Half the issues would be fixed if Batswarm had it's cost doubled (if not trippled) and Impulse didn't do more damage than Single target abilities.
In a way, this still misses the point. @ZOS_JessicaFolsom, please make sure to get some sort of communication back from the team about these issues. And keep players apprised on these and emergent issues on a weekly (or biweekly) basis. The underlying theme in all the issues is that we simply don't get enough response from ZOS on bug progress, exploits, grey areas, etc. and that can be as frustrating as the actual problem itself.
fromtesonlineb16_ESO wrote: »'Player Council'.
Well, let's see .. LOTRO formed one of those 3 years ago, the effects are clear, that clique gets what it wants, everyone else puts up or shuts up.
ZOS uses as 'ad hoc' council called Entropy Rising for PVE content .. we see the LOTRO effect here too.
My prediction: the OP and his clique ... aka. 'guild' ... are looking for the same effect in the PVP side of the game.
Dleatherus wrote: »
as an amusing ending note: The Noore meets with ZOS every 2 weeks in voice comms for feedback sessions/discussion - if we were a clique and wanted to push our own agenda as you predict, we would want to keep it on a small and clique-like level rather than propose a council made up from members of the community with no guarantee that we would even be on that committee?
Nazon_Katts wrote: »Give people power and they're bound to abuse it.
A council, even if we get a vote on that, is a closed system. We're stuck with it for however long the 'legislation period' might be. That's last millennium and shouldn't have a place in the connected world today. There's no need to rely on a few individuals speaking for all, if you can just ask everyone almost instantly and simultaneously.
Get the trends from the boards, social media and in game feedback and then just send out questionnaires and polls to see how the majority truly feels about certain subjects.
If you don't want to go that short extra and insist on doing it yourself as a developer, rather hire people that actually can offer a deeper insight, like psychologists, sociologists and economists, than relying on the opinion of a few and select players. We got enough elitism in this game already.
Dleatherus wrote: »@frosth.darkomenb16_ESO @Laurentia
i do agree with you that a council would ONLY work if ZOS was genuinely vested in working closer together with its pvp player base
frosth.darkomenb16_ESO wrote: »Thank you for the answer.
Any estimates on how many they actually are?
I am a developer by trade, and some of these changes, to me, seem like at most 1 week time of implementation.
For instance, making immovable require 5 HA equiped should take barely a few minutes, just reuse the code available for the perks that require the same thing.
It makes me feel that many of these changes are actually held up by a slow decision process at the design level.
frosth.darkomenb16_ESO wrote: »
Usually, the online population at prime time is 1/5th of the total population.
your 8000 estimate seems a bit low.
So the two 90 day servers that were full every night in the EU didn't give them any indication that one 30 day server would not be enough?
That to me was totally avoidable and numerous people had given feedback on this since it was first announced.
When I log in for a bit of PvP, I don't want to wait over 30+ mins in a queue, even worse is those times we are then thrown out and sometimes have to rejoin the queue to get back in.
I play PvP with my guild mates in a group in the evenings between 8pm and midnight. That's when I want to play, that's when I've always played, telling me I can log in at another time (when I'm not available to play) helps no one.
What will probably happen is nothing for 6 + weeks in which time a fair few players who love PvP will give up and go elsewhere, then they will add a new server then wonder why it's so empty.
demonlkojipub19_ESO wrote: »We definitely shouldn't try and go a council route. No one can speak for everyone. There are tons of issues with this or that in the game that some people will say are non-issue because thats how it is for them personally, or vice versa.