Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Known Issues for Update 4

  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Lionxoft wrote: »
    Lionxoft wrote: »

    Crafting & Economy
    • Displayed item levels are not corresponding properly with the number of materials used at crafting stations.
      • STATUS: Will be fixed in patch 1.4.4

    You know this was reported the first day that update 4 was on the PTS, right?

    Seems that the "PLEA FOR HELP ON PTS" wasn't that important. Wonder what the excuse was? Pretty sure this was reported by most that went on there to check out the Nirnhoned trait. I know for a fact I reported it.
    As you all know, every major patch spends a number of weeks being tested on our Public Test Server (PTS). We would love to have more of you participate in Update testing on PTS—right now, we have a dedicated crew of players who run through new content there before it launches on our live servers, but it isn’t a large enough population to find some of the more esoteric load-related problems.

    Now that Update 4 has hit PTS, please go over and try out the new content and see what you think. Be sure to give feedback, especially any bugs or balance problems you encounter. As a reminder, every current subscriber has access to PTS, and you will be able to create high-level characters appropriate to the content featured in the Update. In the future, we plan to add some kind of incentive for helping us test new content, so keep your eyes open for details.

    Make it that people who spend at least 6 hours in PTS gets a purple weapon set. 12 hr gets a purple armor set. More you get the special VR14 stuff... I DUNNO... those kind of rewards.

    and you'll get TONS of people flooding the PTS, guaranteed.

    Hehe, I don't think that's a good idea. "Come do work for us that our staff should be doing! Get a purple item that will be worthless in a few months because we will raise the vr cap again! Don't forget that you will not receive wages!".

    12 hours at the avg rate for functional testers as consultants... Yeesh, that would be robbery. 12 hours of testing would cover almost 2 years of subscription fees. :P Hope that shows just how much they are trying to get away with here.

    What? No, dude, no no no.

    ZOS should *NOT* put a requirement "you have to fill-in 10 bugs at least or 5 problems or do monthly report"...

    Just *logs in* and play, and you get your reward.

    1 out of 5 will submit a bug, so if you want to calculate your ROI, you divide that QA wage by 5.... ;)

    The goal is to put a LOT more people in PTS.... having A LOT of bugs submitted is priority 2....
    None of this matters if they don't fix the reported bugs. Anyone have a guess as to what percentage of reported bugs make it into the patches?
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Basically ZOS approach to it's players is that they are going to do whatever they want despite protestations from the community. I understand that it's their game and they can theoretically do whatever they want, but as paying customers we can only put up with so much before they start hemorrhaging subs. It's sort of like this:

  • Merlin13KAGL
    Cogo wrote: »
    How about an option to backup settings locally (ie on your own computer). That way if it hits the fan you can restore your settings that you backed up earlier. How's that for an idea :wink:

    Sounds good but depending a lot on the MMO. Not all MMO have this option due to technical reasons. Some do, some don't. The reason is not if they want or not, but what kind of data and software is used for the "setting".

    It is NOT as easy as an .inf file or something. Hence, my question to Zeni, if its not to difficult to do.

    Any data on your computer can be edited, by you. Then the same file will "execute" in the game. Security, abuse, you name it.

    Good point - didn't think of that. Just a suggestion :smile:

    @antmck2011rwb17_ESO‌, @Cogo, many of these things would not be hard to implement.

    System defaults already exist. And option so save as Player Defaults would not be hard.

    For your alts, you could then change as you like, keep the system default, or use the player default.

    In regard to the other, it would equally not be as difficult as you make it out to be.

    No one's going to hack ESO by modifying their keybindings .txt file. Save Variables are in a basic text format, similar to XML.

    There are no security concerns with something like this.

    Import/Export - again not that hard to implement. It can be anything from basic settings to full character builds. You (Zeni) encrypt it, you bind it to the account, and the key remains server side.

    With a rolling key with each export, no one's going mod the file and present a security risk unless they have some serious inside information.

