Respect to eXile for pushing back EP in TB where virtually all other guilds have given up and actually maintaining an emperorship for a decent amount of time and not just in the morning vs. a few disorganised pugs.
nurrtibub16_ESO wrote: »Finaaaaallllyyyy somebody tries to break the red zerg streak.
Also, thank you for the scroll*gives free hugs to blues*
Lava_Croft wrote: »Crown Emperor at 0130h.
Proceed to cap the rest of the map with superior numbers.
Present your victory as a hard fought battle against superior numbers.
If only EP had more rats!
Lava_Croft wrote: »Crown Emperor at 0130h.
Proceed to cap the rest of the map with superior numbers.
Present your victory as a hard fought battle against superior numbers.
If only EP had more rats!
Lava_Croft wrote: »Crown Emperor at 0130h.
Proceed to cap the rest of the map with superior numbers.
Present your victory as a hard fought battle against superior numbers.
If only EP had more rats!
you're a fool. I went off about 2am and EP were still locked were as DC were on medium so yeah EP had superior numbers...
T3hOwnage69 wrote: »Lol ep did have superiour numbers before we made emp but those zerg monkies left cause of the ass whooping they recieved pathetic gameplay those lag trains of your's dehtroning us the day after lagging out the whole server and cap the flags with so much people that we dont even have a chance to turn em back how much ap you guys make out of kills 10 each lol that whole ep faction is a joke killing pvp as it is
AbraXuSeXile wrote: »Respect to eXile for pushing back EP in TB where virtually all other guilds have given up and actually maintaining an emperorship for a decent amount of time and not just in the morning vs. a few disorganised pugs.
I read this 5x to make sure there was no sarcasm involved, But if it's serious then thanks.
But yeah the guild worked really hard to keep the horde of EP at bay for the time we did, It was just a matter of time before the map resumed it's red nature. EP on lock and DC on medium is a tiresome affair to deal with so the empire will crumble sooner or later.
The thing that makes me laugh about the EP on Thornblade is they actually when the map is Red, When eXile destroy buff campaigns then it ends up a blue buff campaign we are really unhappy and move pretty much as soon as we get chance, We will continue farming AP, i mean EP on Thornblade for some time to come and hopefully a DC guild or more comes back
AbraXuSeXile wrote: »Respect to eXile for pushing back EP in TB where virtually all other guilds have given up and actually maintaining an emperorship for a decent amount of time and not just in the morning vs. a few disorganised pugs.
I read this 5x to make sure there was no sarcasm involved, But if it's serious then thanks.
But yeah the guild worked really hard to keep the horde of EP at bay for the time we did, It was just a matter of time before the map resumed it's red nature. EP on lock and DC on medium is a tiresome affair to deal with so the empire will crumble sooner or later.
The thing that makes me laugh about the EP on Thornblade is they actually when the map is Red, When eXile destroy buff campaigns then it ends up a blue buff campaign we are really unhappy and move pretty much as soon as we get chance, We will continue farming AP, i mean EP on Thornblade for some time to come and hopefully a DC guild or more comes back
Surprising as it may seem, yes deadly serious! Reds need a good seeing to on TB and it's a shame that all AD / DC guilds left. It's a pleasure to see that there are PvPers that are ready and willing to fight against the bullshit EP hive mind / map face roll tactic.
It's obvious we aren't going to start agreeing on everything regarding PvP meta (barrier nerf thread, anyone?!), having said that however you're fighting with a comparatively small group (from what I saw the other day the smallest you can feasibly have vs. such numbers) and are taking on a horde of EP who have at least some form of leadership from organised TS raids through to hardcore zone organisation. To push them back, take emperorship and hold it for some time is both impressive and something that needed to be done, so again I'll say you guys have some serious respect from me (and also some guildies, I think) and I hope you have the patience to continue.
DC thrones emp:
EP thrones emp:
DC thrones emp:
EP thrones emp:
so ironic...AbraXuSeXile wrote: »It's nice to hear nice words after all the abuse we get in all the campaign threads lol. Well DC as a faction has a much much much lower base population than EP, by 8am this morning they was on medium we only got medium at 2pm and they was locked by that time, maybe soon they will realise how bad of a player it makes you by primarily zerking everything down.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
DC thrones emp:
EP thrones emp:
and? DC thrones their EMP vs 4 Bars of EP as AD doesent do anything to hinder you but were smacking EP continously (EP was fighting two times their numbers the whole time) while DC thrones their EMP. while EP thrones their EMP vs 3 Bars of AD*DC not fighting eachother but only EP once again fighting nearly equal ironic...AbraXuSeXile wrote: »It's nice to hear nice words after all the abuse we get in all the campaign threads lol. Well DC as a faction has a much much much lower base population than EP, by 8am this morning they was on medium we only got medium at 2pm and they was locked by that time, maybe soon they will realise how bad of a player it makes you by primarily zerking everything down.
not the slightest as i couldnt care less who is the active emperor (it will never be me).AbraXuSeXile wrote: »
We had to take yellow keeps in order to get emperor, so i'm not quite sure why your saying you was fighting both at the time we crown. Also we did it at like 8pm.
Whereas EP did there crown throning at the silly time with hardly any opposition online.
You sound bitter.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
not the slightest as i couldnt care less who is the active emperor (it will never be me).AbraXuSeXile wrote: »
We had to take yellow keeps in order to get emperor, so i'm not quite sure why your saying you was fighting both at the time we crown. Also we did it at like 8pm.
Whereas EP did there crown throning at the silly time with hardly any opposition online.
You sound bitter.
regarding keep taking from AD, my 3 man guildgroup was at roebeck when your alliance took it, and regarding the DC numbers we distracted from the keep raid we seemed to be the biggest threat "you" faced during that fight