot, more insanely high priced items!
  • Darkonflare15
    MrGhosty wrote: »
    I'm all for making things rare or requiring great effort to acquire them, but I would rather they just give you a "shopping list" of items to acquire and mobs to kill in order to achieve. I'm happy to put my time into a grind of killing X amount of things but I would rather know that at the end of the grind I was getting a reward instead of it maybe dropping what I need.

    I would love special drops from certain monsters instead of the collectible items. If we could have player houses it would be nice to have trophys of dead creatures on the wall. It would be nice but that is just a dream.
  • danovic
    FYI guys, best place i've found for Scrap is Bthanual in Deshaan. I found 20 pieces in approx 30 min.
    Already established that it all base on luck and timing when trying to find scrap. The place I have been using was Bthanual in Deshaan. Which was about Tuesday where I would only find 9 in one hour. I have found 20 in 30 min on Wednesday and 30 in hour on Thursday. This is in the same place all three times. Its all RNG based drops. Some days you get few. Some days you get a lot. There is nothing special about a certain location other than the number of dwemer enemies and how many dwemer jars, urns, and pots is in it.

    Time is a useless metric to calculate drop rates. How many you killed is more important. If you received 20 in an hour and kill 2000 its not so much if you kill 100 in an hour and got 20 its a lot. When you are not on the test server and competing with hundreds of others its going to be hard to find anything to kill.
    Edited by danovic on October 19, 2014 7:09PM
  • Darkonflare15
    danovic wrote: »
    FYI guys, best place i've found for Scrap is Bthanual in Deshaan. I found 20 pieces in approx 30 min.
    Already established that it all base on luck and timing when trying to find scrap. The place I have been using was Bthanual in Deshaan. Which was about Tuesday where I would only find 9 in one hour. I have found 20 in 30 min on Wednesday and 30 in hour on Thursday. This is in the same place all three times. Its all RNG based drops. Some days you get few. Some days you get a lot. There is nothing special about a certain location other than the number of dwemer enemies and how many dwemer jars, urns, and pots is in it.

    Time is a useless metric to calculate drop rates. How many you killed is more important. If you received 20 in an hour and kill 2000 its not so much if you kill 100 in an hour and got 20 its a lot. When you are not on the test server and competing with hundreds of others its going to be hard to find anything to kill.

    What I was trying to state was that time really does not matter and killing a number enemies does not matter neither as well. I did the same rotation each time with out stopping killing the same amount of enemies and I still had random drops. How many enemies does not matter because I have killed more enemies in my hour time but still find less. I walk in a dwemer dungeon for a day and killed my first spider and it drop 4 dwemer scraps at one time. How many I have killed is a useless metric as well.
    Edited by Darkonflare15 on October 19, 2014 8:33PM
  • Mountain_Dewed
    Has anyone figured out if the motifs are in all Dwemer ruins or just the vet ones?

    I can't see it being fair being vet only seeing how much that would limit certain players since AD would not have any and that would/could be 1/3 or more dungeon possibilities...
    Edited by Mountain_Dewed on October 20, 2014 12:20AM
  • Ragefist
    I think many people are missing the point. Mostly due to the wretched "I want everything now" attitude

    This is exactly what this game needs. A rare but obtainable items. Instead of completely random drops, you actually know where to head for this

    Crafters who can do this stuff will be much more rare that crafters with daedric motiff and it makes the game more interesting.

    If you are not willing to invest your time towards something like this, simply dont. No one said its ment for everyone. Go farm money somewhere and buy the stuff from people who've got attention span 1+ hours

    I certainly hope the case will be the same with glass armor and spellcrafting, because this concept is something the game desperately needed
  • LonePirate
    Ragefist wrote: »
    This is exactly what this game needs. A rare but obtainable items. Instead of completely random drops, you actually know where to head for this

    I thought the game already had that with the Nirncrux stones.
  • Darkonflare15
    LonePirate wrote: »
    Ragefist wrote: »
    This is exactly what this game needs. A rare but obtainable items. Instead of completely random drops, you actually know where to head for this

    I thought the game already had that with the Nirncrux stones.

    Yeah and look how well that turn out.
  • DDuke
    LonePirate wrote: »
    Ragefist wrote: »
    This is exactly what this game needs. A rare but obtainable items. Instead of completely random drops, you actually know where to head for this

    I thought the game already had that with the Nirncrux stones.

    Yeah and look how well that turn out.

    Something wrong with them?

    Last time I logged in, they were selling 10-15k/each and I could see people selling them all the time. Maybe they were a bit too rare for my tastes (but only because the trait itself isn't that spectacular), but that's still preferable to what they did with other trait gems (good luck selling those :smiley: )
  • Darkonflare15
    DDuke wrote: »
    LonePirate wrote: »
    Ragefist wrote: »
    This is exactly what this game needs. A rare but obtainable items. Instead of completely random drops, you actually know where to head for this

    I thought the game already had that with the Nirncrux stones.

    Yeah and look how well that turn out.

    Something wrong with them?