    Save a CRC code or hash check server side for the exported file, and unless you're a disgruntled Dev with a keycard, you're not modding the file without the server knowing.

    ZoS could pick and choose what they are comfortable allowing to be backed up on local file and what they are not.

    Patch wise, a copy should be made of the Saved Variables/Local settings before the patch is applied.

    This allows for rollbacks in events such as these, and is quite common procedure (unless you enjoy rebuilding everything every time.)

    These are small - big avoidable issues.
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Merlin13KAGL
    @ZOS_GinaBruno, please add to the list:

    Sprint sometimes jumps back and forth between first and third person mode.

    Lightning Form also jumps back and forth between first and third person mode.

    Lightning Form sound effect is greatly reduced. No initial jolt, no crackle.

    For the 3 chances at rune extraction, glyphs appear to be producing fewer runes, not more.

    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Lionxoft
    Lionxoft wrote: »
    Lionxoft wrote: »

    Crafting & Economy
    • Displayed item levels are not corresponding properly with the number of materials used at crafting stations.
      • STATUS: Will be fixed in patch 1.4.4

    You know this was reported the first day that update 4 was on the PTS, right?

    Seems that the "PLEA FOR HELP ON PTS" wasn't that important. Wonder what the excuse was? Pretty sure this was reported by most that went on there to check out the Nirnhoned trait. I know for a fact I reported it.
    As you all know, every major patch spends a number of weeks being tested on our Public Test Server (PTS). We would love to have more of you participate in Update testing on PTS—right now, we have a dedicated crew of players who run through new content there before it launches on our live servers, but it isn’t a large enough population to find some of the more esoteric load-related problems.

    Now that Update 4 has hit PTS, please go over and try out the new content and see what you think. Be sure to give feedback, especially any bugs or balance problems you encounter. As a reminder, every current subscriber has access to PTS, and you will be able to create high-level characters appropriate to the content featured in the Update. In the future, we plan to add some kind of incentive for helping us test new content, so keep your eyes open for details.

    Make it that people who spend at least 6 hours in PTS gets a purple weapon set. 12 hr gets a purple armor set. More you get the special VR14 stuff... I DUNNO... those kind of rewards.

    and you'll get TONS of people flooding the PTS, guaranteed.

    Hehe, I don't think that's a good idea. "Come do work for us that our staff should be doing! Get a purple item that will be worthless in a few months because we will raise the vr cap again! Don't forget that you will not receive wages!".

    12 hours at the avg rate for functional testers as consultants... Yeesh, that would be robbery. 12 hours of testing would cover almost 2 years of subscription fees. :P Hope that shows just how much they are trying to get away with here.

    What? No, dude, no no no.

    ZOS should *NOT* put a requirement "you have to fill-in 10 bugs at least or 5 problems or do monthly report"...

    Just *logs in* and play, and you get your reward.

    1 out of 5 will submit a bug, so if you want to calculate your ROI, you divide that QA wage by 5.... ;)

    The goal is to put a LOT more people in PTS.... having A LOT of bugs submitted is priority 2....

    You might be missing the point. The concept of an in-game reward for doing their work for them is just ridiculous. This testing needs to be done in-house both functional and stress. It's a bad idea to rely on the customer to provide testing on your product.

    If the customer fails to find bugs it doesn't reflect poorly on them in particular however it gives the studio a bad reputation for not taking initiative or releasing a product of poor quality.

    I can understand ZOS reaching out to the players for stress test "Events" to a certain extent but ZOS isn't even making test cases for their new features either that or their team of testers are not communicating with the developers. The crafting bug was reported on the first day the update was on the PTS... So what was the hold up? That bug isn't even difficult to reproduce since it doesn't require any additional steps other than activate the crafting station's create tab!

