Dleatherus wrote: »because I don't want things to 'snowball out of control' by me asking folks to stay tuned, and my comment regarding a forthcoming announcement from ZOS, i want to reset the tone this thread is spiralling into:
1) Since making this post, along with a small number of other individuals (i don't specifically know who they are), I have been approached by ZOS asking if i would be interested in a hands-on communication session with them
2) Until they themselves make that announcement public, they had asked us that we keep it on the down low
3) I wanted to relay back to the PvP community here, without taking anything away from an announcement that i thought would be made this past week, that some wheels were in motion - where those wheels will take us, it is too early yet to tell
4) The session is still planned, and dates are set, but please respect that I feel it would be wrong for me to give details and specifics before ZOS does
5) I personally do not know if this session will benefit us in the PvP community or not (naturally I am optimistic that it will have some positive results for us), and will have a better feel for that after the session is held
thank you all for your support and contributions to this thread - AoE's, unbreakable CC's, forward camps etc all added to this thread, will certainly be included on my list of things to emphasize that THESE are the things we need them to focus on for us to enjoy, as a community, healthy PvP
Fairly sure the whole point of that post was for people to quit "staying tuned" and calm their britches.Still no word on this breaking news story? o.O
I can count to potato.
WWJLHD?Hypertionb14_ESO wrote: »another topic that cant see past its own farts.
I read the op and then I seen the date of the post. This is honestly upsetting, nothing to be proud of as a progressing company. I hope zos get it together soon
none of those issues have driven away more players from pvp than aoe caps which causes zergs to roll around the game in very small balls, which causes lag, which disconnects people and lowers their fps.
aoe caps are the root of the problem driving people away from cyrodiil
Hey, there. I know this post is a couple of years old, and pertains to the PC version of the game; however, there are many points contained within this thread that are still relevant today, still have not been addressed, and still are driving individuals away in droves, but now on the console versions. Nothing has changed. Players are still cheating, and are still getting away with it. Exploits are still being used that have not been addressed. There are also mods coming into the game.
Today, while in pvp, my damage report from an individual used BOTH Templar and Sorc abilities - Crystal Fragments and Biting Jabs. From the same individual, not him and his friend, just him. And I am stunned not only by the players who seem to think that cheating is not only okay, but their right. And I am also bewildered by the fact that ZoS does not seem to want to do anything about it except to add it into the terms and conditions that we all had to agree to, but they do not seem to enforce.
My personal opinion is that this stems from the 'achievements'. Everything is based on personal rather than team activities, and there is a 'kill counter' built into the game. It appears that individuals will do anything to make the count high, even resorting to cheating. It is making a huge number of players leave the game. It is laughable when I read the posts where people feel they are entitled - although it is not meant to be a part of the game, I can do it, therefore I will despite the fact that it impacts the enjoyment of the game for those of us who wish to play it 'properly'. Without resorting to cheating. I equate that attitude to this - a set of brass knuckles can be worn in a pair of boxing gloves, but is it allowed? No. An attempt to 'get away with it' will get you banned from the sport. Why should it be any different just because it is a video game, especially as they are now considering them a 'sport'?