    Last time I logged in, they were selling 10-15k/each and I could see people selling them all the time. Maybe they were a bit too rare for my tastes (but only because the trait itself isn't that spectacular), but that's still preferable to what they did with other trait gems (good luck selling those :smiley: )

    The point is they are selling 10-15 for rare crappy items. I have no problem for very good rare items like the motifs being sold but there is enough items out there to be sold. We do not need a bunch not rewarding items that are rare. We need a bunch of actually rare and useful items. If they could make rare and useful items then I say it is worth it.
  • Gyudan
    The point is they are selling 10-15 for rare crappy items. I have no problem for very good rare items like the motifs being sold but there is enough items out there to be sold. We do not need a bunch not rewarding items that are rare. We need a bunch of actually rare and useful items. If they could make rare and useful items then I say it is worth it.

    They are not "crappy". The rarity of those items is the only thing separating regular crafters from the ones focusing on researching the 9th trait. If the stones were more common, everyone would reach 9th trait easily and the upcoming Twice Born Star set would become instantly worthless, as Way of the Arena and the other 8 traits sets are.
  • Dominoid
    The newest thing will always be rare by design. Nirncrux is already becoming more readily available in 1.5 as they readily drop as part of the survey reports awarded through crafting writs.
  • LonePirate
    Gyudan wrote: »
    The point is they are selling 10-15 for rare crappy items. I have no problem for very good rare items like the motifs being sold but there is enough items out there to be sold. We do not need a bunch not rewarding items that are rare. We need a bunch of actually rare and useful items. If they could make rare and useful items then I say it is worth it.

    They are not "crappy". The rarity of those items is the only thing separating regular crafters from the ones focusing on researching the 9th trait. If the stones were more common, everyone would reach 9th trait easily and the upcoming Twice Born Star set would become instantly worthless, as Way of the Arena and the other 8 traits sets are.

    The Arena and other 8 trait sets are not high in monetary value because nobody wants the sets, not because plenty of people can craft them. Very few people want the sets and it is this lack of demand which has decimated their value. If they contained better 2, 3, 4 and 5 trait bonuses, people would want them. The 5 item bonuses for these sets are unremarkable so people are sticking with the 2-6 trait sets which offer the same 2-4 piece bonuses and better 5 piece bonuses.

    If ZOS ever makes the 2-5 piece bonuses on the 8 trait sets better than the bonuses on fewer trait sets, then the prices of these sets will increase with the demand.
  • scinutzb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Dominoid wrote: »
    The newest thing will always be rare by design. Nirncrux is already becoming more readily available in 1.5 as they readily drop as part of the survey reports awarded through crafting writs.

    The Patch notes say this... but so far, I have yet to see any nirncrux's in a survey report... although, in 15 writs, I've only gotten 4 survey reports... which Is rather sad.

    I'm still trying to find chapters and scraps with my level 32 Templar in the Alik'r desert dwemer dungeons. no real luck there. got a total of 8 so far scraps but no pages or motif. the Dwemer ruins south of the main city seems to have the most containers in it of the 3 I've been in... third dungeon, near the thief mundus stone has the least... and I mean, least...
  • Mountain_Dewed
    Dominoid wrote: »
    The newest thing will always be rare by design. Nirncrux is already becoming more readily available in 1.5 as they readily drop as part of the survey reports awarded through crafting writs.

    The Patch notes say this... but so far, I have yet to see any nirncrux's in a survey report... although, in 15 writs, I've only gotten 4 survey reports... which Is rather sad.

    I'm still trying to find chapters and scraps with my level 32 Templar in the Alik'r desert dwemer dungeons. no real luck there. got a total of 8 so far scraps but no pages or motif. the Dwemer ruins south of the main city seems to have the most containers in it of the 3 I've been in... third dungeon, near the thief mundus stone has the least... and I mean, least...

    How long have you been searching containers, if you could figure in hours would work well. The reason I ask is to try to figure out if they are dropping in non-vet zones or not?
  • ElemancerZzei
    For the record, i'm pretty sure that we wont find the Dwemer motifs other than in the second VR zones.

    As you can see, its got the same prerequisite as the Daedric Motif. However, the full book is up in the air. Imperial doesn't have a level requirement so it drops anywhere, but if this has a rank 9 requirement, then its possible that it wont drop outside of second VR zone as well.
    Edited by ElemancerZzei on October 21, 2014 7:18AM
  • LonePirate
    For the record, i'm pretty sure that we wont find the Dwemer motifs other than in the second VR zones.

    As you can see, its got the same prerequisite as the Daedric Motif. However, the full book is up in the air. Imperial doesn't have a level requirement so it drops anywhere, but if this has a rank 9 requirement, then its possible that it wont drop outside of second VR zone as well.

    If you are correct, then EP players will never obtain them because there are no Dwemer ruins in their VR6-10 zones (the AD zones). If this is the case, then this needs to be changed immediately.

    Has anyone found the chapters in the Craglorn delves yet?
  • Edaphon
    LonePirate wrote: »
    Has anyone found the chapters in the Craglorn delves yet?