    I'm sure they will figure it out. Giving players items in-game in exchange for testing seems like a cop out to avoid paying someone to do the job correctly. That's just my opinion though. I guess I'm just not as charitable as other folks. :(
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    ZOS you have until November 13th to get this game in working order and then Warlords of Draenor is going to be released. As it is now I cannot recommend this game as it's way too full of bugs and it gets worse with each update to point that it feels like they are not even being tested. For the record I cannot stand WoW and it would be a real shame if this game failed like so many MMO's before it. This game has so much potential but I fear it might be suffering from a case of severe mismanagement and utter disregard for what the player base wants.
  • Lionxoft
    ZOS you have until November 13th to get this game in working order and then Warlords of Draenor is going to be released. As it is now I cannot recommend this game as it's way too full of bugs and it gets worse with each update to point that it feels like they are not even being tested. For the record I cannot stand WoW and it would be a real shame if this game failed like so many MMO's before it. This game has so much potential but I fear it might be suffering from a case of severe mismanagement and utter disregard for what the player base wants.

    I personally wouldn't go that far :P I get tired of the bugs and all their bogus stuff but the worst I could do myself is categorize Elder Scrolls Online into the TES:Shadowkey category. I've been a fan of TES for so long that I'm just glad to have a new TES game to play. Really hope they can establish themselves as something other than a brand cash in.
  • curlyqloub14_ESO
    people cant invite me to group because my nickname has a special caracter.

    Yet another issue that has been around since beta - at least a year now. Names with special characters often cannot receive whispers either. Or, to be specific, user IDs with special characters. I've had no problem when people use my character name instead.

  • Bazzakrak
    [*] It appears that you're unable to deconstruct a glyph.
    • STATUS: Your inventory is likely full, but the game is not messaging this error. Working on a fix.

    Dead @ZOS_GinaBruno‌
    The way that items stack in inventory is, at least for me, coded the wrong way around.
    It appears that it puts all the items in your inventory and then stacks them.
    So when deconstructing items you can get the message that you need 1 or 2 more free slots, just to get items you already had, and thus actually didnt need those extra slots.

    Would be better if there was some sort of 5-10 item overflow coded in when we deconstruct/pick items from containers then this could be avoided.
    We're born, we live, we die. And along the way, you do the best with whatever crap you step in :p

    I'm stranded all alone in the gas station of love, And I have to use the self-service pumps <3

    Post Hoc Ergo Proptor Hoc o:)

    Motivation alone is not enough. If i had an idiot with me and i motivated him, then i will have a motivated idiot to do stuff :s
  • curlyqloub14_ESO
    Lionxoft wrote: »
    Lionxoft wrote: »
    Lionxoft wrote: »

    Crafting & Economy
    • Displayed item levels are not corresponding properly with the number of materials used at crafting stations.
      • STATUS: Will be fixed in patch 1.4.4

    You know this was reported the first day that update 4 was on the PTS, right?

    Seems that the "PLEA FOR HELP ON PTS" wasn't that important. Wonder what the excuse was? Pretty sure this was reported by most that went on there to check out the Nirnhoned trait. I know for a fact I reported it.
    As you all know, every major patch spends a number of weeks being tested on our Public Test Server (PTS). We would love to have more of you participate in Update testing on PTS—right now, we have a dedicated crew of players who run through new content there before it launches on our live servers, but it isn’t a large enough population to find some of the more esoteric load-related problems.

    Now that Update 4 has hit PTS, please go over and try out the new content and see what you think. Be sure to give feedback, especially any bugs or balance problems you encounter. As a reminder, every current subscriber has access to PTS, and you will be able to create high-level characters appropriate to the content featured in the Update. In the future, we plan to add some kind of incentive for helping us test new content, so keep your eyes open for details.

    Make it that people who spend at least 6 hours in PTS gets a purple weapon set. 12 hr gets a purple armor set. More you get the special VR14 stuff... I DUNNO... those kind of rewards.

    and you'll get TONS of people flooding the PTS, guaranteed.

    Hehe, I don't think that's a good idea. "Come do work for us that our staff should be doing! Get a purple item that will be worthless in a few months because we will raise the vr cap again! Don't forget that you will not receive wages!".