    I've found all my chapters there.

  • Mountain_Dewed
    I have all but shoulders now, they are dropping too fast imo, I'll post screenshots later and maybe we'll see if this needs fixing? I myself would prefer to avoid another purple recipe drop session, if ya know what I mean?
  • LonePirate
    I made two delve passes last night in VR4 Alik'r and didn't find any chapters. I still haven't found any chapters at all during the past week. As for the scraps, they are dropping a little more frequently than the exceptionally rare drop rate I experienced last week. It seems the RNG in the game operates on either a feast or famine mode.
  • Darkonflare15
    Gyudan wrote: »
    The point is they are selling 10-15 for rare crappy items. I have no problem for very good rare items like the motifs being sold but there is enough items out there to be sold. We do not need a bunch not rewarding items that are rare. We need a bunch of actually rare and useful items. If they could make rare and useful items then I say it is worth it.

    They are not "crappy". The rarity of those items is the only thing separating regular crafters from the ones focusing on researching the 9th trait. If the stones were more common, everyone would reach 9th trait easily and the upcoming Twice Born Star set would become instantly worthless, as Way of the Arena and the other 8 traits sets are.

    That is not separating people from reaching the 9th trait. What is actually separating people from the 9th trait is the research time. We already have a prolong method of already. Having a prolong method for prolong method is like beating a dead horse.
  • Nightreaver
    LonePirate wrote: »
    For the record, i'm pretty sure that we wont find the Dwemer motifs other than in the second VR zones.

    As you can see, its got the same prerequisite as the Daedric Motif. However, the full book is up in the air. Imperial doesn't have a level requirement so it drops anywhere, but if this has a rank 9 requirement, then its possible that it wont drop outside of second VR zone as well.

    If you are correct, then EP players will never obtain them because there are no Dwemer ruins in their VR6-10 zones (the AD zones). If this is the case, then this needs to be changed immediately.

    Has anyone found the chapters in the Craglorn delves yet?

    I found both Motifs and Scraps in what was a VR10 zone for me.
    I found both Motifs and Scraps in what was a VR6 zone for me.
    I found both Motifs and Scraps in what was a VR1 zone for me.

    I'm AD so couldn't test non VR Dwemer dungeons since there are none for AD.
    Note: I reset my Crafting skills so had zero points invested in Crafting. I was still able to find Dwemer Motifs, I just wasn't able to learn them until I had at least one Crafting skill at Level 9. It didn't matter if the Crafting skill matched the Craft skill for the recipe. Meaning a level 9 Woodworker could learn a Dwemer motif that required Blacksmithing.

    Edited by Nightreaver on October 21, 2014 8:54PM
    If they ever create a Legendary recipe it better contain bacon as one of the ingredients. I'm just sayin'.
  • LonePirate
    Thank you for that update, @Nightreaver.

    Looks like AD is the disadvantaged faction given the lack of Dwemer ruins in their own zones. Still, their Silver and Gold zones have Dwemer ruins which gives them a leg up on EP (Silver only) and definitely over DC (Gold only). At least all VR players for every faction have Craglorn to rely on if nothing else.

    Of course, if enough players have the same luck as @Mountain_Dewed, then we will be able to buy the scraps and chapters we need or want.
  • ElemancerZzei
    I'm going to try out the DC as non-VR for motif drops.
  • Palidon
    This whole concept that ZOS has gone to is totally Ridiculous. Why not just put out a motif and have the mats easy to find like all the others in the game. Running around for hours trying to find mats or parts of a motif is totally useless. Example I have only had one Nirnhoned piece of equipment drop and that was upon completion of the Upper Craglorn Main Quest. Hours upon hours of dungeon delving and redoing Upper Craglorn quests have yet to drop another Nirnhoned item. As far as Nirncrux goes hours and hours again picking up voidstone or other crafting materials in upper Craglon hoping one will drop. And for what to be able to make some gear that will give you Spell Resistance wow big deal. The same is now going to hold true for the Dwemer gear. Geeze ZOS give us a break. Why make these items so rare and hard to find. Going back into the same delves and redoing the same quests over and over again gets quite boring or was that your game plan in the first place? For me if I have finished a quest or completed a delve then I am done with it. The challenge is over. Time to move on to something new.
  • Mountain_Dewed
    Oh man, there is only one Nirnhoned trait given per character and is only on that quest. To get anymore traits, you need to trade the one you have for others and/or buy other traits. I hate to hear that you've been trying to get another to drop when that isn't going to happen.

    As for the rarity of motifs, I like because I don't do much of dungeons. I craft most my gear and would like some of it to be rare like the drops others get by doing dungeon runs.
    Edited by Mountain_Dewed on October 22, 2014 12:16PM
  • ElemancerZzei
    Rare Items/Quests/Anything are the most valuable content a video game has. If everything is just given without struggle, you're being played by the game, not playing it.
  • crislevin
    lol, this is PTS, unless you just want people test drop rate, it makes no sense to make the thing hard to find.
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