    12 hours at the avg rate for functional testers as consultants... Yeesh, that would be robbery. 12 hours of testing would cover almost 2 years of subscription fees. :P Hope that shows just how much they are trying to get away with here.

    What? No, dude, no no no.

    ZOS should *NOT* put a requirement "you have to fill-in 10 bugs at least or 5 problems or do monthly report"...

    Just *logs in* and play, and you get your reward.

    1 out of 5 will submit a bug, so if you want to calculate your ROI, you divide that QA wage by 5.... ;)

    The goal is to put a LOT more people in PTS.... having A LOT of bugs submitted is priority 2....

    You might be missing the point. The concept of an in-game reward for doing their work for them is just ridiculous. This testing needs to be done in-house both functional and stress. It's a bad idea to rely on the customer to provide testing on your product.

    If the customer fails to find bugs it doesn't reflect poorly on them in particular however it gives the studio a bad reputation for not taking initiative or releasing a product of poor quality.

    I can understand ZOS reaching out to the players for stress test "Events" to a certain extent but ZOS isn't even making test cases for their new features either that or their team of testers are not communicating with the developers. The crafting bug was reported on the first day the update was on the PTS... So what was the hold up? That bug isn't even difficult to reproduce since it doesn't require any additional steps other than activate the crafting station's create tab!

    I'm sure they will figure it out. Giving players items in-game in exchange for testing seems like a cop out to avoid paying someone to do the job correctly. That's just my opinion though. I guess I'm just not as charitable as other folks. :(

    I agree with you, but it seems to me that customers are doing a fine job of finding bugs - they simply aren't being fixed by ZOS. Who knows why - lack of caring, lack of reading bug reports, lack of desire to do job, no one can really say. Regardless, when we see bugs come into the game, and then someone says that the same bug was reported on PTS, it ruins a lot of incentive and desire to participate in PTS.

    Personally, I considered helping on PTS when that "Plea for Help" was first posted, but when I read threads on here about all the major bugs people found on PTS that ZOS seemed to completely ignore, I thought "well, why bother then? Clearly ZOS is already overwhelmed or just doesn't give a ****, so why should I put in time to find issues that will just be ignored?" And still, if someone can provide a compelling logical answer to that question, I 'd love to read it.

    This sentiment is then only made stronger when you see them investing time and effort into creating useless or flat out annoying features like mail deletion confirmation, and trial completion notifications. Things that no one really asked for, everyone is pleading to get rid of (or at least have an option to turn off), and yet, ZOS does it anyway. If this is how they prefer to spend their development time and resources, then I ask again, why bother with PTS? There seems to be a real problem at ZOS with prioritization, and until they address that, working for free on PTS only to be ignored is not likely something that will appeal to many folks.
    Edited by curlyqloub14_ESO on September 16, 2014 4:56PM
  • Ramagon
    Soul Shriven
    Final boss of Dragonstar arena is bugged and spawns 4 adds at 50% instead of 2, and 6(!) adds at 25%.
  • Mujuro
    There's a funny animation when moving while having resto staff equipped (compare destro staff); was this intended? I also got the invisible weapon bug on swap earlier today (only happened once but persisted even after /reloadui until I zoned).
  • Davadin
    Lionxoft wrote: »
    Lionxoft wrote: »
    Lionxoft wrote: »

    Crafting & Economy
    • Displayed item levels are not corresponding properly with the number of materials used at crafting stations.
      • STATUS: Will be fixed in patch 1.4.4

    You know this was reported the first day that update 4 was on the PTS, right?

    Seems that the "PLEA FOR HELP ON PTS" wasn't that important. Wonder what the excuse was? Pretty sure this was reported by most that went on there to check out the Nirnhoned trait. I know for a fact I reported it.
    As you all know, every major patch spends a number of weeks being tested on our Public Test Server (PTS). We would love to have more of you participate in Update testing on PTS—right now, we have a dedicated crew of players who run through new content there before it launches on our live servers, but it isn’t a large enough population to find some of the more esoteric load-related problems.

    Now that Update 4 has hit PTS, please go over and try out the new content and see what you think. Be sure to give feedback, especially any bugs or balance problems you encounter. As a reminder, every current subscriber has access to PTS, and you will be able to create high-level characters appropriate to the content featured in the Update. In the future, we plan to add some kind of incentive for helping us test new content, so keep your eyes open for details.

    Make it that people who spend at least 6 hours in PTS gets a purple weapon set. 12 hr gets a purple armor set. More you get the special VR14 stuff... I DUNNO... those kind of rewards.

    and you'll get TONS of people flooding the PTS, guaranteed.

    Hehe, I don't think that's a good idea. "Come do work for us that our staff should be doing! Get a purple item that will be worthless in a few months because we will raise the vr cap again! Don't forget that you will not receive wages!".

    12 hours at the avg rate for functional testers as consultants... Yeesh, that would be robbery. 12 hours of testing would cover almost 2 years of subscription fees. :P Hope that shows just how much they are trying to get away with here.

    What? No, dude, no no no.

    ZOS should *NOT* put a requirement "you have to fill-in 10 bugs at least or 5 problems or do monthly report"...

    Just *logs in* and play, and you get your reward.

    1 out of 5 will submit a bug, so if you want to calculate your ROI, you divide that QA wage by 5.... ;)

    The goal is to put a LOT more people in PTS.... having A LOT of bugs submitted is priority 2....

    You might be missing the point. The concept of an in-game reward for doing their work for them is just ridiculous. This testing needs to be done in-house both functional and stress. It's a bad idea to rely on the customer to provide testing on your product.

    If the customer fails to find bugs it doesn't reflect poorly on them in particular however it gives the studio a bad reputation for not taking initiative or releasing a product of poor quality.

    I can understand ZOS reaching out to the players for stress test "Events" to a certain extent but ZOS isn't even making test cases for their new features either that or their team of testers are not communicating with the developers. The crafting bug was reported on the first day the update was on the PTS... So what was the hold up? That bug isn't even difficult to reproduce since it doesn't require any additional steps other than activate the crafting station's create tab!

    I'm sure they will figure it out. Giving players items in-game in exchange for testing seems like a cop out to avoid paying someone to do the job correctly. That's just my opinion though. I guess I'm just not as charitable as other folks. :(

    From my post on Tamriel Foundry:

    I know I’m mincing words and definitions here, but PTS players aren’t (or shouldn’t be) expected to be “TESTERS”.

    They’re just day-0 players who may or may not submit a bug.

    ZOS’ internal QA team (should they have one) should be the actual “TESTER” , or “Quality Assurance/Control Analyst” to be fancy. You get a bug submitted, you checked it out, try to reproduce, get a scope, find a workaround, consult with the rest of the team, THEN assign it to get fixed.

    So people shouldn’t really expect PTS players to help “TEST” in my honest opinion… they should simply “EXPERIENCE” the game, and *IF* they found a bug, a expected to submit it.

    I think a lot of gamers and game developers alike are forgetting the whole idea of having a “BETA” access. “Help us find bugs!” they say, but now the expectation is “help us find and analyze the bugs and test the issue and the fix!”.

    EDIT: Ah yes, so my whole point is, ZOS should really focus on just putting more players in PTS. They can do this by rewarding them with loots in the live servers or free playtime or whatever. But players shouldn’t worry about intentionally finding a bug, or even have a quota for it.

     But yeah, regardless of bugs, if there's not enough DEV to fix them, it's pointless.

    BUT considering they're asking people to join, seems like they haven't found enough bugs - even if, yes, we're all aware not all submitted bugs are fixed.

    PS: not disagreeing with you, Lion, just trying to make the best of what we (or ZOS) have. :)
    Edited by Davadin on September 16, 2014 5:28PM
    August Palatine Davadin Bloodstrake - Nord Dragon Knight - PC NA - Gray Host
    Greymoor 6.0.7 PvP : Medium 2H/SnB The Destroyer
    Dragonhold 5.2.11 PvE : Medium DW/2H The Blood Furnace
    March 2021 (too lazy to add CP) PvP: Medium DW/Bow The Stabber
  • zazamalek
    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ one to add for EU: in the first new quest (Slithering Blood) at the stage where we have to kill the Wamasu Eggbearer the Wamasu is not spawning. As I walked in I saw the corpse on the ground, so it had been killed recently.

    Waited there for about 15 min, about 20 others in the room waiting too. Will head back there later on to see if it has appeared.
  • rook75
    Stealth is completely broken, mobs can see 360 degrees at 20+ meters. Detection ranges and armor/Racial passives do not work either. Cloaks do not even mildly halt agro for a fraction of a second and Dark Cloak (The purge variant?) doesn't purge any affects now.

    Again Stealth is completely broken now. Well done ZOS.
  • Marthea
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Not sure if these couple things were intentional but the dark fissures (I think that's the correct name for the little mini rift type things?) are missing in action (not spawning at all) and the wasp nests are no longer dropping loot (at least not in craglorn).
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Ok everyone, just went through and pulled additional issues to investigate, and updated the first post with confirmed known issues. This includes the head bob in first-person view, the restoration staff using the incorrect animation, empty containers in Wayrest, the final boss in Dragonstar Arena, and the visible [eng] tags in Guild Stores.

    We'll update the first post again once we have more information to share.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • MorHawk
    Lionxoft wrote: »
    You know this was reported the first day that update 4 was on the PTS, right?

    Seems that the "PLEA FOR HELP ON PTS" wasn't that important. Wonder what the excuse was? Pretty sure this was reported by most that went on there to check out the Nirnhoned trait. I know for a fact I reported it.

    Make it that people who spend at least 6 hours in PTS gets a purple weapon set. 12 hr gets a purple armor set. More you get the special VR14 stuff... I DUNNO... those kind of rewards and you'll get TONS of people flooding the PTS, guaranteed.
    None of this matters if they don't fix the reported bugs. Anyone have a guess as to what percentage of reported bugs make it into the patches?

    Agreed with Eventide. The entitlement on these forums has often pushed my buttons, but I do think there should be an accounting for these reports that were seemingly ignored. The claims are becoming rather frequent, and if left unaddressed, PTS participation is going to dwindle to insignificant levels.
    Observant wrote: »
    I can count to potato.
    another topic that cant see past its own farts.
  • rook75
    Ok everyone, just went through and pulled additional issues to investigate, and updated the first post with confirmed known issues. This includes the head bob in first-person view, the restoration staff using the incorrect animation, empty containers in Wayrest, the final boss in Dragonstar Arena, and the visible [eng] tags in Guild Stores.

    We'll update the first post again once we have more information to share.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ You COMPLETELY failed to add the horrible mess known as stealth.

    What gives?
  • bunnytrix
    rook75 wrote: »
    Stealth is completely broken, mobs can see 360 degrees at 20+ meters. Detection ranges and armor/Racial passives do not work either.

    Again Stealth is completely broken now. Well done ZOS.


    This.....Why is this not even mentioned in known issues ? Stealth (that is normal crouching stealth) is completely broken in this patch. Stealth passives do nothing/don't work. Mobs are seeing/detecting me in stealth, from behind, at 20 metres away. Impossible to sneak up on anything, can't use my usual opener Concealed Weapon. Have all stealth passives maxed yet being spotted from miles away. I can usually be right on top of something and not be spotted.
    This is a far more serious and game breaking issue than Dark Cloak being even more broken, and needs to be fixed asap.
    Edited by bunnytrix on September 16, 2014 7:11PM
  • nikolaj.lemcheb16_ESO
    Ok everyone, just went through and pulled additional issues to investigate, and updated the first post with confirmed known issues. This includes the head bob in first-person view, the restoration staff using the incorrect animation, empty containers in Wayrest, the final boss in Dragonstar Arena, and the visible [eng] tags in Guild Stores.

    We'll update the first post again once we have more information to share.

    Stealth is seriously broken now. There is no difference in detection range between a new character and a fully developed medium armor, NB, Bosmer that have all stealth improving traits. Mobs ignore all reductions in stealth detection now.
  • Cica
    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ what about the issue with changing first-person-view to third-person-view? appears while sprinting with restoration staff in your hand. doesnt appear with other weapons (i tried bow, 1h-sword, 2 weapons)

    also names of groupmembers are shifting over each other sometimes (happened to me after a port to a wayshrine)
  • Initiate_Jhassir
    [*] Running while in first-person view currently has a noticeable head-bob.
    • STATUS: This is an unintended change, and will be removed in patch 1.4.4

    This was unintended? :( I actually got really excited seeing it in game. Hope it will remain in some form as an optional head bob while sprinting or something.
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Ok everyone, just went through and pulled additional issues to investigate, and updated the first post with confirmed known issues. This includes the head bob in first-person view, the restoration staff using the incorrect animation, empty containers in Wayrest, the final boss in Dragonstar Arena, and the visible [eng] tags in Guild Stores.

    We'll update the first post again once we have more information to share.

    Stealth is seriously broken now. There is no difference in detection range between a new character and a fully developed medium armor, NB, Bosmer that have all stealth improving traits. Mobs ignore all reductions in stealth detection now.
    At least they removed that stealth speed stacking! As we all know that was a very serious issue that needed the utmost attention! NOTHING else was as important as taking away something that many people found very enjoyable and it's a small price to pay that nobody can use stealth anymore. Great job ESO community for making such a stink about a completely harmless issue!
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    We are looking at issues with stealth being broken and being switched into third-person view. We've seen the thread and are actively looking at possible causes.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • SirAndy
    Can someone PLEASE fix the default sort order for the inventory/store screen to A-Z ...

    It drives me nuts that everything is always ordered backwards by default.
  • eventide7
    Rhazmuz wrote: »
    Will the user settings reset also hit us EU players? If so, is there a local file we can backup and paste in once we have updated our games tomorrow, to bypass this issue, or are these settings stored online?

    Binder is an addon from ESOui that I use to save my keybindings from one character and load them on my others. It saves a keybinding file on your local computer. I just used it to restore all my old settings, and it worked perfectly.

  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    eventide7 wrote: »
    Rhazmuz wrote: »
    Will the user settings reset also hit us EU players? If so, is there a local file we can backup and paste in once we have updated our games tomorrow, to bypass this issue, or are these settings stored online?

    Binder is an addon from ESOui that I use to save my keybindings from one character and load them on my others. It saves a keybinding file on your local computer. I just used it to restore all my old settings, and it worked perfectly.
    It doesn't do much good for those of that didn't use it before the patch.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Ok, just updated the first post again to include the issue of getting knocked completely out of stealth. This, along with the projectiles breaking Nightblades out of stealth, are both being fixed in patch 1.4.4.

    Edit: Spoke too soon! Night's Silence will also be fixed in 1.4.4.
    Edited by ZOS_GinaBruno on September 16, 2014 7:40PM
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • phreatophile
    I hope you (ZOS) realize the degree to which the stealth issue feels like a slap in the face to your longsuffering Nightblade customers.

    I'm sure it wasn't intended to promise a fix for Cloak thats been promised since Beta, and not only fail to deliver it, but break garden variety stealth as well. But add that to stamina build issues, armor set nerfs, and the simple fact that had this patch delived everything it was supposed to, Nightblades would still be greivously underpowered (unless wearing a dress and carrying a stick) when compared to the other three classes. You got Templars to work, why not Nightblades? It's insulting at this point.

    Edited by phreatophile on September 16, 2014 7:39PM
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